[Cynic716]I fucked up, sorry guys

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[Cynic716]I fucked up, sorry guys

Post by Tribeta » #504691

Byond account and character name:Tribeta / Alex Neilman
Banning admin:Cynic716
Ban type (What are you banned from?):Jobban Virologist, Timed Ban two Weeks
Ban reason and length:Released a deadly virus as non-Antag,didnt respond to ahelps and only stayed quiet.
Time ban was placed (including time zone):14:25 CET
Server you were playing when banned (Sybil or Bagil): Eventhall
Your side of the story: Did a massive Fuck-up, spilled a virus as i only wanted to infect one Genetesist who was a traitor. After some time as i got no message from an admin i went afk and the round was over before i could say something about it. As i sayed, i fucked up big time and it was to my intention to kill all the station with a trasmission -3 or something virus.
Why you think you should be unbanned:
Normaly i am no evil or self-antaging player, this time I just fucked up and i am sincerelly sorry about what happened to crew. realy did not know the virus would spread this much at all. Also i could not say sorry to the admin who was there, wich i definitly wanted to do. I realy like helping crew in gathering a healing virus and assisting against antags, as i did in the previous rounds. So i just wanna say sorry about what happend and how easy it happened.
Thanks for your time.

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