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Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2024 1:25 am
by kinnebian

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lets get right into the BRASS TACKS - :wetfloorsign: i will rehash some previous talking points i believe didnt get accomplished this term
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that said, see you in the debates- ILL BE THERE THIS TIME :wetfloorsign:


Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2024 12:21 am
by kinnebian
i feel frustrated with where we are at now
where we are now is a place of turmoil in the community and policy wise
recently ive been in a place of my own turmoil and i dont feel mentally all there
this is a bad thing for me as a headmin but im speaking my truth here but i feel at peace when
i am working on something i have genuine passion for
the tgstation community is something i have a genuine passion for
i love you all even if you dont love me
its such a beautiful thing
i dont plan on winning this
im not much of a planner really i just kinda go with the flow
im the least viewed candidate forum and while you might think that hurts a least a little it doesnt really i dont mind
my place in a dynamic is trying to boost others above me in enjoyment but that feels like im sucking my own dick
if you elect me i will burn my ass out for 6 months trying to make this place be the best place it can fucking be
you dont even fucking know how much i want to boost this community and this game
if i dont become a headmin i want to at least be funny in the debates thats the least i can do
after this is all over im going to become an admin again
i will try my ass off to do this because if i dont ill be bored out of my fucking mind
i love you all and i will see you all at the debates


Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2024 10:58 pm
by conrad
Hey Kinneb

I'm gonna SHAMELESSLY copy-paste my questions from Rex since the only point where I feel the inquiry itch is from the union of both your platform's Venn diagram. I saw your's second so you get the copy-pasted bit, sowwy.

Still want your point of view on this though.

- From what I gathered on the headmin player's club thread, you seem to be pretty enthusiastic about the events role that allows someone to request being essentially adminned for a round to run an event.

(For those that don't know, usually, but not always, there's another admin when an admin runs an event so they can provide support on tickets. This isn't planned out, it kinda just naturally happens.)

So this is already kinda organic and I dig it. However, ahelps and asay become visible to a non-staff members in the event runner role for that round. How would you propose managing leaks originating from that? (i.e.: John McTide gets month banned for something and the event runner drops that on the discord)

- How would you deal with the inevitable sharing of player and staff IPs, CIDs, and a ton of other stuff that would happen on cross-server cooperation? A new role? Something on the txt? And how would you liason that with another server? (since their data also becomes vulnerable to our staff)


Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2024 11:36 pm
by kinnebian
conrad wrote: Sun Feb 18, 2024 10:58 pm Hey Kinneb

I'm gonna SHAMELESSLY copy-paste my questions from Rex since the only point where I feel the inquiry itch is from the union of both your platform's Venn diagram. I saw your's second so you get the copy-pasted bit, sowwy.

Still want your point of view on this though.

- From what I gathered on the headmin player's club thread, you seem to be pretty enthusiastic about the events role that allows someone to request being essentially adminned for a round to run an event.

(For those that don't know, usually, but not always, there's another admin when an admin runs an event so they can provide support on tickets. This isn't planned out, it kinda just naturally happens.)

So this is already kinda organic and I dig it. However, ahelps and asay become visible to a non-staff members in the event runner role for that round. How would you propose managing leaks originating from that? (i.e.: John McTide gets month banned for something and the event runner drops that on the discord)

- How would you deal with the inevitable sharing of player and staff IPs, CIDs, and a ton of other stuff that would happen on cross-server cooperation? A new role? Something on the txt? And how would you liason that with another server? (since their data also becomes vulnerable to our staff)
Again, admin swapsies is really just meant for a event running- nothing major, guaranteed or mandatory. That established, I can basically answer both questions at the same time. Making an event runner role with no access to TGDB, or something similar to admin candidate where they need another full admin online to monitor and help them with their event. The way I would deal with the inevitable sharing of player and Staff IPs, CIDs, is to not let it happen in the first place. If I cant put faith in that privacy will be maintained I wont go ahead for it just to have a silly in-game event, Privacy, security and safety is very important.


Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 12:44 am
by Cheshify
Hey Kinneb, you mention player event running, but what about the events team? Do you think you'd be interested in the management of community-level events, or at least helping facilitate them as head-admins might need to do?


Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 12:52 am
by kinnebian
Cheshify wrote: Mon Feb 19, 2024 12:44 am Hey Kinneb, you mention player event running, but what about the events team? Do you think you'd be interested in the management of community-level events, or at least helping facilitate them as head-admins might need to do?
I'd love to be more involved in managing or helping to facilitate it, even if I dont have much experience under my belt when it comes to running larger community events. Its honestly quite funny that I havent given it more of a go, It just didnt cross my mind. If I dont become a headmin in this election, I want to at least become an admin or event runner to do these sorts of things from a lower level- though I believe being a headmin would give me the options to facilitate and lead by example.