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[Iain0] Frank troy - server ban

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2024 7:05 pm
by DARKmir0
BYOND account: DARK_mir0

Ban type : Server Ban

Ban length: one day
Ban reason: seems to have initiated attacks on a mech for reasons i can't determine, this resulted in the mech getting needlessly destroyed , and resulted in combat with the pilot who shoved them on the shuttle, this player retaliated with 80 damage from chainsaw. eventually killing the other player.
Time ban was placed: 2024-03-04 21:53:16
Server you were playing on when banned: Terry [EU]
Round ID in which ban was placed: 225003

Why are you making this appeal? : the ban is incorrect on some major parts. first I attacked the mech before shuttle arrived because earlier the mech had been blocking the way to shuttle and i did not destroy the mech, as i only hit it once and it did not get destroyed by that one hit, then i came on shuttle and a guy (i didn't know that was the mech pilot) shoved me and made me fall then tried to steal my chainsaw but i was faster to pick it up, then shoved me again making me fall so i picked it up and hit him twice with the chainsaw (yes that isn't reasonable even if he was trying to steal my chainsaw i know), after that i left the area then came back then he shoved me and picked up the chainsaw so i started to laser him down making him fall to his death.

Why should this appeal be accepted? : i was wrong on parts but i believe the story had alot of mistakes making it look worse, and i think that player thought i destroyed the mech that's why he came after me although i shouldn't have hit him twice but i was acting in self defense. all i ask is considering this as my apology/explanation to what happened (i know its only a one day ban but i wanna get off early if possible).

Re: [Iain0] Frank troy - server ban

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2024 7:55 pm
by iain0
Alright, lets have a look over this. Round ID is actually 224999 and I guess I forgot to prefix the ban reason with that. If nothing else I'll correct that.

All logs are taken from ... nd-224999/ specifically extracts I reference will be a combination of attack log, game log and mech log, filtered by lines containing APLU "Big Bess" OR Lapunny OR Snow Bell OR monkey (170 OR DARK_mir0 (specifically I used the regular expression (APLU "Big Bess"|Lapunny|Snow Bell|monkey .170|DARK_mir0) )

So, firstly, explain the mech "blocking the way to the shuttle", most main hallways are 3 tiles wide, the shuttle has 4 boarding entrances, what exactly were they "blocking" that you had to attack it? You also clearly attacked it more than once. Here's the initial exchange in Departures.
Line 28259: [2024-03-04 21:01:37.475] MECHA: [�APLU "Big Bess"] () Snow Bell moved out. (Departure Lounge (163,48,2))
Line 28296: [2024-03-04 21:01:43.097] GAME-EMOTE: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) points at the �APLU "Big Bess" (Departure Lounge (164,48,2))
Line 28311: [2024-03-04 21:01:45.726] MECHA: [�APLU "Big Bess"] () Internal damage of type 16. (Departure Lounge (163,48,2))
Line 28312: [2024-03-04 21:01:45.727] MECHA: [�APLU "Big Bess"] () Took 21.6 points of damage. Damage type: brute (Departure Lounge (163,48,2))
Line 28313: [2024-03-04 21:01:45.728] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) attacked [�APLU "Big Bess"] with the chainsaw (Wielded) (Departure Lounge (164,48,2))
Line 28314: [2024-03-04 21:01:45.729] MECHA: [�APLU "Big Bess"] () Attacked by Frank Troy. Item - the chainsaw (Wielded), Damage - 21.6 (Departure Lounge (163,48,2))
Line 28320: [2024-03-04 21:01:46.648] MECHA: [�APLU "Big Bess"] () Snow Bell tried to move into the �APLU "Big Bess". (Departure Lounge (163,48,2))
Line 28321: [2024-03-04 21:01:46.659] MECHA: [�APLU "Big Bess"] () Took 21.6 points of damage. Damage type: brute (Departure Lounge (163,48,2))
Line 28322: [2024-03-04 21:01:46.661] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) attacked [�APLU "Big Bess"] with the chainsaw (Wielded) (Departure Lounge (164,48,2))
Line 28323: [2024-03-04 21:01:46.661] MECHA: [�APLU "Big Bess"] () Attacked by Frank Troy. Item - the chainsaw (Wielded), Damage - 21.6 (Departure Lounge (163,48,2))
Line 28327: [2024-03-04 21:01:47.267] GAME-EMOTE: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) laughs. (Departure Lounge (166,48,2))
Line 28332: [2024-03-04 21:01:47.544] MECHA: [�APLU "Big Bess"] () Snow Bell moved in as pilot. (Departure Lounge (163,48,2))
Line 28351: [2024-03-04 21:01:49.434] GAME-SAY: Lapunny/(Snow Bell) (mob_4148) "stop dude" (Departure Lounge (163,48,2))
Line 28370: [2024-03-04 21:01:52.077] GAME-EMOTE: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) laughs. (Departure Lounge (166,49,2))
Line 28394: [2024-03-04 21:01:55.371] GAME-EMOTE: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) screams! (Departure Lounge (164,49,2))
Here we can clearly see the pilot is not even inside the mech, you attack it once. You then attack it again. You then "laugh" and the pilot gets back in to the mech, right in front of you, you now know it had no pilot and now has a pilot. The pilot tells you to stop and you "laugh" and "scream", nothing else. I'm not sure why I thought the mech was destroyed here, other than I know it wasn't really present on the shuttle. You weren't the first person to attack it either, and while this is not relevant for your case, the pilot is having a poor time in departures

Not a lot happens for a few seconds, I guess the mech is getting repaired? Mech logs dont seem to be 'all that' (and yet still better than they once were). Someone does the 'no damage' attack on the mech which seems to get confused by a few people
Line 28429: [2024-03-04 21:02:00.186] MECHA: [�APLU "Big Bess"] () Attack by hand/paw (no damage). Attacker - Moshe Goldberg. (Departure Lounge (163,48,2))
Line 28435: [2024-03-04 21:02:01.057] MECHA: [�APLU "Big Bess"] () Attack by hand/paw (no damage). Attacker - Moshe Goldberg. (Departure Lounge (163,48,2))
Line 28437: [2024-03-04 21:02:01.947] MECHA: [�APLU "Big Bess"] () Attack by hand/paw (no damage). Attacker - Moshe Goldberg. (Departure Lounge (163,48,2))
Line 28442: [2024-03-04 21:02:02.839] MECHA: [�APLU "Big Bess"] () Attack by hand/paw (no damage). Attacker - Moshe Goldberg. (Departure Lounge (163,48,2))
Line 28452: [2024-03-04 21:02:03.783] MECHA: [�APLU "Big Bess"] () Attack by hand/paw (no damage). Attacker - Moshe Goldberg. (Departure Lounge (163,48,2))
Line 28458: [2024-03-04 21:02:04.637] MECHA: [�APLU "Big Bess"] () Attack by hand/paw (no damage). Attacker - Moshe Goldberg. (Departure Lounge (163,48,2))
Line 28464: [2024-03-04 21:02:05.479] MECHA: [�APLU "Big Bess"] () Attack by hand/paw (no damage). Attacker - Moshe Goldberg. (Departure Lounge (163,48,2))
Line 28473: [2024-03-04 21:02:06.482] MECHA: [�APLU "Big Bess"] () Attack by hand/paw (no damage). Attacker - Moshe Goldberg. (Departure Lounge (163,48,2))
Line 28481: [2024-03-04 21:02:07.518] MECHA: [�APLU "Big Bess"] () Attack by hand/paw (no damage). Attacker - Moshe Goldberg. (Departure Lounge (163,48,2))
Line 28489: [2024-03-04 21:02:08.474] MECHA: [�APLU "Big Bess"] () Attack by hand/paw (no damage). Attacker - Moshe Goldberg. (Departure Lounge (163,48,2))
Line 28498: [2024-03-04 21:02:09.366] MECHA: [�APLU "Big Bess"] () Attack by hand/paw (no damage). Attacker - Moshe Goldberg. (Departure Lounge (163,48,2))
Line 28509: [2024-03-04 21:02:10.277] MECHA: [�APLU "Big Bess"] () Attack by hand/paw (no damage). Attacker - Moshe Goldberg. (Departure Lounge (163,48,2))
Line 28519: [2024-03-04 21:02:11.741] MECHA: [�APLU "Big Bess"] () Attack by hand/paw (no damage). Attacker - Moshe Goldberg. (Departure Lounge (163,48,2))
Line 28536: [2024-03-04 21:02:14.788] MECHA: [�APLU "Big Bess"] () Attack by hand/paw (no damage). Attacker - Moshe Goldberg. (Departure Lounge (163,48,2))
Line 28559: [2024-03-04 21:02:15.933] MECHA: [�APLU "Big Bess"] () Attack by hand/paw (no damage). Attacker - Moshe Goldberg. (Departure Lounge (163,48,2))
Line 28580: [2024-03-04 21:02:16.825] MECHA: [�APLU "Big Bess"] () Attack by hand/paw (no damage). Attacker - Moshe Goldberg. (Departure Lounge (163,48,2))
Line 28589: [2024-03-04 21:02:17.658] MECHA: [�APLU "Big Bess"] () Attack by hand/paw (no damage). Attacker - Moshe Goldberg. (Departure Lounge (163,48,2))
Line 28594: [2024-03-04 21:02:18.539] MECHA: [�APLU "Big Bess"] () Attack by hand/paw (no damage). Attacker - Moshe Goldberg. (Departure Lounge (163,48,2))
Line 28602: [2024-03-04 21:02:19.438] MECHA: [�APLU "Big Bess"] () Attack by hand/paw (no damage). Attacker - Moshe Goldberg. (Departure Lounge (163,48,2))
Line 28611: [2024-03-04 21:02:20.353] MECHA: [�APLU "Big Bess"] () Attack by hand/paw (no damage). Attacker - Moshe Goldberg. (Departure Lounge (163,48,2))
Line 28621: [2024-03-04 21:02:21.483] MECHA: [�APLU "Big Bess"] () Attack by hand/paw (no damage). Attacker - Moshe Goldberg. (Departure Lounge (163,48,2))
Line 28634: [2024-03-04 21:02:22.495] MECHA: [�APLU "Big Bess"] () Attack by hand/paw (no damage). Attacker - Moshe Goldberg. (Departure Lounge (163,48,2))
Again not really relevant to your case but this all feeds into
Line 28635: [2024-03-04 21:02:22.500] MECHA: [�APLU "Big Bess"] () Took 6 points of damage. Damage type: brute (Departure Lounge (163,48,2))
Line 28636: [2024-03-04 21:02:22.502] ATTACK: GreggoryJones/(Buddy Wu) (mob_3948) attacked [�APLU "Big Bess"] with the stun baton (Departure Lounge (164,49,2))
Line 28637: [2024-03-04 21:02:22.502] MECHA: [�APLU "Big Bess"] () Attacked by Buddy Wu. Item - the stun baton, Damage - 6 (Departure Lounge (163,48,2))
Line 28643: [2024-03-04 21:02:23.631] MECHA: [�APLU "Big Bess"] () Took 6 points of damage. Damage type: brute (Departure Lounge (163,48,2))
Line 28644: [2024-03-04 21:02:23.632] ATTACK: GreggoryJones/(Buddy Wu) (mob_3948) attacked [�APLU "Big Bess"] with the stun baton (Departure Lounge (164,49,2))
Line 28645: [2024-03-04 21:02:23.633] MECHA: [�APLU "Big Bess"] () Attacked by Buddy Wu. Item - the stun baton, Damage - 6 (Departure Lounge (163,48,2))
Line 28646: [2024-03-04 21:02:23.752] GAME-EMOTE: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) points at the chainsaw (Chapel (180,64,2))
Line 28647: [2024-03-04 21:02:23.889] GAME-EMOTE: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) points at the chainsaw (Chapel (180,64,2))
Line 28649: [2024-03-04 21:02:23.996] MECHA: [�APLU "Big Bess"] () Attack by hand/paw (no damage). Attacker - Moshe Goldberg. (Departure Lounge (163,48,2))
Line 28651: [2024-03-04 21:02:24.050] GAME-EMOTE: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) points at the chainsaw (Chapel (181,64,2))
Line 28658: [2024-03-04 21:02:24.593] MECHA: [�APLU "Big Bess"] () Snow Bell moved out. (Departure Lounge (163,48,2))
Line 28659: [2024-03-04 21:02:24.602] MECHA: [�APLU "Big Bess"] () ATTACHMENT: the cargo compartment The cargo compartment removed from equipment. (Departure Lounge (163,48,2))
Line 28660: [2024-03-04 21:02:24.603] MECHA: [�APLU "Big Bess"] () ATTACHMENT: the hydraulic clamp The hydraulic clamp removed from equipment. (Departure Lounge (163,48,2))
Line 28661: [2024-03-04 21:02:24.627] MECHA: [�APLU "Big Bess"] () Took 6 points of damage. Damage type: brute
Line 28662: [2024-03-04 21:02:24.630] ATTACK: GreggoryJones/(Buddy Wu) (mob_3948) attacked [�APLU "Big Bess"] with the stun baton (Departure Lounge (164,49,2))
Line 28663: [2024-03-04 21:02:24.630] MECHA: [�APLU "Big Bess"] () Attacked by Buddy Wu. Item - the stun baton, Damage - 6
Line 28687: [2024-03-04 21:02:26.174] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) has thrown the epinephrine medipen flimsily. (Chapel (183,64,2))
Line 28731: [2024-03-04 21:02:32.477] GAME-SAY: Lapunny/(Snow Bell) (mob_4148) "Nice grieifng" (Departure Lounge (162,49,2))
Line 28753: [2024-03-04 21:02:35.123] ATTACK: GreggoryJones/(Buddy Wu) (mob_3948) stun attacked Lapunny/(Snow Bell) with the stun baton (NEWHP: 100) (Departure Lounge (162,49,2))
Line 28773: [2024-03-04 21:02:38.041] ATTACK: GreggoryJones/(Buddy Wu) (mob_3948) stun attacked Lapunny/(Snow Bell) with the stun baton (NEWHP: 100) (Departure Lounge (162,49,2))
Line 28858: [2024-03-04 21:02:50.428] ATTACK: GreggoryJones/(Buddy Wu) (mob_3948) stun attacked Lapunny/(Snow Bell) with the stun baton (NEWHP: 100) (Departure Lounge (163,49,2))
A sec officer now joins in and hits the mech a couple of times, the damage ends up as good as a single chainsaw hit and they stun the occupant. Having spoken to them they mentioned multiple other people attacking it and assuming it was rogue. I assume thats some combo of the mistaken person, you and the slap/punch happy no damage person. I spoke a bit with them on this topic but ultimately was investigating the ticket from the perspective of the mech pilot who was not really happy that three different people had come up to them and attacked them.

Not much happens for a bit. I guess you ... amuse yourself?
Line 29043: [2024-03-04 21:03:12.027] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) attacked [security officer's locker] with the chainsaw (Wielded) (Departures Security Checkpoint (159,52,2))
Line 29051: [2024-03-04 21:03:13.839] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) attacked [security officer's locker] with the chainsaw (Wielded) (Departures Security Checkpoint (159,52,2))
Line 29057: [2024-03-04 21:03:14.725] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) attacked [security officer's locker] with the chainsaw (Wielded) (Departures Security Checkpoint (159,52,2))
Line 29064: [2024-03-04 21:03:15.574] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) attacked [security officer's locker] with the chainsaw (Wielded) (Departures Security Checkpoint (159,52,2))
Line 29078: [2024-03-04 21:03:16.475] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) attacked [security officer's locker] with the chainsaw (Wielded) (Departures Security Checkpoint (159,52,2))
Line 29080: [2024-03-04 21:03:17.433] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) attacked [security officer's locker] with the chainsaw (Wielded) (Departures Security Checkpoint (159,52,2))
Line 29088: [2024-03-04 21:03:18.335] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) attacked [security officer's locker] with the chainsaw (Wielded) (Departures Security Checkpoint (159,52,2))
Line 29114: [2024-03-04 21:03:23.855] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) has thrown the detective's fedora flimsily. (Departures Security Checkpoint (159,52,2))
Line 29127: [2024-03-04 21:03:25.623] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) attacked [security officer's locker] with the chainsaw (Wielded) (Departures Security Checkpoint (159,52,2))
Line 29131: [2024-03-04 21:03:26.512] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) attacked [security officer's locker] with the chainsaw (Wielded) (Departures Security Checkpoint (159,52,2))
Line 29221: [2024-03-04 21:03:40.058] GAME-OOC: Lapunny/(Snow Bell) (mob_4148) "Server must be back on listing" (Emergency Shuttle (163,38,2))
Line 29410: [2024-03-04 21:04:06.592] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) attacked [shuttle window] with the chainsaw (Wielded) (Emergency Shuttle (175,40,2))
Line 29421: [2024-03-04 21:04:07.596] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) attacked [shuttle window] with the chainsaw (Wielded) (Emergency Shuttle (175,41,2))
Line 29434: [2024-03-04 21:04:08.484] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) attacked [shuttle window] with the chainsaw (Wielded) (Emergency Shuttle (174,41,2))
Line 29443: [2024-03-04 21:04:09.612] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) attacked [shuttle window] with the chainsaw (Wielded) (Emergency Shuttle (174,41,2))
Line 29447: [2024-03-04 21:04:10.443] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) attacked [shuttle window] with the chainsaw (Wielded) (Emergency Shuttle (174,41,2))
Line 29460: [2024-03-04 21:04:11.400] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) attacked [shuttle window] with the chainsaw (Wielded) (Emergency Shuttle (174,41,2))
Line 29465: [2024-03-04 21:04:12.247] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) attacked [shuttle window] with the chainsaw (Wielded) (Emergency Shuttle (174,41,2))
Line 29472: [2024-03-04 21:04:13.192] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) attacked [shuttle window] with the chainsaw (Wielded) (Emergency Shuttle (174,41,2))
Line 29482: [2024-03-04 21:04:14.098] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) attacked [shuttle window] with the chainsaw (Wielded) (Emergency Shuttle (174,41,2))
Line 29488: [2024-03-04 21:04:15.038] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) attacked [shuttle window] with the chainsaw (Wielded) (Emergency Shuttle (174,41,2))
Line 29495: [2024-03-04 21:04:15.980] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) attacked [shuttle window] with the chainsaw (Wielded) (Emergency Shuttle (174,41,2))
Line 29505: [2024-03-04 21:04:16.868] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) attacked [shuttle window] with the chainsaw (Wielded) (Emergency Shuttle (174,41,2))
Line 29511: [2024-03-04 21:04:17.851] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) attacked [shuttle window] with the chainsaw (Wielded) (Emergency Shuttle (174,41,2))
This is when the events on the shuttle kick off, for which I will bwoink you in real time, but was not aware at the time that you've had some prior interaction as I've barely even discovered there's a mech involved by this point and I need to pull special logs to get the mech's perspective (like the mech doesn't register at all on my normal log views, if the ahelper hadn't mentioned a mech in the ticket i'm not sure I'd have realised).

You move on to the shuttle and stand next to the pilot, who despite you claiming not to know who they are, saw them moments earlier when you attacked their mech, as they got inside and told you to stop. They shove you, not really a big deal and well deserved after your random attacks earlier, and you go disproportionately nuts on them. Not sure why you're attackign shuttle windows, NORMALLY this means you're trying to attack someone and missing but you also just seem to be breaking things because ..... you're playing a computer game? lets not ask why you're behaving generally like you're behaving for now.
Line 29513: [2024-03-04 21:04:18.260] ATTACK: Lapunny/(Snow Bell) (mob_4148) shoved DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 100) (Emergency Shuttle (174,42,2))
Line 29549: [2024-03-04 21:04:20.946] GAME-EMOTE: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) points at Snow Bell (Emergency Shuttle (175,41,2))
Line 29550: [2024-03-04 21:04:21.055] GAME-EMOTE: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) points at the floor (Emergency Shuttle (175,41,2))
Line 29552: [2024-03-04 21:04:21.393] GAME-EMOTE: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) points at the floor (Emergency Shuttle (175,41,2))
Line 29561: [2024-03-04 21:04:23.683] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) attacked [shuttle window] with the chainsaw (Wielded) (Emergency Shuttle (175,40,2))
Line 29569: [2024-03-04 21:04:24.582] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) attacked [shuttle window] with the chainsaw (Wielded) (Emergency Shuttle (175,40,2))
Line 29585: [2024-03-04 21:04:26.811] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) attacked [shuttle window] with the chainsaw (Wielded) (Emergency Shuttle (174,41,2))
Line 29592: [2024-03-04 21:04:27.789] ATTACK: Lapunny/(Snow Bell) (mob_4148) shoved DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 100) (Emergency Shuttle (174,42,2))
Line 29627: [2024-03-04 21:04:31.882] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) attacked Lapunny/(Snow Bell) with chainsaw (Wielded) (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 69.3) (Emergency Shuttle (173,41,2))
Line 29640: [2024-03-04 21:04:33.158] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) attacked Lapunny/(Snow Bell) with chainsaw (Wielded) (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 45.3) (Emergency Shuttle (174,42,2))
Line 29669: [2024-03-04 21:04:35.700] ATTACK: Lapunny/(Snow Bell) (mob_4148) suffered: Rough Abrasion to head | Damage: 24 (rolled 47/85.5649) (Emergency Shuttle (176,41,2))
Line 29670: [2024-03-04 21:04:35.713] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) attacked Lapunny/(Snow Bell) with chainsaw (Wielded) (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 21.3) (Emergency Shuttle (175,42,2))
You claim they tried to steal your chainsaw, but since they failed to do so (you did not shove them nor disarm them to have the chainsaw later) I don't really know how you evidence this, this could very easily just be a "fuck off you griefing asshole" shove from someone who wants to be left alone. Instead you lay into them three times, each hit does about 25 damage (just under) so you hit them for 70-75 damage over a single shove which is over you chainsawing their mech... This doesn't seem cool escalation, didn't at the time and once I got the backstory with the mech this seems real baitey. You fuck up their mech, they shove you, you more than half kill them.
Line 29727: [2024-03-04 21:04:41.360] GAME-EMOTE: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) points at the shuttle window (Emergency Shuttle (172,42,2))
Line 29730: [2024-03-04 21:04:41.514] GAME-EMOTE: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) points at the floor (Emergency Shuttle (172,42,2))
Line 29735: [2024-03-04 21:04:41.777] GAME-EMOTE: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) points at the floor (Emergency Shuttle (172,42,2))
Line 29737: [2024-03-04 21:04:42.092] GAME-EMOTE: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) points at the floor (Emergency Shuttle (172,42,2))
Line 29744: [2024-03-04 21:04:42.993] GAME-SAY: Lapunny/(Snow Bell) (mob_4148) "go play somewhere else dude" (Emergency Shuttle (175,40,2))
Line 29750: [2024-03-04 21:04:43.776] GAME-EMOTE: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) points at the chainsaw (Wielded) (Emergency Shuttle (172,42,2))
Line 29761: [2024-03-04 21:04:44.808] GAME-EMOTE: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) points at Frank Troy (Emergency Shuttle (172,42,2))
Line 29803: [2024-03-04 21:04:50.454] GAME-SAY: Lapunny/(Snow Bell) (mob_4148) "no one likes you" (Emergency Shuttle (175,40,2))
Line 30392: [2024-03-04 21:05:55.078] ATTACK: Lapunny/(Snow Bell) (mob_4148) has died (BRUTE: 78.4, BURN: 158, TOX: 0, OXY: 0 (Emergency Shuttle (171,38,2))
Line 30401: [2024-03-04 21:05:56.316] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) shoved Lapunny/(Snow Bell) (NEWHP: -116.9) (Emergency Shuttle (172,38,2))
Mech pilot is just pissed off. But note, communicatively pissed off, they're not really trying to attack or kill you, they're just pissed off and want you to leave them alone, very understandable and frankly quite generous on their part

You continue to fuck with them, inbetween your "hobby" of attacking shuttle windows (which assuming these are external windows makes you likely valid, and again the instigator) and they snap. You respond by killing them. Critting them here is fine (not necessarily the whole context is fine, but if someone's out to kill you, you can of course stop them), because they're clearly out for your blood now, AFTER you flashed them after already fucking them up with a chainsaw. But you don't stop here, you go into crit and well past, ploughing the laser into them right until they die. Over something you poorly started and poorly escalated.
Line 29880: [2024-03-04 21:04:57.034] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) flashed(targeted) Lapunny/(Snow Bell) with the flash (NEWHP: 22.1) (Emergency Shuttle (174,41,2))
Line 29963: [2024-03-04 21:05:05.214] GAME: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) has teleported from (Emergency Shuttle (174,43,2)) to (Emergency Shuttle (170,43,2))
Line 30133: [2024-03-04 21:05:24.598] ATTACK: 314ko/(Nikita Popov) (mob_3596) threw and hit DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) with the roboticist labcoat (NEWHP: 100) (Emergency Shuttle (176,35,2))
Line 30159: [2024-03-04 21:05:26.323] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) attacked [shuttle window] with the chainsaw (Wielded) (Emergency Shuttle (174,39,2))
Line 30171: [2024-03-04 21:05:27.975] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) attacked [shuttle window] with the chainsaw (Wielded) (Emergency Shuttle (174,39,2))
Line 30174: [2024-03-04 21:05:28.871] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) attacked [shuttle window] with the chainsaw (Wielded) (Emergency Shuttle (174,39,2))
Line 30182: [2024-03-04 21:05:29.767] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) attacked [shuttle window] with the chainsaw (Wielded) (Emergency Shuttle (174,39,2))
Line 30192: [2024-03-04 21:05:31.186] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) attacked [shuttle window] with the chainsaw (Wielded) (Emergency Shuttle (174,39,2))
Line 30196: [2024-03-04 21:05:32.058] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) attacked [shuttle window] with the chainsaw (Wielded) (Emergency Shuttle (174,39,2))
Line 30209: [2024-03-04 21:05:33.359] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) attacked [shuttle window] with the chainsaw (Wielded) (Emergency Shuttle (174,39,2))
Line 30215: [2024-03-04 21:05:34.565] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) attacked [shuttle window] with the chainsaw (Wielded) (Emergency Shuttle (174,39,2))
Line 30222: [2024-03-04 21:05:35.640] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) attacked [shuttle window] with the chainsaw (Wielded) (Emergency Shuttle (174,39,2))
Line 30298: [2024-03-04 21:05:44.190] ATTACK: Lapunny/(Snow Bell) (mob_4148) shoved DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 100) (Emergency Shuttle (173,38,2))
Line 30311: [2024-03-04 21:05:46.277] ATTACK: Lapunny/(Snow Bell) (mob_4148) attacked DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) with chainsaw (Wielded) (COMBAT MODE: 0) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 90.3) (Emergency Shuttle (173,38,2))
Line 30321: [2024-03-04 21:05:47.231] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) suffered: Rough Abrasion to right leg | Damage: 13 (rolled 17/36.2678) (Emergency Shuttle (173,39,2))
Line 30322: [2024-03-04 21:05:47.237] ATTACK: Lapunny/(Snow Bell) (mob_4148) attacked DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) with chainsaw (Wielded) (COMBAT MODE: 0) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 80.5) (Emergency Shuttle (173,38,2))
Line 30328: [2024-03-04 21:05:48.706] ATTACK: Lapunny/(Snow Bell) (mob_4148) attacked [shuttle seat] with the chainsaw (Wielded) (Emergency Shuttle (174,38,2))
Line 30330: [2024-03-04 21:05:49.113] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) fired at [floor] with the disabler beam from Emergency Shuttle (Emergency Shuttle (176,42,2))
Line 30342: [2024-03-04 21:05:51.022] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) fired at [floor] with the laser from Emergency Shuttle (Emergency Shuttle (176,38,2))
Line 30345: [2024-03-04 21:05:51.360] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) shot Lapunny/(Snow Bell) with the laser (NEWHP: 22.1) (Emergency Shuttle (174,38,2))
Line 30346: [2024-03-04 21:05:51.365] ATTACK: Lapunny/(Snow Bell) (mob_4148) suffered: Second Degree Burns to left arm | Damage: 25 (rolled 70/90.5975) | WB: -20 (Emergency Shuttle (171,38,2))
Line 30351: [2024-03-04 21:05:51.805] ATTACK: Lapunny/(Snow Bell) (mob_4148) has thrown the chainsaw . (Emergency Shuttle (171,38,2))
Line 30352: [2024-03-04 21:05:51.807] ATTACK: Lapunny/(Snow Bell) (mob_4148) threw and hit DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) with the chainsaw (NEWHP: 80.8) (Emergency Shuttle (171,38,2))
Line 30353: [2024-03-04 21:05:51.812] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) suffered: Rough Abrasion to left arm | Damage: 24 (rolled 33/85.5649) (Emergency Shuttle (172,38,2))
Line 30354: [2024-03-04 21:05:52.121] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) fired at [floor] with the laser from Emergency Shuttle (Emergency Shuttle (175,38,2))
Line 30357: [2024-03-04 21:05:52.357] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) shot Lapunny/(Snow Bell) with the laser (NEWHP: 3.7) (Emergency Shuttle (176,38,2))
Line 30358: [2024-03-04 21:05:52.362] ATTACK: Lapunny/(Snow Bell) (mob_4148) suffered: Third Degree Burns to head | Damage: 25 (rolled 79/90.5975) | WB: -20 | BWB: 40 (Emergency Shuttle (172,38,2))
Line 30362: [2024-03-04 21:05:52.653] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) fired at [floor] with the laser from Emergency Shuttle (Emergency Shuttle (176,38,2))
Line 30364: [2024-03-04 21:05:53.066] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) shot Lapunny/(Snow Bell) with the laser (NEWHP: -21.3) (Emergency Shuttle (176,38,2))
Line 30365: [2024-03-04 21:05:53.069] ATTACK: Lapunny/(Snow Bell) (mob_4148) suffered: Second Degree Burns to left leg | Damage: 25 (rolled 80/90.5975) | WB: -20 (Emergency Shuttle (171,38,2))
Line 30367: [2024-03-04 21:05:53.313] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) fired at Lapunny/(Snow Bell) with the laser from Emergency Shuttle (NEWHP: -40.1) (Emergency Shuttle (176,38,2))
Line 30370: [2024-03-04 21:05:53.696] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) shot Lapunny/(Snow Bell) with the laser (NEWHP: -40.1) (Emergency Shuttle (176,38,2))
Line 30373: [2024-03-04 21:05:53.842] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) fired at Lapunny/(Snow Bell) with the laser from Emergency Shuttle (NEWHP: -57.9) (Emergency Shuttle (176,38,2))
Line 30376: [2024-03-04 21:05:54.197] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) shot Lapunny/(Snow Bell) with the laser (NEWHP: -56.9) (Emergency Shuttle (176,38,2))
Line 30385: [2024-03-04 21:05:54.704] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) fired at Lapunny/(Snow Bell) with the laser from Emergency Shuttle (NEWHP: -86.9) (Emergency Shuttle (176,38,2))
Line 30390: [2024-03-04 21:05:55.057] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) shot Lapunny/(Snow Bell) with the laser (NEWHP: -86.9) (Emergency Shuttle (175,38,2))
Line 30391: [2024-03-04 21:05:55.058] GAME-EMOTE: Lapunny/(Snow Bell) (mob_4148) seizes up and falls limp, her eyes dead and lifeless... (Emergency Shuttle (171,38,2))
Line 30392: [2024-03-04 21:05:55.078] ATTACK: Lapunny/(Snow Bell) (mob_4148) has died (BRUTE: 78.4, BURN: 158, TOX: 0, OXY: 0 (Emergency Shuttle (171,38,2))
Line 30401: [2024-03-04 21:05:56.316] ATTACK: DARK_mir0/(monkey (170)) (mob_3711) shoved Lapunny/(Snow Bell) (NEWHP: -116.9) (Emergency Shuttle (172,38,2))
Total damage to you, 20 damage, at the VERY END of this encounter. You meanwhile hit their mech, chainsawed them, flashed them, and finally emptied a laser gun into them over something that you /seem/ to have started (because "blocking access" isn't exactly well logged, nor does it really justify your reaction typically)


1) Justify why you started any of this. What do you mean "Blocked access to the shuttle".
2) Justify why the chainsaw escalation was deserved or why full on executing them over a situation you may well be the instigator for (at least from their point of view, unless you can evidence otherwise) is justified.


Re: [Iain0] Frank troy - server ban

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2024 8:21 pm
by DARKmir0
blocked access to shuttle as in was standing in the middle row of the hallway for a few seconds and i said in my appeal i was wrong on parts (this is one of the parts), also i didn't pay attention to the mech pilot so i didn't know it was the same person, as you can see in the log the mech pilot shoves me twice knocking me down for breaking the internal glass window on the shuttle for which i point at them and continue and they shove me again trying to take my chainsaw then i pick it up and attack them for trying to steal my chainsaw
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then i flash them as a warning to stop shoving me then they shove me and pick up my chainsaw and start attacking me for which i respond by shooting at them and ending them, i have to clear that after the 2 chainsaw attacks earlier i stopped as i was attacking in self defense because they were TRYING TO PICK UP MY CHAINSAW WHICH THEY SUCCEEDED IN DOING AFTER I FLASH THEM
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yeah i was wrong on the mech part and maybe only one chainsaw hit was enough warning but i was right as in that person was trying to pick up the chainsaw and after they succeeded they attacked me.anyways thank you for the time it took to gather the logs.

Re: [Iain0] Frank troy - server ban

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2024 8:42 pm
by iain0
Yeah so I guess my list of summary concerns are

1) Your double attack on the mech isn't really appropriate, is a poor instigation on your part since you seem like you can just walk around it (?)
2) You then react to what *is* only a shove with *three* chainsaw hits in what I'd call poor escalation/overescalation. You can /claim/ you think they're trying to take your saw here but they don't manage it, and I'm not really sure I buy this, their reaction overall until you flash them shows more that they're just miserable/unhappy, pissed off and just want you away from them. They don't actually attack you at all in this period other than shoving.
3) Even after no actual attacks have landed AND they return to using words to try get rid of you, you just cant let it be and flash them once more.
4) Your final self defence is excessive and full on execution.
in addition to this
5) Your player record contains a couple of things in the last hundred hours that could be considered adjacent or similar to this incident, that is the detective incident at 481 hours and the R1 at 453 hours (with this ban at 517 hours). this ultimately makes me less willing to write it off as a one off oddity and thus that leaves this firmly in day ban territory rather than just a note.

As such, I'm still open to discussion on any of these 5 points, but you'll have to counter multiple of them for me to want to consider reducing this. If you wish to do so, or wish to escalate to headmins, let me know, otherwise I'll place a "maintenance" change to the ban wording (that is, add the correct round and tidy up the content to include the explanation for the initial attacks and clear up the ambiguity and request for you to appeal).


Re: [Iain0] Frank troy - server ban

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2024 12:39 am
by Vekter
Hey gamer, given that there hasn't been a response to this I'm going to go ahead and move it on if nothing is said by tomorrow.

Re: [Iain0] Frank troy - server ban

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2024 4:07 pm
by Vekter
Alright, shuffling this thread off this mortal coil then.