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Re: [POLL]Removing ling from rotation but keeping traitorcha

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 3:14 am
by Snakebutt

Bottom post of the previous page:

Wow, people really hate ling. I have a few ideas though.

For one, lings are just too damn quiet. Giving them silent objs tends to lead to that.

Lets add a timer. If a ling hasnt gotten a new genome in 2-5 minutes, they start losing chemicals until they are powerless, dying in 10-20 mins of no absorb. Obviously remove sting, they HAVE to grab and eat someone.

Automatically put on the clothes of your victims gear, saving what you had on. Your genome is as important as the gear to match it, saving it(minus backpack) would be a godsend. If you have to, handwave it as organic fiber to match what the vitims were wearing.

Bring some form of parasting back.

With these three changes, 1-3 lings would devastate a station in a short period of time. With their constant need to feed, people will keep disappearing, adding to the tension, and without bodies, they are MUCH harder to track, making eating even more rewarding.

Re: [POLL]Removing ling from rotation but keeping traitorcha

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 3:38 am
by Saegrimr
Snakebutt wrote:With these three changes, 1-3 lings would devastate a station in a short period of time.
Why is this a good idea?

Re: [POLL]Removing ling from rotation but keeping traitorcha

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 4:23 am
by Snakebutt
Because everyones complaint is ling rounds never ending and nothing happening. If people are being killed off and replaced at a steady rate, the round will have some momentum and end much faster because as soon as the ling runs out of people to eat, they should call the shuttle, rather than recalling it to finish objectives.

Basically a slow murderbone/slasher flick antag.

Re: [POLL]Removing ling from rotation but keeping traitorcha

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 7:27 pm
by Remie Richards
Snakebutt wrote: Bring some form of parasting back.
Snakebutt wrote:Lets add a timer. If a ling hasnt gotten a new genome in 2-5 minutes, they start losing chemicals until they are powerless, dying in 10-20 mins of no absorb. Obviously remove sting, they HAVE to grab and eat someone.
Preferences --> be special candidacy --> changeling ---> you will no longer be considered for changeling events (where possible)

Re: [POLL]Removing ling from rotation but keeping traitorcha

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 8:03 pm
by Snakebutt
With parasting, they will have an advantage in being able to grab and eat people. As long as they focus on eating loners, they will never have to even start losing chemical.

With goals of eat X people and escape alone, the rounds wont drag on and on. Furthermore, it WILL instill fear and paranoia as people go missing, never knkwing if your coworker went to get an ID change or to eat/get eaten. No bodies, less clues, more panic.

Re: [POLL]Removing ling from rotation but keeping traitorcha

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 9:41 pm
by Duncdar
And such was the death of badger.