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Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 7:16 pm
by Not-Dorsidarf

Bottom post of the previous page:

Abductor hiveminds should be random colors so that deadchat can spy on them more effectively.

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 7:16 am
by Remie Richards
Bombadil wrote:The abductors should be able to use research points to either augment themselves, or upgrade their gear or something else entirely. At the moment the points have no purpose. Being able to get xeno liek stealth from yoru stealth suit with x points would be cool
If anybody gets me cool ass sprites for Alien Augments (Both items AND the onmob sprites) as suggested above ^ I will move the augment overlay icon states to a variable to allow easy custom augment icons (Which would also open the floor for badmins making your arms look however they please so, yay)

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 7:58 am
by imblyings
what do you mean by augments

like the robo limbs, torso/head parts we have now or something different?

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 2:55 pm
by Remie Richards
Yes, Alien themed/looking Robolimbs. (I said Augments because I added them, and called them augments, but that name has sort of been usurped by xxalpha's implant thingies)

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 6:23 pm
by omnitricks
The crew can't use the aliums weapons. Understandably it may be too advanced for our puny terrestrial brains but it would be nice to get some reward out of it. Maybe link it to the experimentor somehow to add to R&D/Robotics,s stuff or make them combinable to the toys available on the station.

I also witnessed a scientist getting robusted on the ship for a mistake but after that the crewmember couldn't do anything without admin intervention. Maybe have some sort of a reward for the robust crewmember if they successfully kill the abductors and take over the ship. Bonus points if tator because more rewards.

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 6:31 pm
by Not-Dorsidarf
Why would you even want to kill the abductors, they turn you into an antag.

I think I added some tech levels to alien devices in the PR

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 6:44 pm
by DemonFiren
Sometimes, muh valids is more important than muh antag, Dorsi.

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 8:28 pm
by TheNightingale
But if they turn you into an antag, can't you valid everyone on the station? It's more tactically viable to let yourself be abducted.

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 8:57 pm
by Loonikus
This is exactly why we need negative implants as well as positive ones. Being abducted by aliens should be a bad thing, not a good thing.

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 11:48 pm
by Malkevin
I'm not liking how abductees are completely inconspicuous until they pull out their novelty dildo

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 2:44 am
by Drynwyn
Malkevin wrote:I'm not liking how abductees are completely inconspicuous until they pull out their novelty dildo
I assume you mean abductors, based on the sprite of the baton?

And they aren't completely inconspicuous. Examining them reveals their Agent Vest even when they are disguised, making it completely obvious that they are here to probe you.

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 3:16 am
by Alex Crimson
Randomly appearing near you is a pretty big hint too.

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 8:47 am
by Erbbu
Drynwyn wrote:Examining them reveals their Agent Vest even when they are disguised, making it completely obvious that they are here to probe you.
Dang, so far I've thought that you need to actually damage them to get the spycheck off.

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 3:57 pm
by Remie Richards
The disguise is broken by:
* Being Hugged (But not Hugging someone else) - FULLY REVEALED
* You can't speak - PARTIALLY REVEALED
* Taking damage - FULLY REVEALED

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 4:09 pm
by Incoming
Remie Richards wrote:The disguise is broken by:
* Being Hugged (But not Hugging someone else) - FULLY REVEALED
Welcome to the cuddly new meta

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 4:13 pm
by DemonFiren
And suddenly, hug-box!

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 4:40 pm
by Alex Crimson
Someone changed the Abductor ship back to the old cramped version. Fix pls.

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 11:47 pm
by ChangelingRain
Remie Richards wrote:The disguise is broken by:
* Being Hugged (But not Hugging someone else) - FULLY REVEALED
* You can't speak - PARTIALLY REVEALED
* Taking damage - FULLY REVEALED
* Foam darts - FULLY REVEALED

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 12:04 am
by AdenAbrafo
The disguise should be given 3 hits before it breaks, if brute damage is applied then it should break right away.

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 12:20 am
by onleavedontatme
My fears were completely unfounded. Game mode is a lot of fun. Very unique.

Only thing I wish for is an end round screen that told who the abductees are/which aliens died.

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 10:30 am
by Malkevin
AdenAbrafo wrote:The disguise should be given 3 hits before it breaks, if brute damage is applied then it should break right away.
It would make it simpler if the disguise couldn't be broken at all by zero damage attacks.

Hell, it was bad enough that people were shooting me with foam darts before they had a metastrat reason to do so.

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 11:28 am
by AnturK
Got my my antediluvian pc dusted off while my laptop is being repaired. I'll try to drop some updates soonish if this piece of junk keeps working.

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 12:42 pm
by omnitricks
You can detect abductors with sechuds, get your scientists to mass produce sechuds so the crew can validhunt.

To add to the above, why would I want to kill abductors because I can get antag? Simple. Because by being an antag from being abducted you are proving that you are an unrobust scrub who can easily be kidnapped. Also if you need to be made an antag to validate your shenanigans on crewmembers you hate, something is wrong with your playstyle and mentality.

Also given that dead abductors can be debrained and they are slightly more common to xenos although harder to kill, is it possible to make the brains when deconstructed give the same biotech levels as a xeno brain? Most of the abductors I've caught already rather ghost than become an ayylium borg so it kind of ruins the effort I have to to through just to get them debrained.

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 12:53 pm
by Bluespace
For the love of god make alien surgery tools go through clothes so I don't have to redress people every operation.
Plus the camera console bugged out a fucking ton when I last used it.

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 1:23 pm
by Malkevin
I reckon the alien's surgery table should strip people and put all their stuff in a box, which is then teleported back to the station along with the victim.

By the way, what are we calling these aliens?
Aliens/Aliums/Xenos are already taken, as is Greys.

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 1:25 pm
by TheNightingale

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 1:43 pm
by Alex Crimson
Ayylien/Ayylium/Abdcutors seems fine. However from a lore perspective i think we should go with centcomm denying their existence and cover up any abductions. Its hilarious when the crew plays alone. Captains announcing that a weather balloon had crashed into the station made me laugh.

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 2:43 pm
by AnturK

So far:
* Teleporation/Vest functionality moved to the advanced camera so scientist is less about swapping screens constantly
Pinpoint teleportation - 8s delay, creates flashy effect and sparks at the target location. (Let me know if sparks sound is too much / Not loud enough)
* Viruses no longer affect abductors (or skeletons/golems)
* Mash buttons on abductor console for 10 seconds to activate the teleporter as a human
* Experimental dissection ignores clothes now

Will probably work on this bit more later today.

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 3:12 pm
by bandit
For the most part I love abduction mode, it really captures what was great about old (yes) ling, the paranoia and fear to be by yourself on the station. I like the custom objectives too -- I got one (prevent cloning) and actually felt like I had to work and try at being an antag and sabotage the station for the first time in I don't know how when.

However, there should probably be some downsides to being abducted, both for the aforementioned paranoia and so people don't take any chance at a license to griff. Can be negative effects to glands, can be the chance that aliens will just kill you, either way has to be unquestionably negative.

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 3:23 pm
by Alex Crimson
Maybe have a chance for glands to have the complete opposite effect? Spiders/slimes spawn and attack you, rather than ventcrawling you become fat and slow etc.

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 3:24 pm
by AnturK
I was considering adding a chance (say 20% or so) for glands to become unstable on activation, increasing the effects but with some serious consequences for the victim. Eg spider gland making the victim burst into fully grown non player spiders, mindshock stunning everyone but causing brain damage to the carrier etc

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 4:46 pm
by imblyings
okay I've resprited the ship itself, the stuff inside, and I also redid the tools and did the tools that weren't done yet. Like last time they're offered as is unless there are major flaws and the sprite sheet file extension can be changed back to just .dmi and byond data should be retained.

there are nine variations on the floor tiles and all floor tiles are animated. The walls are snowflake as fuck.. I didn't really know how to sort them so you'll have to play jigsaw to put them together in the map editor I think. At this point in time I'm not planning on making a full set of alien tables or alien racks. The parts are assembled as per Fayrik's latest change to the ufo or as seen below.

one last edit I forgot how high the bed is you may have to change how much a person's sprite gets shifted up or down when they get tabled onto the surgical bed thing



and i'll probably do some augmentations and an alien box/cuffs in the next week or so

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 4:52 pm
by Alex Crimson
Wow that is amazing. I still think the UFO design is way too claustrophobic and it needs a second room for storage, but the sprites are fantastic. UFO design is a job for the mappers i guess.

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 4:55 pm
by imblyings
they could be a bit more roomier but the lockers may or may not alleviate the storage problem. I guess time will tell.

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 4:58 pm
by Incoming
Damn that's so much detail it doesn't even look like SS13 anymore. That's both a criticism and a compliment, mostly compliment.

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 5:00 pm
by Remie Richards
oh my fucking god.

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 5:01 pm
by Not-Dorsidarf
10/10 looks sexier than the frikken bluespace artillery, and that thing's a work of art.

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 5:06 pm
by Miauw
holy shit those sprites look fucking amazing

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 5:11 pm
by Gun Hog

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 5:53 pm
by Steelpoint
When Ausops wants to sprite something he'll sprite something very damn well.

Now if I don't see a PR for these sprites up within 24 hours I'll do it myself.

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 6:36 pm
by Xhuis
i need this

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 6:54 pm
by AnturK
I love you, Ausops.

Putting this in the Update as soon as i can

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 9:14 pm
by darkpaladin109
Damn, that looks pretty good. I'd say that it looks more like a UFO too, in comparison with the old one.
Incoming wrote:Damn that's so much detail it doesn't even look like SS13 anymore.
It is sorta jarringly different visually, but I think that'd sorta make sense, given that Abductors are supposed to be much more highly advanced and mysterious?

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 9:19 pm
by bandit
I just came. :honk:

merge please

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 9:54 pm
by AnturK
Sprites added to the latest update:

Are these floor tiles are meant to be put in some specific order ?

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 12:10 am
by imblyings
No real order, just plonk them down however you want. Thanks for adding them.

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 12:15 am
by DemonFiren
I wonder, are these floor tiles meant to be animated? Since I'm seeing a lot of tiny differences here.

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 12:17 am
by Remie Richards
They're all animated yeah.

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 4:12 am
by imblyings
hey Anturk, if you haven't already, could you please code an admin button for making it easier to manually make alien abductors?

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 9:59 am
by Steelpoint
I think the whole idea of the Aliens ships being of that different and higher quality adds to the 'alien' feel of the ship. We all know what a Human like environment looks like yet now your suddenly in a strange and different environment.

Re: Abduction [Gamemode]

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 11:39 am
by Miauw
but yeah i would be against these sprites for on-station stuff because they're so jarringly different, but landing in something that looks so alien compared to the station probably contributes to the experience :V