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Re: Armory re-mapping and autorifle removal

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 2:23 pm
by Not-Dorsidarf

Bottom post of the previous page:

Steelpoint wrote:I
I understand not wanting combat between Security and Ops, for example, to not be heavily weighted towards Sec. But right now Auto Rifles are/were the only reliable way to attack a Op who has a energy shield <- falsehood/inaccuracy 1. Also, there was nothing wrong with eshields for literally years. People just bumrushed, disarmed, stunprodded/stunbatoned (and now they can telebaton too) the ops until they dropped it., and even then its still sub par. Good thing too, sec had 4 of them for free roundstart and the ops paid over 10% of their supplies for this piece of kit!

The Energy Shield effectively shuts down 100% of Security's ranged attack options, leaving you with a Stun Baton and maybe a clutch Flashbang if the Op walks onto it. <- Falsehood/inaccuraccy 2 And also the detective's pistol, or a riot shotgun (Beanbag rounds are an instant knockdown for 1/2 a second, plenty of time to rush his shield! Slug rounds are, I believe, a 3-hit down, too), or possibly even stun revolvers (Are their shots energy or ballistic, I don't remember. Either way, the station can make them from scratch in the time between ";HALP NUKE OPS BORG IN CORE" and the nuke ops getting the disk, assuming they haven't stuck 2 mech tasers in the DA already.

I want Security, and by extension the Captain, to be able to offer at least some form of resistance to Ops, except of a Token resistance of firing Lasers that come back to hit you. But as it stands unless Sec orders in Rifles then all they can do is shield the Captain and hope for the best. Lie/reassertion of a previous falsehood.inaccuracy 3. This is only true of unless, like most op teams, the ops didn't bring a/multiples of a super-expensive piece of kit, or sec don't abandon their "Must be sniper" pride, act like assistants and bumrush the ops with batons, which is almost 100% effective if you get tactical and use the old corner stunbaton.

Fortunatly right now Op win rates are at around 50% overall, though this is 100% on low pop and still around 30% to 50% on higher pop. However as discussed I still think, and this comes from other people, that Ops lose due to manpower overwhelming them or straight up incompetence. Exactly like when you added them! I guess they can't be such saviours of security against the evil commie eshield menace if they don't make sec win more against ops. In any case, the point is that these only a justification if the ops buy multiple eshields (Or give a guy both, for 39+ TCs), which they rarely do now that the combo they were proposed to deal with in the first place (Eshield Nodrop FUCK YOU ops) is gone.

If we're perfectly fine with Sec being ineffectual against Ops Except for all the counters they have access to and the fact that ops don't always take the piece of kit you want to add a gun to every single round to add an extra counterthen sure, I just dislike how most of your inventory is worthless.

Re: Armory re-mapping and autorifle removal

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 3:35 pm
by Steelpoint
Are we going to play the game of us continually arguing our single points over and over?

Firstly I assume your talking about Sec getting four Auto Rifles at round start, since they never got Energy Shield ever. On Energy Shields I wonder how much they cost under the older TC system for Ops? Don't forget that the game has seen many balance and item changes over years, Ops don't use Revolvers and old Syndi Space Suits any more.

On your second point, the Detective's Revolver is NOT standard issue to Officers and is a outliner in Sec Equipment, as there is no other ballisitc weapon that can one shot stun a target, at least a non-admin gun. In addition, if you've tried out the Riot Shotgun recently, you'll notice the Riot Shotgun is utterly ineffective against a Nuke Op, even without a shield. It takes about five to seven point blank shots to stun a Op, and if they have a shield then you'll need double of around ten to fourteen shots to stun. Also the Stun Revolver is a energy projectile.

On your third point I argue, from a personal perspective, that unless the Ops are incompetent that Op teams are simply far better kitted and capable of wiping a Security team.

On your fourth point, Op win rates were far different before I added the rifles, and were the reason I added them (amongst others). Op win rates on low pop (sub 40 people) ranged from 100% to 80%. Over 40 people and win rates fell to around 20% to 30%. After a month these stats, for whatever reason, changed to a very even 50% win rate on most population levels barring the uncommon 80+ which has a 20% win rate.

Re: Armory re-mapping and autorifle removal

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 6:01 pm
by Steelpoint
Just to note I put up a new balance PR for the rifles:

Main changes being the ammo type change, sprite change and cargo/RND cost change.

Re: Armory re-mapping and autorifle removal

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 8:23 pm
by lumipharon
c-20 + 2 mags is like 16 tc.
m-90 + 2 mags is like 20tc or some shit.
e-shield is 16.

So even without an emag, and just the shield and cheaper c-20r, you're looking at 36tc.
This means you can't fit your entire team with e-shield, unless you forgo multiple guns and other important shit like emags, even on high pop.
Unless of course they start he round by bombing and looting the armoury, which includes stealing or spacing all the autorifles, which makes the entire point moot anyway.

So even IF e-shield were some end all GGnore (which ignores slips, disarms, detective, riot shotguns, barman, borgs etc etc), and even IF the autorifles were some holy saviour to balance the odds, shit nigga, the nuke ops can, with 99% reliability, bomb the armoury and steal or space the rifles before the crew has any chance to take them.

Re: Armory re-mapping and autorifle removal

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 10:23 pm
by Tornadium
Honestly just leave them as cargo only if its going to cause this much drama.

We order them EVERY SINGLE ROUND on the first shuttle shipment if we're fast enough so whatever.