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Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 12:13 am
by Armhulen

Bottom post of the previous page:

but that's literally just the ratvar lore

oh, but i love the ratvar lore, so i like it!

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 1:28 am
by Xhuis
Armhulen wrote:but that's literally just the ratvar lore

oh, but i love the ratvar lore, so i like it!
I'm not really that creative with lore.
  • Original shadowlings had U'ruu, who was in a void between realms and used shadowlings as his influence
  • Clockcult has Ratvar, who is in a void between realms and uses cultists as his influence
  • Veils believe that umbrages have the Progenitor, who is in a void between realms and uses umbrages as its influence
The Progenitor is a figure of myth, though. He isn't real at all, but the umbrages use the lie that he is to enslave their veils into doing their dirty work.

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 2:53 am
by Xhuis

Re: Do you want shadowlings back?

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 3:38 am
by Cobby
Aloraydrel wrote:Hand of God was better
Bring it back so I have an excuse to dump snowflake weapons somewhere besides lavaland.

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 4:08 am
by Armhulen
1. do they hear the scream?

2. are you planning more escape tools


Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 9:23 am
by oranges
What's your obsession with things in voids?

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 1:39 pm
by Anonmare
Well technically oranges, everything on the station is in a void when you think about it.

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 1:51 pm
by ShadowDimentio
Like the idea but I don't think it'll work in practice. Shadowling would just get tazed and lazed or have a flare thrown on them, rendering the skill useless barring a sec officer retarded enough to try and arrest you.

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 2:07 pm
by Xhuis
Armhulen wrote:
1. do they hear the scream?

2. are you planning more escape tools

They hear an incredibly loud scream. Not sure if I want to stick with this as an escape tool at all but they'll have at least something to help them.
oranges wrote:What's your obsession with things in voids?
I like eldritch horror. In this case, it's a lie, so it doesn't matter as much. It can easily be changed.
ShadowDimentio wrote:
Like the idea but I don't think it'll work in practice. Shadowling would just get tazed and lazed or have a flare thrown on them, rendering the skill useless barring a sec officer retarded enough to try and arrest you.
It's mainly intended to drive people away from you so you have a window of time to escape. Anyone dumb enough to stand near you is blasted away and goes deaf. Still, I can see your concern, and I'll probably scrap it and reuse the sounds later.

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 6:12 pm
by ShadowDimentio
Important question: Does using this ability stop you from moving? If yes, it's not going to be useful at all. If no, holy shit activating this and running into a crowd with thralls grabbing everyone knocked over and dragging them into maint like fucking bodysnatchers would be robust as hell.

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 6:38 pm
by Armhulen
I never thought about that, which makes this an escape tool for newbies and a robust as fuck kidnapping tool for the experienced. THAT. IS. HOW. YOU. CODE.

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 6:40 pm
by ShadowDimentio

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 8:24 pm
by Xhuis
Once you commit, the only thing that stops it is if you go unconscious during the channel. It can absolutely be used offensively, and ability versatility is one of the things that I'm focusing on. For instance, the Veil Mind ability has a large AoE with essentially non-existent effects on normal humans (other than converting vulnerable ones), but stuns cyborgs for a brief time dependant on proximity, and Devour Will itself has a very short charge and so can be used to grab people at close range for an automatic stun.

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 9:36 pm
by InsaneHyena
> xhuis makes another conversion game mode
> xhuis writes more pages of lore that nobody cares for or likes.
> xhuis is still absolutely obsessed with the word umbra
It's like clockwork. No pun intended.

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 10:38 pm
by PKPenguin321
InsaneHyena wrote:> xhuis makes another conversion game mode
> xhuis writes more pages of lore that nobody cares for or likes.
> xhuis is still absolutely obsessed with the word umbra
It's like clockwork. No pun intended.
>gets killed by a shadowling
>blames the coder who only pushed the original pr
it's like cuckwork. no pun intended.

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 12:02 am
by Luke Cox
Might as well say it now before the bitching begins in earnest.



Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 3:16 am
by Jacough
DemonFiren wrote:>drives the target insane
You mean "makes the target meta that it's shadowling and beeline for the nearest way to seek treatment/cockblock the sling".
I wasn't actually thinking super prolonged audio hallucinations that'd require a trip to medbay or some shit. I was thinking more subtle stuff that one experiences when around entities. Could be hearing muffled whispering nearby, a dying person gasping, maybe someone calling out someone's name, or in rare cases fake radio chatter suggesting that something horrible is going on.

Though alternatively you could give them more control over the hallucinations to let them try to spook the shit out of the crew. Example:
- entity hides by empty locker
- waits for someone to stop near it
- hits a button or types a message
- "x whispers 'h** o**r ***e" or "x gasps"
- dude opens the locker
- entity hits another button that triggers something like a deep ominous laugh or maybe summons a visual hallucination of some hulking indescribable roaring creature

Basically the idea I had was for the entities to be more of a way to let sacrificed thralls contribute a layer of creepiness to the round instead of having to sit in dead chat until the round ends. Also let's face it, scaring people would be fun. The sling could also have control over which abilities they can use as well so they don't dick them over by outing them early or some shit.

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 4:25 am
by Armhulen
make entitys be able to mimic voices so the entities can call for help then "STUPID DOG, YOU MAKE ME LOOK BAD OOOOGABOOGABOOGA!"

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 1:35 pm
by Xhuis
InsaneHyena wrote:> xhuis makes another conversion game mode
> xhuis writes more pages of lore that nobody cares for or likes.
> xhuis is still absolutely obsessed with the word umbra
It's like clockwork. No pun intended.
If you're going to whine and not say anything useful, just don't bother. If you hate the gamemode so much, then tell me how I can make it better. It's still very early on (enough that I might radically change how it works).
Jacough wrote:snip
If the umbrage has to kill anyone, I do want them to suffer a fate more engaging than what early changelings gave people. This would be a good start - restless spirits that passively influenced people around them with hallucinations and feelings of disquiet. They could eventually be cleansed, of course, but it might make for more interesting play. Then again, it could just be annoying.

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 3:10 pm
by Screemonster
Now I'm picturing some sort of not-a-revenant for people killed by the shadowling that just gets to ghost around and spread minor spooky shit.
Or just let ghosts in general do spoop things in the vicinity of the shadowling or within a certain radius of it using its powers or whatever.

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 3:22 pm
by Xhuis
We'll call them... grief ghosts.

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 3:26 pm
by Armhulen
Xhuis wrote:We'll call them... grief ghosts.
delet this!!

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 5:15 pm
by Xhuis
Gonna slow down work on this until either datum antags are merged or the feature freeze is over. Don't want to burn myself out.

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 9:59 pm
by Xhuis
Just a small update on this so that people don't think it's dead. I'm officially continuing work on this starting February 1.

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 6:35 pm
by Xhuis
Surprise. I'm continuing early. Here's something juicy.
Turn your volume up, it's pretty quiet on my end. It's still an early iteration, but this will probably be what it'll generally look like in the final product.

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 6:37 pm
by Armhulen

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 9:56 pm
by onleavedontatme
The proliferation of conversion modes has had disastrous consequences for the game

-Less people want to play security/security is more stressed/security learns to play the game like a concentration camp simulator

-Shorter rounds/sidelining the rest of the content

-Closer and closer to team death match since both sides have private channels and huds to see their team mates

-Each conversion mode ends up worse because players get less chance to actually get good at each one the more of them that there are

All that being said

Out of rev, cult, and clockcult, which of these do you intend to replace, or do you think it is different enough and exciting enough that it will bring more positives to the game than the negatives listed above.

I know I'm going to come off like an asshole by throwing up this hurdle before your idea has really had a chance, but I've not found a single maintainer that has expressed interest in merging this yet, and we're just going to be bigger assholes later if we let you sink a lot of time and effort into something that gets rejected.

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 10:01 pm
by Sweets
Kor, it would have to be clock cult for two reasons.

1. Too many shitters like rev as a stress relief valve gametype. Removing it would cause the most outrage of any gametype in the community ( not me personally, I hate rev and think it needs tweaks) with the exception of maybe Nuke Ops.

2. Blood cult is arguably the most balanced gametype we have and has almost NO detractors in the community compared to Cuck cult and Antifa Simulator.

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 10:14 pm
by Xhuis
Kor wrote:The proliferation of conversion modes has had disastrous consequences for the game

-Less people want to play security/security is more stressed/security learns to play the game like a concentration camp simulator

-Shorter rounds/sidelining the rest of the content

-Closer and closer to team death match since both sides have private channels and huds to see their team mates

-Each conversion mode ends up worse because players get less chance to actually get good at each one the more of them that there are

All that being said

Out of rev, cult, and clockcult, which of these do you intend to replace, or do you think it is different enough and exciting enough that it will bring more positives to the game than the negatives listed above.

I know I'm going to come off like an asshole by throwing up this hurdle before your idea has really had a chance, but I've not found a single maintainer that has expressed interest in merging this yet, and we're just going to be bigger assholes later if we let you sink a lot of time and effort into something that gets rejected.
I'm hoping that it will be fun and different enough that it won't cause as many issues. I'll address your issues in order:
  • Conversions will be able to bypass loyalty implants (at some cost), so security aren't discouraged; veils will have tells that show who they are so random innocents aren't imprisoned
  • Not sure what you mean by sidelining, but I don't know how long the rounds will be
  • Umbrages are nonlethal; if they kill, they suck at life and are doing it wrong. HUD and linked chat is something I can't really avoid without making the gamemode unfun, although making it only work on the z-level you're speaking from is a start
  • What do you mean?
Whichever one I would replace is tough to say. Bloodcult and clockcult both have their places (although they could be merged into one gamemode...) and rev is good for mindless venting after a string of bad rounds. If I had a choice I would probably just make blood and clockcult into a single mode - we already have the interactions between them - and put it in the divide that forms there. If I had to cut one out? Tough choice, and not one I'm qualified to make on their own. I like all the gamemodes we have and I don't want to cut one out.

Don't worry about being an asshole. It's kind of a requirement for the job and I don't blame you at all for it. And if this ends up getting rejected or pushed back or something, w/e. No big deal. I've scrapped bigger projects that have never seen the light of day.

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 4:50 am
by Armhulen
now that i've watched the transformation, it looks great. I think instead of purple it should be black, and for the first tick clothes should stay on. they fly off when the spikes reach out? I don't know, I really like the ending!

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 9:14 am
by Luke Cox
Massive +1 on the purple/black color scheme. Most antags seem to have a distinct color palette (syndies get red, blood cult black, clock cult bronze, wizard blue), and that one will stand out.

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 4:17 pm
by Xhuis
I'm aiming for violet/black, yeah. Red/black was nice but we already had it on the majority of our antags so I wanted to have something different.

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 4:26 pm
by Armhulen
that's actually fair reasoning so i retract my statement

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 5:09 pm
by D&B
Turning both cults into a single game mode is a mistake. It'll just be gangs with magic.

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 5:49 pm
by ShadowDimentio
Do NOT combine the cults for the reason above. If Kor is hell-bent on removing something, remove clockcuck.

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 5:53 pm
by Armhulen
ShadowDimentio wrote:Do NOT combine the cults for the reason above. If Kor is hell-bent on removing something, remove clockcuck.
sad, but true. rip clock

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 9:52 pm
by Xhuis
Seems like a whole lot of effort gone if it gets cut. I think it should be removed from rotation if the spot needs to be freed, but certainly not removed.

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 10:14 pm
by D&B
Why not remove devil and add this instead then

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 10:53 pm
by Armhulen
D&B wrote:Why not remove devil and add this instead then
devil would be the better choice since there is literally no way to be a devil right now but it's technically not conversion

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 10:56 pm
by Luke Cox
Why do we have to remove a cult again?

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 11:31 pm
by Xhuis
Kor's belief is that too many conversion modes hurt the game. He's in a better position than I to say if it does or not, but apparently we need more non-conversion modes than conversion modes.

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 11:56 pm
by Luke Cox
Make "cult" a single gamemode for the purposes of roundtype selection, and give each cult a 50% chance of spawning. Problem solved.

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 12:02 am
by Armhulen
Luke Cox wrote:Make "cult" a single gamemode for the purposes of roundtype selection, and give each cult a 50% chance of spawning. Problem solved.
that's not a problem solved because that's still too many conversion mechanics that people have to learn, read kor's post again and then come back

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 12:51 am
by Luke Cox
The two cults are similar enough to where I think it's fair to treat them as one gamemode thematically. As for mechanics, if you don't know how to play it, don't enable it in game options.

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 1:45 am
by Xhuis
I disagree on that. I think that this game shouldn't just be "wiki dive until you can play". Seeing people react to new, unannounced mechanics is something I love doing, and the period of discovery following one of my gamemodes is always the highlight of my time playing. Do you remember the first shadowling round? People were actually afraid of maintenance. They saw me - the shadowling - running from light and brought in flashlights until it went entirely dark and people scattered like blind bats.

I also think that the cults are complex enough that they're distinct from one another. Bloodcult is more simplistic, focusing on runes and brute-force sacrifice. Clockcult is much more refined and complex, focusing on using very situational tools to give you an inherent advantage and forming a stronghold that can withstand a direct assault, forcing security to be more creative than the head-on attacks that bloodcult is generally more vulnerable to.

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 6:56 pm
by MrEousTranger
Xhuis wrote:Kor's belief is that too many conversion modes hurt the game. He's in a better position than I to say if it does or not, but apparently we need more non-conversion modes than conversion modes.
See my really old super hero mode idea

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 6:59 pm
by D&B
Armhulen wrote:
D&B wrote:Why not remove devil and add this instead then
devil would be the better choice since there is literally no way to be a devil right now but it's technically not conversion
>Sign this paper to become sin touched
>You get advantages for becoming sin touched
>Devil becomes stronger the more sin touched there are
>There's a way to un-sintouch people via lawyer


Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 7:04 pm
by Armhulen
D&B wrote:
Armhulen wrote:
D&B wrote:Why not remove devil and add this instead then
devil would be the better choice since there is literally no way to be a devil right now but it's technically not conversion
>Sign this paper to become sin touched
>You get advantages for becoming sin touched
>Devil becomes stronger the more sin touched there are
>There's a way to un-sintouch people via lawyer

you're confusing sin touching with signing the contract

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 7:04 pm
by DemonFiren
By that logic ayylmao anal probing is also conversion.

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 7:11 pm
by Wyzack
Removing devil literally does not change a god damned thing. Devil never comes up, so removing it will not decrease the prevalence of conversion antags at all

Re: Umbrage: Shadowling Redux

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:07 pm
by Armhulen
I don't want any gamemodes to go REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE