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Re: Telescience removal: feedback edition

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 4:29 am
by cedarbridge

Bottom post of the previous page:

Miauw wrote:
cedarbridge wrote:
MisterPerson wrote:We had the current number of scientist job slots for ages before telescience was added, so I don't consider that to be a convincing argument of anything.
However the arrangement was previous to telescience cannot be accepted as optimal just because it existed previously. If it were optimal, it would still be. It isn't. People realized there were more people than tasks they could fruitfully do. Now you're arguing to remove one of those tasks and further crowd already taxed lab space.
if telescience were optimal, it wouldn't be at the point of being removed.

there is no real obligation to "put something in it's place" when removing telescience. we've just always had a very hard time coming up with meaningful science roles. If you can think of anything, please do make an ideas thread.
that doesn't mean we dont WANT to put something in the place.
"Look, we know what we have isn't perfect, but its better to remove the imperfect thing now and leave a huge gap in a department for zero real gain than to plan a replacement before removing content." This is essentially the approach to every "fix" like this and its what is driving players crazy. If you want to remove content, you'd better be giving us something else to do in its palce. And no, sitting in a break room is not "something else to do." Like it or not, and by your own admission, you are strapped for science content. Removing more of it isn't aiding that and only exacerbates an already cramped department. The onus is not on me as an affected player to produce more content in the place of what you're proposing be removed because frankly, I'd rather not see content removed because malf players couldn't be bothered to disable the console and wardens couldn't be bothered to watch their armory.
An0n3 wrote:
Fix it then. As is it's broken and it sucks. There's no reason to keep it in the round because someday someone might fix it. It's garbage TODAY. It needs to be removed TODAY. If you want to fix it for TOMORROW, get to work on it then. It can be brought back TOMORROW when you've done the work.
If somebody says they're removing something today to fix it tomorrow, they really mean they don't like it today and will have forgotten about it tomorrow. We both know this is true.
dezzmont wrote: Telescience has enough issues that it is determental to the entire game in a situational manner. Removing it would be detremental to specific player's enjoyment of the round in a situational manner. Neither the drawbacks nor benefits of telescience are massive or prevasive, but telescience does more harm than it does good.
If this were true, its effects would permeate more than the .5% of rounds where it has a direct round-shaping impact. Toxins and Atmos generally do "more harm than good" yet they're untouched because they are what they are.

Re: Telescience removal: feedback edition

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 10:47 pm
by Screemonster
I'm wondering how much it'd affect telesci if it was changed for a point-to-point portal rather than "steal everything from these coordinate immediately". At the very least you'd have to physically GO to the armory in order to loot it. (with all the forensic evidence / camera traces / motion alarms that entails)

Re: Telescience removal: feedback edition

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 6:50 pm
by ZyloWalsh
I think it would be cool if the whole system was revamped. I was thinking there could be an actual blue space dimension(so on the centcom layer with everything else). The tele-sci teleporter could put you in the dimension. The dimension would be a maze with its own hazards like having different atmos, creatures, destroyable windows/walls. Every once in a while there would be "weak" points to dump you out in the station somewhere. And after the blue space research get up to a certain point, you could build a device that could put you into the blue space dimension if you knew where the exit points for "weak" points. You could easily control the progression of what "weak" points are available(like the one to the armory) by making them deep within the blue-space dimension or need special equipment to go through to. It would hopefully be compatible with any of the maps too.

Re: Telescience removal: feedback edition

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 7:37 pm
by MisterPerson
The current plan is to basically have telescience replace the gateway and make the away missions more interesting.