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Re: Hitscan laser feedback thread

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2021 11:44 pm
by SkeletalElite

Bottom post of the previous page:

As overpowered as they are I really like using them and wish there was someway they could exist and be balanced just because I think having combat where your projectiles are so slow you can literally move out of their way isn't exactly something to strive for IMO.

Re: Hitscan laser feedback thread

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2021 7:55 am
by Boris
I don't think it results in good gameplay or stories.

Re: Hitscan laser feedback thread

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2021 8:01 am
by Domitius
It looks so freaking cool and it's very fun to use. I like hitscan! It does feel powerful though but I have no idea how to balance it.

Re: Hitscan laser feedback thread

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2021 4:42 pm
by Mey Ha Zah
My hot take from this: It forces people to try and get creative. Taking security on point blank doesn't work, and in groups impossible without being whipped down.

For instance: During a round on tram, I purchased a syndie kit and got a Makarov and silencer. I killed a few people silently and quickly while basically telling everyone I was an antag (I was running around in a Syndie Combat Suit). But the moment I came up against a sec officer, everything just stopped. 5 hits on him and he was hurt, but one more shot and it would have been game over for me, forcing me to emergency jump via the hand tele. After that sec soon caught me when I was trying to hide. Being a grey lizard stands out, but I kind of expected it.

Basically, versus regular crew, a simple gun is powerful leading to easy kills, but with the upgrade sec isn't just another meatsack. They are an actual threat to antags.

ANd I kinda like it.

Re: Hitscan laser feedback thread

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2021 9:10 pm
by Mothblocks
I'm all for sec being an actual threat to antags (and do like that about this), but the problem becomes that there's nothing sec specific about this, any traitor can dual wield the guns and murderbone.

Re: Hitscan laser feedback thread

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2021 1:02 pm
by pugie
Once they steal them from security or manage to buy them from cargo no less.

Re: Hitscan laser feedback thread

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2021 2:22 am
by Omega_DarkPotato
as someone who's only been on the receiving end of this, it makes me hate my constant 100-150ms ping even more.
Hitscan lasers let sec steamroll people, and even if the idea that "oh sec can threaten antags" might sound nice, sec is more often than not abusing people who aren't antagonist and just going about a shift.

Glad that this isn't getting merged.

Re: Hitscan laser feedback thread

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2021 7:16 pm
by usnpeepoo
hellfire laser massive buff
unless you have trenchcoat you are 1 and done with this gun or just double egun/disabler.

Re: Hitscan laser feedback thread

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 1:06 am
by Ffakka
played some rounds with them now, my worst fears weren't realized

i still think projectiles are infinitely better than hitscan but these lasers dont seem op and if the implementation saves lag IDK, you can "dodge" them too to a degree and its not like laser dmg was amazing before the change, maybe ill go up against someone amazing at them and ill rage. its really just a cost question regarding the lag. are projectiles that bad, and would we revert the change in the future if we ever "fix" them somehow.

buy yeah. projectiles = better, but this = kinda ok.


btw. seemingly decent chance it is op and all i did was encounter tomatoes based on other replies in this thread :honk:

Re: Hitscan laser feedback thread

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 12:13 pm
by Papastink
I only used hitscan lasers once and it felt a little too easy, I'm not very good at direct combat but with these lasers, I was able to kill two nuke ops while only missing three times. It also takes away what I personally find to be one of the funniest things about ss13, when the round is still going accidentally hitting the wrong person or thing with a gun is frustrating for me but most of the time when the round ends I look back and find my and other people's fuck ups to be more humorous than annoying. If the coders want to buff eguns I'd say make laserguns and energy guns fit in backpacks again and increase their ammo capacity.

Re: Hitscan laser feedback thread

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 12:21 pm
by Not-Dorsidarf
They seem really strong for such cheap low-tier weapons (cheapest and most available gun in the game) to me but I've only been in a few fights w/ them so I dunno.

They look neat i guess

Re: Hitscan laser feedback thread

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 5:58 pm
by Not-Dorsidarf
Just realised hitscan weapons give a range buff to people using the widescreen mode, because hitscan weapons dont keep going while regular ones do

Re: Hitscan laser feedback thread

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 11:04 pm
by Mothblocks
i don't know anyone that designs for 15x15 and frankly i think we shouldn't provide the option as to not have to worry about that stuff

Re: Hitscan laser feedback thread

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2021 8:40 am
by sinfulbliss
I think they should be allowed for disablers, but perhaps not for more lethal rounds.
If there needs to be logic behind it, they're different kinds of beams: the heavier, slower beams do more damage.

That said I prefer hitscan over beams in general broadly, and think they can be added right away. It makes it so much more fun to use lasers, and it's actually more of what a laser should be like.