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Re: Whet stonea

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 5:45 pm
by Slignerd

Bottom post of the previous page:

They tried to enter the kitchen without saying why.
They must die.

They are stunned by shutters now. Should I throw them out?
No, they might try entering again. They might try calling security. They must die.

Re: Whet stonea

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 5:49 pm
by Reece
Sligneris wrote:They tried to enter the kitchen without saying why.

They must die.
"I wanna be able to go anywhere I want without saying why and get salty and cry when people don't let me do that!"
Yes, if you break into the place with the knives and body destroyer without telling anyone why bad shits gonna happen to you, same as if you did it to the brig, or hydroponics when they have deathnettle, or to science when there's guns lying around. People don't like dying, people don't like getting their shit jacked. If you cannot perform the most basic type of communication in the world then you're going to have your intentions mis-interpreted, a lot.

EDIT: To address your edit, yes, they might take actions that will fuck up my round for me, I don't like having my round fucked up. It's safer to kill you, drag your body to medical and let you stew in the cloner and cryo for up to ten minutes than it is to deal with you constantly, wordlessly trying to get inside n area where there are very lethal and easily used tools for you to kill me with.

"Waaahhhh, they didn't understand my intentions when I made no move to explain my actions, why won't they give me the chance to do it again multiple times!"
Because you're not special.

Re: Whet stonea

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 5:50 pm
by Slignerd
Maybe throw people out once they're stunned and call security yourself instead of killing people?
There's a big difference between letting people wander in and immediately and wordlessly murdering them for it.

People are not very much blocked from botany even if they have death nettles.
Guess what? People only really react once someone does pick them up, instead of murdering them just in case they might try to pick it up in the future.
Reece wrote:To address your edit, yes, they might take actions that will fuck up my round for me, I don't like having my round fucked up.
Oh, I get it... So, they might take actions that might somewhat inconvenience you in the future...
Yep, you should definitely murder them right away.
Reece wrote:"Waaahhhh, they didn't understand my intentions when I made no move to explain my actions, why won't they give me the chance to do it again multiple times!"
Because you're not special.
How about you give people a chance to not be murdered by you instead? Is not being murdered also for special people only?

Re: Whet stonea

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 5:57 pm
by Reece
Sligneris wrote:Maybe throw people out once they're stunned and call security yourself instead of killing people?

There's a big difference between letting people wander in and immediately and wordlessly murdering them for it.
And If I go to throw you and you're a ling? I get injected and likely fucked, or if you have a gun, I get shot and die, or if you have a chem grenade, I get fucked and die. Hell if you have insulated gloves and some basic tools you can just go through the door. If there's no security literally right outside there's a very good and very chance of you just killing me. Maybe try communicting, this came about because you didn't fucking talk, you expected that the chef would be okay and fine with what you're doing and would be willing to take a risk. He was not; that's not some terrible flaw in his character, that's him being cautious because this game is rigged so it can and will fuck you over without warning and in such a way that you stay fucked for a very long time.

Here's how it works.
My safety > Your safety.
So why should I take the risk and let you live? Why shouldn't I crunch you and cart you off to cloning? What is the incentive on my end to assume the best when the worst is more likely? I assume that we joined at about the same time correct? So we've been playing for about the same time? Your experience must have taught you by now what a shitshow other players are? Why do you assume that they should think the best when no one else does? I play mainly on bagel and understand this, sybil has it even worse.

Re: Whet stonea

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 6:00 pm
by Slignerd
I should be able to kill everyone on sight at the round start. They might be antag and try to pull a gun on me in the hallway. I get injected and likely fucked, or if they have a gun, I get shot and die, or if they have a chem grenade, I get fucked and die.

That's how it works.
My safety > Their safety.

So why should I take the risk and let the crew live? Why shouldn't I just kill everyone and pile their corpses in the genetics lab? What is the incentive on my end to assume the best of the crew, when the worst is more likely?


Sorry, I couldn't help but satirize your attitude here. It's just so disconnected from reality, it's silly. "X might happen" is not an excuse to kill people, no matter how much you're trying to bullshit about it.

Re: Whet stonea

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 6:12 pm
by Reece
Sligneris wrote:Maybe throw people out once they're stunned and call security yourself instead of killing people?
There's a big difference between letting people wander in and immediately and wordlessly murdering them for it.
Oh you see how there might be an issue with a lack of communication then? Fucking progress.
People are not very much blocked from botany even if they have death nettles.
Guess what? People only really react once someone does pick them up, instead of murdering them just in case they might try to pick it up in the future.
I'll twat them with deathnettle if they wordlessly hop the counter, funnily enough I'll hand them a branch if they ask for one. Because talking and a rapport sets a tone where I can relax without the chance of being murdered by someone.
Oh, I get it... So, they might take actions that might somewhat inconvenience you in the future...
Yep, you should definitely murder them right away.
If by the future you mean in five seconds then yes, the future. There is no incentive for me to let you walk away unless you actually open your mouth and start talking. Whereas you have a very large incentive to do just that.
How about you give people a chance to not be murdered by you instead? Is not being murdered also for special people only?
How about you fucking talk you autistic dunce? And yes, not being murdered when you're wordlessly breaking into shit is in fact for special people, if the cap rocks up and does it then he gets a pass because he's the captain, if the HOS does it then he's the HOS, if some random ass walks in wordlessly hops the bench and looks for all the world like they're going to drop down then they're getting shutter slammed to death because I want to actually play this round.
I should be able to kill everyone on sight at the round start. They might be antag and try to pull a gun on me in the hallway. I get injected and likely fucked, or if they have a gun, I get shot and die, or if they have a chem grenade, I get fucked and die.
Oh how very clever of you, you can edit a sentence and make a poorly thought out non relevant comparison. The difference is that the other players are off doing shit by themselves, they are not acting skeevy or suspicious, you wordlessly broke into a department with knives and a gibber, you didn't get killed by the chef in the middle of a hallway out of paranoia, you went out of your way to enter an area with dangerous and lethal tools without saying anything or openeing any form of communication then cried like a bitch when the chef assumed the worst (because this is the game we play) and crunched you to death, did you at any point try typing and explaining yourself? Did you at any point let the chef know why you were there? Did you at any point take a moment to consider 'hey, this might look really suspect to the guy behind the counter in the room full of lethal implements? The answer is no because apparently you have autism.
So why should I take the risk and let the crew live? Why shouldn't just kill everyone and pile their corpses in the genetics lab? What is the incentive on my end to assume the best of the crew, when the worst is more likely?
Because there's no indication of them posing an immediate threat, they're not in the process of breaking into the room with knives and a gibber and they can manage basic communication, fuck me there's a guy who RP's as an actual caveman and even he gets that you do in fact need to talk to people or they're going to misinterpret your actions.
Sorry, I couldn't help it. It's just so disconnected from reality, it's just silly. "X might happen." is not an excuse to kill people.
And yet the chef didn't get boinked and you're the one crying about the unfairness of people asking for the most basic communication on your end. You couldn't help it because your entire argument is so loaded with shit I could sell it to farmers at a net profit, at it's most basic you're complaining that because the chef can't read minds he didn't understand that at a time of extreme crisis you weren't any danger as you clambered into a room with knives and gibber and so took it upon himself to take the most direct route to removing the very real potential threat.

All because Sligneris is too much of a moron, or an arrogant fucker to simply type out two words. Or even point to the medical bot.

Re: Whet stonea

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 6:14 pm
by Slignerd
I love how "admins failed to intervene" is somehow an argument that makes everything immediately right. Including murdering people for climbing on a table, apparently. Then there's "you can't just wordlessly climb a table to get medical aid", but somehow wordlessly killing people without asking them what they even want is fine? That and "I dislike dying so I will kill you just in case you wanted to attack me".

Let me guess, you were the shitty lizard who did it back then, huh? :^)

Re: Whet stonea

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 6:39 pm
by Reece
Sligneris wrote:I love how "admins failed to intervene" is somehow an argument that makes everything immediately right. Including murdering people for climbing on a table, apparently. Then there's "you can't just wordlessly climb a table to get medical aid", but somehow wordlessly killing people without asking people what they're there for is fine?
I like how you can take the entire argument and go 'yeah well this point right here is a bit off so I won't bother talking about the rest'
No admins failed to intervene is a sign that they didn't see much of an issue with it, so from a purely a rules perspective you did initiate the shittery, or they were busy with something else. No, what the lizard did was shitty, he shouldn't have killed you in such a permanent way, he should have knocked you into crit, or death and then immediately dragged you to medical, and he should have asked what you were doing when you started climbing, but it's a two way street and you're the one starting it off, if you want something then the onus is on you to ask. Ideally what should have happened is 'hey can I use the medibot' followed by 'sure'
What seems likely to have happened is 'Hmm, he won't mind if I hop over and use the medibot, I don't need to ask' followed by 'oh shit here we go, I'm probably her target' resulting in you getting shuttercrunched to death because of poor communication.
Let me guess, you were the lizard who did it back then, huh? :^)
No I play Pablo Escabar the CMO or Atmos tech. Before that it was Reece Dempsey the sec officer, I change it up every few months because Basil can be a bit meta-buddy ish and it makes me uncomfortable when people try and mess with sec if they arrest me, or avoid killing me because I did X for them a few rounds ago. It's probably gonna change soon again because when I was playing HOP someone explained that I was their target but they didn't really want to kill me that much which is not cool.

Re: Whet stonea

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 7:01 pm
by Saegrimr
Just when I thought a bad thread couldn't get any worse.

Re: Whet stonea

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 7:02 pm
by Reece
Saegrimr wrote:Just when I thought a bad thread couldn't get any worse.
I aim to please.

Re: Whet stonea

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 7:04 am
by pubby
Most chefs will give you the items you want when asked. If you break in instead of communicating you have to accept the chance of getting dunked.
They are stunned by shutters now. Should I throw them out?
No, they might try entering again. They might try calling security. They must die.
I've thrown a lot of people out as chef, and I can't recall any times where the person apologized and didn't come back. Usually they come back with cable restraints and a weapon and try their hardest to kill me. I know your comment was tongue-in-cheek, but it really isn't far off from the truth.

Re: Whet stonea

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 8:15 am
by Reece
Last time I showed mercy I got a oneumatic shot of glass shards to the head over the counter for my troubles.

Re: Whet stonea

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 10:33 am
by Malkevin
Archie700 wrote:
Wyzack wrote:You were going in there for a medbot. The chef is not fucking psychic. How the holy hell do you expect him to know you were not just there to steal stuff
Why would you kill people for climbing on your table once.

Shit escalation.
Because if you don't get them on the counters they're inside your kitchen, sodomising you with your own rolling pin.

Re: Whet stonea

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 12:29 am
by oranges
lets go back to the topic of whetstones

Re: Whet stonea

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 12:31 am
by Slignerd
Make them orderable through cargo, maybe? So that it's no longer a kitchen exclusive item that you can't get anywhere else.

Re: Whet stonea

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 10:16 am
by Not-Dorsidarf
Sligneris wrote:Make them orderable through cargo, maybe? So that it's no longer a kitchen exclusive item that you can't get anywhere else.
5,000 points minimum, sharpness memes

Re: Whet stonea

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 11:33 am
by calzilla1
Is it just me or are miners not only asking for the stones more but are the most aggressive?

Re: Whet stonea

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 8:31 pm
by Ergovisavi
calzilla1 wrote:Is it just me or are miners not only asking for the stones more but are the most aggressive?
For what purpose? Nothing in mining needs a whetstone. A whetstone is an astounding 4% increase to damage for the crusher, and even less if we're calculating using the crusher for backstabs.

The fuck?

Re: Whet stonea

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 9:05 pm
by TechnoAlchemist
It's for sharpening your survival knife

Re: Whet stonea

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 9:20 pm
by Ergovisavi
TechnoAlchemist wrote:It's for sharpening your survival knife
Again, for what purpose? The crusher does more damage, as does the Kinetic accelerator.

Is it just shitters wanting a weapon for validing their fellow spaceman? A sharpened survival knife isn't going to do shit on Lava land.

Re: Whet stonea

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 9:28 pm
by oranges
The kind of people that play mining are the kind of people that sharpen their knife just because it gives them an "edge" against someone using an unsharpened one.

Re: Whet stonea

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 2:37 am
by TechnoAlchemist
it's literally because they want to stab better

Re: Whet stonea

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 7:09 am
by Armhulen
so why aren't we making sharpened tools butcher faster and give more skin/meat instead of some shitty balance meme?

Re: Whet stonea

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 4:16 am
by PKPenguin321
because that would require effort and i made them when i was relatively new at coding. originally they were like a deep fryer in that they could apply to anything and could be applied more than once. sharpened sharpened sharpened bike horn. unfortunately they got downgraded to their current pathetic existence

Re: Whet stonea

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 8:11 am
by Armhulen
PKPenguin321 wrote:because that would require effort and i made them when i was relatively new at coding. originally they were like a deep fryer in that they could apply to anything and could be applied more than once. sharpened sharpened sharpened bike horn. unfortunately they got downgraded to their current pathetic existence
that sounds like a fun tator item, the lawyer suddenly stabs you with his sharp sharp sharp paper

Re: Whet stonea

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 9:27 am
by iamgoofball
sounds like we need some goofkitchen up in this shit

Re: Whet stonea

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 10:01 am
by Reece
PKPenguin321 wrote:because that would require effort and i made them when i was relatively new at coding. originally they were like a deep fryer in that they could apply to anything and could be applied more than once. sharpened sharpened sharpened bike horn. unfortunately they got downgraded to their current pathetic existence
Honks folded a thousand times by master clowns.

Re: Whet stonea

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 1:34 pm
by calzilla1
iamgoofball wrote:sounds like we need some goofkitchen up in this shit
I don't know if that sounds awesome or awful. On one hand sharpened deepfried deepfried boiled deepfried slightly burnt deepfried boiled crispy crispy deepfried sharpened spoiled deepfried nuke disk sounds good but then again... goof code...

Re: Whet stonea

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 9:17 pm
by Anonmare
>Sharpened Nuclear Authentication Disk
>Throw it at an OP
>It embeds
>Chasing down the bleeding OP with the nuke disk sticking out his thigh
That sounds pretty SS13 to me

Re: Whet stonea

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 9:19 pm
by PKPenguin321
yeah that's the kind of thing i was looking forward to. cheri was not willing to let it fly though since it was too silly and would most likely just end up being used for powergaming.

Re: Whet stonea

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 3:32 am
by PKPenguin321
at the moment they will take any weapon that is sharp (IE glass shards, axes, spears, knives, etc. basically anything that can butcher) and add +4 force. doesn't work if the weapon is at or exceeds 30 force though, so no sharpened eswords. weapons that have a higher force than they were created with can't be sharpened, so you can't sharpen multiple times.

originally they would sharpen ANYTHING, provided it was pathed under /weapon and had less than 15 force. it added +4 force per sharpen and would cap at 15.

Re: Whet stonea

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 4:39 am
by Cheridan
tbh the fact that there are people bumrushing the chef to steal these things makes me feel pretty good about enforcing those limitations

Re: Whet stonea

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 12:29 am
by Falamazeer
Cheridan wrote:tbh the fact that there are people bumrushing the chef to steal these things makes me feel pretty good about enforcing those limitations
They seem fair to me, but you should consider that nuke-disk one, that sounds hilarious.
And sharpening hats, gotta get dose bond referances in yo.
(clown masks too)

Basically just what you're doing, and a handfull of funny ones