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Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 4:45 pm
by jaxy15

Bottom post of the previous page:

Plasma cutters should do extra damage to Necromorphs Follicles.

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 5:42 pm
by Xhuis
jaxy15 wrote:Plasma cutters should do extra damage to Necromorphs Follicles.
Weaknesses will depend on what the Corpuscle had adapted to be resistant to. Once it unlocks a certain research, it will be able to choose what to resist (with a hefty cooldown), at the cost of being vulnerable to that thing's opposite.

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 5:46 pm
by Armhulen
you're considering redoing the food web? I thought it was a nice way to challenge the being in that he needs to adapt to the station and balance growth while upgrading.

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 6:23 pm
by Xhuis
Armhulen wrote:you're considering redoing the food web? I thought it was a nice way to challenge the being in that he needs to adapt to the station and balance growth while upgrading.
I'm definitely going to keep a research tree, but I'm not sure how I want to do it. I'm torn between:
  • Multiple trees
  • How cost should be handled
  • A "make a choice, move onto next tier" thing like the research in the SC2 WoL campaign
Things like that. There's never been anything this complex in SS13 before so it's hard to decide implementation.

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 7:03 pm
by Anonmare
Will Integration Parasites be the only way to integrate a machine, or can it happen passively?

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 9:55 pm
by Xhuis
Anonmare wrote:Will Integration Parasites be the only way to integrate a machine, or can it happen passively?
It'll happen passively with a small chance if a machine has Being infection below it, but parasites are more reliable.

On an unrelated note, this is a reminder that I'm accepting all ideas and suggestions of any kind for this.

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 10:06 pm
by Armhulen
Xhuis wrote:
Anonmare wrote:Will Integration Parasites be the only way to integrate a machine, or can it happen passively?
It'll happen passively with a small chance if a machine has Being infection below it, but parasites are more reliable.

On an unrelated note, this is a reminder that I'm accepting all ideas and suggestions of any kind for this.
I personally like the idea of a more passive integration, but this works too.

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 9:21 am
Instead of spending biomass to advance in the food web, you could have some Brain Matter organs that give you food web research points over time; you can spend biomass building and defending these, for faster research, or you can forego them for a quick expansion.

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 2:51 pm
by Xhuis
XDTM wrote:Instead of spending biomass to advance in the food web, you could have some Brain Matter organs that give you food web research points over time; you can spend biomass building and defending these, for faster research, or you can forego them for a quick expansion.
I wasn't sure if I wanted to keep Biomass and research separate. I'll think on it.

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 5:11 pm
by Armhulen
Xhuis wrote:
XDTM wrote:Instead of spending biomass to advance in the food web, you could have some Brain Matter organs that give you food web research points over time; you can spend biomass building and defending these, for faster research, or you can forego them for a quick expansion.
I wasn't sure if I wanted to keep Biomass and research separate. I'll think on it.
if i may put my two cents in, you shouldn't keep them seperate. It may be (but probably isn't) harder to balance 'brain points' or whatever and it just adds a lot of unnecessary complexion, considering they are made by brains built out of biomass anyway.

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 5:16 pm
by ShadowDimentio
Yeah just make it one resource that everything draws from. Like you have to constantly choose if you want to push forwards against the crew with weaker mobs or spend a chunk of biomass buying upgrades to make them better at the cost of being able to rush with fewer dudes.

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 10:19 pm
by Armhulen
ShadowDimentio wrote:Yeah just make it one resource that everything draws from. Like you have to constantly choose if you want to push forwards against the crew with weaker mobs or spend a chunk of biomass buying upgrades to make them better at the cost of being able to rush with fewer dudes.
this, and really once you finish the research web you got all you really need for a goodmode, don't overcomplicate it like with ratvar

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 12:41 am
by Xhuis
OP updated with a poll for naming. I still can't really decide.

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 1:18 am
by ShadowDimentio

I love it.

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 1:36 am
by Anonmare
I'm not sure about the suggested names, they don't really reflect the organism in my personal opinion. Like a Blob is called what it is because it's a shapeless, directionless mass of ever-expanding flesh.

I'm partial to something like "The Mass" or "The Infection", since it more closely reflects the creature and how it works and highlights the uniqueness of it since it's not "a" blob but The Mass/Infection.

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 2:21 am
by Armhulen
Anonmare wrote:I'm not sure about the suggested names, they don't really reflect the organism in my personal opinion. Like a Blob is called what it is because it's a shapeless, directionless mass of ever-expanding flesh.

I'm partial to something like "The Mass" or "The Infection", since it more closely reflects the creature and how it works and highlights the uniqueness of it since it's not "a" blob but The Mass/Infection.
i change my vote to this, it's very fitting

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 2:27 am
by Armhulen
also can someone explain how the ceiling creatures/buildings work? are they just invisible?

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 4:34 am
by Xhuis
Armhulen wrote:also can someone explain how the ceiling creatures/buildings work? are they just invisible?
Like normal, they just have a sprite that fades out towards the top.

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 4:35 am
by Armhulen
Xhuis wrote:
Armhulen wrote:also can someone explain how the ceiling creatures/buildings work? are they just invisible?
Like normal, they just have a sprite that fades out towards the top.
that makes a lot more sense, okay

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 11:52 am
by Gun Hog
"The Infestation", "The Corruption", perhaps? Failing those, I also vote for "The Infection"

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 2:11 pm
by Dagdammit
Poking around in latin a bit for terms you can mangle in ways that sound cool.

viscus means viscera, flesh, entrails, internal organs, offspring, carcass

If you want something like a scientific name or gamemode title:
crescat viscus for "growing flesh"

viscus machinae for "flesh machine."

viscus inmutae for "flesh that changes"

viscus tendae for "flesh that spreads"

viscus vescori: vescor means eat, feed, devour, enjoy, live

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 3:31 pm
by DemonFiren
If I could I'd find people who think like that and shove Latin grammar textbooks up their asses.
As it stands all I can do is cringepost about posts that make me cringe.

Also, just call this thing The Beast.

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 7:52 pm
by Dagdammit
I did say "mangle", feel free to offer versuons that actually work under rules of latin grammar. The Beast sounds good to me though.

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 5:37 am
by Durkel
Looks alright so far, but we won't ever really get a idea until it can be tested. I thought you were working on a dead by daylight game mode though, Was looking forward to trapping shitters in bear traps and spiking em.

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 11:36 am
by Xhuis
Durkel wrote:I thought you were working on a dead by daylight game mode though, Was looking forward to trapping shitters in bear traps and spiking em.
Nah. I had said that I would be able to remake shadowling to be similar to it (and I can) but I was never followed up on it.

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 3:52 pm
by cocothegogo
I think we should call this game mode Meat Mode

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 2:52 am
by Xhuis
Some more organs have been added to the design doc, and I'm adding some more as we speak. General and balancing feedback appreciated.

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 10:50 am
I really like the theme you're going with, slow but terrifying mosters that you're not supposed to attack alone/unprepared.

The integration parasite should probably be quicker/automatic, the hard part in the integration should be reaching the machine more than using it.

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 12:40 pm
by Grazyn
I vote The Beast, it scared the fuck out of me when I was young

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 7:10 pm
by Anonmare
I'm gonna be real disappointed if nobody ever says "Long live the New Flesh" at least once during this gamemode.

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 11:55 pm
by Xhuis
Apologies for the slow rate of updates for this. I've been busy with a lot of other things. I'll get some more work done today.

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 12:29 am
by Xhuis
I should note that, due to feedback, I have decided that integration will be passive. It will always occur on eligible machines if the infection spreads to its tile.

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 3:03 am
by Screemonster
This is giving me Beneath A Steel Sky vibes.

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 5:24 pm
by Xhuis
The Food Web's example researches are done, along with elite researches for each of the four trees.
Their names are "All Will Serve", "Biotic Integration", "Technological Domination", and "Queen of Blades".
Feedback and suggestions appreciated as always.

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 11:46 pm
by Anonmare
I'm not sure about Drones being integretable into The Being since it might encourage players to occupy a Drone shell, ventcrawl into a Being infected area and deliberately let themselves be infected and run around with a license to griff. Maybe Being infected tiles could be innately hostile to Drone life instead.

If the infected machines can be used by player-controlled Being infectees, the ones their retain their dexterousness anyway, they could produce posibrains and cyborg endoskeletons fresh for integration.

I also had some thoughts about how other machines might react when infected.
  • I was thinking that the research servers in R&D could reduce the cost it takes to research something in the foodweb, maybe 5-10% per server to a maximum of 50% if any madman actually ever makes that many for some reason.
  • Turrets could have their faction replaced and fire on non-Being mobs (silicons included) and not respond to turret behavioral controls to turn off.
  • Emitters could have their orientation changed and be activated/deactivated by The Being.
  • SMES units could function similarly to Lungs but "consume" electricity instead, or contribute to biomass production depending on how much charge they have with diminishing returns if someone upgraded the SMES units.
  • Particle Accelerators could leak radiation that is harmless to The Being's flesh and creatures but not so harmless to anyone else.
  • The gibber (and the slime processor too since they're basically the same thing) functions the same way as a stomach.
  • Taking over telecomms equipment will allow you to intercept radio messages over other channels. I.E. Taking over the server that manages the Security channel will let you hear on it, taking over the bus mainframe it's on will let you send messages to that channel but they'll come out garbled and the name associated with you is similarly garbled while taking over the processor will let you send coherent messages using the name of whoever you've Taken (Maybe make it that being too wordy makes you sound slurred or drawing out your words), you'd only be able to send the coherent message as long as you have the bus mainframe it's assosciated with as well. Taking over the T-Comms Hub let's you change the connections as if you had a multitool.

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 12:16 am
by Anonmare
I've also been doing some research on body horror and I'd highly recommend watching David Cronenberg's stuff if any spriter wants inspiration on how to portray visceral horror. I pulled the quote "Long live the New Flesh" from Videodrome (Specifically this scene NSFW:)
You could also use Dead Space/System Shock 2/The Thing(1982 not that 2011 crap)/Aliens etc. Beneath a Steel Sky got mentioned and there's also the Master from Fallout 1 if you really want to go old school.

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 9:16 am
by DemonFiren
And on a biomechanical, spaceship-consuming scale, Homeworld-fucking-Cataclysm.

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 3:53 pm
by Xhuis
Well, after reviewing my options and the current forum posts, I've realized that there's zero reason for me to not start coding this.
Off I go.

Edit: I should mention that, although the design doc doesn't say much, follicles are affected by the health/damage/whatever upgrades, and there are a lot of researches that benefit them directly. I didn't forget about them!

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 9:50 pm
by Xhuis
This is the first tangible bit of progress. It's admittedly not much and uses a horrendous codersprite that's temporary, but behold: the corpuscle.

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 11:32 pm
by Anonmare
I like that the old body is merged with it, makes it seem more, I dunno, insidious?

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 12:05 am
by ShadowDimentio
Every corpse absorbed should add to the sprite. THE FLESH GROWS

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 5:51 pm
by Screemonster
ShadowDimentio wrote:Every corpse absorbed should add to the sprite. THE FLESH GROWS
Like the thing from Slither? Hell yes

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 6:00 pm
by Remie Richards
Screemonster wrote:
ShadowDimentio wrote:Every corpse absorbed should add to the sprite. THE FLESH GROWS
Like the thing from Slither? Hell yes
Slither's antagonist is called Grant Grant.


It is the most B movie piece of shit in existence and I love it.

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 9:25 pm
by Xhuis
I'll be posting noteworthy development updates here, so make sure to check back often.

Speaking of which, here's the first one. Sprites are temporary, as usual.
Edit: I assume you'll check this again Remie, so: how do I add extra hands to a human? No reason.

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 10:10 pm
by Remie Richards
change_number_of_hands(4), you now have 4 hands.

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 10:21 pm
by ShadowDimentio
>Multiple hands


Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 10:34 pm
by Xhuis
ShadowDimentio wrote:>Multiple hands


Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 1:56 am
by Anonmare
How much force damage does the integrator do? From the number of swipes and the fact the test dummy was still alive afterwards I'm guessing it's between 20 and 30?

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 1:58 am
by Xhuis
Anonmare wrote:How much force damage does the integrator do? From the number of swipes and the fact the test dummy was still alive afterwards I'm guessing it's between 20 and 30?

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 2:54 am
by Dagdammit
Xhuis wrote:This is the first tangible bit of progress. It's admittedly not much and uses a horrendous codersprite that's temporary, but behold: the corpuscle.
I know it's a codersprite, but one quick thought:

Re: The Being, or "Another Goddamn Xhuis Gamemode"

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 3:16 am
by Xhuis
Dagdammit wrote:
Xhuis wrote:This is the first tangible bit of progress. It's admittedly not much and uses a horrendous codersprite that's temporary, but behold: the corpuscle.
I know it's a codersprite, but one quick thought:
The image is generated from the appearance of whoever rooted. It'll be a lot more irregularly fused in the final sprite.