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Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 11:47 am
by FantasticFwoosh
Coderbus is currently being 'culturally enriched' by bad PR's that are either still around or are being scrubbed out of our code because we KNOW they are a problem and disliked by the majority of players.

There's been a lot of these PR's lately. This is feedback to #28028 , #30130, and importantly the cat centric PR's merged & unmerged #28148 #27711

Catpeople do not add anything to the game, they are exclusively a luxury allowance on part of the hosts gracious nature with the motive to bring more people to the server and we still operated functionally well prior and initially afterwards but then these unwelcoming prs came though. They violated their no feature clause put in place while they were being-when they became real mutants, but thankfully are easily revertable to humans. The ear organ specifically is a gross violation of that agreed code clause, and even with a debuff, being so shut out of head roles, inhuman and disrupted by sonic weapons its a wonder that catpeople are trusted to handle any job at all, not least security officers which notable statics like kevinz skylar plays.
  • Blob cuddling was a unnessecary step that was snuck in with the emergent purpose to spam blobs, a mindless form of murderous antag that cannot be 'friendly' that caused problems later with its chat bar being filled up with hugging messages, breaking communication. Blob players justifiably complained.
Headpatting & slapping was a bad use of code, and removed on the basis it was bad code, but was immediately revert-removal PR'd with no improvement. Conceptually and practically it was unfeasable to continue and it divided players because it serviced the culture of catpeople patting each other on the head which is commonly shown in pop culture, and people didn't like how overt it was too. Slapping was more agreeable though.

Most of these PR's had to be merged out afterwards, and the people who are perpetrating this problem of either 'entirely passive HRP pr's' or 'nyaa alt culture fetishism' aren't improving our code at all as much as servicing themselves by misusing their contributor status at risk of alienating others, and forming meta-cliques around themselves for people who do enjoy & tolerate that content.
Whatever you may think of each presented issue, whether catpeople deserve to be disadvantageous in exchange to getting features, this counter culture by either very good coders or coders with not enough technical experience but the motivation to put contributions that does not enrich the codebase and effectively wasting time is a problem. Its neither a feature, nerf, buff, correction or alteration.

Its pointless self serving fluff made as irrelevant as possible to sail through and feed a counter culture movement that often creates emergent problems by its implementation. As the saying goes, give them a inch and the take a mile.
Feel free to step in and correct me as you please on my facts, its usually a easy talking point. There's a lot of bad pr threads floating out there, not just these, but these all have the same trend
  • This is reactionary as things have already come to pass but by all seriousness im trying not to be hysterical as i have been in the past about the issues and i would urge you to not act hysterically either. Just please impart your thoughts on how PR's like these ones act upon the code

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 12:23 pm
by oranges
serious discussion

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 1:30 pm
by TheColdTurtle
It's a pair of cat ears and a tail I don't understand the big issue with it jeez

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 2:09 pm
by FantasticFwoosh
TheColdTurtle wrote:It's a pair of cat ears and a tail I don't understand the big issue with it jeez
They were partitioned into 2 mutant organs.

A tail that can be surgically removed & attached, comparable to lizard tails since they are practically identical in function.

And cat ears that deal additional sonic vunerability and can also be attached/detached.
  • In other mutants such as having wings, it will literally change your race to a angel to signify the change and allow you to be cloned with the wings present, whether thats old code standards or not, catpeople who are human with mutant parts can be cloned with thier mutant limbs intact.

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 2:20 pm
by Togopal
Adding catpeople was a pretty big change in itself, however, there are people who can act like completely functional people with the cat ears on. My question to them is, why do you need them? Why can't you just be a human? But I digress.

The majority of the people playing catpeople are very, very out of place. The cat mutations started off as a joke and have become what they are now. Multiple unnecessary PRs trying to change them and improve/hinder them, and it's getting out of hand. The race should stay as humans with ears and a tail, or not exist at all.

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 3:56 pm
by Cobby
Whoever made the framework for mutant parts forgot to add skin color to the possible color options and i'm a bit upset by that.

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 5:49 pm
by Bluespace
Tails are degenerate.
Cat ears and no tail are the mark of a truly robust catboy.

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 6:05 pm
by calzilla1
Are lizards furries?

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:57 pm
by Remie Richards
We're not replacing anything.
this is just another goofball-tier "I don't like this piece of content therefore nobody does and it must be removed"

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 8:06 pm
by Armhulen
But mothpeople are a good idea

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 8:09 pm
by Remie Richards
I said no replacements, I did not say no mothmen

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 8:33 pm
by Dax Dupont
CosmicScientist wrote:We should replace cat people with moths.
FantasticFwoosh wrote:Fury has some sprites to port over from hippie if your fever-dream race war is feasable with some extra code but really restraining it to flies is probably the smartest option to stop cantina-station.

  • Simple Fly/Moth choice to choose your mutant cosmetic.
Last thing you want is to attract the insect furries. flymen don't do this because they are disgusting but moths oy vey.

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 8:42 pm
by NikNakFlak

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 9:03 pm
by FantasticFwoosh
Remie Richards wrote:We're not replacing anything.
this is just another goofball-tier "I don't like this piece of content therefore nobody does and it must be removed"
Its not really, and you look worse for trying to twist a counter arguement people are trying to have tried to sensibly construct, by claiming we are all madmen like goof.

Its not singularly about cat-code, its about the culture that surrounds it that is compelling people to create content that is non-inclusive, EI see patting and blob hugging, both of these things are unnesecary high RP quirks. The code quality of it is bad, it often strikes as unpopular and unnecessary.

Catpeople and neko's are a fringe group for sure, and its to the question that if we can actually supply good PR's and have people who play catpeople rationally as per a OOC's right to personal preference without essentially ick ocking the round with counter cultural references. Counter culture is the keyword here, because we already have something established and the behaviour would be more welcome in a fringe server like citadel.
  • Togopal put it in fair terms, there are plenty of cat-people players who can play completely sensibily in a normal and controlled manner, but a portion who greatly exaggerate the gimmick is where a lot of the aggrovation towards neko's lie
Band with some friends to make a high RP neko server on private invite or something, that's usually the proceeded method in dealing with fringe groups, literally look at vorestation dedicated to eating other players and being lewd, its not the same level but its not accepted on a majority of other servers.
  • I've personally spoken to players ingame who have been constantly sexually harrassed or otherwise made to feel uncomfortable by catpeople abusing their status such as undressing and staring hard at people to deliberate effect without actually having to engage in ERP
I do personally assess catpeople as being exceptionally high at risk of being a rule 8 issue, and more likely to engage in ERP for players who have been banned on ERP servers over anysuch reason, a issue that we are already attracting ban-exiles due to how loose we are should be apparent.
I do not feel conflicted about moths, I have no personal stake in moths other than it is a interesting concept to explore and essentially its a flyman but fuzzier, there's no attached stigma or culture reference to it and it may as well be a fresh original concept.

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 9:20 pm
by The Clowns Pocket
ERP is bad. Ban this.

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 9:46 pm
by kevinz000
oranges wrote:serious discussion
like 99% of fwooshposting

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 9:47 pm
by kevinz000
show us on the health doll where the catgirl robusted you

edit: "The ear organ specifically is a gross violation of that agreed code clause, and even with a debuff, being so shut out of head roles, inhuman and disrupted by sonic weapons its a wonder that catpeople are trusted to handle any job at all, not least security officers which notable statics like kevinz skylar plays."
yeah i play with a debuff what the fuck is the problem here because i certainly fail to see one!

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 9:52 pm
by DemonFiren
kevinz000 wrote:show us on the health doll where the catgirl robusted you
most likely head or groin
they do more brain damage and are way sluttier than any ligger

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 9:57 pm
by kevinz000
"I've personally spoken to players ingame who have been constantly sexually harrassed or otherwise made to feel uncomfortable by catpeople abusing their status such as undressing and staring hard at people to deliberate effect without actually having to engage in ERP"
"This is reactionary as things have already come to pass but by all seriousness im trying not to be hysterical as i have been in the past about the issues and i would urge you to not act hysterically either. Just please impart your thoughts on how PR's like these ones act upon the code"
hm what are you trying to accomplish with this thread if said disliked changes are merged out...

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 10:49 pm
by FantasticFwoosh
The discussion about the motivation and actual contribution to the state of the code, you're being very defensive in phrasing yourself like catpeople are the only issue, if not they are about 50% of the issue.
kevinz000 wrote:yeah i play with a debuff what the fuck is the problem here because i certainly fail to see one!
Not that much, but what was the nessecary step to even put the debuff in? There's two sides to the contribution arguement aswell to consider, given that it is possible to hate on catpeople for "no rasin" like Remie alludes to. I was supplying feedback because specifically catpeople deal handle flashbangs and are non-humans simultaneously, putting them at more risk than the average lizard officer racial biases with the public aside.
*Personal opinion* : If nothing else if you really want to be so close to cat-cafe's catpeople should be restricted to play only service roles because they are the weakest race on the station and even plasma-people laugh at them, because plasma people despite their flaws aren't going to be knocked over by flashes or sonic's (with adequate earwear) meanwhile tens of dozens of catpeople will be sprawled across the floor, sometimes in important roles while flashbangs are being thrown at a blob or similar antagonist.
Somewhere along the line it was thought to be a measured and adequate idea to ban catpeople from headroles too for numerous reasons, and actively pull them out of the selection pool despite being human. One of those reasons beside (non-human) was to stop self inflated ego's forcing themselves upon the crew.
  • Goof's contribution to the code in repeated catpeople removals, and even a "compromise" by putting in other races is representative of other other end of the bad code and terrible contributions it has generated to voice direct opposition to. Lzimann isn't a supporter of catpeople and will close cat threads close to immediately usually without much comment.
Critical point, there's no discussion about what is good code or not in the scope of these changes, i dont think largely its good code until people who support catpeople stop forcing and harmonise with high effort PR's that don't alienate players and make a difference to the coderbase. Then people who are judgemental about catpeople will need to step down their defensiveness and will be happier accommodating for these changes. Currently its badly handled clashing of egos on whether its even merged or not and things are thrown in without thought, as not to re-hash my opening statement.
kevinz000 wrote:
"I've personally spoken to players ingame who have been constantly sexually harrassed or otherwise made to feel uncomfortable by catpeople abusing their status such as undressing and staring hard at people to deliberate effect without actually having to engage in ERP"
ERP is a serious issue, whilst you were administrating would you overlook a critical complaint of unwanted sexual harrassment between players ingame? The person in question, a botanist had a catperson specifically ask for mushroom growth hormone then pursued them in a way the botanist was not comfortable with. The botanist mentioned it when they approached me later (patrolling as security) and apparently did not tell a admin.

This can happen with anybody experiencing a ERP situation but the prevalent point is how similar they are to furries and how people banned from other servers with more laxative rules and ERP customs may ease into catpeople roles to covertly try to continue ERP behaviour.

Advice stands as always, for anybody even half remotely reading this thread for fun, if anybody forces, or refuses to go away with ERP content report it under a rule 8 clause to admins immediately, robusting them for it might land you in more trouble so at least inform security if you want to handle it IC. Copy paste the round and logs as needed into ahelp if no admins are online and it goes to IRC.

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 11:29 pm
by Tokiko2
You guys should have gone and added a bunch more monsterparts instead of just having catgirls forever. Where's the harpies?

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 11:43 pm
by TribeOfBeavers
Another one of these?

Some thoughts I had:

>Ear organs
This is functionally identical to how it was before except they can be removed/implanted and increase hearing damage. Could you link to this "no feature clause"? I was under the impression that it was a "No advanages over humans" type thing for roundstart races, which this qualifies as.

> Petting/slapping/blob hugging
These were removed and not readded, so I don't really know what your point is.

>people add code for stuff they like
Firstly, anybody can contribute so I have no idea what "misusing contributor status" means. Obviously people are going to code things they want to see in the game, and not every feature needs to be for every possible player type. Adding new pvp related features could alienate some of the people you're talking about, but that doesn't mean that others won't appreciate it.

>coders are wasting time.
If people were getting paid for this I might see an issue, but this is a volunteer project. Why do you get to decide what is worth spending time coding? Also, all the PRs are clearly features, so idk what you mean by that.

>counter culture
This seems to be a matter of "these people aren't coding/playing the way I want them to". Having a diverse range of playstyles and personalities is what makes me personally enjoy these servers. Segregating everyone who plays differently into their own corners would really make it a worse experience overall on my opinion.
Also, I actually very rarely see anybody doing the exaggerated catgirl gimmick. Maybe one person per month, and they tend to give up after a couple days or so. It's possible that it just doesnt happen at the times I play, but that would indicate that it's a player thing, not a result of the features themselves.

Does anyone actually ERP on these servers? I not an admin so I don't know for sure, but I never see it in game and nobody ever appeals ERP bans so I'm inclined to think that this doesn't actually happen. One minor incident doesn't indicate a widespread problem.

>Good code vs bad code
What do you mean by this? The maintainers decide what is good code or not. Also, what does "harmonizing with high effort PRs" mean? I haven't seen a conflict between these kinds of features and a major PR. Could you give an example?

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 11:57 pm
by BeeSting12
They are playing the game in a way they like to play it. This only affects you if you let it. You cannot tell me it is about immersions when people are shouting memes all the time ICly. I find it more believable that in 500 years we will have genetically modified catpeople than idiots crewing a research station shouting memes.

It's not about shitcode because maintainers decide what's shitcode and what's not- Headpatting was removed for that reason, someone tried reverting it and failed. Blob cuddling was proved to have been bad for blob players, and it was removed. The system appears to be working, your head is just too far up your ass to notice. The rest seems to be mindless rhetoric and autistic fwoosh posting. *edit* Just would like to mention that there are many other features that have been plagued by bad code/bugs that have a larger effect on gameplay than this that took forever to be removed/fixed or are still even in the game. *edit over*
FantasticFwoosh wrote:
kevinz000 wrote:
"I've personally spoken to players ingame who have been constantly sexually harrassed or otherwise made to feel uncomfortable by catpeople abusing their status such as undressing and staring hard at people to deliberate effect without actually having to engage in ERP"
ERP is a serious issue, whilst you were administrating would you overlook a critical complaint of unwanted sexual harrassment between players ingame? The person in question, a botanist had a catperson specifically ask for mushroom growth hormone then pursued them in a way the botanist was not comfortable with. The botanist mentioned it when they approached me later (patrolling as security) and apparently did not tell a admin.

This can happen with anybody experiencing a ERP situation but the prevalent point is how similar they are to furries and how people banned from other servers with more laxative rules and ERP customs may ease into catpeople roles to covertly try to continue ERP behaviour.

Advice stands as always, for anybody even half remotely reading this thread for fun, if anybody forces, or refuses to go away with ERP content report it under a rule 8 clause to admins immediately, robusting them for it might land you in more trouble so at least inform security if you want to handle it IC. Copy paste the round and logs as needed into ahelp if no admins are online and it goes to IRC.
first... laxative? lol, you mean relaxed right?

second: This is unrelated to the game's code, it's policy. If catpeople cannot follow the server's rules, they need to eat a ban and if an admin does not ban them, then a complaint should be made. I do however very much doubt this is sexual harassment. This is an 18+ server, we're all (hopefully) adults here. (in your case maybe not) I think we can handle a mild amount of lewdness and innuendos without going nuts over "MUH ERP BAN HE!" This vaguely reminds me of the lap-sitting admin complaint against NikNakFlak in which someone complained about two catgirls sitting on each other's laps- in fact not even doing so, just talking about it- to the admin, and the admin told him to fuck off because it isn't a valid rule 8 complaint. I feel like your complaint here falls under this.

There's already a precedent for ERP, admins decide how far is too far and if there's an issue appeal to the headmins. Anyways, just realized I got baited into another fwoosh post wasting minutes of my life... :roll:

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 1:42 am
by Lazengann
why do headsets designed for human ears fit on cats

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 1:45 am
by BeeSting12
Lazengann wrote:why do headsets designed for human ears fit on cats
why do they fit on lizards, flies, and plasmamen?

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 1:56 am
by Lazengann
Lizards hear through their tongues so they just keep the headsets in their mouth

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 5:49 am
by bandit
>high-RP quirks

there is literally not a single part of our game as it stands in 2017 that can be described as "high-RP"

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 6:45 am
by oranges
we were going to add more monster parts, but after what I've seen with people who play cat roles, and the pr's they've attracted it's frankly not worth it, so it will probably remain a stub system forever.

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 6:54 am
by Tokiko2
oranges wrote:we were going to add more monster parts, but after what I've seen with people who play cat roles, and the pr's they've attracted it's frankly not worth it, so it will probably remain a stub system forever.
Do you guys still have some leftover sprites of those?

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 7:28 am
by Screemonster
ITT: how dare people like something I don't like

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 10:29 am
by FantasticFwoosh
bandit wrote:>high-RP quirks

there is literally not a single part of our game as it stands in 2017 that can be described as "high-RP"
Because we usually stamp on it pretty quickly, blob hugging and headpatting are high RP because they are exclusive RP actions (not even emotes) that have no nessecity to exist outside of RP, a blob is never going to reciprocate your love without exclusively hitting /me emotes so its entirely a case of RP.
BeeSting12 wrote: It's not about shitcode because maintainers decide what's shitcode and what's not- Headpatting was removed for that reason, someone tried reverting it and failed. Blob cuddling was proved to have been bad for blob players, and it was removed. The system appears to be working, your head is just too far up your ass to notice. The rest seems to be mindless rhetoric and autistic fwoosh posting. *edit* Just would like to mention that there are many other features that have been plagued by bad code/bugs that have a larger effect on gameplay than this that took forever to be removed/fixed or are still even in the game. *edit over*
Yeah, we remove it, the point is that it should not be PR'd in the first place because its extremely low effort, broken messes that doesn't add anything and the people who post constant reverts like goof as well exaggerate the problem. Maintainers are notably extremely judgemental people when it comes to PR's with constant maintainer PR open and closing so i take them being a judge of what is shitcode poorly personally but usually step in for really unreasonable concepts.

Code is bad, coders who do this for free as you rightly point out are essentially shitposting and abusing their contributor status, even cyberboss occasionally throws out meme pr's purely for a joke & attention. If catpeople are happening it needs to be serious.
BeeSting12 wrote: There's already a precedent for ERP, admins decide how far is too far and if there's an issue appeal to the headmins. Anyways, just realized I got baited into another fwoosh post wasting minutes of my life... :roll:
If catpeople can't follow the rules its their own problem, but they shouldn't try to continue their static from citadel/wherever else dedicated furry races by modelling themselves onto cat people.
oranges wrote:we were going to add more monster parts, but after what I've seen with people who play cat roles, and the pr's they've attracted it's frankly not worth it, so it will probably remain a stub system forever.
Normal players are literally incapable of handling mutant memes as it is, not just percieved screeching retards like myself. They cannot act in a normal manner and go about their business which is really i think a goal for everyone involved in the process as what we would want out of mutant parts in the end. You may not agree with this thread with this thread citrus but you have some scope of seeing the issue evidently.
Screemonster wrote:ITT: how dare people like something I don't like
You realise that ironically this is entirely the basis of conflict between pro and against these features, i have my own reservations about them but some people are completely blind to the notion of why people say its wrong they can't self insert their catmemes into the game like they are unable to take feedback or criticism of any measure and proceed to make PR's regardless. Some people just get off on shitting on them constantly for attention, like goofball.

[Seperation of codebase & server intensifies]

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 11:38 am
by kevinz000
fwoosh topics are funny guys

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 12:33 pm
by bandit
FantasticFwoosh wrote:Because we usually stamp on it pretty quickly, blob hugging and headpatting are high RP because they are exclusive RP actions (not even emotes) that have no nessecity to exist outside of RP, a blob is never going to reciprocate your love without exclusively hitting /me emotes so its entirely a case of RP.
what you are describing is not high-RP but the mere existence of RP

the fact that people see the mere existence of roleplay as "high RP" and a terrible thing is very telling

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 1:10 pm
by FantasticFwoosh
You're taking my words out of context, the RP that takes place i describe is essentially spinning pointless actions out of NOTHING, hugging a blob is the most absurd rp concept i have ever come across to date.

You can RP drinking, and doing other menial tasks like jobs well and fine but its actively finding something absurd to do as hugging a emotionless single minded murderous antagonist to be "Friendly" then putting a chatlog response to it is most definitely autism tier high RP or least unwelcome fluff. Another abstract example would be narrating a conversation with myself with a beachball with a smiley face written on it, there's nothing to it and there's nothing there besides the extreme amount of effort i am trying to spin a narrative for myself.

There might not even be a smiley face sprited onto it, i could be pretending the whole scenario too

Each to their own, but it was decided to make this a codified response. So no, i don't hold very much against RP, only absurd non-justifiable kinds, so your psychoanalysis doesn't hold water, i can appreciate talking and doing service roles as RP but it really oversteps the mark to literally IC fantasise
  • EI: I want to pointlessly RP with a blob (a unemotive thing) but it wont hold still long enough for me to pet it with /me emotes, i better build some shitcode so i can hug it

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 5:27 pm
by Grazyn
I know this is a serious thread but I just want to say that I've been reading the classic sci-fi novel Nostrilia by Cordwainer Smith and upon reading his description of the cat-girl C-Mell my opinion of catpeople in general changed completely. They're truly wonderful people. Also them being actual cats genetically modified to have a human appearance is my new headcanon.

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 5:39 pm
by Wyzack
>blob hugging is high RP

banne dfor not emoting being afriad of the giant space monster take this failrp elsewhere

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 6:16 pm
by Slignerd

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 11:23 pm
by Cobby
I will play a space elf when those damn ears finally get added COUGH COUGH GOOFBALL

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 12:11 am
by Screemonster
we have dorfs


Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 2:59 am
by Cobby
CosmicScientist wrote:
ExcessiveCobblestone wrote:I will play a space elf when those damn ears finally get added COUGH COUGH GOOFBALL
tfw recently looked at the hilarious catgrill PR from over two years ago.

If the promise from then hasn't been fulfilled by now, then I'm sorry, it wasn't meant to be.
Ill do it eventually but I have to edit the framework of mutant parts because, again, no one allowed for parts to take on the color of the skin which is a necessity for weird things on humans since they don't use rainbow colors.

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 7:16 pm
by Supermichael777
I play cat to force myself to think about my playstyle, it helps curb the amount of force i use. Personaly i think lizards have the same level of problems with just as much cancerous behavior as the worst cat players in addition to rampant tideing

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 7:33 pm
by captain sawrge
Hahahaha Fwoosh you are such a stupid tedious faggot
Also >insect furries

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 6:43 pm
by Kyrah Abattoir
Well I'm off to create ear licking then. Complete with audio :)

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2017 9:14 am
by Yakumo_Chen
^ fund it
You can RP drinking, and doing other menial tasks like jobs well and fine but its actively finding something absurd to do as hugging a emotionless single minded murderous antagonist to be "Friendly" then putting a chatlog response to it is most definitely autism tier high RP or least unwelcome fluff.
I'm about 99.9% sure blob hugging is literally a meme and nobody is going to do it that isn't just shitposting in game. It's basically asking the blob to kill you. It was removed because people did it to spam the fuck out of the blob which was obnoxious.
Another abstract example would be narrating a conversation with myself with a beachball with a smiley face written on it, there's nothing to it and there's nothing there besides the extreme amount of effort i am trying to spin a narrative for myself.
Ha ha Fwoosh is autistic, he must play the game and scream whenever someone chats to him because it isn't a roleplaying game it's call of duty: space man editition, we can't have player interaction or people creating funny stories in the game because that would just detract from muh game mode powergame gotta have that valids

god forbid someone say 'nya' at him he might fall to the floor in convulsions of pure autism screeching because someone roleplayed in a way he doesn't like we gotta fuckin remove those furries, then the liggers next, lest they spread the gayness to him. Fuckin fwoosh hahaha holy shit go back to the shed, do you even play or do you just shitpost the forums all day?

Actually no roleplaying is fun and this is a roleplaying game. One of my favorite games (that didn't involve murdering everyone) had a couple of assistants try to trade me a briefcase full of wrapped newspapers for a shotgun. they claimed the suitcase was full of money and we spent about 10 minutes talking and eventually I figured out the ruse, and the moment I did they started screaming OH SHIT OH FUCK SHE FIGURED IT OUT DUDE BAIL and then they immediately threw themselves in the nearest disposals bin and flushed away. It was grand. It was hilarious.

It was ultimately pointless interaction. Nothing came of it.

But you know what fwoosh

you know what

it was fun

it was roleplay

it was meaningful player interaction in a game where people interact as fellow crew members on a god damn space station where people have to get along or die trying

fuck off fwoosh

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2017 9:18 am
by Yakumo_Chen
Also we have had TWO (2) server votes on catgirls and each one was a landslide victory for 'keep catgirls'

so maybe if you're such a bitch and want catgirls gone so bad maybe you should make your own server with your minority catgirl-hating fucks and circlejerk yourselves because muh furries muh roleplay muh pats

but you won't

because it won't be fun

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2017 10:56 am
by Incomptinence
Lazengann wrote:Lizards hear through their tongues so they just keep the headsets in their mouth
Lizards have ear holes but no external ear lobes and cartilage. You thinking snakes mate and even their forked tongue is not serving as an ear more like it can taste chemicals you can't smell with the nose.

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 9:51 am
by Arianya
FantasticFwoosh wrote:Coderbus is currently being 'culturally enriched' by bad PR's that are either still around or are being scrubbed out of our code because we KNOW they are a problem and disliked by the majority of players.

There's been a lot of these PR's lately. This is feedback to #28028 , #30130, and importantly the cat centric PR's merged & unmerged #28148 #27711
Funny how you "know" something entirely unsupported by polls or any other kind of objective fact.
Catpeople do not add anything to the game, they are exclusively a luxury allowance on part of the hosts gracious nature with the motive to bring more people to the server and we still operated functionally well prior and initially afterwards but then these unwelcoming prs came though.

They violated their no feature clause put in place while they were being-when they became real mutants, but thankfully are easily revertable to humans. The ear organ specifically is a gross violation of that agreed code clause, and even with a debuff, being so shut out of head roles, inhuman and disrupted by sonic weapons its a wonder that catpeople are trusted to handle any job at all, not least security officers which notable statics like kevinz skylar plays.
Its almost like people don't feel the need to be at peak-efficiency at all times to have fun in SS13. Almost like they value roleplay and interesting conflict over powergaming!
  • Blob cuddling was a unnessecary step that was snuck in with the emergent purpose to spam blobs, a mindless form of murderous antag that cannot be 'friendly' that caused problems later with its chat bar being filled up with hugging messages, breaking communication. Blob players justifiably complained.
You can't "sneak something in" with a emergent purpose. The literal definition of emergent gameplay is various small features/mechanics combining into a greater, complex system. Blob hugging was a meme and it had an abusable aspect so it was removed.
Headpatting & slapping was a bad use of code, and removed on the basis it was bad code
It was removed because oranges was hoping that it would make a certain segment of players he didn't like leave the server. This isn't a ~conspiracy theory~, its literally what he's openly stated.
but was immediately revert-removal PR'd with no improvement. Conceptually and practically it was unfeasable to continue and it divided players because it serviced the culture of catpeople patting each other on the head which is commonly shown in pop culture, and people didn't like how overt it was too. Slapping was more agreeable though.
Again, please point to where "divided players" are evident in a statistical format. Controversy on github tends not to carry over to the actual playerbase, vocal minority etc.

Also reminder that you can pet borgs :cat:
Most of these PR's had to be merged out afterwards, and the people who are perpetrating this problem of either 'entirely passive HRP pr's' or 'nyaa alt culture fetishism' aren't improving our code at all as much as servicing themselves by misusing their contributor status at risk of alienating others, and forming meta-cliques around themselves for people who do enjoy & tolerate that content.
"Improving our code" is entirely in the eye of the beholder. Gondolas probably didn't "improve our code" but they're funny and interesting flavour.

Also, as others have pointed out, we've had two votes on catpeople, both with overwhelming support for catpeople. If people are being alienated by it, then unfortunately that's the nature of democratic decision making. Can't please all of the people all of the time.
Whatever you may think of each presented issue, whether catpeople deserve to be disadvantageous in exchange to getting features, this counter culture by either very good coders or coders with not enough technical experience but the motivation to put contributions that does not enrich the codebase and effectively wasting time is a problem. Its neither a feature, nerf, buff, correction or alteration.

Its pointless self serving fluff made as irrelevant as possible to sail through and feed a counter culture movement that often creates emergent problems by its implementation. As the saying goes, give them a inch and the take a mile.
Fwoosh I've noticed you seem to use a lot of word spaghetti. I'm not sure if thats because you don't know how to make a point succinctly or because you're hoping people will be confused into agreeing with you, but "counter culture movement that often creates emergent problems by its implementation" is a nonsense statement in relation to the topic at hand.
Feel free to step in and correct me as you please on my facts, its usually a easy talking point. There's a lot of bad pr threads floating out there, not just these, but these all have the same trend
As noted above, please provide evidence for your "facts", especially regarding player sentiment.

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 11:05 am
by captain sawrge
Stop serious replying to Fwoosh, and also any and all other bad posters and cryposters

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 11:22 am
by Arianya
captain sawrge wrote:Stop serious replying to Fwoosh, and also any and all other bad posters and cryposters
but i enjoy replying to you sawrge

Re: Serious discussion - Cats, High RP, Furries & Petting

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 11:26 am
by Slignerd
It's a great response though.