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Feedback: genetics modification

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 12:39 pm
by Actionb
Maybe I didnt quite get it yet but:
- you cant select the mutation block you want to work on, if you are done with your current set of mutations, you need to scramble?
- scrambling apparently has a cooldown, means you are SOL when scrambling doesnt get you new unindentified blocks?
- disks that have a mutation saved on them do not have any kind of label
- upload genetic sequencer data shows you what mutation a block holds, but it doesnt help you fill out the X's unless you scroll up in the chat to the point where you scanned somebody that has that specific block and then you still need to compare both strings (the one on the computer and the one printed to chat)
- the X's are not highlighted
- there is no way to reset a block to it's default state; if you solve the block but have fucked up a pair somewhere but dont know which one it was, you need to scramble to start over (and then not get the block you have just worked on)
- printing injectors is so slow
- scanner should scan mutations in numerical order
- scanner should come with an actual printing function (forensic scanner) that prints out information of all blocks gathered, or make it a real computer menu?
- sometimes you cant store a mutation you have completed (a known mutation you just scrambled into and then solved)
- storage limit on the mutation buffer feels bad