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Janitors can't keep up with the rate of mess

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2019 12:14 am
by cacogen
Even janiborgs struggle when it comes to picking up trash and mopping under things they can't roll over

Re: Janitors can't keep up with the rate of mess

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2019 12:21 am
by bobbahbrown
vomit goose

Re: Janitors can't keep up with the rate of mess

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2019 1:10 am
by wesoda25
Janiborgs obliterate dirt, janitors can get upgrades. Plus if admins are nice you can request EJRT.

Re: Janitors can't keep up with the rate of mess

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2019 2:27 am
by Ayy Lemoh
In the past, I agreed when walking over any blood meant 100 bloody footsteps.

Now? I dunno, man.

Like when was the last time you saw motor oil footsteps? I've almost never seen them.

Re: Janitors can't keep up with the rate of mess

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2019 3:33 am
by cacogen
I tried it today and it's slow as shit. Bloody footsteps still create tons of extra decals to clean up. The default mop and soap are incredibly slow. Space cleaner is better but you only have access to a limited amount. Even the advanced mop is shit.

The only good (fun, fast) methods of cleaning decals are driving over them as a janiborg or with a floor buffer or using the janitorial chem sprayer (which is limited to ERT).

Even if mopping took no time at all and you didn't have to wet the mop it'd still suck dick.

Motor oil was never a common spill in the first place.

Re: Janitors can't keep up with the rate of mess

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2019 7:42 am
Just get the janicart upgrade.

Re: Janitors can't keep up with the rate of mess

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2019 10:34 pm
by Farquaar
Janicart upgrade + Backpack-mounted space cleaner spray is enough for me to tackle most messes as jani. The main limiting factors to how effectively I can clean is how much access the HoP is willing to give me and how many pieces of trash there are to pick up. The recent change to allow gibbed limbs and organs to fit in garbage bags has fixed the trash issue for the most part, however.

The real problem as a janitor is window replacement. Engineers are lazy dogs, and it usually ends up being the janitor who has to get a full set of tools and materials to rebuild windows that are gradually eroded by the tide.

Re: Janitors can't keep up with the rate of mess

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2019 11:50 pm
by Shaps-cloud
dirt powercreep

Re: Janitors can't keep up with the rate of mess

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2019 1:47 am
by cacogen
Farquaar wrote:Janicart upgrade + Backpack-mounted space cleaner spray is enough for me to tackle most messes as jani.
CPTANT wrote:Just get the janicart upgrade.
Did this today. Wasn't able to get it until about 25 minutes in. Got the trashbag of holding too. It makes cleaning a breeze but I was still struggling as the only janitor to keep up with the rate of blood/puke/limbs. Everytime I cleaned an area and moved onto the next one, when I went back there was more blood.

Before I got this I just used the janicart with the backpack spray tank. You clean fast with that too, but obviously there's only a limited amount of cleaner and even if it were unlimited you'd still struggle to keep up when there's a lot of blood such as during nuke ops or wizard (at least by yourself, haven't had a chance to play like this with a janiborg/other janitor).

There's only one janicart though so this still doesn't address the other janitor being stuck with, at the very most, the advanced mop (which would be too slow even with no cooldown) or ever-dwindling space cleaner. Even if the cooldown on the mop were removed and the backpack cleaner tank had unlimited spray you still couldn't stay on top of the mess during the moderately chaotic rounds.
Farquaar wrote:The main limiting factors to how effectively I can clean is how much access the HoP is willing to give me and how many pieces of trash there are to pick up.
The access is a problem. You should be able to remotely send cleanbots to areas you can't reach and they should be able to path through vents so certain doors that shouldn't be opened by them (e.g. security cells) aren't disturbed. Cleanbots have always cleaned far too slowly (I remember at least five years ago making a bunch of them as roboticist thinking they'd be the solution to the mess on the station and someone telling me they were useless, which they were) though so their cleaning speed (and probably their movement speed) needs to be buffed.

I don't think the trash thing is resolved given not all organs are able to be picked up by the trashbag (lungs and liver are two examples I ran into today) and the amount of shell casings you get on nuke OP rounds. Shell casings fill up trash bags quickly due to how numerous they are despite their size because of how trash bags work. I wonder if a solution to this would be to create a list of trash items, and make them take up less space in the bag. I know people use the bag to hold things other than trash strategically and that the way it works now is balanced around this, so it treats things like shell casings as being bigger than it should.

There's also the fact that the vending machine in the custodial closet only starts with one trashbag. The only way to get another is cargo or waiting for a trashbag of holding to be researched and for the materials to become available to make it in the departmental techfab.

There's also the issue of not knowing where all the messes are on the station, or which are the messiest areas so you can prioritise which to clean. It would be good if you look at your PDA and it could tell you a list of areas with the most mess. And if you had a console in your closet that gave you more or more detailed info.

I wish there was more incentive to keep the station clean, or for janitors to clean. I was thinking (and I've heard someone else suggest this) that janitors should be rewarded credits per mess cleaned. I was also wondering about how to make the rest of the station give a shit about cleanliness (affecting departmental budgets if they aren't clean enough?) but I don't know how important departmental budgets are to most departments and it may be adding to much consequence to these filth decals that are irrelevant to most people because it's not their job to care.

Re: Janitors can't keep up with the rate of mess

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2019 1:12 pm
by Yakumo_Chen
cacogen wrote:Even janiborgs struggle when it comes to picking up trash and mopping under things they can't roll over
intended, if the station isn't slowly eroding and descending into chaos, something has or soon will go horribly wrong.

also given your job is literally cleaning you shouldn't complain when there is always something new to clean

Re: Janitors can't keep up with the rate of mess

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2019 6:52 pm
by capn_monkeypaw
Yakumo_Chen wrote:
cacogen wrote:Even janiborgs struggle when it comes to picking up trash and mopping under things they can't roll over
also given your job is literally cleaning you shouldn't complain when there is always something new to clean
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

"also given your job is literally repairing the station you shouldn't complain when there is always another broken window to fix"

"also given your job is literally arresting criminals you shouldn't complain when the brig gets overrun by the tide"

"also given your job is literally healing you shouldn't complain when there are ten people waiting to be healed"

The janitor does more for keeping order on the station than the entirety of Sec most rounds. Their roundstart tools are wholly inadequate to the task at hand. Chemists are just as likely to tell you to fuck off as they are to fill your bucket with space cleaner while R&D is too busy rushing robotics techwebs to burn 2.5k research points on Advanced Sanitation in any sort of reasonable amount of time.

Janitor is an important job and they don't have it easy.

Re: Janitors can't keep up with the rate of mess

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2019 7:06 pm
by Mickyan
Something odd about the janitor job is they have a lot of bulky equipment to juggle with very little to show for it

The backpack tank for example is arguably a sidegrade of the spray bottle (a giant nozzle has a shorter range by 2 tiles for some reason??) but comes at the cost of all your storage AND a permanent slowdown

You have to pick between the janibelt and a garbage bag for your belt slot

Buckets don't fit in pockets while having the capacity of a water bottle

We don't talk about mops

Re: Janitors can't keep up with the rate of mess

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2019 2:01 am
by Yakumo_Chen
capn_monkeypaw wrote:
Yakumo_Chen wrote:
cacogen wrote:Even janiborgs struggle when it comes to picking up trash and mopping under things they can't roll over
also given your job is literally cleaning you shouldn't complain when there is always something new to clean
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

"also given your job is literally repairing the station you shouldn't complain when there is always another broken window to fix"
this is the only relevant line here out of your examples. Janitor is not a job with heavy direct crew interaction, neither is Engineer. Engineers are often bored anyway because there is not enough to ever fix and when there is plenty to fix usually a shuttle is being called anyway much to the bane of engineers.

Security being overrun is a different matter entirely and even then I would still take an overrun brig over a bay tier snorefest-extended where nobody is doing any crime and you have nothing to do but twiddle your thumbs and uselessly patrol. When the brig is overrun with tide at that point you just break out the shotgun and get to work.

Doctors have the unique position of just choosing who is important enough to heal when medbay is understaffed. Grey Mcshit can wait a few minutes to get a patch while doctors defib the captain.

If the station is clean and stays clean, what else do you have to do but suicide? Why would you complain about having more mess to clean?

Re: Janitors can't keep up with the rate of mess

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2019 5:02 am
by oranges
just make the mop auto clean up

Re: Janitors can't keep up with the rate of mess

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 12:41 am
by MisterPerson
Maybe the janitor just needs signs that say "Bless this mess" so they don't feel so bad about the mess?

Re: Janitors can't keep up with the rate of mess

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 8:16 am
There was a janitor mech PR that was closed. Maybe the tools of that PR can be added to the Ripley.

Re: Janitors can't keep up with the rate of mess

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 9:07 pm
by oranges
oranges wrote:just make the mop auto clean up when walking over a tile

Re: Janitors can't keep up with the rate of mess

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 9:39 pm
by Cobby
What's the driver for this? Is there a miasma issue or...?

Re: Janitors can't keep up with the rate of mess

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 10:56 pm
by Qustinnus
no jani is just a shit job. and if theres a janiborg you'll feel even more useless

Re: Janitors can't keep up with the rate of mess

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 12:23 am
by tinodrima7020
Janitor is just greytide, but starts with soap and a robust weapon (bear trap)

Re: Janitors can't keep up with the rate of mess

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 10:24 am
by Yakumo_Chen
oranges wrote:
oranges wrote:just make the mop auto clean up when walking over a tile
You can just upgrade the janicart to do this anyway. The mop is for leaving wet tiles all over the place.

You could have it like other servers where the mop cleans a tile instantly on click, since the soap also has a delay but no wetting.

The janitor is just an assistant that slips everyone and then gets to passive-aggressively point at a sign while laughing internally.

Re: Janitors can't keep up with the rate of mess

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 3:45 pm
by Shaps-cloud
oranges wrote:
oranges wrote:just make the mop auto clean up when walking over a tile
This feels like a cop out and unironically like power creep. I thought part of the fun of janitor was manually cleaning shit

Re: Janitors can't keep up with the rate of mess

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2019 5:52 am
by terranaut
cacogen wrote:Space cleaner is better but you only have access to a limited amount.
chemistry can refill your spray bottle in fucking 5 seconds and if you ask nicely im sure they'll go print a bluespace beaker and fill that up for you too which takes a total of maybe 30 seconds which is 3 extra refills of your bottle
if chemistry tells you to fuck off go to tech storage and build your own chemlab or break into medbay storage and print your own boards or ask R&D for boards or ask engineering for boards
classic case of not knowing the game but crying for changes