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Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 1:19 pm
by Thunder11
Decided to start a poll on this, to see which of the sprites people prefer
(Larger versions inside the spoiler)
First row: Current jackboots, Paprika's replacement jackboots
Second row: My alternative replacement jackboots, in three different colours
On mob sprites were also changed, but I don't see any problem with the new ones Paprika did, and I can't make two polls in one thread, so just post if you have any comments about them.
Old sprites in the top row, new ones in the bottom row
And please, please, try to keep it civil, let's not have another security sprite war.

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 1:24 pm
by Steelpoint
To be honest, the mob sprite has almost no virtual difference between the two. I think the new one's are just slightly more bright in one or two pixels.

When it comes to the jackboot object sprites, I still prefer the current one as its visually distinct. Paprika's design looks like a mud boot (which looks like galoshes) and yours looks like a darker version of the mud boot.

E: There's no point in zooming in a sprite when no one will be observing said sprite at that close range, hence why the minor detail differences don't really stand out.

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 1:28 pm
by Scott
holy fucking shit here we go again

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 2:32 pm
by litmeuplol
Paprika's boots look like black galoshes, so absolutely disgusting.

The current ones are the ones I'm going to vote for, because I like the kind of style that implies laces. The mob sprites look the same, essentially.

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 3:02 pm
by specyalic
the level of skub on sec sprites will never die, its like fruitcake

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 3:09 pm
by Malkevin
I really can't tell any difference unless I zoom all the way in...

With that said - old sprites look the best.
See that darker line going horizontal along the cuff? Those are laces, jack boots have laces.

The other sprites look like black rubber wellies

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 8:56 pm
by Saegrimr
Don't even bother voting in the poll, one of the proposed above will be pushed first and then merged and this entire thread will be pointless.

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 9:01 pm
by Silavite
Why are we wasting our resources on what color our damn boots look like rather than actually fixing stuff?
October 25th. Two whole months.

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 9:18 pm
by danno
Saegrimr wrote:Don't even bother voting in the poll, one of the proposed above will be pushed first and then merged and this entire thread will be pointless.
why is this always the unfortunate truth
why do we keep making poll threads when this always proves true

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 9:23 pm
by dezzmont
Silavite wrote:Why are we wasting our resources on what color our damn boots look like rather than actually fixing stuff?
October 25th. Two whole months.
Spriters are not coders.

That said the spriters themselves have better things to be working on.

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 12:19 am
by iyaerP
Those look like stupid rainboots. Current jackboots are best jackboots.

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 12:24 am
by paprika
>laces on jackboots

You people are fucking insufferable you know that

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 2:04 am
by iyaerP
Amazingly enough, my army boots had laces on them.

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 2:06 am
by paprika
1) jackboots aren't army boots or combat boots
2) security isn't soldiers

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 2:37 am
by danno
paprika wrote:>laces on jackboots

You people are fucking insufferable you know that
alright, so maybe we should just rename jackboots to combat boots to fit the sprite, rather than change the sprite to suit the name

why is this so personal for you anyways
just chill nigga, damn

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 4:17 am
by litmeuplol
Paprika, lets be honest. The ones you sprited look like solid black Ugg boots.

Also calling people insufferable willy nilly is a good way to get people to not like you at al-
Oh wait.

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 5:19 am
by paprika
>Make a poll with 50 options
>surprised when people choose the top option or try to 'stick it to paprika' once again

You win!

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 8:20 am
by danno
paprika wrote:>Make a poll with 50 options
>surprised when people choose the top option or try to 'stick it to paprika' once again

You win!
this is still nonsense


maccus says merry christmas

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 8:52 am
by paprika
Those look like absolute shit and somehow worse than my bad codersprites. It's probably the pillow shading on the old ones but huge flat sections does not a rounded jackboot make. This thread can be closed now because I have more expansive projects to work on rather than worrying about bikeshedding about how people who apparently play security 24/7 don't know what fucking jackboots look like.

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 1:07 pm
by Maccus
paprika wrote:>Make a poll with 50 options
>surprised when people choose the top option or try to 'stick it to paprika' once again

You win!
>Thinking people chose it just out of laziness or a desire to stick it to you personally

What's being a paranoid skitz like? Enjoy the boots, tried to make them look less badly-shaded and ugly. Also, you need to work on your perspective, the left boot is in the foreground in your sprite yet also in the background?

Edit: Actually, that appears to be the case for both sets.

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 1:50 pm
by DemonFiren
I, for one, carefully considered all options and only one was not found wanting.

I am certain I am not alone there.

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 4:26 pm
by Alex Crimson
I kinda prefer the sprites with laces, but i can understand what Paprika is trying to say with his sprites. Just because some people do not like his sprites there is no need to take it as a personal attack.

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 5:56 pm
by paprika
4 black pixels aren't laces that's placebo because you don't know what jackboots are. It's a shitty sprite that was never meant to convey laces, if that was the case they wouldn't name them fucking jackboots, a particular style of boot that is SPECIFICALLY LACELESS

I'm not taking it as a personal attack. I'd just prefer if people knew what they're talking about when they spout shit so completely wrong.

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 6:47 pm
by Wyzack
Nothing personnelle kid. I like the older boots for the laces, not sure about the nomenclature of boots or anything, i just like the little extra detail.

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 10:40 pm
by Malkevin
Okay, I'll admit - I goofed.
Jackboots don't have laces or straps, I must've gotten them confused with Doc Martens or maybe some cavalry boots.

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 1:09 am
by Malkevin
Also whilst we're on the subject of sec sprites.

The new item sprites for the sec belts... I don't like them
They're too small and thin which makes it hard to click them.

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 1:28 am
by paprika
Malkevin wrote:Also whilst we're on the subject of sec sprites.

The new item sprites for the sec belts... I don't like them
They're too small and thin which makes it hard to click them.
I fixed it in an open PR days ago but the sprite is still admittedly shit. It's the same size as the old belt was, anyone is welcome to touch it up.

Unrelatedly, when did you start playing again? Kind of nice to see.

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 9:55 am
by Maccus
You literally JUST implied people were voting against your sprites because they have something against you. You are very obviously taking it as a personal attack.

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 10:21 am
by Malkevin
I do play here every so often, vg just can't scratch that security itch

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 3:03 pm
by Bombadil
paprika wrote:4 black pixels aren't laces that's placebo because you don't know what jackboots are. It's a shitty sprite that was never meant to convey laces, if that was the case they wouldn't name them fucking jackboots, a particular style of boot that is SPECIFICALLY LACELESS

I'm not taking it as a personal attack. I'd just prefer if people knew what they're talking about when they spout shit so completely wrong.
>Going full autist over the name of an item

Who the fuck cares except you? Everyone liked the old sprite you always change shit for the sake of change

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 12:45 am
by Cuboos
Paprika's shading is better, but the details on the old sprite make it look more rugged. Like it's got extra lacing or reinforcement in the material. If Pap's had more details like that in it, they'd be perfect.

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 12:51 am
by Wyzack
^^^This is true. Pap, add some more details and shit

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 7:13 am
by Maccus
The shading's better than the ones with the laces on Pap's sprites but it's still pretty pillow shaded.

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 8:41 am
by dezzmont
The black stripes could be straps, which jackboots can in fact have.

I don't like the plain sprite. It has better shading but gives up any details. At the small scale that matters a lot.

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 6:42 am
by Maccus
paprika wrote:Those look like absolute shit and somehow worse than my bad codersprites. It's probably the pillow shading on the old ones but huge flat sections does not a rounded jackboot make. This thread can be closed now because I have more expansive projects to work on rather than worrying about bikeshedding about how people who apparently play security 24/7 don't know what fucking jackboots look like.
Just noticed this. Nigga they're literally the same design as your sprites but with better shading. You seem to think that the boots are apparently cardboard objects you paint the shading onto, but that's simply not the case and you asking for the thread to be closed because people are saying your sprites are ugly is not doing you any favors Jesus Christ you are a child sometimes. Look at what it looks like when I apply how you shade things to a rounded object and tell me how that looks at all passable.


Do you see what's wrong here or are you so blind to criticism that you literally can't?

EDIT: Just for the record, I'd like to again point out the sprites you called shit are exactly the same as your sprites but re-shaded. Which is hilarious.

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 7:58 am
by paprika
But you shaded them poorly. You shaded them like the current jackboot sprites, and made the toes of the boots look flat. Yes, I know, the legs of the boots are shaded just like the boot toes because I got lazy. But seriously, this is complete stupidity, plenty of things in the game (including other shoes) use this method of shading to show a 'rounded' shape, like how the toes of boots are.



Inb4 "I was only pretending to make flat boots"

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 8:20 am
by Maccus
I'm sorry, is the guy who can't even figure out lightsources saying something's shaded poorly? Here, this took less than a minute to do to add another pixel so they don't look "flat."


Those sprites are shaded pretty badly, too, that you posted. Those glasses are outright pillow-shaded for Christ's sake.


Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 8:36 am
by paprika
The thing is...

Those other sprites have been in the game for more than 3 years!!!

And nobody gives a shit

Do you get the point I'm trying to make here? You're being autistic over shading whereas I'm being autistic over something worthy of being autistic over: The fact that jackboots don't have laces. This is all I really want, or at the very least changing the boot names. I don't give a shit about the fucking shading on these boots as long as they look like boots. The old jackboot sprites I made had awful shading on the legs, sure, but the sunglasses actually look fucking round at 32x32 and 64x64, and this is why nobody has noticed for 3 years or even changed the sprites, because it's not a crime against humanity to use pillow shading sometimes, especially on cartoony object sprites to convey rounded object like the tips of laceup shoes, sunglasses, or -- and this might blow your mind -- boot toes.

Even in your attempt to fix the legs you made them look somehow worse.


This shit is inexcusable. Your 'fixed' sprites look flat and awful.

Seriously, light sources are a fucking nonissue at the scale ss13 is at, it's at MOST scaled up to 64x64 so a proper light source which makes shit like this just look flat at a distance is much worse than more shading bands to convey a more 3d curvature. These are the current combats I have proposed. Keep in mind I'm only really doing this to satisfy some itches about not having any real laceup boots in the game, and so that combat/swat boots are visually distinct because they are syndicate/death squad items.


Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 8:39 am
by miggles
paprika wrote:But you shaded them poorly. You shaded them like the current jackboot sprites, and made the toes of the boots look flat. Yes, I know, the legs of the boots are shaded just like the boot toes because I got lazy. But seriously, this is complete stupidity, plenty of things in the game (including other shoes) use this method of shading to show a 'rounded' shape, like how the toes of boots are.



Inb4 "I was only pretending to make flat boots"
you dont apply this kind of logic to pixel art, because logically, things arent made out of fucking lego blocks.
what is especially funny is that you're trying to use "wow look at these other sprites that are bad!" when i said in my very first post
what is reading comprehension wrote:just because there are poorly sprited items already in game doesn't mean the standard should fall to that level.
plus, neither the eyepatch or the laceups exhibit either of the things you're saying they do.
the shoes are shiny so they have a highlight on the shiny part. wow!!
and the eyepatch doesnt really have any errors at all? the shape/lines are kinda blobby but the lighting is perfectly fine. there is 100% no way the game will ever have any sort of consistent lighting, so it's not like every light source has to come from the top left.
if i could give you one thing, the glasses could use some work. but do be reminded that they are also shiny, made of glass, and convex. the red part looks kind of bad, but it's hard to convey the important information (that they are sec glasses and not normal ones) without changing them entirely. that one rogue pixel on the leftmost piece bugs me though.

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 8:43 am
by Maccus
Yeah man, the only thing falling flat here is your argument.


Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 8:44 am
by miggles
all you need do is check my signature for confirmation that
dezzmont wrote:Miggles has it right.

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 8:46 am
by paprika
miggles wrote: but do be reminded that they are also shiny, made of glass, and convex. the red part looks kind of bad, but it's hard to convey the important information (that they are sec glasses and not normal ones) without changing them entirely. that one rogue pixel on the leftmost piece bugs me though.
You mean boots toes aren't shiny, or convex? Especially jackboots, the ones that typically are polished and just as formal as laceups?

Gee whiz miggles you sure schooled me in spriting 101.
Maccus wrote:Yeah man, the only thing falling flat here is your argument.
Your sprites are flat and ugly, sorry.
miggles wrote:all you need do is check my signature for confirmation that
dezzmont wrote:Miggles has it right.
Dezzmont, miggles, and maccus agreeing with each other? Such a huge development in /tg/ flavored shitposting, I need to step up my game!!

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 9:37 am
by Maccus
So you're at the point where you've been proven so wrong that you're just doling out insults? Cool. We're not shitposting, we're saying your work is not good. Stop acting like a child and accept it.

I mean you've gone from paranoidly thinking anyone voting against you is doing it just because they're out to get you to asking for the thread to be locked because you're not winning an argument to just outright saying people disagreeing with you are just shitposting. Not even telling you to stop acting like a child to put you down, seriously, grow up.

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 9:40 am
by miggles
that quote by dezzmont isnt even related to this thread lmao
yeah, no, you're just lashing out like a baby because you don't have a real argument and can't accept that you're wrong
we're done here

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 9:43 am
by InThePooPoo
is this an epic new paprika sprite

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 9:46 am
by Maccus
Image btw check out these flat flat boots let me fix


Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 10:17 am
by paprika

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 10:34 am
by dezzmont
If someone is trying to lock this thread you sure are making it easy for them.

If a mod descends on this thread could perhaps the offending posts be deleted, and the person who instigated the fight be warned? Locking is going nuclear when it is clear no productive conversation will be had regardless of who is removed, and it is very clear in this thread that there is one person who is acting in an inflamatory manner, unless you consider demanding someone else's thread be locked so that you don't have to think about their work while accusing people of conspiracy and shitposting for what was ultimately pretty civil discussion up until and even during their involvement.

For real. I was legit proud of you folks for allowing Paprika to be transparently awful on their own. Allow people to drag themselves down.

And Paprika, the fact that this thread is in part about replacing your previous sprite does not give you the ability to arbitrarily demand the thread that is primarly about another spriter's work to be shut down. I don't think anyone could read that action as mature or reasoned. If you don't want to participate or defend the old sprite that is fine, it doesn't reflect poorly on you to decide you have better things to do, but it does reflect poorly on you to throw what ammounts to a tantrum in here to try to prevent people from changing things you worked on. If you really feel like the players are shitposting or ganging up on you and just trying to start fights, you can try to report the posts, but I am pretty sure that we both know that won't work because no one was shitposting at you until you started the fight.

Now can we get back to actually talking about the sprites rather than people and their egos?
miggles wrote:all you need do is check my signature for confirmation that
dezzmont wrote:Miggles has it right.
Are you trying to say that I am your spirit animal?

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 10:36 am
by Steelpoint
I just think that at the end of the day this is just a change for the sake of one, and while that might be fine the alternative sprites that have been presented have been near universally condemned as being worse than the current sprites.

Re: Jackboot Sprites

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 10:46 am
by dezzmont
Steelpoint wrote:I just think that at the end of the day this is just a change for the sake of one, and while that might be fine the alternative sprites that have been presented have been near universally condemned as being worse than the current sprites.
In regards to the OP's on model sprite the only difference I can see is the side view has less and is more blobby. The original may have a strap, which jackboots often have, or laces. Could also just be light. I don't think they are ultimately that different. Certainly not different enough to affect the overal appearance of sec, so I guess it really comes down to which people in general like more.

I like the Paprika's on model sprite a bit more than the OP's.

That said I think the item's is superior as it has some more detail while not having the weird cross. Paprika's may or may not have good shading, but it is very formless overall. Frankly I think the main problem is the current silloute, because I don't really like any of them as a final product, but that would require a more extensive resprite to fix. Gun to my head I would have to say the OP's item sprite is what I would take from the options presented. They just feel better, more agressive, almost armored or something, and while that may not be the most realistic model for a jackboot the importance of icons is that they instantly evoke thoughts. Paprika's sprite is just... blank.