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Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 7:32 pm
by Atticat
Currently, pooling your crystals for a syndicate cyborg is basically objectively the right choice. This ruins the creativity of nuke ops making different plans each round. Let's detail why they are so OP.

- Syndicate cyborgs can kill the AI easily
- Syndicate cyborgs are often controlled by admins, one of my biggest complaints. This means your cyborg is likely more skilled than half your nuke ops team and are relatively admin exclusive (something admins don't like to make known).
- Syndicate cyborgs add another person to your team (or two!!!)
- They don't need oxygen or any of that jazz to survive. You can be sure your cyborg will be self-sufficient in its activities. (and they have lasers)

So, what can we do about it?

I propose we either:
A: Remove syndicate cyborgs
B: Make it so one of your nuke ops members must become the cyborg, sacrificing manpower and the advantages of being an ops in favor of cyborgification.

Seriously tho, I think it's quite broken as it is. There is really no reason to not get atleast ONE cyborg as ops. So boring.

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 7:35 pm
by Scott
The only real problem here is the syndieborg killing the AI effortlessly.

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 7:37 pm
by Atticat
No. Adding another member to your team (a cyborg with lasers and essentially all access to boot), is infinitely better than some shitty teleporter that brings you to bridge.

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 8:09 pm
by Scott
I disagree.

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 8:17 pm
by iyaerP
The borg is pretty much required to counter AI shenannigans, even if it isn't used as an AI assassin. Otherwise the ops will end up bolted into some random room, and have to waste a minute figuring out the wires, and then spend 20 extra seconds at every single door from that point on.

Nuke ops lose enough as it is, and the borg requires a large investment of telecystals. If anything, the marauder should be made better, as that costs more for less effect.

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 8:21 pm
by Scott
That's why you have bombs and shit. Nuke Ops should require a bit of planning. I think syndieborgs just waltzing in the core and lasering the AI before the AI can do anything is somewhat shit.

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 8:48 pm
by Malkevin
iyaerP wrote:The borg is pretty much required to counter AI shenannigans, even if it isn't used as an AI assassin. Otherwise the ops will end up bolted into some random room, and have to waste a minute figuring out the wires, and then spend 20 extra seconds at every single door from that point on.
C4 is made for what?

Hell, AI is even on its own sat, you could blow open its core with bombs and laser the fuck out of it before it even has time to realise the atmos alarms are going off right next to it.

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 8:53 pm
by Atticat
The problem is spending crystals on a bomb or two isn't worth losing out on an extra team member that is almost guarenteed to be good at its job and jam-packed with game breaking devices like all-access telekinesis, cold immunity, heat immunity, and lasers. I really, really, really think a nuke op should have to become the cyborg. No more of this admin exclusive shit. It also helps balance things out since you aren't gaining an extra teammate.

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 9:33 pm
by ExplosiveCrate
>admin exclusive

ayy lmao

Though I do agree that instead of adding a team member one of the ops should become a cyborg.

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 9:37 pm
by dezzmont
It looks like there are a few related problems with the syndicate.

The AI is a very hard counter to them, because they need to spend time learning the wires and screwing with them to counter it. This could be solved by allowing them to start with the wires in notes. Yes, they could get a bomb, but at a certain point you are essnetially saying that they should only be able to open a number of doors equal to the amount of bombs they buy. Using those bombs to take out walls is more interesting and requiring them is really lame for the syndicate, especially because the borg is a better option.

Requiring a player to become a borg makes sense. It is a straight upgrade to a fully kitted out syndicate member in most ways and the extra team member is just icing on the cake.

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 9:57 pm
by RG4
Atticat wrote: - Syndicate cyborgs can kill the AI easily
- Syndicate cyborgs are often controlled by admins, one of my biggest complaints. This means your cyborg is likely more skilled than half your nuke ops team and are relatively admin exclusive (something admins don't like to make known).
- Syndicate cyborgs add another person to your team (or two!!!)
- They don't need oxygen or any of that jazz to survive. You can be sure your cyborg will be self-sufficient in its activities. (and they have lasers)
*Because having the AI active can easily fuck over any Nuke Op team. Plus it's even stated that the Syndicate Borg is a Security Borg with a new coat of paint and weapons to boot. At least it isn't the default security borg sprite.
*Syndieborgs are often controlled by admins becauses admins tend to observe to moderate rounds and investigate adminhelps/prays. Sometimes you get players ghosting to be a syndie-borg.
*Syndie-borgs can't arm,anchor,or secure the disk. They're more of a tool than an extra person.
*It's a fucking cyborg of course it doesn't need oxygen.

Lets also mention that Syndie borgs often get dunked by an competent crew member,borgs, or even the fucking clown. You can stun them JUST as easily as any other borg, hell usually most Security Borgs at the time Ops make it to the station tend to nab gold from the vault and get a VTEC, have you ever seen a syndie borg fight a VTEC sec borg? I've done it and the end result is a dead, admin-control syndieborg. Stop you whining and learn how to combat them instead of begging them to be removed, atleast we don't see regular sec borgs with their arsenal.

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 10:19 pm
by Fatal
Good ops teams without borgs simply EMAG all doors to force them open, AI can't do shit

The syndicate borgs are fine, but there should be a hard limit on only allowing one

However, the laser guns on both syndicate cyborgs and hacked security cyborgs need some kind of limit too, as it is now, they have near infinite lasers (especially so the syndicate borgs because they have an awesome power cell)

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 10:51 pm
by paprika
I'd prefer if syndicate borgs had a C-20r with regenerating ammo rather than an ebow and laser gun.

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 11:03 pm
by Scones
100% in agreement that an Operative has to become the borg

While some people are blowing it out of proportion, it is very true that borgs are, more often than not, admins. Because borgs are drawn from the spectator pool, and when is a random person going to happen to spectate a round that just happens to be a Nuclear Emergency round? Not many at all. Flawless AI executions ensue.

As a regular AI player I can say they are what makes operatives so fucking annoying.
You die. Every round. Borgs don't trigger alarms.
You hear the airlock open and FWEOO FWEOO FWEOO RIP
The ONLY JOB of the AI during Nuke is to scream "SYNDICATES" and then die. Every single round, because taking a borg is A CLEARLY DEFINED META.

I'm not sure what needs to change in that regard - I like the idea of a Syndicate Borg having to wrestle for control of systems with the AI, unbolting and unlocking everything the AI puts in their way, rather than being "lolded" with a complete nil chance of failure

(Somewhat related - 90% sure NT cyborgs can interact with the Syndicate Shuttle. Apex hilarity ensues when the Nuke Ops find there is no shuttle left for them.)

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 11:29 pm
by cedarbridge
Cecily wrote:(Somewhat related - 90% sure NT cyborgs can interact with the Syndicate Shuttle. Apex hilarity ensues when the Nuke Ops find there is no shuttle left for them.)
Pretty sure the borg got boinked for that.

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 1:03 am
by lumipharon
Syndie borgs are OP mainly because it's a 6th man. Having extra team members is objectively better then anything else, since the less people you have, the more losing someone hurts, which is fairly significant when a single stun could spell the end for a person.

AI's can keep syndie borgs out if they take out the power to a bolted door (borg would have to wait 2 minutes before trying again, and nothing can stop the AI frop taking out power again.) I don't know about motion alarms, I know that goin to the core via the space entrance won't trip any alarms, but when I went into the foyer area of the sat, it did trip an alarm, so I unno.

It makes sense for the syndie borg to have energy weapons though, it's literally build from captured/stolen NT borgs and retrofitted a bit, and magically growing metal bullets is dumb. (mechs are also dumb because they do this also, but that's another topic).

The borg issue is hilariously highlighted if the ops get 3 borgs. It means they can depart in like 5 minutes, have 8 people, and are all but unstoppable. Literally the only counter to this is hope there aren't enough ghosts.

Syndie borgs and operatives actually have excellent synergy though.
Operatives are vulnerable to conventional stuns/disablers, but are immune to flashs and flashbangs, and (other then headsets) are uneffected by emp's.
Syndie borgs are Vulnerable to flashs, flashbangs and emp's, but are immune to conventional stuns.
This is why a coherent team works really well, since they cover each other's weaknesses.

The ideally solution for me, would be to hard code a limit of one borg for ops, and/or increase the cost a little. I wouldn't want to force an op into a syndie borg, simply because a borg can't do important things like carry a disk, or set the nuke, and getting the disk only to not have anyone able to set it is pretty gay.

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 2:42 am
by Saegrimr
If you want to kill the AI without a borg, just bring the red button and a bomb with you. Significantly cheaper. I did it on my last run.
Go in through the south hallway, blast it, and then unload your stetchkin into it if you still have it. Or whatever. I esworded it because the bomb explosion was big enough it took out all the turrets.

The borgs are required to kill the AI, but its better than being a man down while he's off fuckin' with it.

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 3:06 am
by Somejerk
"B: Make it so one of your nuke ops members must become the cyborg, sacrificing manpower and the advantages of being an ops in favor of cyborgification."

This doesn't like a bad option. Have it so the person who uses the signaling device or whatever it is become a borg right then and there.

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 6:27 am
by mrpain
I'd be fine with making them have to borg an operative and throw him in the body. Having that extra guy is really were the power of the borg comes in.

But I'm against a nerf or an outright removal of them. To my knowledge they dont take much in the way of a beating, and the syndicates have to take along welders and shit to repair them, costing them valuable items slots that could have been used on something more useful, IE more bombs and guns.

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 7:47 am
by Aleph
They're vulnerable to being flashed, especially by other borgs.

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 10:22 am
by cedarbridge
Its not really a question of "how many guys with guns do they have. A syndieborg can be the most robust dude in the world and the ops still (mostly) lose because a borg can't set the bomb up by itself. So if the ops buy 3 borgs and lose all their meatbags they're still SOL. This is even worse if they trade one of their 5 ops for a borg and now they're down a set of hands that can no longer set up the team objective. It sounds nice until you consider that trading primary function for a little more combat robustness is bad. I'd much rather they were just a little more expensive or whatever to compensate for their ability to be spammed and call it a day.

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 10:26 am
by paprika
Trading your ability to set us up the bomb for being a stuntank murderbot sounds perfectly reasonable and is a reason to not fuck off and murderbone and stay with your teammates though???????

Also if this does happen make sure the syndie borg is law purged so it's essentially the nuke ops' brain in the borg body without any law restrictions.

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 11:16 am
by dezzmont
I dont know. The utility loss in a set of hands is rather minor compared to their obvious advantage. For the borg to be a bad tradeoff you need to run out of people save one survivor, the borg, which is unusual because the borg will do the brunt of the fighting. Meanwhile the advantage is pervasive and shows up in nearly every situation.

A cost increase may be helpful, but I suspect that the syndicate borg is going to be one of those things that is always going to be a first order optimal solution or absolutely not worth it once its cost passes the threshold that cripples the rest of the team. Increasing cost just reduces the toys the rest of the syndicate team can have and concentrates it in one players hands which is generally unexciting and undesirable.

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 1:07 pm
by cedarbridge
dezzmont wrote:I dont know. The utility loss in a set of hands is rather minor compared to their obvious advantage. For the borg to be a bad tradeoff you need to run out of people save one survivor, the borg, which is unusual because the borg will do the brunt of the fighting. Meanwhile the advantage is pervasive and shows up in nearly every situation.

A cost increase may be helpful, but I suspect that the syndicate borg is going to be one of those things that is always going to be a first order optimal solution or absolutely not worth it once its cost passes the threshold that cripples the rest of the team. Increasing cost just reduces the toys the rest of the syndicate team can have and concentrates it in one players hands which is generally unexciting and undesirable.
When the entire point of the team is to have hands and use those hands to set up a bomb, the value of hands cannot be overstated. Your ability to murder infinite+1 people as a borg does not balanced with that at all.

Calling for a nerf this drastic is overreaching anyway. Nuke teams are literally 5 men vs 30-70 crew. Being able to call in one (very robust) or even two borgs is an asymetrical balance against the overwhelming swarm of prod waving assistants and misc other "heroic" crew. I see no reason to make this arbitrarily harder by making individual losses harsher.

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 1:15 pm
by Steelpoint
If we are going to do something akin to turning a Nuke Operative into a Syndicate Borg, why not go all out and try something a little different?

The idea of having a button that magiclly turns you into a Cyborg ticks me the wrong way, why don't we spice it up with the idea that you are buying a suit of Syndicate Power Armour that permanently (24 hours) seals you inside it once you go in the suit.

Your essentially a Cyborg for all intents and purposes, but you have a proper IC excuse to go from a human to a "borg" and it would look cool.

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 1:18 pm
by cedarbridge
Steelpoint wrote:If we are going to do something akin to turning a Nuke Operative into a Syndicate Borg, why not go all out and try something a little different?

The idea of having a button that magiclly turns you into a Cyborg ticks me the wrong way, why don't we spice it up with the idea that you are buying a suit of Syndicate Power Armour that permanently (24 hours) seals you inside it once you go in the suit.

Your essentially a Cyborg for all intents and purposes, but you have a proper IC excuse to go from a human to a "borg" and it would look cool.
Mechanically changing nothing.

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 1:21 pm
by Steelpoint
Essentially, but it makes it more believable instead of just becoming a Cyborg. But also it allows you to still act as a human, and not essentially enslave yourself with a lawset.

Also I'm imagining a sprite animation (akin to the Cyborg module selection) of the user being surronded in metal armour.

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 1:33 pm
by dezzmont
CEdabridge, I think you are severely overstating the primacy of hands in the nuke team. Yes, they need to set up the bomb, but you are acting like they need to constantly use their hands and have everyone do it, or that rounds where the nuke ops win generally are a last man standing situation. Actually setting up the bomb is a multi-step process and the final step is basically checking if any surviving ops have hands.

One set of hands needs to survive. Trading a set of hands for a vastly increased chance of survival is clearly beneficial. If the borg could murder infinite+1 people then obviously the best choice would be to trade all but one team member for borgs.

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 2:32 pm
by Malkevin
Really all Mr Hands needs to do is sit his arse in the cockpit whilst their all access deathbots march into the station, butt rape the captain, and drag his corpse back along with the nuke disk to the shuttle.

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 4:00 pm
by bandit
This long into the thread and no one has mentioned the ion rifle, the crew's best defense against syndicate borgs (and mechs). If crew is attempting to take on a borg without it (or flashbangs) they deserve everything they get. The ghost complaint is stupid -- this is how the ghost system works, and frankly most nuke op teams take so long to get geared up that a few people will have inevitably suicided/died.

That said I can foresee a few changes:

- Slightly increase the cost of a syndicate borg -- it is relatively cheap now and that is why it is seen in so many nuke op teams.
- Make syndicate borgs trigger motion alarms in the AI core.
- (more dramatic) Change syndiborgs' opening powers to a sort of sped-up doorjack (like the pAI has, but much faster). Remove their emags.

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 5:26 pm
by Fatal
I'm pretty sure the syndicate borgs DO trigger the motion alarm in the AI core, every time it has been nuke ops and I've been a borg I've seen that trigger, and moved like fuck to the AI core to get vengeance on my now dead AI

The issue is, the motion alarm trigger when the borg ENTERS the core, and the AI can do nothing because once the borg enters the core it simply turns off the AIs APC, and the AI can't even talk before it's dead

I do believe the borgs either need nerfing, or made to be more expensive, as well as having a limit of 1

If you work out the cost of all the modules ON the borg, without including it's extra infinite laser, it really does give quite a lot of stuff for what it costs

As well as OP teams being able to buy multiple in high pop rounds, not that many crew carry ANYTHING that can do anything to a syndicate borg, much less against multiple of them, I would imagine 3 could quite easily murder everyone on the station without even needing to blow up the nuke

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 6:20 pm
by Malkevin
I thought I'd came up with a smart counter to borg rushes against the AI core.

If you bolt the doors and turn off your APC's enviro power the airvents and doors will be depowered.
Turns out though that although the borg can open the door it can still unbolt it.

Still, works against borgs that don't have crowbars
Oh wait... syndi borgs have crowbars!

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 6:49 pm
by DemonFiren
Or the borg could just fuck up the access turrets and let in a flu cop to C4 the door.

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 9:54 pm
by Incomptinence
I think the real issue is the insistence borgs have all access all the time. Make the AI sat doors inaccessible to the syndicate cyborg and vice versa NT borgs for the shuttle. Borg is still ridic robust but doesn't creep down the AI's ass almost totally unannounced. Sure ops can assist with emags to similar effect but that's just emags for you. C4 is pretty fair in that it makes an explosion sound the AI can hear coming.

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 11:32 pm
by Scones
Put motion alarms on the space entrances, and make the Syndiborg trigger motion alarms. (Yes, they trigger the CORE motion alarm - Not the antechamber, which is the important "oh fuck somebody is trying to get in" alarm)

Now I have about 20 seconds of red fucking alert to hopefully depower the doors fast enough t-- Wait, they have a crowbar, silly fucking me.

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 11:52 pm
by lumipharon
borgs can't lift bolts of depowered airlocks.

But the major issue of turning ops into borgs is that borgs don't have hands, and don't have PINPOINTERS.
So borgs can't find the disk on their own, they can't strip people anymore so even if they figure out where the disk is, the borg can only drag the corpse around. I have lost more then one op round as a syndie borg, where I've got the disk as the borg, but all the ops are missing/dead.

The thing with killing the AI, is that ops do it because the AI is the SINGLE MOST POWERFUL FORCE THAT OPPOSES THEM. The AI can literally bolt and depower every door the ops come to, which cannot be opened by emag or borg. Ops have only so many explosives, and even rooms that can be broken into via windows slows them the fuck down.

A bad/inexperienced AI will barely effect ops, an experienced AI can utterly shut them down.

I don't think the combat robustness of the syndie borg is the issue to be honest, since flashbangs and the ion rifle are both AOE, and are usually both a death sentence for the borg, and when fighting other borgs it's got two options:
A:Try kite the borg and laser it
B: Try flash it first
Neither option is super reliable, and that's not factoring other crew into it.

So ultimately the issue I think is that the AI is massively strong against ops to the point it can't be ignored (powersink can sort of let you ignore it, but that has a time limit on it), and the borg is the most reliable way to remove it, and more importantly can often do so without alerting the crew.

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 12:13 am
by Scones
lumipharon wrote:(powersink can sort of let you ignore it, but that has a time limit on it)
Sort of unrelated but more operatives should use sinks. Darkness is such a potent ally, at the early stages of the game you will the only ones with night vision and everyone else is forced to scavenge a crowbar and use their PDA light to get anywhere.

...Operatives start with crowbars and NVGs for a reason, y'know.

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 12:31 am
by Scott
lumipharon wrote: But the major issue of turning ops into borgs is that borgs don't have hands, and don't have PINPOINTERS.
I could swear the last time I played syndieborg I had a pinpointer.

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 1:21 am
by lumipharon
Cecily wrote:
lumipharon wrote:(powersink can sort of let you ignore it, but that has a time limit on it)
Sort of unrelated but more operatives should use sinks. Darkness is such a potent ally, at the early stages of the game you will the only ones with night vision and everyone else is forced to scavenge a crowbar and use their PDA light to get anywhere.

...Operatives start with crowbars and NVGs for a reason, y'know.
Also related to that, if emp's effected electric lights (flashlight/pda's), blackops would be 10/10.

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 1:25 am
by cedarbridge
bandit wrote:This long into the thread and no one has mentioned the ion rifle, the crew's best defense against syndicate borgs (and mechs). If crew is attempting to take on a borg without it (or flashbangs) they deserve everything they get. The ghost complaint is stupid -- this is how the ghost system works, and frankly most nuke op teams take so long to get geared up that a few people will have inevitably suicided/died.

That said I can foresee a few changes:

- Slightly increase the cost of a syndicate borg -- it is relatively cheap now and that is why it is seen in so many nuke op teams.
- Make syndicate borgs trigger motion alarms in the AI core.
- (more dramatic) Change syndiborgs' opening powers to a sort of sped-up doorjack (like the pAI has, but much faster). Remove their emags.
Removing their emags invalidates the flash/crowbar/emag combo that robust syndieborgs can employ against the 1-4 station borgs bearing down on the ops. (Especially since the thing that fucks nukes hardest is a secborg.)

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 2:22 am
by lumipharon
You realise borgs can't even emag doors open right? it defaults to their all access opening of them instead.

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 4:14 am
by Scones
[quote="lumipharon"]You realise borgs can't even emag doors open right? it defaults to their all access opening of them instead.[/quote
If they do have an emag, and stop right in front of the door, they should be able to click on it with the emag active

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 10:47 am
by lumipharon
And it just opens the door. Try it sometime, they physically cannot emag airlocks, it's a known issue. AFAIK they can't even emag bolted doors, it's the borg shit taking priority over the item.

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 10:29 pm
by Bombadil
Steelpoint wrote:If we are going to do something akin to turning a Nuke Operative into a Syndicate Borg, why not go all out and try something a little different?

The idea of having a button that magiclly turns you into a Cyborg ticks me the wrong way, why don't we spice it up with the idea that you are buying a suit of Syndicate Power Armour that permanently (24 hours) seals you inside it once you go in the suit.

Your essentially a Cyborg for all intents and purposes, but you have a proper IC excuse to go from a human to a "borg" and it would look cool.
Syndicate nanites

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 6:36 pm
by iyaerP

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 7:43 pm
by Whoisthere
So basically syndicate cyborgs are even more op now with that grenade launcher that shoots minibombs that explode on contact.
True, you only have 6 bombs (can they be recharged?) but basically syndicate borgs now have an AoE stun that also damages, sets on fire and deafens. Oh, and wrecks the station.

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 7:45 pm
by Steelpoint
Meanwhile Security better hope they have less than 100 ping when they are trying to use a stun baton against them, or a flash.

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 8:27 pm
by Whoisthere
>stun baton
wait what

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 12:15 am
by Snakebutt
Ion. Rifles. They one shot borgs, armory starts with one and R&D can make more if given shotguns (which should be done anyways). They also sodomize mauraders and I think overload lasers.

Re: Please Balance Syndicate Cyborgs

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 12:44 am
by DemonFiren
Ion rifles create an EMP on impact, they overload headsets, drain energy guns and fuck with electronics.
