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Predictable atmos circuit calculation

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2020 5:43 pm
by OFQ
Currently it looks like atmos part calculation subroutine doesn't sort them out. I was told that if you want particular part to calculate at the very end the best bet you have is wrenching it last. I think it meters the most with the stuff like passive vents. The problem is that it's still not a guaranty + you don't know in what order map parts have been placed and there is no way to tell without reassembly. Soo basically I blame some of my explosive failings on that, especially when same setups for some reason work differently.

It should be better if there was at least 3 groups of atmos items. First you calculate all the filters and mixers then all the pumps and after it all passive stuff. It is the most desirable order since you first of all want to filter stuff, then pump it around and eventually if you have a passive vent the rest can leak out. Order between parts in a group should depend on when a part was turned on.