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Regarding ID changes (mainly Agent ID card)

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 3:34 am
by Samuel Hayden
Hi there!

I'm making this post in regards to the recent ID system changes made by TimberTOES.
First, let's get this outta the way:
tl;dr: System good! Need tweaking, tho. Agent ID dead now, increase it's slots, or allow me to scan ALL ids I have, but quickly select which ones I need to use, maybe? Plz thank. Also, make it so the job icon is the icon from the first ID inside a wallet, not the one that has most access.
Do keep in mind that this is just to start a conversation. If I got something wrong, or you find alternatives to solve my problem in a way I didn't think of, the matter'll be resolved to me!

Now, a more detailed view:

From my view, and talking to a few other players, this is the shared new opinion of the item now, with the new system:

1: REEEEEEEE, AGENT CARD DEAD! I'll agree that some of this comes from the fact that this is just a straight nerf to the card. Being unable to neatly have a card with AA that ALSO allows you to change it so you can get rid of warrants? That's a kill shot, my dude!
Half of this opinion is based on that "I'm a player and I'm afraid of change" perspective, the other half, on ACTUAL concerns that rose up when trying to use the thing, but realizing it's not worth it's TC cost anymore. Here's an example:

I have an ID card, which I've forged into a botanist's ID, one of the crews I've killed. Now, on another opportunity, I've also killed the RD, which had the cap's spare. Now I have to PLAN AHEAD, identify where I'm going, and select the access slots in the agent ID to help me with that. If I'm going somewhere that I didn't plan to, I have to stop, select from the list of access, and if necessary, reforge again. Why would I bother with all that, if I ALREADY have the ID?
"Well, shove those IDs in a wallet and you're golden", you say. YES! IF the wallet didn't choose the job icon from the HIGHEST id card, not the FIRST one. If I'm using a wallet, I have to know which ID supercedes which, otherwise I'm walking around dressed as an assistant, with the RD's job icon.
To sumarize: The agent card used to be a REACTIONARY item. Now, it's a PLANNING tool. Got into a tussle with sec, ran to maints, and you need to change your access? Good luck!

Possible solutions to this. A: PLEASE let me scan AS MANY ACCESSES AS I WANT, BUT BE FORCED TO CHOOSE SOME TO USE AT THE MOMENT, AND IF NEEDED, QUICKLY SWAP THEM. - We'd still be restricted to using some acesses at a time, but we don't have to fiddle around with all ID's to change it in the heat of the moment. B (possibly the best one): CHANGE WALLETS SO THE JOB ICON, IS THE FIRST ID'S ICON, NOT THE HIGHEST. This solves the problem brought before AND still maintains the inability for traitors to just "clone AA".


Access slots:

I think they are too little. If a sec officer wants to have full access to the department he's assigned to AND maintain brig access, he'll have to carry around an extra ID to fumble with (maybe in a wallet would solve that), or just not have access at all. Even to a traitor, if you get HoP's ID you have access to the console, but now you're stuck with 5 id cards if you want extra access.


I had more stuff, but uh... Pizza, got distracted, I'm a fat fuck I know.

Re: Regarding ID changes (mainly Agent ID card)

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 3:51 pm
by NecromancerAnne
Honestly I brought it for AI evasion since preventing the AI from using it's infinite power over station systems to GBJ you on a camera tracking pan is significantly more helpful than headhunting access. The access theft was mostly icing on the cake, as was the ability to combine with voice changers. But I will say that making it harder to pull off identity theft and disguising, two of the few means to avoid capture semi-reliably against competent sec, is definitely a sore point and forces traitors into being competent combatants more than it does sneaks. And for the most part, agent card was maybe one of the few items I considered genuinely heathy and good for the game due to being a tidy solution to one problem (ai tracking), and being as good as you can make good on your ability to talk (disguises).