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Bots need laws of some kind

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2023 3:13 am
by DaydreamIQ
With the recent PR that gave bots the ability to just be given personalities without the need of a pAI, there's been a bit of an annoying tradeoff in that people are taking the bot roles to grief because unlike a pAI they aren't bound by any laws.

Stuff like mulebots running people over on purpose or more recently I saw a floorbot placing uranium tiles in public areas to irradiate people. And if you thought pAI's were annoying harm alarms well now Medibots are harm alarms with paramedic access.

So, how about giving them something akin to drone laws but without the whole "You cannot interact with people at all" thing drones have going on. To at least cull any of the people who try to take ghostroles to grief

Re: Bots need laws of some kind

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2023 4:08 am
by vect0r
Please let anybody w/siliconnect (like the AI) be able to control them in said lawset.

Re: Bots need laws of some kind

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2023 8:24 am
by RedBaronFlyer
I'd hate if they got slapped with the "you can't interact with players and must pretend they are not there" thing drones have, but yeah the controllable medi/jani/mulebots desperately need some sort of law. I've seen a few helpful bots but most of them are just griefing then complaining when someone has enough of their shit and smashes them with a toolbox.

It's super weird that drones have a 10+ hour requirement of playing silicon to even play as a drone, even though drone has a bunch of shit to make sure you aren't griefing or even interacting with players, meanwhile you can get hooked up to a mop/medi/mulebot and start trying to mess up shit.

(Please remove the play time requirement on the maintenance drone I beg you coders.)

Re: Bots need laws of some kind

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2023 10:46 am
by Jacquerel
This is already on my todo list but if someone else did it before me I wouldn’t be upset.
I’m not planning on giving them drone laws but “don’t hurt anyone” will probably be in there. I also think it’s funny if anyone who has bot access can fuck with them.

Drones also need to be unfucked but that’s a separate issue.