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Uplink rebalance

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 3:04 am
by Xhuis

  • Airlock charges now cost 2 telecrystals (from 5)
  • Airlock charges now detonate with the proper force
  • A progress bar has been added when removing the charge from an airlock
  • There is no more RNG chance for the charge to blow up even if you extract it successfully
  • When charges blow up, they do 20 guaranteed brute damage to everyone nearby as the shrapnel from the airlock goes everywhere
  • Many uplink item descriptions have been changed to better reflect their use
  • Adds a new traitor item, the Dart Pistol. Bought for 4 telecrystals, it functions as a pocket-sized syringe gun that is quieter to fire.
  • Boxes of riot foam darts have been tweaked; it costs 8 telecrystals less (seriously? 10??) and is not restricted to nuke ops.
  • Toy Stetchkin pistols now cost 3 telecrystals, down from 6
I've been thinking about a medical Syndicate cyborg. How would we feel about that?