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Tele baton- OP!

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 3:24 am
by sirnat
Alright so, the tele baton or however it's spelt is really OP, more so than the stun baton.

The baton can keep someone on the ground, infinitely, and longer than a stun baton, it doesn't have a charge.

You can keep someone on the ground, beat them a few times, and just knock them down again even while they're still on the ground!

Make the baton only work on people standing up, not laying down on the ground to remove the infinite stun, instant loss.

Re: Tele baton- OP!

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 3:35 am
by Amelius
Aside from the obvious 'I was killed by this pls nerf' let me just break this down for you because this may as well be the dumbest thread I've seen on feedback in years.

> The baton can keep someone on the ground, infinitely, and longer than a stun baton, it doesn't have a charge.

Wrong. Each stun lasts very short periods forcing you to continuously reapply the stun and dedicate your entire focus to them. It's something like a third or a fourth of the duration of a normal baton strike. You can be batonned 10 times in a single charge, which last something like a minute or two real time. Telebatons you can reapply forever, but you would never do so, similar to how you'd never use your entire stock of baton charges on one person, since cablecuffs are a thing.

Telebatons have flat cooldowns, i.e. You can NEVER keep two people down, as the cooldown lasts until *just* before you can apply the next.

The stun baton is better in almost every sense, as it stuns for multitudes longer making it easier to apply cuffs and can be used for crowd control. The telebaton's sole major benefit is being able to be stored in the pockets, but then you realize they must be used before applied, adding an additional step. They are only viable as basic self-defense weapons for heads that also function as equipment to demote personnel by force/throw out assistants, and are solely distributed to heads and the detective.

Please note that you don't even have to change intents to kill someone with a stunbaton. You can knock them down AND kill them on harm intent. Toggling is optional and just serves to quadruple+ the usage you get out of your battery life.

Summary: you're salty because you're unrobust and you felt helpless after you were stunned with a melee weapon. I get it, you're vexed, but it's perfectly balanced and fair. React quicker to the baton pull and you won't die horribly. There's very little difference from this and being stunned with a taser, chainstunned then murdered, in whcih case you only have your own unrobustness to blame.

Re: Tele baton- OP!

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 3:41 am
by tuypo1
it is meant to be a get the fuck out of my department weapon it serves its purpouse perfectly

Re: Tele baton- OP!

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 3:43 am
by iamgoofball
You realize that the telebaton requires you to be spam clicking the person you want down for an infinite stun, right? And you need to be focusing 100% of your attention on them?

Try getting a buddy to club them over the head while they're stunning you.

Re: Tele baton- OP!

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 3:47 am
by sirnat
Thats the thing, to fucking survive a telo baton beating, you HAVE to have someone help you. If you dont you have to rely on them mis clicking.

Re: Tele baton- OP!

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 3:48 am
by iamgoofball
sirnat wrote:Thats the thing, to fucking survive a telo baton beating, you HAVE to have someone help you. If you dont you have to rely on them mis clicking.
So why not get a buddy and have them help you?

And if they stop doing anything OTHER than telebatonning you, they risk you getting away.

Re: Tele baton- OP!

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 3:52 am
by DrPillzRedux
It takes extreme focus to be able to kill someone with a telebaton while stunning them with it. The stun lasts less than a fucking water slip does.

Re: Tele baton- OP!

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 3:57 am
by Amelius
sirnat wrote:Thats the thing, to fucking survive a telo baton beating, you HAVE to have someone help you. If you dont you have to rely on them mis clicking.
To survive a stun baton beating you HAVE to have someone help you.

To survive a tase 'n lase you HAVE to have someone help you.

To survive <insert stun here followed by lethals> you HAVE to have someone help you (barring stun reduction stuff).

Thank you obvious man!

Re: Tele baton- OP!

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 4:00 am
by Zilenan91
sirnat wrote:Thats the thing, to fucking survive a telo baton beating, you HAVE to have someone help you. If you dont you have to rely on them mis clicking.

Just smoke cigarrettes. The stun resist they give you is just long enough so that telebatons can't permastun you.

Re: Tele baton- OP!

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 4:41 am
by Steelpoint
Inb4 the everyone is smoking.

Re: Tele baton- OP!

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 4:54 am
by Incomptinence
Why do cigs give stun resist? I don't get it.

Re: Tele baton- OP!

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 4:58 am
by Zilenan91
Nicotine. Ideally you want to plop a coin into a shadycigs vendor and smoke a cigar since they last longer.

Greytiding tips and tricks, smoke cigars kids, they stop those nasty heads of staff from kicking you out of their departments!

Re: Tele baton- OP!

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 5:37 am
by Raven776
Switch to disarm, hold down a move key away from them, call for help, and then mash mouse click on them. Eventually, you will stand up and be able to sax off/disarm them.

People who die from telo baton either die because they give up or the person doing it is a fucking pro with an internet connection plugged directly into the server.

Re: Tele baton- OP!

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 5:45 am
by tuypo1
Raven776 wrote:an internet connection plugged directly into the server.
ah man that would be awesome.

Re: Tele baton- OP!

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 11:57 am
by Gun Hog
A telebaton is an extremely valuable defense weapon, and I would be very sad to see it go. It takes precision and focus to do anything with the tiny stun time it gives. If the user slips up, for even a second, he is left open to a disarm or the assailant escaping. From the time they were added, the telescopic batons have become a crucial tool in allowing non-security/HoP heads a fighting chance in Rev, given them the ability to handle department infighting, and allows a head to remove the clown from his department without having to powergame by having a stunprod or sleep chem on his person at all times.

Re: Tele baton- OP!

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 12:53 pm
by DaemonBomb
Telebatons are a fairly defensive weapon, what with being a very powerful single-target stunlock, but only lasting long enough to be a stunlock. Heads of Staff have them because Heads of Staff are walking, talking sensitive items. A CE? Kill one and it's: Access to insuls, 4 RCDs, 2 RPDs, a unique fireproof, radiation proof, armored hardsuit, emitters, the blueprints, magboots with almost no slowdown, lots of tools, the AI satellite, the Engineering department, the Singularity (And it's PA), the SMESs, all of atmos, the bridge, EVA, Comms console, Command Channel, ect. ect.

If you want all of that, you should have to prepare a little more than you would before killing a greyshirt.

The detective has one because they are meant to be in dangerous situations, but aren't supposed to actually be the ones doing the arresting/executing. When prowling maint tunnels they need a quick way to disengage from a fight before calling security.

Oh, and they make a pretty distinct noise when activated, so a quick thinker can get out of the way and spam disarm.

Re: Tele baton- OP!

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 5:20 pm
by onleavedontatme
Why is every single feedback thread demanding something get nerfed?

With the exception of the semi-regular "why is everything nerfed and not dangerous" threads anyway.

Re: Tele baton- OP!

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 5:23 pm
by Steelpoint
There's around one person who wants the Tbaton nerfed.

Almost any game in existence is going to want systems nerfed or whatever.

Only difference is that this was made as a feedback thread, not as a PR that may have nerfed the Telebaton significantly and most people may have missed it.

Re: Tele baton- OP!

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 8:20 pm
Kor wrote:Why is every single feedback thread demanding something get nerfed?

With the exception of the semi-regular "why is everything nerfed and not dangerous" threads anyway.
Usually buffs are posted as ideas in the ideas forum.

Re: Tele baton- OP!

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 9:55 pm
by Not-Dorsidarf
Telebatons are really good, because you can drag someone while infinistunning them with spamclicks.

I've seen so many people be dragged in stunlock all the way from the engine room to sec, whereupon the stunner says "Sec halp cuff" and then cuffs them.

Telebatons were a replacement for flashes when flashes were nerfed, but they're so much stronger than old!flashes it's insane

Re: Tele baton- OP!

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 10:02 pm
by Zilenan91
Speaking of flashes, what's even the point of them outside of stunning borgs. I guess they blind you, but when you could just stun somebody instead that's almost not even a positive thing, and they so rarely make me "drunk" after I get flashed that I genuinely don't see the point.

Re: Tele baton- OP!

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 6:06 am
by Amelius
Zilenan91 wrote:Speaking of flashes, what's even the point of them outside of stunning borgs. I guess they blind you, but when you could just stun somebody instead that's almost not even a positive thing, and they so rarely make me "drunk" after I get flashed that I genuinely don't see the point.
Robusting anyone by AoE flashspamming, especially in maintenance. Renders antags without sunglasses totally inert and allows an officer to risklessly close distance or toss a flashbang in there for a stun.

Re: Tele baton- OP!

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 6:21 am
by Super Aggro Crag
the telebaton would be even more OP if you could coat it in bluespace crystal powder to make it a teletelebaton

Re: Tele baton- OP!

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 9:21 pm
by Zilenan91
Or just throw a bluespace crystal at them. That can teleport people into space. You can also crunch it in your hand to teleport yourself.

Re: Tele baton- OP!

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 1:18 pm
by tuypo1
Super Aggro Crag wrote:the telebaton would be even more OP if you could coat it in bluespace crystal powder to make it a teletelebaton
make it teleport the baton away not the target .