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Chat links freezing/crashing BYOND.

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 11:04 pm
by invisty
To those of you who don't have this problem, it basically entails the chat links in BYOND causing freezing and crashing of the client. It isn't consistent, and seems to deteriorate during the session from the first few clicks being OK, to subsequent clicks freezing the client for 5+ seconds to outright permanent freezing. I know there are at least two other people who have this problem. Discussions with coderbus have suggested that this isn't a problem with tgstation, but instead with BYOND, and as such cannot be resolved via coding, excepting removal of all chat links.

This makes the following actions potentially game-breaking:
  • Replying to Admin-PMs.
  • AI Jumping to players.
  • Embedded objects (click to remove)
  • The SecHUD arrest menu.
Has anyone found a solution to this? I've been told to do things like disable/remove/update IE, remove/reinstall BYOND, but none of these have fixed the problem.

Secondary to this, if this is an outstanding issue for multiple players, it would be good if we didn't add new commands that are exclusively accessible from chat links until it is.

Re: Chat links freezing/crashing BYOND.

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 11:10 pm
by Gun Hog
I always assumed it was rapid view transitions...

Re: Chat links freezing/crashing BYOND.

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 11:18 pm
by Incoming
Jumping to players as a ghost has a pretty good chance of crashing things for me.

Interestingly when I'm privately hosting to test my pulls, just starting the round carries a very hefty chance of crashing the client (rejoining afterwards working fine). This specific version of the problem seems to happen more often if you don't give the game much time to work before starting the round.

But yeah every indication is that it's a byond issue.

Re: Chat links freezing/crashing BYOND.

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 11:33 pm
by Wyzack
Recently anything with nanoUI has been crashing my byond for some reason

Re: Chat links freezing/crashing BYOND.

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 11:48 pm
by TheNightingale
I have this issue too, and it's not pleasant. I use prayers to reply to aPMs (it's messy, but it works), and the verb "Track" for AIs. Embedded objects are a lost cause, though.

Re: Chat links freezing/crashing BYOND.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 12:15 am
by Cheimon
Yes, I too have this issue and know no fix. At leas the AI camera list can be moved through fast.

I find it's more likely to crash if chat is moving, so if I'm adminhelped my best bet is to try and seal myself off from noise and human contact: take my headset off, closet up, that sort of thing. Space is excellent if I'm a ghost.

Re: Chat links freezing/crashing BYOND.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 1:20 am
by TechnoAlchemist
I think one of our admins, shaps, has this problem. They crash almost every time they answer an ahelp

Re: Chat links freezing/crashing BYOND.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 1:43 am
by PKPenguin321
>vote no expecting the poll to be at the least fairly even
>it's 4:1
i guess i'm one of the lucky ones

Re: Chat links freezing/crashing BYOND.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 1:46 am
by invisty
It's more that I wanted to see how many people it affected. The no-vote is just there because the forums demand a second option.

Re: Chat links freezing/crashing BYOND.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 1:53 am
by DrPillzRedux
Yes, this issue is fucking insane for me. I get it probably 2-3 times per round. One time while I was a traitor it happened to me. Game crashed. By the time I got back in I was being sex changed to a girl.

Re: Chat links freezing/crashing BYOND.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 2:46 am
by Shaps-cloud
TechnoAlchemist wrote:I think one of our admins, shaps, has this problem. They crash almost every time they answer an ahelp
Yessssssssss it's fucking awful and literally the most annoying shit. My standard desktop that I have back home that's hard wired to my router works fine, but my laptop with no Ethernet port constantly pulls this shit and it makes me want to kill everyone constantly.

MSO made a recent PR that lets you reconnect to the server through the file menu in the top left corner of the SS13 window, which works pretty well, so what I do now is open a bunch of SS13 windows (letting them connect each time so they open the full game) so that all but the latest opened one get disconnected for multiple logins. From there, whenever I crash or freeze up in one of the windows, I jump to another window and reconnect in that one, which lets me skip the ads and most of the loading. Usually after a minute or three of being disconnected the frozen window will finally catch up with the disconnection and unfreeze, and I can read what I missed and use that window to reconnect later on

It's about as shitty a workaround as you can get but by god I need my spessmens

Re: Chat links freezing/crashing BYOND.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 3:04 am
by invisty
Thanks Shaps, that's a pretty clever fix. Anything to dodge the awful ad-spam of not-BYOND-member.

Operating Systems, people? I'm on Win8.1

Re: Chat links freezing/crashing BYOND.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 3:10 am
by Shaps-cloud
Win 10 here, had the same issue with Win 8 as well

Edit: also related reading of a thread I made from before on the same issue:

Re: Chat links freezing/crashing BYOND.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 3:16 am
by invisty
Seems it isn't OS-specific then.

It looks like the BYOND devs are aware of the issue but need assistance.

I'm honestly a bit perplexed on what could be causing it.

Re: Chat links freezing/crashing BYOND.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 5:35 am
by callanrockslol
It triggers if you don't click back into the main game window after clicking into the chat box and then anything happens in there in the meantime.

Re: Chat links freezing/crashing BYOND.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 6:00 am
by M0nsoon
I used to have major issues with chat links crashing my game, but I found once I updated byond it fixed it, so for those running on older versions try that?

Re: Chat links freezing/crashing BYOND.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 9:45 pm
by MisterPerson
When did this start? Narrowing it down to a specific time frame would be fantastic.

Re: Chat links freezing/crashing BYOND.

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 12:13 am
by Cheimon
Well, it's been around at least half the time I've had an account, as far as I'm aware. I'm pretty sure there was a time when it wasn't an issue, but I can't be sure, so I'll say half.

I got an account inn 05/2014, so given we're in 10/2015 let's say that's 03/2015 that I can be sure about.

My laptop broke this summer and I redownloaded byond on the new hard drive some time in July (07/2015), I think. Could have been August, come to think of it. Still had the problem then.

Re: Chat links freezing/crashing BYOND.

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 3:05 pm
by Remie Richards
MSO once believed it was due to wireless internet.
It isn't that simple sadly, as I use wireless internet and am completely unaffected by this issue.

Re: Chat links freezing/crashing BYOND.

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 4:48 pm
by Montyblancs
Haven't experienced it myself, but for the people this is effecting, it might help to take note of the BYOND version you're running since that seems to be the source of the issues.

Re: Chat links freezing/crashing BYOND.

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 4:53 pm
by Wyzack
Remie Richards wrote:MSO once believed it was due to wireless internet.
It isn't that simple sadly, as I use wireless internet and am completely unaffected by this issue.
Shaps if you can you should try a wired Internet connection and see if it still happens

Re: Chat links freezing/crashing BYOND.

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 6:18 pm
by Cheimon
I use a wired connection and it still happens to me.

Re: Chat links freezing/crashing BYOND.

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 6:44 pm
by Shaps-cloud
My laptop actually doesn't have an Ethernet port honk

Re: Chat links freezing/crashing BYOND.

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 8:21 pm
by Incoming
Only experienced this within the last month or so, I was on the beta build, so when it started I went back to stable. But it happened on stable as well, even initially.

Re: Chat links freezing/crashing BYOND.

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 12:29 am
by MisterPerson
To any developers experiencing this, try making a brand new test project and recreating the issue there. If you can, send it to Lummox and try different older versions of BYOND to see if any of them make it go away.

Re: Chat links freezing/crashing BYOND.

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 8:54 am
by MisterPerson
In fact here's a thread about the issue:

Re: Chat links freezing/crashing BYOND.

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 12:42 pm
by MrStonedOne
Alright, so lets do some troubleshooting. I want everybody in this thread to attempt these steps.

Between every step, connect to the game server to see if that step fixed it. DO NOT DO THEM ALL AT ONCE some of the steps override other steps, and we also need to know what step is solving the problem so we can talk to byond to get the core cause that started the issue fixed.

Starting off, Lets find out what version of byond you are using:

Open the main byond window. (Sometimes called the hub or pager)
In the very top right of the window, there is a white gear icon with a blue background,
Click that and then click "about byond".
In the pop up window that opens look in the bottom left.
You should see 5.0 then below it "version 50x.xxxx" (with x replacing your actual version).
Write that down (the full 50x.xxxx thing) in notepad (or on actual paper if you live in portland you fucking hipster)
Once you finish this guide, you'll need to post the version in this thread.

First things first, Lets fuck around with byond settings for hardware acceleration:
Open the main byond window. (Sometimes called the hub or pager)
In the very top right of the window, there is a white gear icon with a blue background,
Click that and then click "preferences"
Go to the game tab.
Find the checkbox called "use graphics hardware for displaying maps"
Toggle it. (if it's off, turn it on, if it's on, turn it off)

Test that this solved the issue.

If yes: Please post in this thread your byond version, what state this checkbox was in, and what state solved the issue.
On top of that. we need some info about your video card, follow the steps at the bottom of this post for info about what to post.

Otherwise: continue:

Clear cache and settings
Close everything related to byond.
Check the taskbar for any byond icons,
Make sure to click the arrow by the clock to see any hidden icons to ensure anything byond related is closed.
Go to your documents folder.
Find the byond folder
Rename it to byond.old (this folder contains your screenshots, so don't delete it, we will copy those back momentarily
Launch byond and log in (this will reset your saved password)
Go back to my documents, and copy the screenshots folder from byond.old to the new byond folder.

Test that this solved the issue.
If yes, post in this thread that this step solved this issue.

Otherwise: continue:

Upgrade/Re-install byond.
Download this version: ... _byond.exe and just install it over the existing one.

Test that this solved the issue.
If yes, post in this thread that this step solved this issue (mention the link you used since there are two). include your old byond version you wrote down from the first step.

if no, Try with this version: ... _byond.exe

Test that this solved the issue.
If yes, post in this thread that this step solved this issue (mention the link you used since there are two). include your old byond version you wrote down from the first step.

If none of these steps solved your issue, post in this thread your byond version, what version of windows you are running, and the device description and hardware ids from the video card info section below:

Getting info on your video card
Go to device manager:
(95/98/me/2000/xp: control panel -> system -> hardware tab -> device manager)
(vista/7: control panel -> system -> sidebar -> device manager)
(8/8.1: desktop -> right click at the bottom left of the screen where the start menu button pops up -> device manager)
(10: right click on the start menu button -> device manager)
(7 and up can also just type device manager in the start menu search bar)
Expand the Display Adapter section.
Right click your video card and click properties. (if there are more then one, find the one that says primary or vga or nvidia or ati or intel (if that doesn't help, just use the first one))
Go to the details tab, and in the drop down, pick device description.
copy/paste the first line
Go to the details tab, and in the drop down, pick hardware ids.
copy/paste the longest line. (should be the first line)

Re: Chat links freezing/crashing BYOND.

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 2:04 pm
by TheNightingale
Graphics hardware on --> off

(Time to reproduce the issue...)

Update: I replied to several adminPMs, which usually kills BYOND... and nothing happened. It makes everything look awful, but maybe turning graphics hardware off is the solution?

Intel(R) HD Graphics

Update II: Having re-enabled graphics hardware and tested it, it crashed just like before I disabled hardware... therefore, SOLUTION FOUND! (Maybe!)

Solution: Turn graphics hardware from on to off.

Re: Chat links freezing/crashing BYOND.

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 2:58 pm
by Remie Richards
Just be warned, software rendering in byond is the ugliest thing in the universe.

Re: Chat links freezing/crashing BYOND.

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 7:26 pm
by Cheimon
Version Version 508.1299

Graphics hardware was on.

I toggled it off.

Attempted following ghosts in observe mode, which would normally kill things. Worked fine.

Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000


The game looks like shit, but the solution worked. Now, if only there was a way to make the game both look good and allow chatbox clicking. Anyway, thanks MSO, and those instructions were superb. 10/10#

EDIT: I'm really not kidding about how bad it looks, here's a screenshot:

Re: Chat links freezing/crashing BYOND.

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 11:01 pm
by MrStonedOne
alright, now lets try the latest beta, it has a fix for directx not getting setup properly (this is used in graphic hardware rendering) ... _byond.exe

Test with both hardware rendering on and off.

I'm also noticing intel as a tread. 2 person sample size so nothing definitive, but that might provide a clue to help lum fix the issue if the latest beta doesn't.

Re: Chat links freezing/crashing BYOND.

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 11:24 pm
by DrPillzRedux
I have AMD. Happens to me.

Re: Chat links freezing/crashing BYOND.

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 12:13 am
by Incoming
It happens to me and I'm Nvidia