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Who the fuck nerfed the slime processors

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 1:11 am
by ShadowDimentio
Okay one of you fuckers nerfed the slime processor so that by default it produces 1 instead of 2 cores per slime, like it used to be.

Question one: fucking why? Two cores per slime was so much fucking better, it meant that if you did your job and always had a cell dedicated to whites, you would never run out of monkeys. Now every ten minutes even with the cell dedicated to it you run out.

Plus, this wasn't posted in the changelog!

Revert immediately!


Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 1:32 am
by Zellion
Obviously just upgrade the monkey processor with max tech level parts and make one monkey turn into five cubes, what's the big deal? Who even uses grays to make monkey cubes lmao


Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 1:41 am
by TechnoAlchemist
I think everybody uses greys for monkey cubes


Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 1:52 am
by ShadowDimentio
Zellion wrote:Obviously just upgrade the monkey processor with max tech level parts and make one monkey turn into five cubes, what's the big deal? Who even uses grays to make monkey cubes lmao
Wow lol i can't believe I didnt think to upgrade the monkey machine with max parts lol i'm so silly sometimes XDDD

Are you high off bath salts. Nobody ever does R&D, and EVERYONE uses greys. If R&D was done every round then this nerf wouldn't have been a problem, but it isn't, so it is.


Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 2:50 am
by Saegrimr
You mean reverted, right?

They used to give 1 core. 2 per slime sounds hilarious before you even consider purple/cerulean extracts. Jesus christ what.


Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 2:53 am
by ShadowDimentio
Except that ceruleans are at the end of a color line, and purples only give one extra core and have to be applied before you kill the slime.


Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 2:58 am
by onleavedontatme
It was a bug. I fixed the bug.

I will buff purple/cerulean back to being worth using when the freeze ends, I disagree with their nerf. BGO pretty much removed them in response to the machine upgrades


Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 2:58 am
by Saegrimr
>Extract creates a bottle of slime steroid when injected with plasma. Slime steroid is a potent chemical mix that will cause a slime to produce three extracts rather than one when processed.

At least before the buff to give 2 instead of 1, looks like in September? Purples seem less desirable now that its no longer tripling your output. Using a purple on a cerulean and then the three cerulean on the next 3 purples got you a fucking insane amount of slime duplicating extracts. That used to be the big thing to go for in a side pen.


Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 3:03 am
by ShadowDimentio
It would be sick as hell if you could put slime steroid into the console and apply it remotely. Hell, I'd be hype to see a lot more done with the consoles in general


Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 3:16 am
by Wyzack
Slimes were giving two cores each? God damn son what. To git gud at xenobio it is best to keep two pens for greys and then move desirable mutations to new pens. However i am a lazy shit and cannot be bothered to recycle the dead monkeys


Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 5:24 am
by lumipharon
You don't even need to max out R&D.

5 minutes of R&D work with just the shit you start with in science will get you tier 3 manips and matter bins, and tier 2 other shit because of minerals.
Then you upgrade all your xenobio shit, and bam, you're now swimming in slimes and monkeys.


Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 5:31 am
by ShadowDimentio
Nigga five minutes is a century in xenobio time. I'm busy enough keeping the slimes fed and my monkey supply up, I don't have time for anything else.

Re: Who the fuck nerfed the slime processors

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 2:13 pm
by Gun Hog
Ask your director to get you upgrades, that is his job to keep all segments of his department running smoothly. If your Director has not gotten someone to do the research, or is not doing it himself, he is a bad or busy RD (let me tell you from experience that a LOT of things can happen which distract and pull the RD away from his job). You may have to do it yourself if Science is entirely empty, as usually a free scientist or the roboticist will take it if no one else does.

Of course, if Science is empty or poorly managed, you may have to make do with base level equipment if you are not willing to speak up.

By the way, I do not support the nerf at all.

Re: Who the fuck nerfed the slime processors

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 10:53 pm
by lumipharon
Fix, not nerf.

Re: Who the fuck nerfed the slime processors

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 12:02 am
by bandit
As the person who tinkered with xenobio before this, I support the fix. Having the machines start out giving 2 slime cores is just wildly overpowered and makes farming into a joke. Even now, any competent xenobio will shit out enough supplies to last forever by the time they get to the high tiers, and the limiting factor is effectively just whether the shuttle gets called.

As far as cerulean/etc, what they are *intended* to do is give one additional use for every extract. This may be bugged.

Re: Who the fuck nerfed the slime processors

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 1:50 am
by ShadowDimentio
>Wildly overpowered
>Doesn't change anything

I'm getting conflicting messages here

Re: Who the fuck nerfed the slime processors

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 2:05 am
by bandit
I used to play xenobiology a lot. (I don't play it much anymore because I personally dislike using the console.) Having two slime cores right off the bat, without any upgrades, basically ensures that you will never run out of monkeycubes even if you have full pens going. This isn't even taking into account the other extracts that are doubled right off the bat.

Perhaps some math will help. Let's say you breed both pens of grays from the beginning, which you should be doing anyway.

One extreme: None of the grays mutate. The starting mutation chance is ~25% so this isn't too unlikely. You get six dead slimes = 12 slime extracts = 36 monkeycubes = 18 slimes' worth of food. That is a huge amount from literally the first cycle. This doesn't take into account monkey recycling or your starting cubes.

A more realistic scenario: Four slimes mutate, four don't. This gives you either 12 or 18 monkeycubes depending on whether you want to keep one or two pens of grays, which is more than enough to continue farming. Again, this doesn't take into account monkey recycling or starting cubes, let alone selectively breeding for mutation chance.

(Theoretically you could get a scenario where every gray slime mutates, but this is wildly unlikely. As in, anywhere from about a 1/5000 to a 1/65536 chance.)

Re: Who the fuck nerfed the slime processors

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 2:38 am
by ShadowDimentio
What are you rambling about

Re: Who the fuck nerfed the slime processors

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 6:54 am
by Incomptinence
Seems like it was a nice thing taken away out of pettiness. Whether you need 1 grey pen or 2 only an ignoramus even ran out of monkeys. While I didn't play xenobio much in the 2 slime period it seems petty to remove it the real limiting factor on xenobio is culling and feeding, notice I said feeding not having enough feed animating cubes and dunking monkeys is a pretty good time sink.

Sure you might see more slime antics, this is usually a pleasant change from just being bombed instantly though so I don't see the issue? I mean a true xenobio powergamer as I understand it never runs full pens to begin with and just beelines up golds or something anyway not being tempted by the idea of creating cameras or paint like I am.

Re: Who the fuck nerfed the slime processors

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 6:59 am
by Zilenan91
I don't know why this was nerfed, it just makes the job even more needlessly tedious.

Re: Who the fuck nerfed the slime processors

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 7:42 am
by Saegrimr
You keep calling it a nerf when it was always one slime core before.

Re: Who the fuck nerfed the slime processors

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 9:06 am
by Zilenan91
It was base 2 for quite some time and nobody complained about that because it was nice not having half your job dedicated to breeding the same slimes in the same pen because you're running low.

Re: Who the fuck nerfed the slime processors

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 9:19 am
by lumipharon
or just getting tier 3 upgrades and shitting out literally hundreds of monkeys?

Re: Who the fuck nerfed the slime processors

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 10:38 am
by onleavedontatme
If you want slimes to give 2 cores as their base, edit slimes to have 2 cores, don't bitch about "petty nerfs" because a poorly written loop was fixed.

Re: Who the fuck nerfed the slime processors

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 12:43 pm
by Aloraydrel
whats so hard of doing research for two minutes for parts to upgrade?

Re: Who the fuck nerfed the slime processors

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 12:48 pm
by Zilenan91
Because RnD is literally the most boring thing in the entire game.

Also if you research for around 5-6 minutes you could've had some chances at mutations by then, chances you wouldn't have missed before.

Re: Who the fuck nerfed the slime processors

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 1:47 pm
by Actionb
Zilenan91 wrote:Because RnD is literally the most boring thing in the entire game.

Also if you research for around 5-6 minutes you could've had some chances at mutations by then, chances you wouldn't have missed before.
Go feed your first slimes.
Head to the lab. Follow lumi's guide with the exception of using a welding shield implant to get mats 5 (so you dont empty out the chem dispenser).
Make RPED and whatever T3 parts you need.
Your slimes should have split by now.

I really don't see a problem aside from being lazy or some elitist nerd ursurping full territorial control over the lab (god I hate those people).

Re: Who the fuck nerfed the slime processors

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 9:27 pm
by Amelius
> Slimes extracts hardly used to great effect.
> Xenobio still takes roughly the same period of time as it used to (post-buff) to get things, it's just less clunky.
> Let's nerf the buffed recylcer rate so that you can't do shit without spamming greys, when it's one of the most active long-term jobs on the station with no clear recipe and varied objectives.

Wew. TDM SS13 confirmed. Even pre-nerf, it was one of those jobs that you have to spend a good dedicated 40 minutes to get a good set of workable stuff, which, while certain ones are powerful, many, with rare exception, are suicidal or backfirable while coming with a sizeable delay and a reliance on plasma. The 40 minutes alone is a crazy time investment and risk for any antagonist, especially since xenobio requires a good amount of focus and multitasking to reach that objective. Now, it's back to being clunky and marginally slower than before, probably gonna be unused.

To those that say 'well just do R&D and upgrade it', you shouldn't need to upgrade parts of R&D in order to make a job feasible. Genetics does not need to be upgraded to research powers effectively, toxins does not need to upgrade heaters/coolers to maxcap (though it helps), and robotics doesn't need to be upgraded to make cyborgs or build mechs, all within that timeframe. So why should xenobio need to be upgraded to do anything vaguely effectively?

Re: Who the fuck nerfed the slime processors

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 1:00 am
by iamgoofball
I'll re-add this when the freeze ends.

Re: Who the fuck nerfed the slime processors

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 8:46 pm
by lumipharon
Amelius wrote:
To those that say 'well just do R&D and upgrade it', you shouldn't need to upgrade parts of R&D in order to make a job feasible. Genetics does not need to be upgraded to research powers effectively, toxins does not need to upgrade heaters/coolers to maxcap (though it helps), and robotics doesn't need to be upgraded to make cyborgs or build mechs, all within that timeframe. So why should xenobio need to be upgraded to do anything vaguely effectively?
People merrily did xenobio before this bug occured.

People do those other jobs without upgrades, but they also constantly clamour for them, because it OBJECTIVELY MAKES THE JOB FASTER AND EASIER.

Like, fuck, do you realise how rediculously powerful the xenobio machines are, after upgrades?
And tell me what important tasks you're doing after you've fed 2 slimes and have literally nothing else to do in the lab until they split?