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Snowdin Away Mission Ops

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 7:18 am
by kevinz000
For a buncha rounds in a row snowdin rolled for gateway. Great! Loot! Only we found out that the snowdin ops have looted EVERYTHING. They become overpowered unstoppable murderboning snowops and instead of just defending the mission they go as far as to flooding the station gateway with viscerators
Ops should not be able to take loot from the mission as that kinda ruins the point as they have insulated turtlenecks so they don't have to choose between protection and insulation, and they have a massive head start (can start spawning at roundstart) on the station. by the time gateway adventurers go through they might have already flooded the area with viscerators or have enough wizard spells and guns to level the station and can just gatecamp the starting gate so whoever goes through dies.

Re: Snowdin Away Mission Ops

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 7:19 am
by Zilenan91
A fix would be to spawn operatives upon the first person passing into their zlevel.

Re: Snowdin Away Mission Ops

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 7:48 am
by kevinz000
Yeah, no, zilen, there's TONS of bears monsters spear wielding skeletons and shit. ops can take care of it with guns and their free loot, crew can't.
Unless the crew can make sure NO ONE enters untill R&d fucking sends about 5 combat mechs in, it won't work , as ops have insulated gear and guns and will get the overpowered loot and dunk the entire crew

Re: Snowdin Away Mission Ops

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 7:49 am
by PKPenguin321
kevinz000 wrote:Yeah, no, zilen, there's TONS of bears monsters spear wielding skeletons and shit. ops can take care of it with guns and their free loot, crew can't.
Unless the crew can make sure NO ONE enters untill R&d fucking sends about 5 combat mechs in, it won't work , as ops have insulated gear and guns and will get the overpowered loot and dunk the entire crew
just fucking throw floor tiles at the bears or some shit

Re: Snowdin Away Mission Ops

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 7:52 am
by Zilenan91
kevinz000 wrote:Yeah, no, zilen, there's TONS of bears monsters spear wielding skeletons and shit. ops can take care of it with guns and their free loot, crew can't.
Unless the crew can make sure NO ONE enters untill R&d fucking sends about 5 combat mechs in, it won't work , as ops have insulated gear and guns and will get the overpowered loot and dunk the entire crew

No I mean only spawn the Ops once people have gotten down to their zlevel, meaning they can't loot hte thing before the crew can.

Also just take one of the shotguns at the start, put buckshot/slugs in it, and carry around a few cardboard boxes full of ammo. You may need to return for more ammo, but you should be able to kill the large majority of the bears this way.

Re: Snowdin Away Mission Ops

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 10:49 am
by TechnoAlchemist
Ops don't get adrenals so a taser will shut them down

Re: Snowdin Away Mission Ops

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 12:17 pm
by TheNightingale
Have the ops considered not murdering the crew that walks in? They can't actually get out through the gateway, since they're exile-implanted, so it's in their best interests not to mess with the crew too hard.

Re: Snowdin Away Mission Ops

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 3:46 pm
by J_Madison
You see the problem with snow ops?

Even if you do manage to beat them, I've had one salty op respawn multiple times, before instead wasting all of the ammo and ruining all of the loot.

Camping the gateway is even worse. That's the exact problem with wizard academy when the gateway is an instant death trap because the academy teacher moved 2 wizards to the gateway who'll fireball stunlock you as soon as you go through.

It's a player problem, and unless something is done about the players, the only effective solution is to remove player away mission antags.

Re: Snowdin Away Mission Ops

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 4:12 pm
by Miauw
remember when i told you that respawning people in away missions was a bad idea

Re: Snowdin Away Mission Ops

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 7:26 pm
by Zilenan91
I believe the respawning wizard on the wiz academy away mission was a bug but it was so !FUN! that it became a feature.

Re: Snowdin Away Mission Ops

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 3:10 am
by kevinz000
TechnoAlchemist wrote:Ops don't get adrenals so a taser will shut them down
This will require "competent" snow ops who know the map but

Ops can get:
Blood crawling
Mjolnir (Instant stun if hit and huge damage)
Instant recall for that sweet mjolnir/singulo hammer
Singulo hammer that is a AOE stun and pull in to get your head hammered in when you get stunned
All the ATVs and you can stun them but you can't approach them on ice without being slowed to a crawl :^)
A lot of guns that will either 1 burst crit (SAW) or 1 burst stun (C-20r) or simply does a lot of damage and can just click on you twice (revolver)
Has more meds then you (built in sleeper in the base and probably looted the combat medikits)
BoHs to hold all that weaponary in
If they group up , the power of a full nukeop squad with wizard tier equipment and weapons


Edit: There's only 6 spawning oppertunities for snow ops
There's only 6 sleepers, YOU CLICK ON THEM TO BE SNOW OPS. When you click on them they disappear so respawning multitple times isn't really an issue as there's only 6 ops, it's the 6 ops looting the shit out of the gateway and having enormous mountains of weapons to kill you with before you even get into the second level that is the issue here.

Re: Snowdin Away Mission Ops

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 3:14 am
by Saegrimr
Its actually pretty amazing how easy it is to escape.

Grab a medkit, and use your stetchkin to kill ONE templar, put on that templar coat for 50 melee resist, and take his sword which does 30 damage and blocks melee.

Congrats you can now kill all the mobs in 2-3 swings, parry their attacks with pretty high frequency (maybe even hold two swords!), and the attacks that do connect do nearly nothing. I facetanked a good 30 or so random mobs this way before I needed to slap a bruise pack on my face.

Re: Snowdin Away Mission Ops

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 4:38 am
by onleavedontatme
So bring weapons to fight them?

I think it's good there is a tricky away mission that takes work/preparation to get at the loot instead of just going in with a medkit and some armour and coming out with 3000 c20rs

Re: Snowdin Away Mission Ops

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 5:13 am
by Zilenan91
It's nice. It really is. That's why I think Snowdin is our 2nd best map.

Re: Snowdin Away Mission Ops

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 5:21 am
by Steelpoint
First people say the away missions are too easy.

Now they are too hard?

Make up your damn minds.

Re: Snowdin Away Mission Ops

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 7:23 am
by kazeespada
It's fucking easy to just lock them in the base.

Re: Snowdin Away Mission Ops

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 8:35 am
by Stickymayhem
>Optional content with crazy high rewards is too hard waaaaah

Then don't go you fucking pussy. Or man up with some proper gear and fight for your powergamer loot.

This is why I told you to stay on the table.

Re: Snowdin Away Mission Ops

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 8:41 am
by kazeespada
No. No. The snow ops. Are going backwards, and just spawn camping the NT forces using the loot from the away mission.

Re: Snowdin Away Mission Ops

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 8:47 am
by Incomptinence
So the crew wants to get all the goodies with minimal risk then slaughter a bunch of ops in a turkey shoot chamber they are sealed in like their own coffin waiting to be offed by super humans with the loot that justified sealing them there. The laundry list of OP loot works both ways you know.

Re: Snowdin Away Mission Ops

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 9:11 am
by onleavedontatme
kazeespada wrote:No. No. The snow ops. Are going backwards, and just spawn camping the NT forces using the loot from the away mission.
So bring a mech or healing viruses or xrays or any of the other million weapons you can build on base instead of going in naked.

Re: Snowdin Away Mission Ops

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 9:39 am
by Stickymayhem
kazeespada wrote:No. No. The snow ops. Are going backwards, and just spawn camping the NT forces using the loot from the away mission.
Yeah that's cool. That's a group of players working through a hostile landscape to get to the other end and fuck the random mcshitstants coming for free validhunting loot coming through the gateway. Are the snow ops standing like robots waiting for people to come through? No they're probably standing there chatting and hanging out and roleplay. They're more likely to have had a meaningful roleplay experience than the shitboxes speedrunning towards the gateway.

Re: Snowdin Away Mission Ops

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 9:53 am
by Steelpoint
If all these Ops are meant to be doing, according to some people, is sitting like fish in a barrel waiting for someone to come along and shoot them, then just replace them with NPC Syndicates.

Why would someone willingly wait twenty minutes to a hour, stuck in a small room, waiting to be killed by someone IF someone even comes? Roleplay with a few other people can only get you so far inside such a confined area.

The point of these player characters is to present a real challenge to the players who wish to seek the best loot, I do agree there should be some restrictions in movement of player antagonist characters on away missions to prevent absurd situations like the Ops stealing the ATV's and akin.

Re: Snowdin Away Mission Ops

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 8:34 pm
by Anonmare
FYI I did the waiting game once and an antag with a holo came with all the loot, GG no re'd me and welded all the sleeper rooms so no more OPS could spawn in.

The crew is shit, fuck 'em for trying to get EZ loot.

Re: Snowdin Away Mission Ops

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 8:36 pm
by Saegrimr
So the back and forth here is:

"Waa ops are grabbing all the loot and fucking with the gateway/camping us"
"Waa crew are grabbing all the loot and fucking up the base/camping us"

Re: Snowdin Away Mission Ops

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 1:15 am
by PKPenguin321
have we considered that there may just be too much loot to begin with