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There needs to be more blood packs in Medbay surgery

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 8:04 pm
by Zilenan91
There being only one for every blood type which is only barely enough blood to fill up one guy is kinda stupid. Makes it so you're incentivized to succumb so you don't lose all your blood rather than staying in crit. There needs to be at least two for every type.

Based off of a round where the CE took the only blood pack of my blood type and I was KO'd or in crit in medbay for around 10 minutes

Re: There needs to be more blood packs in Medbay surgery

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 8:06 pm
by TechnoAlchemist
Iron pills+antitoxin+epi is a decent mix for getting people up in these sorts of situations.

Re: There needs to be more blood packs in Medbay surgery

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 8:07 pm
by Zilenan91
A chemist existed that round but he was killing traitors and being the hero the station deserved so he couldn't make iron. A MD eventually made Iron and got me out of crit but it was still annoying as hell.

Re: There needs to be more blood packs in Medbay surgery

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 8:08 pm
by TheNightingale
You don't always have to take the blood pack of your type; in an emergency, any works (just have lots of charcoal for the blood poisoning), or you can use a chart to check if your blood type is compatible with the pack.

Re: There needs to be more blood packs in Medbay surgery

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 8:17 pm
by confused rock
TheNightingale wrote:You don't always have to take the blood pack of your type; in an emergency, any works (just have lots of charcoal for the blood poisoning), or you can use a chart to check if your blood type is compatible with the pack.
I took a-. I was a+. I ded. blood is broken.

Re: There needs to be more blood packs in Medbay surgery

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 7:24 pm
by Zilenan91
bump pls I want to be able to sit in crit without fucking myself

Re: There needs to be more blood packs in Medbay surgery

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 8:57 pm
by onleavedontatme
>medbay fell apart because people stopped doing their jobs

This sounds good though? The rest of medbay should be more like this

Re: There needs to be more blood packs in Medbay surgery

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 9:05 pm
by oranges
No Kor, I've literally never survived bloodloss, I either die of blood poisoning or spend the rest of the round collapsing from lack of blood while incompetent medbay staff dump me into the sleepers over and over.

Re: There needs to be more blood packs in Medbay surgery

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 9:08 pm
by Sweaterkittens
Bloodpacks are broken right now, and have been for a long time. Its incredibly irritating because people think you're a shit Doctor for not giving blood, but half the time I give the right type and they have a tranfusion reaction anyway. For example, I should /never/ have a patient having a transfusion reaction when I'm giving then O negative blood. But it keeps happening.

On the amount of blood note... Use a chart. There is plenty of blood in there. If you're A positive, you can receive A positive, A negative, O positive, or O negative. If you're AB positive, you can receive literally anything. If you're really in that big of a drought, and have used up a ton of packs, have a blood drive. We don't need more blood stocked when theres plenty already and theres plenty more walking around. Although I will say, having the ability to label blood packs once you've refilled them with different blood would be very nice.

Re: There needs to be more blood packs in Medbay surgery

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 9:09 pm
by Zilenan91
Yeah it just forces you to succumb so you don't have literally zero blood that Medbay can't replace.

Re: There needs to be more blood packs in Medbay surgery

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 9:22 pm
by Sweaterkittens
Yeah absolutely, but that's because of an actual bug, rather than being an issue with the amount of blood in medbay. Like Kor said, having things fall apart and get rough because you ran through almost 10 packs of blood is a good thing, it puts you in crisis mode and makes things fun.

Re: There needs to be more blood packs in Medbay surgery

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 9:28 pm
by Zilenan91
There's only like one blood back for each blood type though, so if someone else uses your blood type you're fucked

Re: There needs to be more blood packs in Medbay surgery

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 9:40 pm
by Sweaterkittens
Thats just not true though. Unless you're O negative, you always have at least one other type that you can receive. Lemme break it down for you. O type blood is more like a lack of a type than its own. Any other type of blood can receive O type blood. The +/- indicates the rh factor. If you have a Positive type blood, you can receive negative, but not vice-versa. So if you have A+, you can receive A-. You can also receive both + and - O type blood. Like I said, if you're really tight on blood, have some people with universal donor (O-) come and donate, but I'm really of the mindset that if you're smart with how its used (and the fucking blood bug gets fixed) you'll rarely have an issue, and if you do, its easily fixable

Re: There needs to be more blood packs in Medbay surgery

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 9:43 pm
by Anonmare
I try to harvest more blood from monkeypeople, catatonics and even corpses if I'm desperate but some fucker always drags them away or I get tased for "trying to kill someone".

Is there a synthblood reaction? That would be better than trying and failing to harvest it

Re: There needs to be more blood packs in Medbay surgery

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 9:53 pm
by PKPenguin321
nah but blood is legit bugged, go onto a game right now and spawn humans until you get somebody that's A+/A-/B+/B- and give them their respective blood type, they get hella poisoned

Re: There needs to be more blood packs in Medbay surgery

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 9:56 pm
by Sweaterkittens
Frankly, in regards to donation, people need to lose blood from trauma and bleeding faster, but you need to not suffer the severe effects that you currently do when you've only lost a little. Donating blood is a problem because typically taking ONE pack of blood will put your donor in just as bad of a spot as the guy you're hoping to give it to, making the whole process a little silly. You should be able to donate a pack of blood without anything really bad happening to you (passing out/severe o2 damage). It would require a little bit of adjusting to the rate at which you lose blood, and at what point you start suffering the effects, but I really think that it would improve the system overall. (also being able to relabel blood bags)

I don't think anyone is arguing that blood isn't bugged right now, Pk

Re: There needs to be more blood packs in Medbay surgery

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 10:12 pm
by Zilenan91
You should regen a little bit of blood over time no matter what, like 1% every 3 minutes or so

Re: There needs to be more blood packs in Medbay surgery

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 12:03 am
by Cheimon
Dead people should bleed a bit anyway if they've got the appropriate wounds. The idea of succumbing to avoid blood loss entirely is a bit ridiculous, especially given you can't defib someone after 2 minutes anyway.
Zilenan91 wrote:You should regen a little bit of blood over time no matter what, like 1% every 3 minutes or so
You do, or at least so long as you're not already hungry. Nutriment isn't hard to find to get more.

Re: There needs to be more blood packs in Medbay surgery

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 12:28 am
by oranges
so I checked the code and if the -/+ don't match at all they're incompatible full stop

A takes AO
B takes BO
O takes O only

AB is a universal recipient

Does that sound correct?

Edit: apparently the species of the blood must match, so no human-> lizard transfusions etc.

Re: There needs to be more blood packs in Medbay surgery

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 6:22 am
by Sweaterkittens

Are you asking if that's correct as in: is that how it's working in-game?

It could be. It would explain why giving O negative blood to someone can cause a transfusion reaction, when it should always be compatible.

Or are you asking if that's correct as in: is that how it works in real life?

If so, then no, that's not how it works in real life. Negative blood is always compatible with positive blood, but not vice versa.

Re: There needs to be more blood packs in Medbay surgery

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 9:08 am
by oranges
that's what I meant to ask you yeah.

I'm going to take a look at the blood system and see where I get.

Re: There needs to be more blood packs in Medbay surgery

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 1:38 pm
by Super Aggro Crag
Thank you oranges you citrus-scented savior of medbay. I get upset when people complain medical doctors do not help them when no one wants to play medical doctor anymore because all our effective treatments get nerfed, everyone breaks in and gets in our way trying to treat themselves/murder someone we are treating, and calls us all stutterers.

Re: There needs to be more blood packs in Medbay surgery

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 2:03 pm
by Wyzack
Yeah, CMO should be organizing blood drives and putting in some work to make medbay well stocked. This complaint is like asking for engineering to start with the singularity set up because you dont want an engineer to accidentally release it and kill you. We want more for medbay to do, not less

Re: There needs to be more blood packs in Medbay surgery

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 3:59 pm
by ShadowDimentio
I've never liked bloodloss. Get glomped once in xenobio and bleed a little and WELP INTERMITTENTLY STUNNED FOR THE REST OF THE GAME

More complex systems is cool and all but this is straight up retarded.

Re: There needs to be more blood packs in Medbay surgery

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 4:49 pm
by Super Aggro Crag
Give people without gauze to stop bleeding by cutting off their jumpsuit sleeves and using it as a rag or cauterizing themselves with a welding tool for 25 burn damage or some shit.

Re: There needs to be more blood packs in Medbay surgery

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 7:02 pm
by Zilenan91
Wyzack wrote:Yeah, CMO should be organizing blood drives and putting in some work to make medbay well stocked. This complaint is like asking for engineering to start with the singularity set up because you dont want an engineer to accidentally release it and kill you. We want more for medbay to do, not less

Literally the only person who could get people to listen to them at all as a CMO is Shaps, and one person isn't playing CMO all the time. Blood drives just won't happen.

Re: There needs to be more blood packs in Medbay surgery

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 12:15 am
by Luke Cox
Medbay should start with only empty blood packs, but a lot of them.

Re: There needs to be more blood packs in Medbay surgery

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 12:39 am
by Takeguru
Medbay should start with a bit more blood

But yeah, maybe throw empty blood packs in the medivends so you can get a whole bunch of spare blood if you feel inclined to do it

Re: There needs to be more blood packs in Medbay surgery

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 6:11 am
by Davidchan
Wait wait wait, someone literally designed a system where O- blood poisons people? AB+ can get poisoned at all? What fucking ass backwards creationist, flat-earthing, science-is-a-lie dumb mother fucker put that in place. ... ccomp_27-0

The positive or negative in blood types represent the presence of Rh(D) with the absence of the Rh markers makes you more compatible donor. Injecting Rh positive blood into a negative reciever would cause bad reaction as their white blood cells try to purge the incompatible blood, but doing the opposite would receive no response from the immune system.

If we are going to make a species barrier between Lizards, Humans, Flys and Plasmens we need to have markers or indicators for the blood type and extra bags for each race. If nobody is willing to do that extra work or allow medical to have the needed supplies, then all species should be compatible with each other provided their ABO is compatible.

Re: There needs to be more blood packs in Medbay surgery

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 6:17 am
by Zilenan91
It's strange that lizards can't accept human blood and vice versa already since they can literally accept each other's entire organs