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Bagils Lowpop Problem

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 8:51 am
by FranzKrake
Yo. Ive been playing recently on Bagil with lowpop of 10 or below and its pure grief and cancer. You usually get 1 guy with a gun/carp scroll etcetera, thats killing everyone aboard and eventually the shuttle is called. So you have 1 guy murderboning, 4-5 Dead guys being salty / disconnecting.

For the love of god, stop this grief-fest. Make below 10 Pop extended only. Let the server FILL UP, then give us game modes. With only 9 guys on station you can barely run the station. And by constantly murderboning during lowpop, shitters force players to leave because ther is NOTHING happening for 15 to 20 mins once they die.
Rookies can not learn during lowpop. You cant sandbox, you cant run the station, at all.


Lowpop antag is pure garbage and harms the server pop more than it does good. Please change it so that Bagil is Extended only if there is 9 or less players during the start of the round. Make Regular game modes available from 10 onwards. Give rookies chances to learn and sandbox during lowpop instead of making it a griefer paradise.

Thank you for reading.

Re: Bagils Lowpop Problem

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 9:16 am
by Anonmare
All the population disappeared during the Gooncode test tbh

Re: Bagils Lowpop Problem

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 9:29 am
by FranzKrake
Anonmare wrote:All the population disappeared during the Gooncode test tbh
Thats only part of the problem. Play lowpop on Bagil Anone, I DARE YOU. Enjoy the Cancer. Enjoy the Grief. Nobody with half a brain sticks around for that shit.
The only reason Im still playing on Bagil as of now is to Sandbox, especially during lowpop. So I see this shit first hand.

Servers playable 20+, as theres usually admins within a hands reach etcetera. But holy shit lowpop man. Its horrible. End it.

Re: Bagils Lowpop Problem

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 10:01 am
by FranzKrake
Allow me to post a quick screenshot of Bagils AAA low pop gameplay. 100 Points for Griffindor.


Re: Bagils Lowpop Problem

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 12:06 pm
by TheLongbowMan
Just want to make a note that I have already banned the guy who did that,

But you are right, time and time again I see people not exactly breaking the rules, but just going around and murder-boning (as an antag), and it usually results in a player-count of 10 - 15 becoming half of that on the next round.

I would be supportive of taking steps against this, especially since there isn't much you can do to counter a sleeping carp antag whom has stolen the armoury and is ambushing people in maint. It isn't supportive of longterm play, and has a negative impact on the quantity of players during lowpop.

Re: Bagils Lowpop Problem

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 2:41 pm
by Atlanta-Ned
Hey guys, what if we started banning uncreative murderbone traitors?!?!?

Re: Bagils Lowpop Problem

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 3:18 pm
by Wyzack
I have not been adminning nearly as much lately as i would have liked to. That said, i have pursuaded shitty murderboners to be less shit in the past and i will continue to do so in the future.

Re: Bagils Lowpop Problem

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 3:24 pm
by FranzKrake
A long time ago, in a Galaxy far away... we used to have extended only until 20 pop, when we actually started proper rounds. This allowed the rookies to learn, the oldfags to experiment with deathtraps and the like and also got people a chance to socialize. Im not asking for 20 Pop extended but I think 10 pop extended only would really help to fill up the server, give time for rookies to learn their stuff and allow for a stress free low pop chill environment.

Re: Bagils Lowpop Problem

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 3:27 pm
by Wyzack
I think that is a good idea. To be honest with Basil's population i only really enjoy playing traitor or extended so i can kind of do whatever i want

Re: Bagils Lowpop Problem

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 3:59 pm
by bandit
If only we had a forum where players could post ban requests if no administrators are on.

Oh wait.

Re: Bagils Lowpop Problem

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 5:34 pm
by TheNightingale
I proposed we just make Basil murderboning bannable, but nobody liked that idea. Now look what's happening...
If someone starts murdering everyone, wait until they've killed over half the people on-station, then do a restart vote and have everyone in deadchat vote 'yes'. The round gets restarted, more creative people can be the new antags, and the old antag doesn't greentext. Everyone's happy.

Re: Bagils Lowpop Problem

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 7:01 pm
by Zilenan91
Make basil murderboning bannable for traitors.

My reasons for this aren't because I hate murderboning, it's interesting every once in a while, but because playing Traitor for the sole purpose of racking up a body count is kinda toxic. You can do so much more incredible, memorable shit with your antag than you could by wasting it with pointless murder.

Re: Bagils Lowpop Problem

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 8:14 pm
by DemonFiren
TheNightingale wrote:I proposed we just make Basil murderboning bannable, but nobody liked that idea. Now look what's happening...
If someone starts murdering everyone, wait until they've killed over half the people on-station, then do a restart vote and have everyone in deadchat vote 'yes'. The round gets restarted, more creative people can be the new antags, and the old antag doesn't greentext. Everyone's happy.
Naive child.

Murderboning doesn't happen for greentext, it happens for salt.

Re: Bagils Lowpop Problem

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 8:38 pm
by FranzKrake
Just make it extended only for 1-9 Players, from 10 on regular game modes. Or from 15 on to be safe. You can then adminhelp the shitler because all lowpop will be extended, so as soon as someone is being a shit, you can ahelp it and he get reprimanded. People will learn pretty fast or disappear for good. Adminhelp button works fine, just gotta use it.