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Venus man traps need a nerf

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 11:06 pm
by Jacough
I'm not sure if it's intentional or not but right now if they hook you there's basically no escape. Even if they don't have a line of sight and they move to a different room and there's like two walls between you you will remain grabbed. Add to that the fact that you can't even resist out of their grab they're a pretty bullshit enemy. Seems to me like you should be able to resist out of the grab so you at least have a fighting chance against them and if an obstacle comes between you it should break their grab.

Re: Venus man traps need a nerf

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 9:29 pm
by Incomptinence

People should die.

Re: Venus man traps need a nerf

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 7:00 am
by Drynwyn
Incomptinence wrote:Good.

People should die.
Agreed- if you let space vines get to the point where they're flowering, it's either:

-Your own damn fault for letting them grow that much

-The fault of some hardworking traitor botanist who fucking deserves it for all the work it takes to get vines like that.

Someday I will hijack the shuttle by becoming a plant man and making escape kudzu.

Re: Venus man traps need a nerf

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 8:11 pm
by Anonmare
If you ever somehow manage it, sentient mantraps are utter monsters. There's no click-delay between their attacks and it's a hitscan attack so no chance of missing either. Plus they can hit you as long as they have LoS on you and they do a huge amount of damage, enough to crit in at least 4 hits. Seriously if you ever get the chance, you'll be worse than Hitler if you manage it.

Re: Venus man traps need a nerf

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 5:30 am
by Jacough
I don't mind them being incredibly difficult but bring able to permanently stun multiple people through walls with hitscan attacks is just ridiculous. I'm not proposing we make them easy to kill but maybe give just a slim chance of escape.

What I had in mind was making it possible to break free of their grasp, BUT only if you remain stationary. This basically removes those bullshit situations where you're just straight up stuck against a wall for several minutes simply because the man trap moved to an area where it can't drag you to it. On top of that, the time to escape could be somewhat lengthy.

I'm not sure quite how long it should take right off the top of my head as far as seconds go but enough that if it's chomping down on you, there's no way you'll escape in time. BUT if you somehow manage to get lucky and some other poor fuck gets grabbed and the fucker starts chewing on them instead, it'd buy you just enough time to escape if they're at full health. The idea being that when it does grab people, someone's going to die, period. When you've got multiple people, it'd be like a game of russian roulette. Depending on what everyone's health is, at least one person will die. Or multiple people. Or maybe everyone if the odds are looking really bad.

Tl;dr preserve the horrifying and devastating nature of them but give a very very slim chance to escape.

As far as deciding how long it'd take to escape, I could probably work with a coder on that shit to figure it out if anyone's interested. Spawn one of the fuckers on the thunderdome and then time how long it takes to kill someone in a couple of different types of armor commonly found on the station.

Re: Venus man traps need a nerf

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 6:08 am
by Incomptinence
Oh what it does its thing through walls? Okay that is a bit busted.

Re: Venus man traps need a nerf

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 10:22 am
by Reece
When it kills someone it should vine them up ala spiders andmake another giant flower.

Re: Venus man traps need a nerf

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 12:57 am
by starmute
Here's my 2 cents.

Remove the stunning. Make it into a mob that attacks anyone in kudzu and replicates them into another venus man trap.

Re: Venus man traps need a nerf

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 1:43 am
by Jacough
starmute wrote:Here's my 2 cents.

Remove the stunning. Make it into a mob that attacks anyone in kudzu and replicates them into another venus man trap.
I like it. Alternatively if it's possible allow them to ONLY grab people in Kudzu or within two tiles of the kudzu. Might be kind of horrifying to see your buddy get just a little too close to the kudzu only to get grabbed by a tentacle and dragged flailing and screaming into the thicket and out of sight, never to be seen again. Wearing Krav Maga gloves? Kick yourself in the face so hard your head pops off

Re: Venus man traps need a nerf

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 11:52 pm
by Reece
Have the Kudzu itself turn corpses, wrap them up ala spiders and give it a short timer before the pod 'flowers' and a man trap emerges.

Re: Venus man traps need a nerf

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 9:55 am
by DrPillzRedux
Hahaha holy shit yeah these need a nerf.

>spawn on arrival shuttle
>literally the millisecond I spawn I'm attacked through the shuttle windows by a man trap
>barely escape in orange