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Re: DiscStation Thread: Slowly fixing everything

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 9:30 am
by Shadowlight213

Bottom post of the previous page:

Flashes have the wrong paths.

Re: DiscStation Thread: Slowly fixing everything

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 9:57 am
by Tarpit
Cargo Warehouse doors do not work. The Shuttle is depressurized and has no atmosphere so you suffocate and freeze, parts of the wall seem to be missing in the front desk, though this may have been vandalism. Mailroom and QM office is Way to big.

Re: DiscStation Thread: Slowly fixing everything

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 8:20 pm
by onleavedontatme
The giant hallways have pretty much no airlocks or firelocks, not even at junctions or corners. A single breach can depressurize everything

Re: DiscStation Thread: Slowly fixing everything

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 2:57 pm
by JackHunt
Fix PR is up.

Adds the nearspace areas for starlight
Fixes the Cargo Warehouse doors
Adds a second Xeno console
Adds firelocks along main corridors
Fixes the flash path to flash/handheld
Fixes the bridge shutters button
Adds a catwalk to the AI sat
Adds a few more cosmetic items
Fixes a possible runtime with the bridge vent (I think? It's intermittent)

Re: DiscStation Thread: Slowly fixing everything

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 2:21 pm
by JackHunt
Another Improvement PR is up

Revamps and widens DiscStation cargo and manages to fix all the issues with the sorting room, airless shuttle and more. Fixes everything in

Added a few more cosmetic items to the halls like mini gardens and a snack bar
Readded disposals to medbay
Fixed a few lighting issues
Redid the rather bland and boring Cafeteria as an upscale coffee bar, Spacebucks (taking suggestions on the name)
Fixed a few minor area issues with nearspace
Added a space disposals to xeno

Re: DiscStation Thread: Slowly fixing everything

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 3:42 am
by Zilenan91
Can you increase the number of Getmore Chocolate Corp vendors and maybe reduce the number of vendormats? There's a ton of them and not enough cheap food lying around.

Re: DiscStation Thread: Slowly fixing everything

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 6:28 am
by rdght91
No quick access extinguishers anywhere around chemistry (like not even in medbay), chemistry has limited equipment/it's all locked where chemists have no access.

Re: DiscStation Thread: Slowly fixing everything

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 6:28 pm
by JackHunt
More fire extinguishers and fire alarms were added around sensitive areas. Should be much better now. I've looked at the snack machine distribution as well. They should be in the PR now.

Re: DiscStation Thread: Slowly fixing everything

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 6:25 pm
by rdght91
Just for some more positive feedback, it's a great "skeleton" of a station so far, nothing like box yet still flows well, very large yet easy to get quickly around in and love the big hallways but just needs some more polish with stuff like the above. I've only played medbay on it and I can say that medbay feels really bare right now, but it really is an awesome map that I think has potential to be the new "default" once it's really fleshed out and optimized.

Maybe using that massive room in medbay to divide into an "ER" room with a couple sleepers, beds, dispensers and medkits and then making a smaller ICU room with a defib and cryo, and making part of the waiting room into an area like the HOP line where people who are not crit line up, and can be taken, treated and released in an orderly fashion, rather than the current medbay method of dragging people/yourself to the waiting room and screaming, "OPEN MEDBAY FAGGOTS" or just standing near the sleepers until someone helps you.

Also, adding construction equipment closets with metal, glass and department specific electronics and tools would be really cool, given that it's a spacious map and there is lots of room to build.

Re: DiscStation Thread: Slowly fixing everything

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 6:28 pm
by Wyzack
Is this map still really broken or does the Basil rotation just have a different version? Played a round on it last week and tons of stuff was still absolutely broken. Tons of non-connected wiring, still no shutters around the PA in engineering, and a chunk of the emergancy shuttle was at the station all round, and when the shuttle inevitably came that huge chunk stayed behind and the whole shuttle vented

Re: DiscStation Thread: Slowly fixing everything

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 8:25 pm
by JackHunt
That should not be happening. There's been a lot of shuttle issues since they got moved on station for mapping purposes. I'll try and do some more thorough testing tonight and if I find something, add it to the PR that's up.

Edit: That's been already fixed. There's no issue with the escape shuttle.

Re: DiscStation Thread: Slowly fixing everything

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 8:50 pm
by ChangelingRain
From Irc;
mso wrote:somebody let them know that it got disabled from rotation for being too broke
Apparently disc got disabled from map rotation because it was just too broken.

Re: DiscStation Thread: Slowly fixing everything

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 8:55 pm
by Zilenan91

Re: DiscStation Thread: Out of Rotation for Maintence

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 1:47 pm
by JackHunt
Yeah, there's quite a few issues lurking about. There's a 4 wide hallway version in the works which will hopefully solve some of biggest complaints. If anyone can remember issues, please post them here.