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Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 9:54 pm
by John_Oxford
In recent times, the Employee Management and Efficiency Division [EMED] of Nanotrasen has determined that employee efficiency isn't what it could be, and spending on station construction, specifically those of the "Box" and "Meta" models observed a statistical 37% of wasted space on average, with 63% of employee work time being walking from place to place, in response, they have contracted the construction of a new station, dubbed CompactStation.

The purpose is to seek out the things in box that are otherwise tedious or harmful to work speed, taking into account all factors, from walking distance, construction, population balancing, and so forth. This will be a heavily modified version of box intended for slightly less players.

Q: You're Oxford, everything you do is a pipe dream this can't possibly amount to anything, do you honestly expect this to be a real map.
A: As Qbop woefully stated about BudgetStation, no, i don't and i fully expect this to never be in the map rotation.

Q: This is just box but slightly different, why are you making it?
A: My goal here is to use it as a learning experience so i can map better. If in the process of doing that i make a functional map then great, if i happen to make a functional map that everyone likes, then double great. But i'll be satisfied either way.

Q: You've never mapped anything really super large before, how do you know this won't just be shit and a waste of your time.
A: Again, the goal is to learn, i'm also working backwards from a current revision of box, so the "difficult" parts of making a map are gone.
- Cells
- Windoors are double layered, cells in total are smaller, cell floors are reinforced
- Armory
- Makes use of the existing gun lockers, compacts it and makes it more seamless for mass weapon distribution,
- Perma
- Makes the recreation area smaller but adds more items to interact with (and a difficult way to escape)
- Offices
- Wardens Office and the HOS's are compacted into one "Command Office", Detective has a "Investigative Office"
- Gulag
- Gulag shuttle is more akin to a large pod now. ( Let's be honest there was no time in history where four gulaged prisoners all left at the same time)
- RD oversees a research floor, which has robotics and RnD, toxins is isolated and so is xeno. Xeno is slightly less isolated than before.

( will finish writing this in a bit had to go )