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Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 6:17 pm
by Steelpoint
After two years I've decided to again lend my hand at making a map. I was put off onto continuing my original work due to a combination of real life issues (close family death) as well as the constant shitposting by a certain someone.

I have no aspirations of this map being put on rotation if it is ever finished, but I do hope to not only finish this map but to make it a good one, as far as a gimmick goes.


The main edge of this station is that its divided into two stations. One 'Old' station and one 'New' station. The Oldstation houses all civilian area's of the station, the chapel, bar, theater and everything else, as well as a lot of broken apart old departments and a large and expansive maintenance. Whereas the Newstation houses all five major departments, inculding the Command deck. Whereas Oldstation is decript, falling apart and overall a giant mess the Newstation should be clean, efficient and modern.

I'm currently working more on Newstation.

Here is the most up to date, overall post on the station.
Thank you for your time, any and all feedback is appreciated.

Old 2014 Inital Post
I've decided to lend my hand at making a map, fun times ahead.

The gimmick is that its essentially two space stations, a old station and new station, that have been joined.

New Station holds Med Bay, Science, Security and Command. Old Station holds Engineering, Cargo and the Civilian sector.


Here's a very quick overview of how I imagine the station. (Where it says Civilian, it should say Atmo!)


I'm currently working on mapping out the basic station layout. I've finished mapping out the New Station mostly.

Overall progress: ... 1.png?dl=0



I'm currently working on mapping out the basic station layout. I've begun on New Station with Medbay. Here is my Med progress thus far.


Its early days, I've already gotten feedback on the design.


Any suggestions, tips, hatred, etc is greatly appreciated. This will take a while and is mainly for my own experience. However I intend to finish this map, unless something horrible comes up.


Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 8:00 pm
by paprika
Based as fuck, good luck dude.

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 8:56 pm
by Cipher3
That Security checkpoint is legit. But then, this is Steelpoint. Solid idea. Not sure what all the minor lines between old and new station are but if it's just that one major hallway: would bomb all day.

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 3:54 am
by Steelpoint
Layout of the Science department as it stands. I did add the server room in-between Toxins and Xenobio.
I'm not as 100% certain on this design as I am for medbay. Feedback would be great.
Cipher3 wrote:Not sure what all the minor lines between old and new station are but if it's just that one major hallway: would bomb all day.
The dark lines are the connection points for the wiring/pipes/disposals. I plan on adding pressure suits to these areas so people can EVA from one station to the other.

I might take some inspiration from Goon and make the main bridge indestructible.

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 6:38 am
by Steelpoint
Currently working on designing Security.

I have not fully mapped it out, mainly because I'm still conflicted on its design.

Here's how it looks currently, this is the second iteration I've made.
EDIT: Slightly updated, still would like feedback.
I've also got a idea for statues and the bridge.

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 12:03 pm
by Steelpoint
While I let Security wait for feedback, I'm working on a bridge design. Since I've got to be 'hip' and 'new' I've tried to shake things up, maybe, probley not.

Here's the bridge in a heavy WIP state. Its just the bridge and some random Command area work I'm doing.

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 5:32 pm
by Steelpoint
I'm planning ahead for the inclusion of maintenance. Now here's a idea I've got, and I would like to get feedback. What if a good majority of maintenance is underneath the station, primarily the new station? Essentially, there will be maintenance access points on the new station, the old station would go with the normal maint method. This consists of a ladder/stairs that take you to the maintenance tunnels.

The big advantage here is that it would allow me greater freedom in creating maintenance for the new station, and help reinforce the idea of a clean station on the top side. The only areas where maintenance will pop up is for APC points. It would also further make maintenance a scary, foreboding area that really is out of the way and not meant as a alternative main hallway.

The down side is that maintenance will be somewhat insulated from the usual carnage of a round, and that it might get disorientating and that the outer maint walls will have to be indestructible to prevent players from flying around the CentCom Z-Level. (Or I can surround the maint area with a teleportation network that teleports you off the Z-Level to a random level).

Its just a thought.

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 2:37 am
by StrawberryMoses
I really like the idea of having a cleaner station on top and hiding the wiring below. It's always felt kind of weird to me that the station is basically surrounded by maint on the outside. Would it be possible for piping and wiring to be below? It might give some more thoughts to traitors on what they should blow up.

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 2:58 am
by Xhuis
All the screenshots you'e published look great. Bridge is good, but it seems too exposed; maybe if you made double-layered windows like the AI satellite, it would make things a lot better. I like the way you're doing the brig, and both medical and science look phenomenal. As for the maintenance under the station, it could work if you could transfer things across the z-level, i.e. explosion damage, wiring, air flow, etc. If that could be accomplished, than it would certainly be better than maintenance on the same z-level.

Keep it up.

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 3:46 am
by Steelpoint
I realised a bit too late that you need to built maintenance alongside making departments. Hence why I had the idea of the new station using the underground maintenance.

Sadly, as far as I know, you can't transfer pipes/wires/disposals to other Z-Levels. It would still serve its purpose in reaching the solars/getting to areas.

Even if you could make explosions translate from maint to above, that might be too much since it would be easy to plant bombs underneath vital station areas.

Though I still want to do the underground maint. But if there was a way to move wires across then that would be great.

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 3:50 am
by Jordie0608
Steelpoint wrote:I realised a bit too late that you need to built maintenance alongside making departments. Hence why I had the idea of the new station using the underground maintenance.

Sadly, as far as I know, you can't transfer pipes/wires/disposals to other Z-Levels. It would still serve its purpose in reaching the solars/getting to areas.

Even if you could make explosions translate from maint to above, that might be too much since it would be easy to plant bombs underneath vital station areas.

Though I still want to do the underground maint. But if there was a way to move wires across then that would be great.
If you want to do this, you should be mapping something in baycode which I'm pretty sure still has multi-level support in their codebase, if not then an older revision which does.

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 3:57 am
by Steelpoint
Jordie0608 wrote:If you want to do this, you should be mapping something in baycode which I'm pretty sure still has multi-level support in their codebase, if not then an older revision which does.
Bu-but baycode!

Its no real problem either way, the new station will go with a traditional Mainline/branch system. The old station will use that but be more maintenance focused.

What will happen is that there will be a small room that pops out of maint which will be where the APC's go, with exceptions to certain rooms that have a higher need for power than others (Brig, Command, RnD, Engineering)

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 5:30 am
by Steelpoint
Here is the bridge as it stands.
EDIT: Here is a quick example of how maintenance would work.

You have two maint entry points, the Entrance maint entry and the Security maint entry. Take note of the ladders.
Say you want to go from the entrance to the sec area via maint, here is that path.

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 2:55 pm
by Steelpoint
I can say with confidence that the 'New Station' is mostly mapped out. Barring the AI Core and the underground maintenance sections.

Here's a image of it. As always even though its mapped out its still heavily WIP and unfinished. (There will be significantly less 'space' in later versions) ... 1.png?dl=0

I'll start mapping out the 'Old Station'.

EDIT: Yes, I know the Command Escape Pod would end up crashing into the Old Station. I'll move it later.

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 7:09 pm
by Nienhaus
You should glass and a window around the grass.

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 9:03 pm
by miggles
the bridge computer-pod things are a cool idea, but aesthetically, theyre really ugly. there's a lot of empty space in the bridge that would probably look better with the computers there.

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 12:04 am
by paprika

This is rather silly. Should be only one set of stairs if you want it to look right.

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 4:51 am
by Steelpoint
Nienhaus wrote:You should glass and a window around the grass.
miggles wrote:the bridge computer-pod things are a cool idea, but aesthetically, theyre really ugly. there's a lot of empty space in the bridge that would probably look better with the computers there.
I've yet to add content to the bridge, the empty space problem should hopefully disappear later on. I can always revisit the design later on.
Violaceus wrote:There seriously should be some kind of third medical console so you wouldn't need to mask it by placing ID console. I ran into this problem also when I was making my own small map.
Not much I can use, I could use a operation console for surgery.
paprika wrote:This is rather silly. Should be only one set of stairs if you want it to look right.

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 1:18 pm
by Remie Richards
Steelpoint wrote:
Say you want to go from the entrance to the sec area via maint, here is that path.
How are you using the ladders, Is the maintenance on another z level? I assume so other wise someone could bump into them.
This seems like a great use of ladders, and maintenance just immediately seems more interesting when it's "underneath" the station.

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 1:52 pm
by Steelpoint
Remie Richards wrote:
Steelpoint wrote:
Say you want to go from the entrance to the sec area via maint, here is that path.
How are you using the ladders, Is the maintenance on another z level? I assume so other wise someone could bump into them.
This seems like a great use of ladders, and maintenance just immediately seems more interesting when it's "underneath" the station.
Pretty much. Going on the ladder will send you to another Z-level (CentCom) where a "underground" maintenance is placed.

While sadly I can't route wires/piping through it, it does nonetheless present a interesting maintenance alternative to the gold standard as well as making it even that more foreboding.

EDIT: What I might do is set up a invisible teleportation ring around the maintenance area to send anyone who breaks out of the maint network to a random non-centcom z-level. This is so I won't have to make the maint walls indestructible.

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 2:35 pm
by Steelpoint
Now I'm thinking of how to do Arrivals/Escape wing. Here's my preliminary thoughts.

Here's how it stands so far on the station, note that this is just me doing a quick copy/paste of other shuttle. This is not what I plan to do, its just so I had a frame to work with while doing the Old Station.
Now, here is how I'm envisioning the Escape/Arrivals wing will actually look like.

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 3:32 pm
by Steelpoint
Its not mine its Asteroidstation's shuttle.

I just used it for reference. I'll be making my own evac shuttle.

Here's the Asteroidstation's tg page:

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 4:42 pm
by Steelpoint
Here is my first Escape Wing attempt. I'm sure the more astute of you will notice something quite different with my initial evac shuttles design.
EDIT: Slightly improved design

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 7:28 pm
by StrawberryMoses
This is looking cooler and cooler every time I look at it. I love the underground maint, and the shuttle bay also looks really great so far.

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 8:41 pm
by Remie Richards
Steelpoint wrote: EDIT: Slightly improved design
2-turf wide door...


I'm not even sure if they work, but you're cool for using them.

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 8:56 pm
by Nienhaus
They do work.

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 3:46 am
by miggles
>3 shuttles
escape alone is now 90x harder
unless you make the 2 side shuttles like pods so that they dont count for escape alone
please do that

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 5:39 am
by Steelpoint
miggles wrote:>3 shuttles
escape alone is now 90x harder
unless you make the 2 side shuttles like pods so that they dont count for escape alone
please do that
I am going to make the side shuttles count as escape pods for objective purposes.
Violaceus wrote:Maintenance below deck sounds very neat but what would be its purpose if you can't connect wires and pipes and cant drag things between z-levels?

Also imagine that I drop a bomb on one of maintenance ladders. It explodes and what do I see? Space.
There will be small rooms on the station that hold APC's, these rooms are only accessible via maintenance. Also the same for the Solar Arrays.

I also don't know if you can destroy the teleportation square, I'll have to test but if it can't be blown up then you can still move between the two levels.

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 8:54 am
by Steelpoint
Here's the escape/arrivals wing as it stands.

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 1:06 pm
by Steelpoint
Violaceus wrote:My point was that when you look in hole in main deck you see space, not space basement.
Maybe maintenance is above? Not that it matters anyway.

I see where you're coming from, but its a really minor problem in the grand scheme of things.

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 1:27 pm
by Steelpoint
Here's my first iteration of the old station arrivals. I want to see if this kind of station style is good or bad.
I would appreciate feedback before I delve in further.

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 3:46 pm
by Steelpoint
I took my first shot at Cargo/Mining. Admittedly I've never played in Cargo so I don't have much to reference to in its design.

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 4:35 pm
by Nienhaus
Where's the crate storage room?

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 6:16 pm
by Steelpoint
Nienhaus wrote:Where's the crate storage room?
Cripe, I'll add one.

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 9:22 pm
by Cipher3
Mining doesn't need a ton of room, where's the QM's office, the bay should be bigger, Maintenance access somewhere in that also. Please tell me you're adding more than just a couple maint access locations as well. What's that area behind the Sec outpost?

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 10:51 pm
by Cipher3
Violaceus wrote:>cargo bay is too big on boxstation
>now every station must have big cargo
It's literally that size on Meta too, and in Meta I've managed to line it with crates all the way from the conveyor to the far wall.

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 5:05 am
by Steelpoint
My cargo is shit, I know. I'm doing a new design. I'm going to avoid being symmetrical on the old station.

If you think something I've done is bad, tell me its shit. I can't improve otherwise.

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 5:49 am
by Steelpoint
New design. Missing one or two rooms though.

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 8:50 pm
by StrawberryMoses
That looks really good, I'm liking that there's no door in between the office and the bay.
A few suggestions: A longer conveyor belt to feed into the shuttle, a little more belt for the mail room, and maybe a nice window into space for the QM office?

Love the work you've been doing so far.

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 9:08 pm
by Reimoo
I think cargo office and cargo bay have to be divided somehow. I would suggest closing the side gaps on the bay diver wall with walls and adding separate dual airlocks either on the sides or the middle of the wall. Then you can lengthen the crate placement columns by one and have two columns instead of four to save space.

Also you can move mining down and place the QM's office above it.

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 2:08 pm
by Hibbles
I like the style of it, and it would be really interesting. The Security layout is cool in particular, and I really like the fact that this map isn't just a re-arranged Box. We really need to break out of our current mapping dynamic for, uh, I dunno, something else IMO.

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 2:23 pm
by Steelpoint
Its been about two years but I'm interested in trying this out again.

I'll be starting from scratch, but it'll be a good opportunity to try and do a proper maintenance instead of my wierd underground maintenance idea.

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 3:36 pm
by Steelpoint
Here's a quick image of how up to date I am.

I'm mostly recreating what I had but I'm made a few minor improvements, as well as that I'm marking area's I'll expand to place maintenance down later on.

My main goal is to at least get a basic map layout for the east "crummy" station.

This'll be a long project and if I do post a update it'll likely be after I've finished the east side.


Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 3:48 pm
by Okand37
An interesting layout choice.

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 11:15 am
by Steelpoint
First design overview of the bridge, far from finished but it shows some of the minimum items needed for the bridge.

North defense might be overkill but its meant to discourage a push from space in the north.

Also progress on medbay
I've also gotten a general layout for the old station part of the station. It's got a more rigid, box like, structure currently.

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 12:19 pm
by Steelpoint
Progress on medbay.
I'll be moving to furnish RnD now.

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 1:11 pm
by Steelpoint
Finished a one over of RD's Office, Sec Checkpoint and Robotics. (Yes the tables block the recharging station)

Set up the entrance, toxins storage and server room with bonus HoP office.

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 3:27 pm
by Steelpoint
Final RnD update.
First Security run over, half way through.

I'm going with a more metastation inspired armoury, I may push back the perma wing to expand the Warden's Office and the Armoury.

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 6:49 pm
by NikNakFlak
>windows only corner touching on the bridge and just hanging there
This looks awful and nobody likes it, there's a reason nobody maps walls or windows only touching by a corner ever.
>Captain's office has a single pocket JUST for his display case gun
This looks awful. It's shoved in a little pocket for god knows why, that sticks out like a little tumor. It may hold his gun, but it's also a display case and nobody puts display cases surrounded by walls on three sides. If you argue that you want to keep it symmetrical with the teleporter room across the way, that room has an empty nothingness next to the computer on the bottom which also looks bad, there's a reason nobody does that in mapping either.

Bad map so far, imo

Re: Steelstation (AKA: Shitty_Station13)

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 9:35 pm
by Man_Shroom
This map seems cool as hell but I only have two things to bring up

1. Maintenance is on the centcomm z-level? That Z has weird rules I think, like no teleporting or using magic on it. Might fuck with stuff if maintenance is there.

2. Engineering should be on the left side so the station is divided into 'useful and rational departments on the left' and 'insane peasants squabbling in poverty' on the right'