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Database AI Core Sprite Collaboration! Inquire within!

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 9:53 pm
by danno
MrSnapwalk had a brilliant idea; To make an AI core sprite using the mugshots of random members of the crew, like a manifest or a database.

In the beginning it would just have been a few mugshots of randomized characters... but why stop there? Why not put in as many as we can?

Ever wanted a super special snowflake reference to your not-a-mary-sue character? Here's your chance! Make your kawaii neon-haired lesbian's goofy mug the last thing you see before you laser that malf AI to death.

You make your mugshot using the base template below:
Image[b] [gimp file][/b][b] [ file][/b]

Note: This is a GIMP file. This is because the picture has layers. You can download gimp here:


The layers should look like this.It's very straight forward. You paste in your mugshot (line it up carefully with the base) and you pick one of the three text options (or make your own [WITHIN REASON]) (please vary them thanks)

you can then make a final copy of your finished sprite, save it as a .png and either post it in the thread or send it to me through PM or over #nanobus or however you please.

Go nuts. Make as many as you want. The glory of this is that your special snowflake will be lost inside a blizzard of not-special-snowflakes and catching a glimpse of them will be all the more special for it.

Use your initiative. Get creative. Make something funny [WITHIN REASON]. Make something cool.

Good luck and have fun
