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Birdboatstation (No longer maintained)

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 5:42 am
by Tokiko2
A tiny station map I've been working on. It's meant to be an alternative to ministation so the ideal playercount is 5-30 but could go slightly higher.

The map is included with /tg/ code as of now!

Picture of the map


The map is around the same size as ministation. Areas are easier to break into compared to the other maps and areas are more public in general. Maint is spacious and there should be plenty of opportunity to run or hide. This station is also a deathtrap. There are plenty of rooms that can kill you and maint is full of useful stuff for traitors. The map was designed and balanced around low-midpop in mind and won't work well with higher populations.

Special stuff:
Engineering features two engines: A TEG and a supermatter engine. You can run either engine, or both at the same time! You can even dump all the excess heat/plasma into the TEG heater. The minimal effort setup takes only 1 minute!
Xenobio gets a special xeno zoo. Scientists can put their cute, docile pets in there or abuse it to easily get their slime armies into the main areas of the station.
This map has a custom mining z-level. It's a small asteroid field next to a larger rock. The large asteroid has monsters but ores are more common while the smaller asteroids are rather safe and contain less ores.

Like ministation, many jobs are removed and combined. I tried not to remove job features like ministation did with the AI, robotics or virology, though this map does not have a toxins lab. Here's a picture of the avaible jobs at roundstart:

How to set up the supermatter engine:

Re: Birdboatstation (Unfinished)

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 6:25 am
by Scones
Could it be? Something to finally lay Ministation into the grave?

Re: Birdboatstation (Unfinished)

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 8:07 am
by Luke Cox
You are doing god's work, my friend. How about dual turbines for the power source?

Re: Birdboatstation (Unfinished)

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 9:35 am
by DemonFiren
When I read "boat" I expected it to be something as tiny as the Bearcat.

Re: Birdboatstation (Unfinished)

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 11:31 am
by Gun Hog
Looks interesting, although I am noting a distinct lack of parrot spawns. EDIT: And no singularity? Come on, how can you not have a supermatter and a singularity?

Re: Birdboatstation (Unfinished)

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 10:50 pm
by Luke Cox
Gun Hog wrote:Looks interesting, although I am noting a distinct lack of parrot spawns. EDIT: And no singularity? Come on, how can you not have a supermatter and a singularity?
Singulo would eat a small station in less than a minute. Supermatter is total overkill too in my opinion. A combination of turbines and solars is the best option.

Re: Birdboatstation (Unfinished)

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 9:36 am
by DemonFiren
Engine sabotage is kind of half the fun of playing engi, and nine tenths of the fun of playing antag engi.

Supermatter putting a massive hole into the station? Enough fun for everyone!

Re: Birdboatstation (Unfinished)

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 6:09 pm
by Tokiko2
Here's my reasoning for why I did and why I didn't add each engine:

TEG: A nice and safe engine that gives engineers plenty of ways to optimize it and further increase the power output. I think that engineering projects that actually pay off like this are a good thing for lower pop maps since the rounds tend to be longer.
Supermatter: My main reason for including this engine is the fact that it's nicely dangerous but not nearly as destructive as the singulo engine. It also produces plasma and heat which can be used in the TEG heating chamber.

Singulo: Way, way too destructive for the effort it takes to sabotage it in lowpop.
Solars: Too boring, atleast the way it's implemented on the main maps. I like ministation's variation where you'ren give assembly crates instead and I'm considering adding these too.
Turbine: This engine is very unreliable and I had them glitch multiple times during my tests. Would also require to either waste a lot of gasses or force me to add a way to recycle the gasses and I don't really want to bloat the size of atmos anymore.

Speaking of engineering, here's a redesign:

I've moved the supermatter engine north so that you won't start hallucinating when you just want to get to atmos. The supermatter engine will now dump its plasma and co2 into the heating chamber of the TEG. I've also added micro atmos which should allow you to do anything you can do with atmos on the regular maps, except for the ability to recycle gasses from the wasteloop(I don't think anyone actually uses this feature). There's no airmixing either, though engineers can easily lay down a few pipes and add that feature themselves. It's what the extra space is for anyway.

Re: Birdboatstation (Unfinished)

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:47 pm
by Scones
Be careful of too many windows.

Re: Birdboatstation (Unfinished)

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 1:19 am
by Luke Cox
I agree with Scones. Windows in the little hallways through space are kinda cool but putting them in every single room is a bit superfluous. You shouldn't be able to see into every room.

Replace all the windows in the red boxes with regular walls and you'll be in much better shape.

Re: Birdboatstation (Unfinished)

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 7:10 am
by Tokiko2
Here's an update:

Amount of windows slighty reduced. Hydro, chem, R&D, genetics and security are going to get shutters for their windows soon. I do want to keep windows on the module bridges, in xenobio and in viro though.

A bit of progress this time. Security, medbay, service and command areas are almost done. Tool storage also has a slighty different look now. Maint rooms are planned out too. I'll try to give most maint rooms its own function/theme instead of having generic rooms, so if you have an idea for a maint room, please share!

No doors yet, those are going to be added at the very end.

Re: Birdboatstation (Unfinished)

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 8:54 am
by Tokiko2
More progress:
(Excuse the poor image quality, the image hosting service seems to hate larger pictures)

I guess it's nearing completition. Only a few rooms are still in progress. Maint rooms are done. Plenty of items and machines added to maint to help traitors do more creative things. Doors, APCs, air alarms and atmos pipes, disposal pipes, cameras and lights go last.

Engineering received another redesign. Here's a zoomed picture so you can see the pipe layout better:

Pipes got moved around to add a lot of options to the engine. Coolant can now be pumped in and out of every loop by default and there's a few options to dump gasses in the heating chamber or directly outside now. An important addition is the ability to move O2 directly to the supermatter engine because that increases the power output. Brave engineers and traitors can also disconnect the cooling array from the supermatter, allowing them to have the shard go critical.

Solars have been added, kind of. There's a large catwalk area in the north of engineering and plenty of crates with solar building supplies. If you want solar power, better get working. There's airlocks nearby and the main power cables are already laid out.

Despite how complex it may appear, the engine can be started with minimal required effort: Fill 5 radiation collectors, press 1 button, turn on 1 pump and activate 1 emitter. That's very inefficient but it should produce just enough power to keep the station running. Perfect for when there's no engineers and you don't feel the need for more energy.

Re: Birdboatstation (Alpha)

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 4:36 am
by Tokiko2
Slightly outdated picture of current version: Just imagine it fully wired and lit up.

The map is playable! The only remaining things are atmos pipes, the centcom Z-level and a few custom map override things.
Here's the supermatter engine in action. When the crystal glows orange, it means that the gas in the chamber is almost perfect. I've timed it: It takes less than 1 minute to set up the engine to power the station. Perfect for lowpop.

This station also has a custom mining z-level.

Picture of the tiny mining base:
Minimap as generated ingame:

It's inspired by the ministation mining level which sadly is rather hard to access because it's in space and has no shuttle that moves there. The large asteroid has monsters and rare ores while the surrounding tiny asteroids are safe but contain fewer ores.

Re: Birdboatstation (Alpha)

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 10:41 am
by Miauw
this station actually looks interesting and not horribly bland, unlike ministation.

have all of my :+1:s, friend, you are doing god's work.

Re: Birdboatstation (Alpha)

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 1:01 pm
by Eaglendia
Looks like you're not too far off now. I'd love to see this running on Basil for a while when you get it done.

Re: Birdboatstation (Alpha)

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 1:03 pm
by Wyzack
Oh god is there no detective? Can you at least have the detective suit and noir suit in the brig somewhere?

Re: Birdboatstation (Alpha)

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 5:57 pm
by Anonmare
It may just be me but, I think the Upload is too vulnerable, especially when you consider how much power an antag gets when they get Godmode from the AI which is what you want to avoid on a small-ish station.
To explain what I mean, the Upload consoles are right up against an R-Wall which is not so bad, but, if you decon that and have a Hacked module you don't even have to contend with the AI's turrets or set off any motion-alarms if you get it just right. Granted deconning an R-Wall is lengthy and time consuming but since it's in the Command area and isolated from regular crew members, there will be likely only be the Head roles and the silicons themselves with a chance at spotting at them.

I'd personally add a space moat between the R-wall and a flash/Liquid Dispenser in the Upload itself as a last resort for the AI if it loses it's turrets in a vain attempt to slow intruders down.

Re: Birdboatstation (Alpha)

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 11:58 am
by Tokiko2
Wyzack wrote:Oh god is there no detective? Can you at least have the detective suit and noir suit in the brig somewhere?
The detective has an office in the south part of the brig.
Anonmare wrote:It may just be me but, I think the Upload is too vulnerable, especially when you consider how much power an antag gets when they get Godmode from the AI which is what you want to avoid on a small-ish station.
I agree with this. Here's the changed upload from the last test:

I'm currently trying out having the station without scrubbers and vents in every room like other stations. This means that the AI cannot easily destroy the entire station with plasma in seconds and plasma floods from engineers require them to fill canisters instead. I've done a bit of testing and it seems pretty balanced so far, I'll run a few more tests with actual players on my server in the coming few days before I decide if I really want to keep it this way though. Note that this station does have some special equipment to deal with atmos issues, like large range portable scrubbers and high volume airpumps.

Don't think this station is overly safe though. There's a lot of deathtraps and stuff that antags can use in a creative way. I'll post more on that some other time.

Actual progress: Shuttles now work, events work, I've been fixing a lot of bugs and other mapping problems that appeared during testing. If you added cameras, this station would be completely finished at this point, though I'd like to pretty up some areas, code some custom stuff and test out some balance related stuff before releasing this.

Re: Birdboatstation (Alpha)

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 12:13 pm
by DemonFiren
Well, with this current upload, you can just gun down the turrets from either angle without packing even an RCD.

Re: Birdboatstation (Alpha)

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 11:18 am
by Miauw
Yeah, those windows are going to block stunbolts so you can just laser the turrets from behind the windows.
Apart from that it's pretty well-designed imo.

Re: Birdboatstation (Alpha)

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 11:25 am
by Remie Richards
I like that you've used the underused stairs.
I don't like that how you have them set up at the moment is an impossible space, you have stairs leading up to a room, but if you go around the stairs you can get into the same room without ever meeting another set of stairs, meaning this room is both raised up AND at the same level.

that's just me being nitpicky though.

Re: Birdboatstation (Alpha)

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 11:29 am
by Miauw
nah the floor is just sloped slightly in other areas.

Re: Birdboatstation (Alpha)

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2015 3:40 am
by Tokiko2
Here is the picture of the new upload:

Yes, the stair thing bugs me aswell but there are sadly no sideways stair icons ingame. The other floors are supposed to be very slightly sloped.

I'd like to show what custom code this station adds too. The first one is the new job stuff mostly taken from ministation that combines many jobs together.
Here's a picture of all the roundstart jobs avaible:

The second thing is a special recycler. The one on this map starts out emagged and cannot be moved or deconstructed. Did I mention that all disposal bins(except the ones in xeno) lead to the recycler with no mailroom inbetween? Now you have another good way to use the environment for traitorous things. To balance things out a bit, the recycler only does 120 brute and will not destroy all of the victims items so suit sensors can still save someone. It also dumps all the remains in a waste room in maint instead of spacing them with a massdriver. Note that this does not change the recyclers science can build.

The third addition are station bounced radios in every survival box, the thing that starts in your backpack. I really dislike the wall mounted ones as they allow you to radio for help, even when restrained. You'll still have a way to yell for help when stuck while comms are down, but if an antag chooses to take away your radio and trap you somewhere, then you'll be trapped for good. Now maybe the maroon objective will actually be possible without murder.

There's also custom code to make tcomms and the TEG work but that isn't really a feature or fun for anyone.

Progress: At this point, the station is done. I'll still go over some super minor things but I'll upload the map in the next few days. I've tested quite a lot already though, even nukeops and gang mode works. Let's hope that no new issues pop up when other people get to play on this.

Also, the main post was updated with pictures of the whole map in the current state.

Re: Birdboatstation (Alpha)

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 6:42 pm
by Stan_Studnick
Tokiko2 wrote:I really dislike the wall mounted ones as they allow you to radio for help, even when restrained. You'll still have a way to yell for help when stuck while comms are down, but if an antag chooses to take away your radio and trap you somewhere, then you'll be trapped for good. Now maybe the maroon objective will actually be possible without murder.
Does it really make sense for there to be no intercom system on a space station of any size?

They should definitely be in the main areas because they do let you hear the radio if you've had your headset removed or it's malfunctioning and can't get a new one.

Re: Birdboatstation (Alpha)

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 7:15 pm
by Wyzack
Hence the bounced radio that starts in your internals box

Re: Birdboatstation (Alpha)

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 12:53 am
by Luke Cox
I'm not sure if this would be the map to implement it in, but what if instead of miners you had salvagers that stripped apart a derelict station or ship and dumped the parts into a recycler for materials?

Re: Birdboatstation (Alpha)

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 11:15 am
by Stan_Studnick
Wyzack wrote:Hence the bounced radio that starts in your internals box
Yes, I can read. It still doesn't make sense that there wouldn't be any intercom terminals anywhere on a space station.

Re: Birdboatstation (Alpha)

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 8:54 am
by Tokiko2
Luke Cox wrote:I'm not sure if this would be the map to implement it in, but what if instead of miners you had salvagers that stripped apart a derelict station or ship and dumped the parts into a recycler for materials?
Sounds like an interesting idea but it would probably require a bit of complex coding, sadly not what I am capable of. I did leave plenty of space in the mining z-level to add something like a derelict station though.

I was planning to have this released already but there have been several refactor PRs that change a lot of paths and there are several others upcoming so I'll wait until those are done because each of these being merged would break the map. On the upside, several code related bugs that broke stuff on this map have been fixed.

Re: Birdboatstation (Alpha)

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 8:27 am
by Tokiko2
Download avaible now! ... Beta01.rar
Despite calling this a beta, this map should be pretty much finished, just not tested enough. Even the highpop gamemodes should work on this map(codewise atleast, balance is another thing). Please report all bugs you find and post any suggestions you have.

Also, since this map is pretty much the first map on tgcode that comes with a roundstart supermatter engine, here's some basic instructions on how to start it without causing it to go critical:

Note that this is the minimal setup. For a safer engine that produces more power, try to keep the supermatter chamber filled with cooled, pure o2. You'll know you're doing it right when the shard turns orange. Filling the plasma tanks will also increase the power output but won't make it any more safe.

Re: Birdboatstation (Beta, download avaible)

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 9:15 am
by sirnat
Can you try to get this to be ran on a test run on Sybil? Or is it preferred for bagil

Re: Birdboatstation (Beta, download avaible)

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 2:59 pm
by Wyzack
I do not think such a small station would be able to handle sybil's population. However i would really like to see this on Basil ASAP

Re: Birdboatstation (Beta, download avaible)

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 12:04 am
by Luke Cox
Wyzack wrote:I do not think such a small station would be able to handle sybil's population. However i would really like to see this on Basil ASAP
Basil is what this map is targeted as, I believe. MSO is working on an automatic map rotation system for Sybil.

Re: Birdboatstation (Beta, download avaible)

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 8:03 am
by Tokiko2
If you would like this on Basil, you should probably let MSO know, I am neither involved with hosting or adminstration. For Sybil you really should wait until the mapvote/rotate things are done because running this with 40+ players is asking for disaster, there's not even enough jobslots avaible. Though if there is interest, I could add some experimental higher pop version with more jobslots and a few of the super dangerous things removed.

Re: Birdboatstation (Beta, download avaible)

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 5:01 am
by Luke Cox
Tokiko2 wrote:If you would like this on Basil, you should probably let MSO know, I am neither involved with hosting or adminstration. For Sybil you really should wait until the mapvote/rotate things are done because running this with 40+ players is asking for disaster, there's not even enough jobslots avaible. Though if there is interest, I could add some experimental higher pop version with more jobslots and a few of the super dangerous things removed.
This map is ideal for basil. I can't fathom how Metastation is anywhere near playable with 15 or so people

Re: Birdboatstation (Beta, download avaible)

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 12:23 am
by Tokiko2
Map updated: ... Beta02.rar

Compiles again. Added a xenobio medical room for surgery and another maint entrance and corridor for more traitoring fun. Also some very minor kitchen changes.

Re: Birdboatstation (Beta, download avaible)

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 6:32 pm
by Miauw
Pirou (655) MrStonedOne: <Miauw> you should testrun some of the new maps in the spriting and mapping section, ESPECIALLY birdboatstation for basil
MrStonedOne They need to be pr'ed, so I can just use that
MrStonedOne because of the whole live tracking from github thing, its not easy to make local changes

Re: Birdboatstation (Beta, download avaible)

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 7:13 pm
by Wyzack
Cant wait to play it. Still.

Re: Birdboatstation (Beta, download avaible)

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 10:50 pm
by Bawhoppennn
Luke Cox wrote: This map is ideal for basil. I can't fathom how Metastation is anywhere near playable with 15 or so people
I don't think you're qualified to say considering you don't play on Basil. Metastation has historically worked very well on Basil, and I think that larger maps scale well with lower pops just as they do with higher pops. Nevertheless I'm very excited to try something different for once, as we've been running Metastation for quite a while since Eff 3.

Re: Birdboatstation (Beta, download avaible)

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 11:02 pm
by Luke Cox
Bawhoppennn wrote:
Luke Cox wrote: This map is ideal for basil. I can't fathom how Metastation is anywhere near playable with 15 or so people
I don't think you're qualified to say considering you don't play on Basil. Metastation has historically worked very well on Basil, and I think that larger maps scale well with lower pops just as they do with higher pops. Nevertheless I'm very excited to try something different for once, as we've been running Metastation for quite a while since Eff 3.
Maybe so, but Box with 15 people feels dead and Meta in general feels so much more spacious.

Re: Birdboatstation (Beta, download avaible)

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 11:41 pm
by allura
Originally I didn't want to post on this thread because your station didn't impress or disgust me enough to enthrall me to tear into it, but now that you're pr'd the map like it's some finished or even passable product, I'm going to tell you what needs fixing.

The spider pit is completely hideous and there for no reason. I haven't read this thread so I don't know if it's gone, or if someone else has commented how shitty it is, but it's truly godawful. It isn't needed. It's just an ugly chunk full of aggressive mobs that really serves no purpose other than flavor, but the flavor is that of shit. Really gross, nugget-y shit.

There are insane amounts of totally identical plants around each other, most offensively in places like the left of botany and the tiny crevice below that. The result is something that genuinely looks like the brainchild of autism. It's aesthetically devastating to look at, there in all honesty should never be more than one or two (different) plants in a room at the same time, and if placed in a hallway, keep them pretty far apart.

Speaking of the strange sandy area near botany, what is it for? It's incredibly ugly and I don't see the point for its existence other than, oh wow, flavor. But it's, again, gross and unpalatable flavor. Why not replace it with a small construction area, or something else that serves a point and isn't downright fucking ugly?

Engineering is quite large for such a small station. Looking over your setup for the engine, my best suggestion here to to totally remove the TEG and dedicate the area to a nicer containment for the SM. The SM is a very fussy engine and it would be good to give it breathing room, so having that entire room just for it would be nicer. Although it's a terrible engine that wasn't ported very well, it actually can power a station. The TEG, on the other hand, is damn near impossible to do much anything with now that atmos has been majorly overhauled since Ministation's inception.

The arrivals shuttle being so fat isn't very nice to look at. You could reduce it further in size and still provide all needed wardrobes, or, better yet, move the wardrobes into the hallway just outside so you don't have such an ugly arrivals.

You should totally flip chemistry turnways, so its table is directly next to RnD. This would mean that, instead of someone having to leave their post, the chemist can just throw over a beaker of acid to their desk. That's a nice thing.

All the conveyor shit in cargo is enraging to look at. No one will need that much shit all over the place, and it takes up a huge amount of room. Also, the weird line of colored tiles is very ugly, and it should just not be a thing at all.

Your maintenance is incredibly crowded for a ministation, I've no clue why you put so many things in it, it's Efficiency Station 1 tier of derelict. I suggest you instead put more storage rooms containing materials that may be hard to obtain to an average assistant there, that way when there's 3-4 people playing and no engineer, you aren't up a creek.

Could you maybe give a little bit more of a foundation for solar panels? Although there's definitely stuff there, it isn't nearly enough. My suggestion is instead making a broken one that produces minimal power by default but has enough space to power the station alone.

Why is there a fucking fauna storage full of potted plants? Please, just completely excise that location. I understand that you may like potted plants, but given 99% of the map is covered in identical potted-fucking-plants, I think it's kind of immodest to assume people will love them nearly enough to use more than 2 of those things. Really, you could have just place a 3x3 room in maintenance (as opposed to another fucking derelict bar) with 6 potted plants, that would have been awesome.

Your use of stairs is pretty erroneous. Look at the theatre, for example. You walk up stairs to enter it, then you can go into maintenance, and exit back to the same hallway you came from... except now you don't go down stairs. That's bad use of stairs. Speaking of the theatre, the single wooden floor in the maintenance above it is awful, don't do that.

How is that gravity generator going to stay powered without a SMES? Also, about power, there doesn't seem to be even one pacman on the entire station, which means in order to generate power you're absolutely required to go through the pain of either setting up the SM, TEG, or build a solar. That's an incredibly arduous process, especially for a lowpop map.

Finally, the entire map is surrounded in various debris like catwalks and lattices. With that, you went entirely too far. You need to tone that down and have significantly less catwalks and lattices. It's pretty ugly.

P.S. The janitor's room is bigger than the EVA, the kitchen, the HoP's room, the captain's room, and a lot of other small rooms. That's insane, and I don't think that it's good space allocation. Sorry.

Re: Birdboatstation (Beta, download avaible)

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 5:07 am
by Tokiko2
Thanks for the feedback allura. Thankfully most of the stuff you said was missing/non fuctional or purposeless does actually exist, works fine and has a purpose, atleast in the current version.

Speaking of current versions, since I've put up the map on git, I'm going to upload most of the changes there for now. Here's the PR. ... tation-b03 And here is the branch with all the map files.

Changes in the current version:
Adds two of the new autorifles to the armory.
Adds a sink to genetics so you can actually get a monkey from the monkey cube box. Or clean your clothes if you have just been cloned.
Adds a few more mirrors.
Bunch of minor stuff like some floor fixes.

Re: Birdboatstation (Beta, download avaible)

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 2:09 am
by Tokiko2
There's been 2 updates recently. Do note that by now the picture in the starting post is rather outdated.

Added station blueprints to the vault. This is a bugfix because it made some steal objectives impossible!
Removed the extra supermatter shard crate in engineering. Some previous updates to the code broke it and I found it too destructive to keep around. Note that the roundstart one in engineering is special and anchored to the floor.
Fixed the numbers in the names of the 3 unique monkeys.
Added the gateway to the station. Server admins can now use away missions. This also means that the swarmer random event will spawn a shell in there.
As part of the above, north eastern maint has been slightly redesigned. Picture:
Added a 1 in 11 chance for a voodoo doll to spawn inside the gateway room.
Added a 1 in 41 chance for a slaughter demon bottle to spawn in the maint medical room. Might make this more common if people find it fun.
Added some asteroid rock to the hull of the station. The reason for this is that the meteor random event used to destroy the station quite badly due to its smaller size. Many areas still don't have any protection, this is just to protect a few certain areas. Most notable locations: The xeno research chamber(the north is still vulnerable though), the atmos section of engineering, the AI sat(the western side facing engineering is not covered, allowing for easy entering with bombs) and the gravity gen area. This should not affect any but one unfinished solars structures, and even that one just slightly. Note that these rocks do not contain any minerals.

Re: Birdboatstation (Beta, download avaible)

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 8:48 pm
by Shadowlight213
>chance for a slaughter demon bottle to spawn
There are things that should not be added to maps for regular crew members to have access to.

Re: Birdboatstation (Beta, download avaible)

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 3:08 am
by Tokiko2
Could you please elaborate why you dislike that?

Is it because of you being concerned of non-antags using it? People using it to validhunt? Slaughter demons becoming too common? I've not had these experiences on my server, but I'll probably remove the spawner as it doesn't add much to the map anyway since it's super rare.

There has been an update lately, bunch of stuff updated, some more exits added to a few rooms, medbay maint connected to science maint and cardboard boxes added to maint. Too lazy to take screenshots of it now, I'll post some once the next one is done.

Re: Birdboatstation (Beta, download avaible)

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 12:15 am
by duncathan
Some of the maps in rotation have active turfs at roundstart. This is a mapping error caused by a difference of the air between the adjacent turfs. There will be a big #WARNING message at roundstart telling you how many there are and how to find them (the verb it mentions is a debug verb; make sure to use the "Debug verbs" verb in the Debug panel so that it's visible). Make sure you fix these and PR it.

If, when you compile, it says that there are exactly 31 active turfs at roundstart, PLEASE tell me. There is a critical atmos runtime happening on that map and I need to know which map it is so I can fix it.

Re: Birdboatstation (Beta, download avaible)

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 6:02 am
by Tokiko2
Pretty sure this map is not in rotation sadly.

Newest update:

Removed the slaughterdemon bottle spawner.
Added a powerstation to maint! Comes almost wired. The only thing that is wired are the grilles so you better be careful.
Here is a picture:

Here are also some more areas that have been changed but I simply didn't bother posting pictures of:

This is the new medbay maint area, you can now enter easily into science maint without having to deal with cameras:

This one is a bit old but I didn't show it off yet: It's the plant/art/tool storage room. There's 3 of every kind of canvas in that box, as well as 3 rainbow crayons for drawing:

Re: Birdboatstation (Done!)

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 4:06 pm
by Incoming
it's not in rotation because apparently it doesn't compile (which is a pretty critical problem)

Update your branch to master and see what the conflict is.

Re: Birdboatstation (Done!)

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 4:22 pm
by Jordie0608
It's been merged and is in the rotation now.

Re: Birdboatstation (Done!)

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 9:40 pm
by Miauw
ayy lmao there's complaints about this map in #coderbus

ill sum them up:
1. no newscasters, extinguishers, or intercomms
2. random OP admin-only items scattered about that really shouldnt be there, like the mindflayer or combat defib. pls dont do this.

apparently there's a fucking emag in the armory, cut that shit out.

Re: Birdboatstation (Done!)

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 12:24 am
by Wyzack
On basil we so rarely have anything interesting to do that having these OP items around will hopefully allow us to do more interesting things. I really doubt that this will win any votes on Sybi due to what i assume will be a population maximum, but maybe if word spreads it might because it is fun. This is a game after all, who gives a shit about balance if people are having fun?