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MAPPERS: New feature: lazy bump cycle airlocks.

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 3:13 am
by MrStonedOne
So in this pr: I coded a feature that lets you make it so when opening one of a pair of airlocks, the other closes or attempts to close. ie, the two airlocks seen any time something goes to space.

To add this to a given set of airlocks on your maps, simply map edit cyclelinkeddir to the direction of the other airlock. both have to be pointed at eachother, and be in view() of eachother.

This system won't activate if there is a shuttle docked, so you can add it to escape airlocks without annoying people because doors are attempting to close, HOWEVER! If the shuttle starts out docked, the var on the airlock to disable this won't get set (as it's set on docking) so in the case of things like pods, you have to change the airlock next to the shuttle (but not on it) to have shuttledocked set to 1.

This has already been added to box station so you can look at the airlocks there for an example. It also works on pair'ed doors that don't go to space, like the two going into bridge on box station, or engine room, or brig.