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Testing new map... map making questions

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 6:34 pm
by cookins
hi again!
i making map for testing purposes...
im have couple questions - if anybody knows:
1. I playing map and made some new objects and placed it (by construction) - its walls, consoles, tables, etc. How to save map that already played - so all this stuff saved, which placed? it sounds strange, but i playing sometimes only with couple friends and need to do everything each round. its kinda really cool cab be for me!
2. if i changing ID of object, example conveyor switch in cargo - its "Cargo1" and controlling conveyor same named. so i have second conveyor ID "Cargo2", so i changing it IC via admin (view variables) to "Cargo2", so it control now other "Cargo2" switches, but "Cargo2" conveyor not moving...... and still only "Cargo1" conveyor is switching.... can it change to in "live" game or need to restart server. so its changed normally and not switch "Cargo1" without changes?
3. how to make for example when somebody join match - he join with custom equipment and all typical jobs are turned off? same as at beginning - only job with name "Colonist" are available?
4. and how to turn off all antag modes from beginning by default?
5. final question - when shuttle arrives to surface then leave - there from sand left space hole - how to make so surface sand is by default?
much thanks :igloves:

Re: Testing new map... map making questions

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 8:07 pm
by WJohnston
I'm going to try to answer these, though it's very hard to understand what you're trying to say here and I don't know how much you'll actually understand if I do answer you, but here we go.

1. I'm not sure if there is any way to save work done in the middle of a round to later be used in the map maker. It's possible to do the reverse, even loading maps and locations into the game (at least here on TG).
2. If you want a conveyor belt to respond to your ID changes, make sure both the lever AND the conveyors themselves have the same IDs. Make sure it's not already used somewhere else, either. It's possible cargo2 is already taken by another lever someplace else.
3. This requires code changes, it's not dependent on the map maker to do this. Can't help you here.
4. This is a config option, located in config/game_options.txt. Set these to values to 0 to disable these modes. You'll probably want to leave extended on 1, as I'm not sure what happens if you set ALL possible modes to 0.
5. This is a variable called turf_type found on stationary docking ports. Set it to the path of the turf you want the shuttle to leave behind when it departs (such as /turf/open/floor/plasteel).

Also, from the sound of things, you seem to want to map things IN GAME by manually placing things, then loading them up in the map maker. This is hideously inefficient and slow to do, if that's what you're planning. Please use the actual map maker and its vastly superior tools to get any kind of progress done on an entire space station.

Re: Testing new map... map making questions

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 8:32 pm
by cookins
2. i mean how to change their ID while game running. because when i do that - it like working on new ID, but still activation going on old one ID either.
3. there same in config can be changed like in 4 question. Just, i think, need to change in dream maker all roles - by search in search string in "File" tab string with "Job". just thought that might be to do easier.
thanks for help. still very curious about 1 question. i think many asking about it.

Re: Testing new map... map making questions

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 1:20 am
by WJohnston
For the conveyors, they've always been extremely finicky when editing them in game. A lot of things do not respond or change correctly when editing them in game, and it's not really a surprise these don't. These might only work when edited through the map maker.

Re: Testing new map... map making questions

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 8:56 am
by cookins
now i need help with shuttles - i know how they working, bit its not! in daemon, when ICly trying to use shuttle, saying " WARNING: couldn't find shuttle with id: ferry in code/controllers/subsystem/ at line 143" and IC, when i using shuttle console - said "Status: *missing*". in "" there no names like "mining shuttle", like "labor" - but this shuttles works fine, except of ferry!. So what i doing: shuttle have ID, for example "ferry", its placed on "area/shuttles/transport shuttle", it have mobile dock port with same ID "ferry" (all IDs have "" and all from small letter, etc). at round_move var there "ferry_away". at same location where mobile port - there stationary "dock" with ID "ferry_home". in shuttle console (either console for ferry) there shuttleID "ferry" and possible location is "ferry_home;ferry_away". at away stationary port with ID "ferry_away" - there empty space at beginning of game, no shuttle (but in mobile port - there said "roundstart_move "ferry_away"" and shuttle not there). what is wrong?

Re: Testing new map... map making questions

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 11:37 am
by cookins

Re: Testing new map... map making questions

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 9:55 am
by WJohnston
You know you'd get answers much, much more quickly from better devs than I if you went to the dev chat room. #coderbus on Rizon. You can get on it through

Launch the client, set the connect dropdown list to Rizon, and type in #coderbus in the channel bar, give yourself a nickname too, then click connect.

Re: Testing new map... map making questions

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 8:16 pm
by cookins
will do.