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Incendiary things

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 12:17 pm
by lumipharon
So after being alarmed at how crazy tommy guns currently are on nanobus, I suggested adding incendiary ammo for the smg, via the protolathe.
I was told that this wouldn't be possible currently due to how gun code currently is, but I had two thoughts on this.

Firstly, pap was/is going to add semi auto shotguns, that had different ammo types. Since it's semi auto it's functionally the same as the smg, so how were you going to make that work pap?

Secondly, and possibly more hackish, since normal guns can only fire one projectile, would it be possible to have two different smg's in the code (a normal one and incendiary one), where if say you're putting normal ammo mags into the normal smg, it behaves exactly as it does now, but if you added the different mag type (incendiary in this case) it would change the gun itself to the incendiary shooting version, which would ingame look identical.
Would this be possible/viable, or is it a retarded idea? I dunno, I have never coded in byond.

Also my other semi related idea, is a change to incendiary nades/the napalm chem reaction.

Currently, it's quite frankly pathetic, it pretty much creates 5-6 tiles of burning plasma for a short while, and that's it. It's a mild inconvenience at best, but is hardly anything to be frightened of.

But then I look at welder tank explosions. Aside from the actual, exploding part (the part that damages/gibs shit) it makes a rather large, nasty fireball, setting any fucker nearby on fire.
So then I ask myself, wouldn't an incendiary grenade be so much more interesting if it made that sort of fireball instead?

With or without a knockdown, actually SETTING PEOPLE ON FIRE would be a massive improvement, and would actually make them (fun).

Re: Incendiary things

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 2:28 pm
by AseaHeru
If you do this, we also need beanbag ammo for all the SMGs, AP rounds and perhaps Gumballs. (kudos if you get the reference)
If you havenot read The Supernaturalist than you have not lived.

Re: Incendiary things

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 2:50 pm
by Rolan7
lumipharon wrote:Secondly, and possibly more hackish, since normal guns can only fire one projectile, would it be possible to have two different smg's in the code (a normal one and incendiary one), where if say you're putting normal ammo mags into the normal smg, it behaves exactly as it does now, but if you added the different mag type (incendiary in this case) it would change the gun itself to the incendiary shooting version, which would ingame look identical.
Would this be possible/viable, or is it a retarded idea? I dunno, I have never coded in byond.
Creative, but not the way to go. You can't change an object's type, just delete it, create a new object, and put it in the correct place/load the ammo/make sure all the mob's icons are right. Hacky.

It seems like guns are almost ready to use different ammo types. As far as I can tell it's using the properties of whatever ammo it has loaded. There's some weirdness with the built-in, unremovable "internal magazines". A proper solution would probably mean removing those mystery non-objects.

Gun code is really convoluted, though. I wouldn't suggest it as a first project.

Re: Incendiary things

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 10:18 pm
by Cipher3
Um, the bartender's shotgun loads incendiary shells if you hack the autolathe. And a few other types.

Re: Incendiary things

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 10:52 pm
by paprika
"Incendiary" grenades should be loaded with thermite and should melt down walls they're adjacent to, since that's how they work irl.

I was going to add the new syndie semi-auto shotgun to the protolathe with all the ammos with a high illegal tech count (that you can get by deconning a parapen actually) which do have incendiary magazines but the issue there lies in another problem with inhand icon files that has yet to be fixed, I can't add them until that's done. I mean I -can-, but the cool inhands that snapwalk made would be useless and I'd rather put them in when I add the new nuke op weapons.