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Central Command Update

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 3:09 pm
by Neerti

Copypasted from github:

* Fixes wizard door wand exploit in a very fun way with step_trigger/teleport into singularity.
* Adds bay's shuttle windows. They're exactly the same as reinforced windows in terms of health.
* (A lot of) Centcom's machines there are not actually machines. They're actually structures that look like machines, to reduce lag.
* Much of the structure is old centcom, but moved around. Embellishments and artistic license has also been used heavily so it's somewhat unique. Somwhat.
* Stairs actually work (hint: it's not the stairs, it's the step_trigger)
* Airlocks are compliant with different access levels for centcom (101-107, 109)
* Adds some misc things for admins to play with, like a huge plane with a turf not used anywhere else (I think) for easy mass-varedit, a premade, but empty 'dungeon' area linked to centcom, and a 'fleet' of ships (we need more ships, submit yours!)
* Adds myself to admins.txt because forgetting to do it every time is annoying.

* Also stole bay's beach sprites and added it to holodeck and bar.

* Adds a "secret" on the second floor. Credit goes to Mechoid for the sprite.

Tour of new Centcom (HUGE FILE)

Re: Central Command Update

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 5:07 pm
by NikNakFlak
I understand making it have lots of "extra" stuff to make it fun and useful for events, but there seems to be a lot of useless gunk everywhere, such as the random carp in the cage, the random statue, lava on both sides of a hallway. It should be fun, but it should also look clean and right now, it looks like a Frankenstein of half dungeon half station parts. Make it less event orientated and more station orientated

Re: Central Command Update

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 5:12 pm
by JJRcop
I agree. You could make another place on the zlevel that's just a big mess and is very easy to make events with, but it's not Central Command.

Re: Central Command Update

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 11:15 pm
by Neerti
I removed the (holo)lava
The statue/carp is inside the xenobiology section.

As for 'make it more station orientated', I don't really see why making it "event orientated" is bad considering that's literally what centcom is for.

Re: Central Command Update

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 2:50 am
by NikNakFlak
Update image?

Re: Central Command Update

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 2:45 pm
by Stickymayhem
I'm liking it. The more stuff you jam into it the more opportunities admins have for creativity,

It does look like a big old mess so maybe you could separate some of the less thematically appropriate areas using space?