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Re: Roundtable 3/20 6pm EST

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 4:00 pm
by Jeb

Bottom post of the previous page:

Sounds a lot like Anon3 was just upset that scaredy changed his mind during the roundtable, because scaredy most definitely said "I'm handing over administrative responsibilities to the headmins, but I'll continue to host the server and make sure things run and do updates"

I for one, do not welcome this sudden change in power. Do you even have the experience required to host the server?

Re: Roundtable 3/20 6pm EST

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 4:12 pm
by AdenAbrafo
Ricotez wrote:You need someone responsible for the servers, a host who looks over them beyond just making sure that all the lights are on.
Why is Anon3 that person? Just because he was elected a headmin by the players doesn't automatically mean he should be put in a host position, especially without community input. It's not making a big deal out of it it's questioning whether it's a good decision. If it is the best decision then he'll end up as the host, if not then a better decision will be made. Rushing the process and forcing someone into the position for the sake of filling the position is silly.

Re: Roundtable 3/20 6pm EST

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 4:58 pm
by Stickymayhem
Jeb wrote:Sounds a lot like Anon3 was just upset that scaredy changed his mind during the roundtable, because scaredy most definitely said "I'm handing over administrative responsibilities to the headmins, but I'll continue to host the server and make sure things run and do updates"

I for one, do not welcome this sudden change in power. Do you even have the experience required to host the server?
Yeah he did appear to misunderstand the situation, or scaredy misinformed him. The decision was changed since the roundtable, with scaredy's consent I assume.

Re: Roundtable 3/20 6pm EST

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 5:37 pm
by bandit
Holy fuck you fucking :honkman:s

Does anyone know of a single person who is both

1) more qualified to host
2) willing?

Name names. Or don't, because you probably can't.

Re: Roundtable 3/20 6pm EST

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 6:09 pm
by Timbrewolf
bandit wrote:Holy fuck you fucking :honkman:s

Does anyone know of a single person who is both

1) more qualified to host
2) willing?

Name names. Or don't, because you probably can't.
It's this, prettymuch. I'm the only one in a position to do it. Everyone else was absent or quit.
This isn't a vote. This is a permanent position. I'm the new host.

Sharing more responsibilities among the headmins doesn't change anything. It was the thing we were supposed to be doing leading up to this entire conversation. You can see how it already didn't work. That system already failed.

For the time being SoS is still maintaining the hardware but it's possible within the next year we'll be at a point where he can hand all that over to me and I can take on the responsibility of hosting. It's a possibility but not a definite. Six months ago I never would've guessed that any of this was possible. You guys don't make this shit easy.

Ultimately what can you do, should you do?

Start by calming down. It's just a game. Someone needs to be the anchor and I'm that guy now. It's only politics and drama and scary if you base your whole life around this. Go outside. See a movie. Calm down.

Re: Roundtable 3/20 6pm EST

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 6:38 pm
by TheNightingale
An0n3 wrote:Sharing more responsibilities among the headmins doesn't change anything. It was the thing we were supposed to be doing leading up to this entire conversation. You can see how it already didn't work. That system already failed.
Whilst it's true that you're currently the only one able to administratively host the server (as opposed to physically maintaining the hardware), I'd like to think something has been learned from what has happened - hosting the server on one's own is very, very difficult, especially if you're taking on headmin duties as well.
As was said in the roundtable, electing others to assist would help solve this problem.

See it this way: one player can take out an alien hive, with great difficulty, but it's a lot easier if they have two others with energy guns to cover them.

Re: Roundtable 3/20 6pm EST

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 6:45 pm
by bandit
TheNightingale wrote:
An0n3 wrote:Sharing more responsibilities among the headmins doesn't change anything. It was the thing we were supposed to be doing leading up to this entire conversation. You can see how it already didn't work. That system already failed.
Whilst it's true that you're currently the only one able to administratively host the server (as opposed to physically maintaining the hardware), I'd like to think something has been learned from what has happened - hosting the server on one's own is very, very difficult, especially if you're taking on headmin duties as well.
As was said in the roundtable, electing others to assist would help solve this problem.

See it this way: one player can take out an alien hive, with great difficulty, but it's a lot easier if they have two others with energy guns to cover them.
See: "willing." For example, I think Ikarrus would make a better choice for host than An0n3 if we are being totally honest, but he's already said he doesn't want to. And honestly giving how much you people are shitting on his vacation I don't blame him

Re: Roundtable 3/20 6pm EST

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 6:54 pm
by TheNightingale
Of course. Ikarrus has said he doesn't want to be the host; and nobody is going to force him, obviously.

I think I've got this right: correct me if these are wrong.

Previous hierarchy:
Current hierarchy:
An0n3, with SoS maintaining the server
Roundtable proposed hierarchy:
'Hostmin'==='Hostmin'==='Hostmin', with SoS or An0n3 maintaining the server (i.e. head administrators that also manage the server, e.g. An0n3)
Headmins (i.e. head administrators that don't manage the server, e.g. Ikarrus)

Re: Roundtable 3/20 6pm EST

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 9:14 pm
by Timbrewolf
TheNightingale wrote:
An0n3 wrote:Sharing more responsibilities among the headmins doesn't change anything. It was the thing we were supposed to be doing leading up to this entire conversation. You can see how it already didn't work. That system already failed.
Whilst it's true that you're currently the only one able to administratively host the server (as opposed to physically maintaining the hardware), I'd like to think something has been learned from what has happened - hosting the server on one's own is very, very difficult, especially if you're taking on headmin duties as well.
As was said in the roundtable, electing others to assist would help solve this problem.

See it this way: one player can take out an alien hive, with great difficulty, but it's a lot easier if they have two others with energy guns to cover them.
I'm only pulling double duty as a headmin/host until other people can get filled in.

I'm currently deputizing some people and holding a replacement vote to fill those two seats. Once that fills in I'll transcend to a host role with ultimate executive authority. My responsibilities are changing, and that means letting go of some of the jobs I've had. Things like monitoring FNR and handling appeals from absentee admins will not be up to me anymore. Community management and admin oversight will be more important for me. Determining policy not so much. I'm preparing myself to see a lot of rules and stuff I helped create get overturned and voted out.

You think I'm transcending to goat dictator hitler but I'm holding my breath and wondering how much of all the work I've done is about to just get trashed because I'm not in a position to defend it anymore. In a lot of ways I'm losing authority.

Let me put it this way, if you're tired of fighting with me and arguing about me with things, congrats. I wont be doing that much anymore. Instead I'll be fighting and arguing with the people who fight and argue with you. Overseeing admins, deadminnings, admin abuses, admin disputes, and other high-level administrative things. I'll probably be more involved in trialmin selection and training, since that's been inconsistent as fuck forever and a lot of people treat "admin trainer" like a vanity title and don't actually do any training these days.

Re: Roundtable 3/20 6pm EST

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 9:49 pm
by Super Aggro Crag


Re: Roundtable 3/20 6pm EST

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:03 pm
by TheNightingale
Nobody's saying you'll turn into goat dictator Hitler. Possibly goat dictator Stalin or goat dictator Mao, but you don't seem the Hitler type.

You're saying that after the 'hostmins' (for want of a better word) are decided, you will ascend from your quest-bed of goatdom and become Goat Tier the new administrative host? How would your authority compare to that of the headmins/admins?

All we're worried about is that nothing will really change hierarchy/role-wise: it's been shown that we need change, and, though it is bad and scary and Thomas Edison was a witch, it is necessary. If you step up to fill the role SoS previously played, that of 'host with ultimate executive authority', people might get a little worried. After all, look how the last dictatorship ended.

On the topic of dictatorships, Weimar Germany (the predecessor to Nazi Germany) did have one relevant idea - a semi-presidential system. I don't know enough about governmental politics to explain it well; perhaps someone else could.

Re: Roundtable 3/20 6pm EST

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:06 pm
by peoplearestrange
Super Aggro Crag wrote:THE HOST IS DEAD


Actually this is kind of fitting. For 5 years this have been fine with just 1 host. Now we technically have 2 (sorta). I'd say reserve judgement for a later date. Everyone's incredibly quick to jump on the "LETS REK THE NEW GUY!", normally before anything has even happened.

Ultimately we work best as people when we have one person to make "the hard decisions" and no I don't mean a dictator. In much the same way as we have a president or Prime Minster. MOST things get solved by an administrative team collectively, more difficult things go to a board of "directors" (headmins) and then if they can't agree or they together dont know what to do it need to be able to go to one final step in which someone makes a decision. Also I thoroughly doubt that Anon would personally not listen to headmins if they all disagreed with there take on a solution.

TL:DR just wait before panicking... seriously.

Re: Roundtable 3/20 6pm EST

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:28 pm
by oranges
Should be

Code: Select all

Headmin = Headmin = Headmin                Coderbus              Players
           |     \
       Admins  Technical Host

We don't need anything else

Re: Roundtable 3/20 6pm EST

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:33 pm
by Timbrewolf
Host your own server and prove it then.

I've worked in the administration here for years and I can say with experience that it is definitely necessary to have a single permanent fixture that is above and behind the regularly elected headministration.

I'd go so far as to say I"m the perfect candidate for the host:

1) I've never misused my admin powers to benefit myself or purposely screw someone else over.
2) I've never banned someone out of spite or involved myself with my own IC interactions as an admin.
3) My IC behavior is exemplary. I was banned twice here ever (one of which was for fake IC in OOC) over four years ago. I don't griff, I don't have metafriends.
4) I have a lot of experience working with the current and previous adminstaff.
5) I've gotten as much shit thrown at me as anyone else ever has and I'm still here despite it. I'm not the kind of person who will get up and quit in a huff over something that disappoints me.

Re: Roundtable 3/20 6pm EST

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:40 pm
by TheNightingale
Oranges, that sounds like a rather good idea. The technical host would physically manage the server (that is to say, SoS's current duties) - who would manage the headmin triumvirate? Or would they manage themselves? Of the headmins, who would handle community management and admin oversight, and who would be in charge of FNR and absent appeals; or would this be decided by the triumvirate of headmins?

An0n3, I'm suggesting this permanent fixture might be too much work for one person; they would need help, I think, to manage the headministration, who manages the admins, who manage the players.

That is to say...
'Headmin manager'==='Headmin manager'==='Headmin manager'

Re: Roundtable 3/20 6pm EST

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:45 pm
by Alex Crimson
An0n3 wrote:Host your own server and prove it then.

I've worked in the administration here for years and I can say with experience that it is definitely necessary to have a single permanent fixture that is above and behind the regularly elected headministration.
Disagree. If SoS has taught us anything its that the host, regardless of intentions, tends to overstep their authority and force changes on the entire playerbase. It just seems more like anyone who wants to host wants the power as payment for their services.

3 player-elected(well, player/coder/admin elect, but its still the "playerbase" electing them) vs 1 almighty entity that has their position because they choose to pay money to keep the server going.

Re: Roundtable 3/20 6pm EST

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:55 pm
by TheNightingale
AN0n3 says lead administration has two parts: that of managing the community and admins, and that of determining policy and handling appeals and FNR. His plan is to take over physical server duties ('Technical Host'), as well as managing community and admins. Headmins would retain their current headmin duties of policy and appeals/FNR.

Let's call that first role, that of managing the community and admins, 'Headmin role 1', or 'HR1'. Managing policy and appeals/FNR is 'Headmin role 2', or 'HR2'.

HR1===HR2===HR2 (HRs are elected by the headmins, maybe?)
Headmins (elected by the community)
Admins == Technical Host

What do you think?

Re: Roundtable 3/20 6pm EST

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:58 pm
by mikecari
An0n3 wrote:Host your own server and prove it then.

I've worked in the administration here for years and I can say with experience that it is definitely necessary to have a single permanent fixture that is above and behind the regularly elected headministration.

I'd go so far as to say I"m the perfect candidate for the host:

1) I've never misused my admin powers to benefit myself or purposely screw someone else over.
2) I've never banned someone out of spite or involved myself with my own IC interactions as an admin.
3) My IC behavior is exemplary. I was banned twice here ever (one of which was for fake IC in OOC) over four years ago. I don't griff, I don't have metafriends.
4) I have a lot of experience working with the current and previous adminstaff.
5) I've gotten as much shit thrown at me as anyone else ever has and I'm still here despite it. I'm not the kind of person who will get up and quit in a huff over something that disappoints me.
Hahahah amazing, he actually thinks we'll believe this after all he's said and done.
Just have some humility and let a reasonable person like Ikkarus take over.

Re: Roundtable 3/20 6pm EST

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 1:14 am
by Timbrewolf
Suggest or pontificate all you want but it's not something that's open to debate.

This is how it is.
mikecari wrote:Hahahah amazing, he actually thinks we'll believe this after all he's said and done.
Just have some humility and let a reasonable person like Ikkarus take over.
Hi Glorycat. Why are you still here?

Re: Roundtable 3/20 6pm EST

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 1:20 am
by DemonFiren
You are saying whether or not you are the perfect candidate is not up for debate? Whether or not you are a candidate may not be, and whether you end up hosting may not be, but how qualified you are is.

Well, it's up for pointing and yelling, anyway. I'll watch.

Re: Roundtable 3/20 6pm EST

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 1:43 am
by callanrockslol
peoplearestrange wrote:
Super Aggro Crag wrote:THE HOST IS DEAD


Actually this is kind of fitting. For 5 years this have been fine with just 1 host.
That's because SoS rarely played for most of that time.

Re: Roundtable 3/20 6pm EST

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 2:41 am
by danno
one of our new "temp headmins" or whatever is the same guy who got btfo by 15 year old spacemanspark

Re: Roundtable 3/20 6pm EST

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 2:50 am
by oranges
An0n3 wrote: Suggest or pontificate all you want but it's not something that's open to debate.

This is how it is.
Speaks for itself really.

Re: Roundtable 3/20 6pm EST

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 2:53 am
by danno

Re: Roundtable 3/20 6pm EST

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 2:56 am
by fagboy420

Re: Roundtable 3/20 6pm EST

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 3:07 am
by mikecari
An0n3 wrote: Hi Glorycat. Why are you still here?
Because you're a power-hungry, lying individual and I enjoy revealing your inner nature.
And please, stop with the "Well if you don't like it then leave." attitude.
It's pretty clear by now that you're the LAST person /tg/ wants as its new host.

Re: Roundtable 3/20 6pm EST

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 3:10 am
by Ricotez
mikecari wrote:Because you're a power-hungry, lying individual and I enjoy revealing your inner nature.
>Accuses someone else of this


Re: Roundtable 3/20 6pm EST

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 3:14 am
by mikecari
Ricotez wrote:
mikecari wrote:Because you're a power-hungry, lying individual and I enjoy revealing your inner nature.
>Accuses someone else of this
Just because I'm saying it doesn't mean it isn't true. If you look on singulo you'll see how much of a shitty person anon is, but I guess "HURR SINGULO DOESN'T COUNT" according to him.
Notice how he always attacks the person making the argument rather than the argument itself? That's a clearcut sign of incompetence.

Re: Roundtable 3/20 6pm EST

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 3:42 am
by Allohsnackbar
mikecari wrote:
Ricotez wrote:
mikecari wrote:Because you're a power-hungry, lying individual and I enjoy revealing your inner nature.
>Accuses someone else of this
Just because I'm saying it doesn't mean it isn't true.If you look on singulo you'll see how much of a shitty person anon is , but I guess "HURR SINGULO DOESN'T COUNT" according to him.
Notice how he always attacks the person making the argument rather than the argument itself? That's a clearcut sign of incompetence.
"Just because I'm saying it doesn't mean it isn't true."
Considering your character and play style, i think it's indicative.

"If you look on singulo you'll see how much of a shitty person anon is"
Please, let's use anonymous forum/4chancancer boards they have less basis then the average street hobo some more.

"Notice how he always attacks the person making the argument rather than the argument itself"
I don't notice that. Unless he's taking about you, which is perfectly acceptable. You were permabanned for Shitlery and being a hitler condom on Yog, which has stricter rules. The fact that you couldn't get your shit together here, where rules are LAXER is indicative that you can't contribute anything, to... Most communities. So yeah, calling you on out on your character is perfectly fine.

"That's a clearcut sign of incompetence"
Because you, the ALMIGHTY, EXPERIENCED, GLORIOUS Glorycat is the perfect judge.
K :honkman:

Re: Roundtable 3/20 6pm EST

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 3:54 am
by Timbrewolf
mikecari wrote:
Ricotez wrote:
mikecari wrote:Because you're a power-hungry, lying individual and I enjoy revealing your inner nature.
>Accuses someone else of this
Just because I'm saying it doesn't mean it isn't true. If you look on singulo you'll see how much of a shitty person anon is, but I guess "HURR SINGULO DOESN'T COUNT" according to him.
Notice how he always attacks the person making the argument rather than the argument itself? That's a clearcut sign of incompetence.
Just gonna leave this here: ... tion.4078/

Your thoughts on administration aren't appreciated by anyone, anywhere. If anything I should think that you hate me is probably a good sign.
You don't even play. You're permabanned. Of course you're angry and you hate everyone.

Re: Roundtable 3/20 6pm EST

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 3:56 am
by iamgoofball
[center]we're all powerhungry lying individuals because this is a game about powerhungry lying individuals in space

conversation over[/center]

time to get back to ruining chemistry more, porting *blink_r and *blink_l, *inhale, *exhale, and then proceeding to tell the players to fuck themselves as per ritual

this post was brought to you by CLF3 Foam(tm)

Re: Roundtable 3/20 6pm EST

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 4:15 am
by Jeb
An0n3 wrote:Suggest or pontificate all you want but it's not something that's open to debate.

This is how it is.
mikecari wrote:Hahahah amazing, he actually thinks we'll believe this after all he's said and done.
Just have some humility and let a reasonable person like Ikkarus take over.
Hi Glorycat. Why are you still here?
lol, this is now /tg/station's overseer.


Re: Roundtable 3/20 6pm EST

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 4:58 am
by lumipharon
This is literally a decision SoS has made, and no one else that is in any way qualified has put their hand up to volunteer, other then Anon.

I'm genuinely surprised by the amount of discontent - what are you afraid is going to happen?

Re: Roundtable 3/20 6pm EST

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 5:09 am
by Remie Richards
muh conspiracies

Re: Roundtable 3/20 6pm EST

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 5:12 am
by Allohsnackbar
lumipharon wrote:This is literally a decision SoS has made, and no one else that is in any way qualified has put their hand up to volunteer, other then Anon.

I'm genuinely surprised by the amount of discontent - what are you afraid is going to happen?
That's the thing. These guys are stirring shit for the SAKE OF STIRRING UP SHIT. AN0N is a great headmin, and if you think he isn't following every implied regulation and rule that he is "supposed" to follow, sit the fuck down.

Re: Roundtable 3/20 6pm EST

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 6:11 am
by scaredofshadows
I still plan on being the technical host for as long as the community wants me to fill this role.

For the people who want me to be absent again, wish me good luck on the job interviews this week.

Re: Roundtable 3/20 6pm EST

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 9:59 am
by miggles
An0n3 wrote:I'm taking over.
ok coo-
An0n3 wrote:I've deputized MSO and HBL

Re: Roundtable 3/20 6pm EST

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 1:43 pm
by danno
An0n3 wrote: If anything I should think that you hate me is probably a good sign.
dude glorycat is obviously an idiot but please dont ever say this it's so dumb

Re: Roundtable 3/20 6pm EST

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 1:51 pm
by Scott
mikecari wrote:
An0n3 wrote: Hi Glorycat. Why are you still here?
Because you're a power-hungry, lying individual and I enjoy revealing your inner nature.
And please, stop with the "Well if you don't like it then leave." attitude.
It's pretty clear by now that you're the LAST person /tg/ wants as its new host.
You're the last person who can speak for the /tg/station community.

Re: Roundtable 3/20 6pm EST

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 12:17 am
by Timbrewolf
Well the roundtable concluded days ago. As always if you have feedback about things feel free to wander on over to my thread on and comment on it in the admin feedback forums, or if you have evidence of an abuse make a complaint.