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Re: ITT: we whine

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 8:30 am
by Laharl Monthy

Bottom post of the previous page:

Xhuis wrote:When you voluntarily give someone the nuke codes, you can't complain when they use them. It irritates me when admins will give out the nuke code to the captain or something than get angry at him when he sets off the nuke.
Now that's just silly.
When I give out the nuke code, I generally fully expect that the station has a chance to explode. Even when trouble is over. Nothing to get angry over, at least deadchat gets to play again.
Hell sometimes, when I feel that the real code isn't necessary (like when the clown somehow got hold of the main terminal), I give a false code, just to create a little panick. Because Honk.

Re: ITT: we whine

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 8:44 am
by Vekter
Xhuis wrote:When you voluntarily give someone the nuke codes, you can't complain when they use them. It irritates me when admins will give out the nuke code to the captain or something than get angry at him when he sets off the nuke.
>Blob pops
>request nuke codes

Every. Fucking. Time.

Re: ITT: we whine

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 12:42 pm
by Not-Dorsidarf
Remember, if you don't want to detonate the nuke, just give them the nuke codes.

The default one


The nuclear code is: ADMIN.
Have a secure day and stop being pussies

Re: ITT: we whine

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 1:38 pm
by Bluespace
The default code is LOLNO.
You can still set off the nuke but expect to be banned for exploiting.

Re: ITT: we whine

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 1:54 pm
by DemonFiren
As discussed elsewhere: Default-set the nuke code to a random number each round, automatically, then ban whoever manages to arm the nuke. Also automatically.

Re: ITT: we whine

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 4:01 pm
by Miauw
Kor wrote:
Miauw wrote:
Kor wrote:Everything is too well/overdesigned now when a lot of the charm of the game used to come from how unbalanced, unpredictable, and poorly thought out everything was, and how wrong everything would go because of it.
man yeah i sure loved being parapenned out of nowhere, that really was the unpredictability that made this game great.

Or man, being parastung, dragged into maint and absorbed! those are moments I remember with glee, because they were so damn fun, right?
Cheridan wrote:
Kor wrote:Everything is too well/overdesigned now when a lot of the charm of the game used to come from how unbalanced, unpredictable, and poorly thought out everything was, and how wrong everything would go because of it.
What does this really apply to, besides gas storage being in the toxins mixing room and "advanced robusting techniques" like tabling, quickchoking, and throwing people into walls over and over until they died? People say this kind of thing a lot but most of the time it comes off like Smash tourney guys whining that they can't wavedash in Brawl
Mostly map design, so many godamn R-walls and no fast way of dealing with them. Those "quality of life" upgrades for the AI/security.

I'm responsible for nerfing plenty of shit myself, so I'm part of the problem.

I miss being able to blow through a wall with an RCD (from the public lathe!) or spray acid in a mans face. There was a single unreinforced wall between you and the brig cells. The regular AI satellite is now a fortress with more security than all of Uterus station put together.

And yes I do miss ADVANCED ROBUST COMBAT like using water on floors or throwing out tables to block people. I also miss walking around naked in space drinking coffee.

Stuff like that. Nobody misses parapens (though I do miss silently putting C4 on people to fake GBS, even if it was awful)
im fairly sure acid is still OP af though, what with destroying everybody's gear easily.
and slipping people is still a thing, to the point where noslips are a part of the murderbone combo.

hacking doors isn't hard, you can still get into plenty of places, except without easy falsewalls (and there arent THAT much rwalls, although I agree that rwalling all of RD may be a bit extreme.) a big issue with SS13 is the omniscience of the AI, though.

Also, thermite is still a thing and i think it still works on rwalls, so you DO have a quick way of getting through them. (i basically only play janitor, librarian, atmos tech or borg nowadays, so forgive my ignorance)

The AI sattelite was a rather needed buff, because malf AIs would almost always lose back when it was in the middle of the bridge. I've seen it happen many, many times. Somebody would thermite into the core and then everybody would just uncomfortably stand in the meeting room and push girders into the AI core to dodge the lasers. (this too is fixed now)

as for the others, vOv

Re: ITT: we whine

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 4:07 pm
by Not-Dorsidarf
Bluespace wrote:The default code is LOLNO.
You can still set off the nuke but expect to be banned for exploiting.
Actually you're wrong.

Code: Select all

var/r_code = "ADMIN"
And you cant even enter a non-numerical code via shenanigans - if whatever is entered isn't a number, it cancels the arming and alerts admins.

Code: Select all

if (text2num(lastentered) == null)
						var/turf/LOC = get_turf(usr)
						message_admins("[key_name_admin(usr)] tried to exploit a nuclear bomb by entering non-numerical codes: <a href='?_src_=vars;Vars=\ref[src]'>[lastentered]</a> ! ([LOC ? "<a href='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=[LOC.x];Y=[LOC.y];Z=[LOC.z]'>JMP</a>" : "null"])", 0)
						log_admin("EXPLOIT : [key_name(usr)] tried to exploit a nuclear bomb by entering non-numerical codes: [lastentered] !")

Re: ITT: we whine

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 4:43 pm
by Redblaze3000
Why has engineering been exclusively staffed by fucktards when I play? Nearly every round I've played lately the shuttle has been called due to power loss or engineering losing the sing and it fucking up everything. All the engineers all start building rage cages or dance floors instead of powering the station. Come on guys.

Re: ITT: we whine

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 5:01 pm
by Not-Dorsidarf
Someone took all the roundstart charge out of the SMES. I dont know why.

Re: ITT: we whine

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 5:12 pm
by Miauw
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:Someone took all the roundstart charge out of the SMES. I dont know why.
accidents happen. it should be fixed in the near future.

Re: ITT: we whine

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 8:17 pm
by Remie Richards
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:
Bluespace wrote:The default code is LOLNO.
You can still set off the nuke but expect to be banned for exploiting.
Actually you're wrong.

Code: Select all

var/r_code = "ADMIN"
And you cant even enter a non-numerical code via shenanigans - if whatever is entered isn't a number, it cancels the arming and alerts admins.

Code: Select all

if (text2num(lastentered) == null)
						var/turf/LOC = get_turf(usr)
						message_admins("[key_name_admin(usr)] tried to exploit a nuclear bomb by entering non-numerical codes: <a href='?_src_=vars;Vars=\ref[src]'>[lastentered]</a> ! ([LOC ? "<a href='?_src_=holder;adminplayerobservecoodjump=1;X=[LOC.x];Y=[LOC.y];Z=[LOC.z]'>JMP</a>" : "null"])", 0)
						log_admin("EXPLOIT : [key_name(usr)] tried to exploit a nuclear bomb by entering non-numerical codes: [lastentered] !")
the default password in the code is indeed "ADMIN", but one (maybe more) of the maps has it var edited to start as "LOLNO".

Re: ITT: we whine

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 2:40 am
by PKPenguin321
Redblaze3000 wrote:engineering losing the sing and it fucking up everything
While this was already a normal occurrence, it may not actually be engineering's fault lately due to a phantom bug

Re: ITT: we whine

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 9:15 am
by Not-Dorsidarf
Tgstation and Metastation both return nothing when I search them for the string "LOLNO" on github, will look into.

This is the file data for the metastation nuke:

Code: Select all

"aAo" = (/obj/machinery/nuclearbomb/selfdestruct{layer = 2}


Code: Select all

"aCd" = (/obj/machinery/nuclearbomb/selfdestruct{layer = 2}
Neither of these appear to have been varedited in any way to change the code ( The bit in {} is the edits to default vars afaik)

And mini doesn't even HAVE a self-destruct.

Re: ITT: we whine

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 9:17 am
by DemonFiren
The only hit I get is for, which checks whether the nuke code is "LOLNO" or "ADMIN" before doing something possibly related to awwwwpertives.

Guessing this means that LOLNO has at least been considered before.

Re: ITT: we whine

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 9:19 am
by Not-Dorsidarf
Wait, it might set it in nuclear. BRB

EDIT: No files in the nuclear emergency folder set the nuke code to LOLNO. Or even contain the word.

EDIT mark 2: My guess is that LOLNO is a leftover from before someone safety-proofed the nuclear bomb (It really did used to be a random 5-digit number, and after it was changed to ADMIN it was possible to exploit it to enter) so that you couldnt set it off in nuclear under any circumstances

3xEDIT COMBO: The code that demon referenced means that nuke ops always get the right code, even if they're spawned in and the admins gave them a bomb, as long the code isn't "LOLNO" or "ADMIN" (So the nuke ops are never told to set off the self-destruct)

Re: ITT: we whine

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 7:52 pm
by mosquitoman
why does this forum run on software that was written when dinosaurs roamed the earth

Re: ITT: we whine

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 8:19 pm
by Akkryls
Redblaze3000 wrote:Why has engineering been exclusively staffed by fucktards when I play? Nearly every round I've played lately the shuttle has been called due to power loss or engineering losing the sing and it fucking up everything. All the engineers all start building rage cages or dance floors instead of powering the station. Come on guys.
Also with the lag that comes with the sexy Nano UI, I've seen people accidentally empty the plasma canister into their face pretty much every other round so far.

Re: ITT: we whine

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 8:57 pm
by Anonmare
Why do people always run when Sec comes to check on them? For fucks sakes, I don't want to be the asshole that begins ands every question in interrogation with a taser, and never answers questions about why you're being questioned but you gotta meet me halfway here. Chances are, I just want to know where you are to corroborate a story and running away is also likely fucking someone else over as well

Re: ITT: we whine

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 9:16 pm
by Akkryls
Anonmare wrote:Why do people always run when Sec comes to check on them? For fucks sakes, I don't want to be the asshole that begins ands every question in interrogation with a taser, and never answers questions about why you're being questioned but you gotta meet me halfway here. Chances are, I just want to know where you are to corroborate a story and running away is also likely fucking someone else over as well
Because half the time people may have stuff on them which may either get them brigged for a while or it be stolen / confiscated by Sec. The other half is that people really don't want to bother spending part of their round dealing with security, whether it be a simple search or questioning, or full brig time whatever.
I actually fall into both of these sometimes. If I'm making an autist fort in maint, I'll have boxes full of circuit boards to build my own science lab. Not every Sec officer is just going to let you have them, and will either brig you / confiscate them.
On the other side as well, I've had a round where the cameras in xenobio weren't working / someone else cut them, I forget which. The AI then summons the entire security force to Xenobio, at which point I just fucking decide to hold out in Xenobio as long as possible by walling it off and eventually retreating into the slime cages with my pet slimes.

Now, I do actually try to make Sec officers lives easier by handing myself in or just letting them search me if there isn't any issue that's going to be a problem, so don't take from this that I'm always uncooperative, I just don't enjoy having to put up with Sec Officer Pubbie's first day on the job, cracking down on space law and confiscating ANYTHING that people have on them.

It's more fun in the long run I guess.

Re: ITT: we whine

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 11:59 pm
by PKPenguin321
not sure where it is in the code persay, but if you load up a private server on box and check the nuke's vars, LOLNO is in there somewhere and acts as the code

Re: ITT: we whine

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 1:17 am
by IcePacks
hey guys

friendly reminder, if you run into the supermatter, not only are you fucking dead instantly everyone lucky enough to watch you derp into a big ol' block of death gets blasted with a metric fuckload of radiation and start tripping balls

please watch your step

Re: ITT: we whine

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 7:20 am
by mosquitoman
engineering insisting on starting singulo and fucking it up every single fucking time then saying it's a "glitch" :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

why can't you just wire the solars and call it a day ffs? ever seen solars eating half of the station when they're unpowered for 15 seconds?

Re: ITT: we whine

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 7:23 am
by DemonFiren
Once. I think it was admins.

Re: ITT: we whine

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 9:32 am
by Stickymayhem
mosquitoman wrote:engineering insisting on starting singulo and fucking it up every single fucking time then saying it's a "glitch" :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

why can't you just wire the solars and call it a day ffs? ever seen solars eating half of the station when they're unpowered for 15 seconds?
It literally was a glitch.

Re: ITT: we whine

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 9:46 am
by mosquitoman
Stickymayhem wrote:
mosquitoman wrote:engineering insisting on starting singulo and fucking it up every single fucking time then saying it's a "glitch" :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

why can't you just wire the solars and call it a day ffs? ever seen solars eating half of the station when they're unpowered for 15 seconds?
It literally was a glitch.
it could be a glitch one or two times but afterwards you'd expect morons to learn that if they can't keep singulo from escaping they should probably look at sfer methods of providing power

Re: ITT: we whine

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 11:15 am
by Miauw
IcePacks wrote:hey guys

friendly reminder, if you run into the supermatter, not only are you fucking dead instantly everyone lucky enough to watch you derp into a big ol' block of death gets blasted with a metric fuckload of radiation and start tripping balls

please watch your step
man i remember when somebody built a quadruple SM engine but then blew it up because he was a traitor.
the captain went looking for bodies in the wreckage and walked right into a miraculously OK SM shard.

Re: ITT: we whine

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 12:49 pm
by EmGee
Redblaze3000 wrote:Why has engineering been exclusively staffed by fucktards when I play? Nearly every round I've played lately the shuttle has been called due to power loss or engineering losing the sing and it fucking up everything. All the engineers all start building rage cages or dance floors instead of powering the station. Come on guys.
Redblaze3000 wrote:All the engineers all start building rage cages or dance floors instead of powering the station. Come on guys.
Redblaze3000 wrote:rage cages.
implying this is a bad thing, provided they set up the power

Re: ITT: we whine

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 2:33 pm
by Stickymayhem
mosquitoman wrote:
Stickymayhem wrote:
mosquitoman wrote:engineering insisting on starting singulo and fucking it up every single fucking time then saying it's a "glitch" :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

why can't you just wire the solars and call it a day ffs? ever seen solars eating half of the station when they're unpowered for 15 seconds?
It literally was a glitch.
it could be a glitch one or two times but afterwards you'd expect morons to learn that if they can't keep singulo from escaping they should probably look at sfer methods of providing power
You can't expect every engineer to personally be aware of the latest gamebreaking bugs.

It's an unusual problem and not every engineer notices it occurring in time to adminhelp and warn us so we can fix it in the moment.

Re: ITT: we whine

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 2:35 pm
by DemonFiren
Depends on what bug, actually.

So, what bug?

Re: ITT: we whine

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 3:23 pm
by bandit
DemonFiren wrote:Depends on what bug, actually.

So, what bug?
take your pick

Re: ITT: we whine

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 3:55 pm
by DemonFiren
Ah, those two. They're always fun.

Re: ITT: we whine

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 3:50 am
by IcePacks
EmGee wrote: implying this is a bad thing, provided they set up the power
we all wish that was the bare minimum

Re: ITT: we whine

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 6:04 am
by calzilla1
Miners never get enough plasma for cargo (especially tator ones)
Captain called the shuttle because he's board
Lizards are not valid