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Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2017 10:38 pm
by Anonmare

Bottom post of the previous page:

I mean,if you have the ability and time to make nitroglycerin in any significant amount, you could probably just make a bomb core from plasteel and stick a couple of beakers of the stuff in it and hit the station with a bomb that's bigger than a maxcap (chem bombs ignore the bomb cap).

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2017 10:50 pm
by DemonFiren
first, delet this or else it will be nerfed
second, 5 units of glycerol is not that significant
just, like, grow some corn

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2017 11:05 pm
by Swindly
If you cool the ingredients for a methsplosion, you don't need to double tap. The ingredients will heat and explode when inside the target.

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2017 11:34 pm
by DemonFiren
Somewhat related, how do I into chemical bombs? The core tells me it'll only accept one beaker counter to its description.

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 12:12 am
by Anonmare
DemonFiren wrote:Somewhat related, how do I into chemical bombs? The core tells me it'll only accept one beaker counter to its description.
Somebody fucked up

Code: Select all

	name = "chemical payload"
	desc = "An explosive payload designed to spread chemicals, dangerous or otherwise, across a large area. It is able to hold up to four chemical containers, and must be loaded before use."
	origin_tech = "combat=4;materials=3"
	icon_state = "chemcore"
	var/list/beakers = list()
	var/max_beakers = 1
	var/spread_range = 5
	var/temp_boost = 50
var/time_release = 0
Lemme just get a fix up

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 12:17 am
by DemonFiren
Actually I already figured it out.
You need to craft the core with grenades that are already loaded, but in exchange you get to drop 5 bluespace beakers' worth of ow.

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 12:20 am
by Anonmare
Ah I'll update the description to reflect that, because as is that's pretty misleading.

Also reading on it goes on to say that different casings add different properties. Using large casings will give you and additional beaker slot per large casing (since you can only have two casings this gives you effectively 7 beakers)

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 12:23 am
by DemonFiren
That reminds me, what do the various new casings like advanced release grenades actually do?

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 12:32 am
by Anonmare
DemonFiren wrote:That reminds me, what do the various new casings like advanced release grenades actually do?
Pyro casings add 500 degrees to the chemicals' temperature. Using them in bobm cores makes them self-ignite so you don't need to put ignition chemicals in the thing.
Advanced casings mix their reagents a bit at the time and are often used for keeping hallways permanently lubed. I can't quite tell what advanced casings do to bombs but the comment says it makes them more deadly but explode longer.
Large casings accept slime cores, though in bomb construction they have the added benefit of giving you more beaker slots for the payload and increasing the spread range.

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 12:33 am
by DemonFiren
I always thought large casings let you use large+ beakers.
Only now do I realise they let you use more, not bigger.

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 12:43 am
by Anonmare
DemonFiren wrote:I always thought large casings let you use large+ beakers.
Only now do I realise they let you use more, not bigger.
Nah they just have slightly better stats than normal casings.

Code: Select all

name = "chemical grenade"
	desc = "A custom made grenade."
	icon_state = "chemg"
	item_state = "flashbang"
	force = 2
	var/stage = EMPTY
	var/list/beakers = list()
	var/list/allowed_containers = list(/obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/beaker, /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass/bottle)
	var/affected_area = 3
	var/obj/item/device/assembly_holder/nadeassembly = null
	var/ignition_temp = 10 // The amount of heat added to the reagents when this grenade goes off.
	var/threatscale = 1 // Used by advanced grenades to make them slightly more worthy.
var/no_splash = FALSE //If the grenade deletes even if it has no reagents to splash with. Used for slime core reactions.

Code: Select all

name = "large grenade"
	desc = "A custom made large grenade. It affects a larger area."
	icon_state = "large_grenade"
	allowed_containers = list(/obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/glass, /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/food/condiment,
	origin_tech = "combat=3;engineering=3"
	affected_area = 5
	ignition_temp = 25 // Large grenades are slightly more effective at setting off heat-sensitive mixtures than smaller grenades.
threatscale = 1.1	// 10% more effective.

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 12:46 am
by Anonmare
I'm actually surprised a large casing will accept a drinks can but a normal casing won't. I could have sworn you could make a casing, pop two cans full of welding fuel in it for an improved IED

Also it just occurred to me that, with large casings, you could theoretically create a bomb with over 2000u of nitroglycerin in it

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 12:58 am
by DemonFiren
Wait, how?
You put two large bluespace grenades in, that's 2x2x300 = 1200, then slap another bluespace beaker on the final assembly, that's 1500.

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 1:01 am
by Anonmare
DemonFiren wrote:Wait, how?
You put two large bluespace grenades in, that's 2x2x300 = 1200, then slap another bluespace beaker on the final assembly, that's 1500.
Large casings let you put extra beaker in the bomb core per casing. two large casing let's you put in an extra two.

Code: Select all

if(istype(G, /obj/item/weapon/grenade/chem_grenade/large))
			var/obj/item/weapon/grenade/chem_grenade/large/LG = G
			max_beakers += 1 // Adding two large grenades only allows for a maximum of 7 beakers.
			spread_range += 2 // Extra range, reduced density.
			temp_boost += 50 // maximum of +150K blast using only large beakers. Not enough to self ignite.
			for(var/obj/item/slime_extract/S in LG.beakers) // And slime cores.
				if(beakers.len < max_beakers)
					beakers += S
					S.loc = src
S.loc = get_turf(src)
Technically, you could put a maximum of 2100u into a bomb core using bluespace beakers and large casings. It would be very difficult to get that much nitroglycerin but you deserve to break the bomb cap with how much work it requires.

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 1:04 am
by DemonFiren
See, this is something you didn't mention.

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 1:06 am
by Anonmare
DemonFiren wrote:See, this is something you didn't mention.
Anonmare wrote:Large casings accept slime cores, though in bomb construction they have the added benefit of giving you more beaker slots for the payload and increasing the spread range.

Dumb lizard, this is why you nail the scale.

To a cross.

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 1:08 am
by AnonymousNow
DemonFiren wrote:See, this is something you didn't mention.
I must know how powerful this bomb would be, theoretically and in the game proper.
Would it clean a Z-level? Is it the new mining endgame, with an ashfield covered in dropped ore, pulverised ruins and dazed, mortally injured monsters?

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 1:10 am
by Anonmare
Gimme a sec, I'll load up a test server and edit this post when I have the results. Funny you mention mining because they can make chemical payload cores out of gibtonite.

I'm assuming ideal conditions and going for bluespace large grenades full of nitroglycerin.

Alright you DEFINITELY need a reagent mix to heat it up otherwise it'll flash in the pan and not detonate

EDIT: I'm gonna need more time to experiment with chemical mixes. The bomb doesn't provide enough heat from large casings to make the nitro go off by itself so you need to add something else to make it hot enough to detonate

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 1:48 am
by RandomMarine
I've already tested that long ago. 11/22/45

You don't need to do anything fancy to get it hot enough, just heat up the beakers just below the reaction threshold before adding them to the payload.

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 1:57 am
by Anonmare
Ah so just over double the bombcap (not great for mining but potentially devastating to the station if a traitor put in the time and effort).

A botanist would actually have a pretty easy time as no one would bat an eye at them growing a ludicrous amount of corn. The hardest part would be getting 7 bluespace beakers and a chem machine but I'd probably not find it suspicious if botany asked me for those things, the grenade casings I'd find odd but you could probably say you're trying to make healing smoke grenades and I'd buy it. Next hard part would be the plasteel but you only need 5 sheets and you can pry them off some out of the way walls. A traitor would find making a bomb core really easy, all they need to do is spend 1 TC on C4 and print off or steal a matter bin from a random machine.

Certainly doable but you need to be very patient to make that much nitroglycerin.

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 2:02 am
by RandomMarine
Both grenade casing type and matter bin quality is taken into account for making chemical payloads. You'll need large casings plus a bluespace bin to make a 7 beaker capacity payload.

But now that this is all said metagamers are going to be suspicious of a botanist growing corn. So it's better use genemods to make a different plant produce nothing but corn oil instead.

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 3:28 am
by Deitus
i need a guide to hydroponics

is the best we got or what can i use

hydro is the last department i still have yet to conquer

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 3:50 am
by Armhulen
Deitus wrote:i need a guide to hydroponics

is the best we got or what can i use

hydro is the last department i still have yet to conquer ... 45#p287145

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 4:05 am
by Screemonster
DemonFiren wrote:first, delet this or else it will be nerfed
second, 5 units of glycerol is not that significant
just, like, grow some corn
grow literally any amount of corn
scan beaker with ody
shit out syringes full of glycerol

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 4:16 am
by AnonymousNow
I'm curious about engine structures. I figure that, for a singularity containment field, a hash formation # would be better than a box formation. But can containment beams overlap?

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 7:13 am
by Grazyn
AnonymousNow wrote:
DemonFiren wrote:See, this is something you didn't mention.
I must know how powerful this bomb would be, theoretically and in the game proper.
Would it clean a Z-level? Is it the new mining endgame, with an ashfield covered in dropped ore, pulverised ruins and dazed, mortally injured monsters?
Freon bombs already do what you described and they're easier to do than 2000u nitroglicerin chemical bombs

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 9:02 am
by Professor Hangar
And here I still struggle with basic plasma and oxygen tank bombs, and thought it was a breakthrough when I used the air pump to fill the oxy tank to full with supercooled oxygen.

Maybe not a simple question but an almost philosophical one: is there a point where it's acceptable to say you're probably not gonna get much better at a particular aspect of the game and focus on what you can do? I could never start to comprehend genetics and I'm pretty entry-level with botany, for one. And I dunno if I'll ever get around to learning xenobiology.

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 9:40 am
by DemonFiren
>genetics ... 88#p314463
No comprehensive guide, but ... 36#p286514
Been ages since I played that myself, but it's really just slime roulette. Start by reading the wiki guide.
Anonmare wrote:Dumb lizard, this is why you nail the scale.
bby you managed to keep me up all night

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 2:47 pm
by Grazyn
I basically gave up on toxins and I know what I do only because someone taught me or I managed to scrape some knowledge while observing or through trial and error. But for most of it I just feel like I'm banging rocks together. I wouldn't try to learn toxins right now anyway if I were you, bombs and bomb-making is gonna get nerfed before the end of the year if not outright removed.

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 7:42 pm
by tacolizard
so are these chemical bombs not explosive capped?

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 7:43 pm
by Anonmare
tacolizard wrote:so are these chemical bombs not explosive capped?
They ignore the cap, it's probably the only reason why you'd go to such effort to make one.

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 8:59 pm
by tacolizard
Grazyn wrote:
AnonymousNow wrote:
DemonFiren wrote:See, this is something you didn't mention.
I must know how powerful this bomb would be, theoretically and in the game proper.
Would it clean a Z-level? Is it the new mining endgame, with an ashfield covered in dropped ore, pulverised ruins and dazed, mortally injured monsters?
Freon bombs already do what you described and they're easier to do than 2000u nitroglicerin chemical bombs
so do freon bombs bypass the bomb cap? I didin't think they did.

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 9:11 pm
tacolizard wrote:
Grazyn wrote:
AnonymousNow wrote:
DemonFiren wrote:See, this is something you didn't mention.
I must know how powerful this bomb would be, theoretically and in the game proper.
Would it clean a Z-level? Is it the new mining endgame, with an ashfield covered in dropped ore, pulverised ruins and dazed, mortally injured monsters?
Freon bombs already do what you described and they're easier to do than 2000u nitroglicerin chemical bombs
so do freon bombs bypass the bomb cap? I didin't think they did.
They don't

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 9:32 pm
by tacolizard
CPTANT wrote:
tacolizard wrote:
Grazyn wrote:
AnonymousNow wrote:
DemonFiren wrote:See, this is something you didn't mention.
I must know how powerful this bomb would be, theoretically and in the game proper.
Would it clean a Z-level? Is it the new mining endgame, with an ashfield covered in dropped ore, pulverised ruins and dazed, mortally injured monsters?
Freon bombs already do what you described and they're easier to do than 2000u nitroglicerin chemical bombs
so do freon bombs bypass the bomb cap? I didin't think they did.
They don't
so that would mean a 2000u nitroglycerin bomb does have value if detonated onstation, as it creates an over-cap explosion

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 9:34 pm
by DemonFiren
2100 u to be precise
and it creates something ilke 10 dev range plus secondary explosion

detonating this in the bridge hallway on meta destroyed one of the mechbay chargers as well as a brig window

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 9:44 pm
by Anonmare
tacolizard wrote:
CPTANT wrote:
tacolizard wrote:
Grazyn wrote:
AnonymousNow wrote:
DemonFiren wrote:See, this is something you didn't mention.
I must know how powerful this bomb would be, theoretically and in the game proper.
Would it clean a Z-level? Is it the new mining endgame, with an ashfield covered in dropped ore, pulverised ruins and dazed, mortally injured monsters?
Freon bombs already do what you described and they're easier to do than 2000u nitroglicerin chemical bombs
so do freon bombs bypass the bomb cap? I didin't think they did.
They don't
so that would mean a 2000u nitroglycerin bomb does have value if detonated onstation, as it creates an over-cap explosion
It's powerful but very resource intense. It'd actually be significantly easier for you to steal two TTVs, supercooled O2 and a canister of heated gas to get the same effect. Plus TTVs are generally more forgiving as you can use any tank for the making of it, big or small.

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 1:49 am
by PKPenguin321
I'm pretty sure chem bombs actually do adhere to the cap, but I'd have to check the code to be sure. The only explosions that aren't subject to the standard bomb cap are the nuke and the supermatter (and admin bombs).

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 3:22 am
by Alipheese
Professor Hangar wrote:And here I still struggle with basic plasma and oxygen tank bombs, and thought it was a breakthrough when I used the air pump to fill the oxy tank to full with supercooled oxygen.

Maybe not a simple question but an almost philosophical one: is there a point where it's acceptable to say you're probably not gonna get much better at a particular aspect of the game and focus on what you can do? I could never start to comprehend genetics and I'm pretty entry-level with botany, for one. And I dunno if I'll ever get around to learning xenobiology.
i ask myself this every shift. And i tend to find the answer is no. Not untill im so prepared for everything that i get banned for powergaming

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 7:18 am
by Grazyn
tacolizard wrote:
Grazyn wrote:
AnonymousNow wrote:
DemonFiren wrote:See, this is something you didn't mention.
I must know how powerful this bomb would be, theoretically and in the game proper.
Would it clean a Z-level? Is it the new mining endgame, with an ashfield covered in dropped ore, pulverised ruins and dazed, mortally injured monsters?
Freon bombs already do what you described and they're easier to do than 2000u nitroglicerin chemical bombs
so do freon bombs bypass the bomb cap? I didin't think they did.
I was referring to the "mining endgame" he mentioned, since lavaland has no bombcap and a single freon bomb can erase pretty much the whole z-level.

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 7:20 am
by Professor Hangar
I mean, I can handle R&D like a champ, and even try to be helpful, but when it comes to toxins I tend to forget what little I ever actually knew quickly. I made some decent bombs once following the guide carefully but can't get it to work again.

I probably could be good at botany if I didn't get more interested in seeing how many variants of one plant I can grow rather than rushing gaia.

Bombs need to be rethought, all the poorly considered nerfs have made them useless for both their intended purposes.

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 8:56 pm
by MimicFaux
Simple Questions: do augmented arms increase punch damage? K.D. Chance? Lower uncuff time?

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 9:48 pm
by AnonymousNow
I occasionally see a blue square form, about 5x5, usually around peacekeeper cyborgs. What is it?

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 9:54 pm
by MimicFaux
AnonymousNow wrote:I occasionally see a blue square form, about 5x5, usually around peacekeeper cyborgs. What is it?
Projectile dampening field. Makes shooty bit less dangerous

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 9:56 pm
by Anonmare
AnonymousNow wrote:I occasionally see a blue square form, about 5x5, usually around peacekeeper cyborgs. What is it?
It also prevents people from riding the borg. When borgs could buckle people to them, it could be used as an unreliable stun.

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 11:19 pm
by PKPenguin321
MimicFaux wrote:Simple Questions: do augmented arms increase punch damage? K.D. Chance? Lower uncuff time?
No to all unfortunately, but like all augments they do have a flat damage reduction meaning that low damage punches deal no damage to you (and high damage punches deal less), so if you're augmented you still have a leg up in a fistfight.

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 11:44 pm
by Anonmare
I think it's a flat 5 damage reduction before damage resistance from armour is applied so it's worth getting augmented - especially if you're a miner. Being fully augged will make you immune to the cold beams from watchers, reduce the damage from enemies and you can carry a lot more welder fuel and cable coil for the purposes of healing.

I strongly recommend it to miners since I'd rather spend the time augging you and increasing your chances of survival than risk you dying because a watcher and a goliath got lucky.

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2017 3:31 am
by MimicFaux
But do hivelord cores work on augments?

EDIT: My spessmen is showing. Legion core*

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2017 5:04 am
by PKPenguin321
MimicFaux wrote:But do hivelord cores work on augments?

EDIT: My spessmen is showing. Legion core*
I think they should, they outright call the revive proc.

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2017 2:05 pm
by AnonymousNow
For the past few weeks, I've been seeing transit space as normal space. It should be moving, it isn't; between shuttles' initial speedup and slowdown, it looks like the shuttle is completely still. What's up with that?

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2017 2:42 pm
by Anonmare
AoE flash won't stun cyborgs. it *might* confuse them but I'm not 100% sure.



Don't bother going in through the front, get thermite or hulked or tools and break down the walls. It's honestly faster and easier unless you're prepared specifically for it. Or hope the AI hasn't bought the destroy RCD power and decon the doors.

Get the heck out of the way or flash it ahead of time.

Turrets depends on LoS, smoke grenades and metal foam grenades can impede their LoS and allow you an easier time to get through the AI's rooms. If you can get an angle on the AI's APC - you can simply shoot it with a regular gun or an ion weapon to put them all out of commision.

Think of something else, or plan ahead and back-up R&D on tech disks. Or get EMP grenades from cargo, or make your own from uranium and iron - it'd be unusual for an AI to get powerful enough to be able to counter everything and for mining/R&D to have no uranium at all on station (Just decon the protolathe or the ORM with screwdriver+crowbar if you don't have access).

Try and get access to the AI sat's cams if you know engieborgs have changed the layout. Or make one unsynced cyborg, have it go engie and laugh at the AI's impotent attempts to stop it, especially if you rename it to one of the AI's actual synced cyborgs to cause confusion or destroy the other cyborgs beforehand.

Deconstruct the cyborg chargers on station and you'll force the cyborgs to play on the defence, especially if you deal with the welder tanks as well. Use welders on harm intent to deal irreparable burn damage to them and wear them down by attrition. Attempt to re-establlish/re-take R&D and construct a robotics console, locate an ID with robotics access and destroy the cyborgs.
You can permanently disable a camera by welding it after wirecutting it but if that's too time-consuming then wirecut and pulse it with a multitool - the reactivate camera power can only repair one thing at a time and the AI can't buy the power more than once. Once the power's out of charges, it's out for good.
Diagnostic HUDs can identify shocked doors, in the event of a rogue AI - acquire one if you're concerned about shocked doors.
Build a secondary AI to undo the malf's defences. It cannot interact with a malf AI's hacked APCs however.
Maintain communications silence, speaking on comms will make you easier to find, and disable your suit tracking beacon.

A malf AI's strength is dependant on its preparation, the sooner you catch it out - the weaker it is. Remember to make sure not to cross the line between proper paranoia and metagaming.

Re: Simple Questions Thread

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2017 5:53 pm
by Anonmare
In a pinch you can make flash grenades if you can get access to a chem console. Get some metal, craft a grenade casing and put a cable coil, or whatever your preferred activation method is, and acquire two beakers. Fill up some beakers with the reagents to make flash powder (Have one beaker have, if using 50u beakers, 30u of aluminium and 15u of potassium whilst the other beakers also has 15u of potassium and 30u of sulfur), or alternatively, fill up a very big beaker with stabilised flash powder (you only need 1u of stabilising agent to be present when mixing the flash powder to stabilise it) and have it set to go off by igniter - this is less reliable but you can hide it under something like a sheet of cardboard and use it to amush a cyborg. Effective range is dependant on how much flash powder is in the grenade's beakers

Don't forget that tear gas grenades are functionally identical to a smoke grenade and sec has a LOT of them.
Portable flashers also can stun borgs and they don't have a walk intent to prevent setting them off.

I thought cargo could order spec OPS crates if they pulsed their console board but apparently that's not how you unlock them so ignore that.
You don't need access to the ORM, a crowbar and a screwdriver is all you need to break it open and scoop up the uranium and metal sheets. After that, make grenade casings, get beakers grind up the uranium and iron and fill up one beaker with uranium and the other with iron and you have an EMP nade. Standard 50u grenades have an EMP randius of 4 heavy, 7 light which makes it into a full screen stun that ignores walls and can kill/permastun the AI if you hit the APC and the SMES fast enough.

If you can kill one of the rogue borgs, try and get it out of sight and deconstruct it down to the components. A cyborg's panel automatically unlocks when it dies so all you need to do is crowbar the panel, toss aside the cell, screwdriver to expose the wires and cut every wire until you lock it down (though it's a good idea to do them all to make sure the AI connection wire is cut so it doesn't blow it up) then you can decon it with a wrench. The flashes will be consumed however so make sure you have two replacements. Also make ABSOLUTE SURE you use a multitool on the endoskeleton and disable its AI connection. Re-assemble, put the MMI back in and tell it to go kill the AI and they can walk past 90%of the AI's defences.

Cyborgs cannot rebuild broken machinery and it's an undervalued tactic. A cyborg with no power is utterly defenceless and you can drain a cyborg's power by firing disablers at it. It's not a very effective method against the original cyborgs but ones made by a cyborg factory only have 5K cells and those drain fast.

Diagnostic HUDs can be found in the robotics locker, there's usually three already in there and R&D can print off more really cheaply and yes they do show a silicon's health/power levels but they also show when a door is shocked with a big lightning bolt overlay above it