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Re: miner nerf #072095279

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 3:25 pm
by Cimika

Bottom post of the previous page:

XDTM wrote:
Cimika wrote:snip
I agree with the intention of the PR, but the implementation is hard to justify without breaking immersion. As i mentioned in a comment, there is no way a medipen would be designed to lock up in specific pressures if there is no actual downside otherwise, and having to depressurize a room on station seems way too convoluted as an intended use method.
Hence my other suggestion of making the main chem in the mix, lavaland extract, ineffective outside of lavaland, which would make sense given the name, and feels less 'forced' as a balancing mechanism.
I don't think that would be a good idea, firstly because of icebox, secondly because I tried to keep the healing pen mostly the same, except it can be used in niche cases.

I'll also argue that I can change the description to make it use an air needle like the hypospray and say higher air pressure prevents the chemicals from leaving the pen or something. If we allow PKAs to be affected by pressure, why not pens?

Re: miner nerf #072095279

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 3:31 pm
by Jin
Shadowflame909 wrote:
Jin wrote:
Ivuchnu wrote:If you feel like miners buy too much pens, raise their price so miners have to mine more before dying to Bubblegum yet another time.
Bubblegum really isn't that hard of a boss, even if you can't stand pretty much still and cheese him like the colossus. The most you'll need is pens for is the 1st phase and maybe a couple for the second if you have bad ping.

Just run straight
okay "gamer who kills megafauna 10 minutes into the round"

smh elitists trying to balance the game around them instead of the casual
It takes you 3 pens and 3 legion cores to kill an ash drake.

Re: miner nerf #072095279

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 3:44 am
by Shadowflame909
Jin wrote:
Shadowflame909 wrote:
Jin wrote:
Ivuchnu wrote:If you feel like miners buy too much pens, raise their price so miners have to mine more before dying to Bubblegum yet another time.
Bubblegum really isn't that hard of a boss, even if you can't stand pretty much still and cheese him like the colossus. The most you'll need is pens for is the 1st phase and maybe a couple for the second if you have bad ping.

Just run straight
okay "gamer who kills megafauna 10 minutes into the round"

smh elitists trying to balance the game around them instead of the casual
It takes you 3 pens and 3 legion cores to kill an ash drake.
and it takes you 05:00 into ze round with an unupgraded KA

whomstve is truly the outlier here

Re: miner nerf #072095279

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 9:33 am
by Whoneedspacee
Why do people always insist on removing clearly one of the most enjoyable and fleshed out jobs in the game based on realism, balance, etc.

For realism, literally nothing about this PR is realistic if you want to make that argument, epipens only work in low pressure, ok but why. What is realistic about a research station being destroyed by wizards and attacked by the syndicate for ??? Why are we storing secret documents on a practically unguarded space station that is woefully unequipped because for some reason we are researching already existing shit. We have a literally magical supermatter crystal, space is cold, I mean come on the job is fun let it be fun.

For balance, half of lavalands items are antagonist items, if you want to complain then complain about that shit. It’s baffling to me that people complain about the healing of miners as they risk permadeath in the round, literally everyone with a disabler can flex on a miner miners have almost no range generally, and of course mechs are busted as well, atmos can blow up the entire station in 15 minutes.

Miner is for sure one of the most powerful jobs in the game but it’s not the most powerful and it does so risking permadeath in the round especially now that cloning is gone. People always meme about miners all dying but turn around and say miner is op in another round ignoring the rounds that person died.

Even as one of the most experienced miners I still die or hell get chain stunned by a goliath. But the job is still fun and we play it because it’s pretty much one of three ss13 jobs where you dictate the pace of the game and can take many different paths. Most jobs are a series of actions that take a preset amount of time as you browse the wiki page.

You don’t see me here trying to remove fun bits chemistry as I get shot by a syringe and literally just die with no counterplay to a guy who safely browsed a wiki page or copy pasted recipes in. Either way nerfing miner this way is the literal worst way to go about it, just make the extract only work on lavaland badabing semi realistic way to nerf the medipens as well as letting the normal healing still work on station but without the instantaneous bullshit heal.

Most of this post is not directed at the pr guy just to be clear, just sick of seeing miner hate in this thread.

Re: miner nerf #072095279

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 9:36 am
by Timonk
Realism Station 13

Re: miner nerf #072095279

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 9:44 am
by Whoneedspacee
Cimika wrote:
I don't think that would be a good idea, firstly because of icebox, secondly because I tried to keep the healing pen mostly the same, except it can be used in niche cases.

I'll also argue that I can change the description to make it use an air needle like the hypospray and say higher air pressure prevents the chemicals from leaving the pen or something. If we allow PKAs to be affected by pressure, why not pens?
literally who cares if miners can use a pen on one specific snowy planet station

Re: miner nerf #072095279

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 3:17 am
by saprasam
validhunting miners deserve the death penalty and i dont care if you ahelp for when i steal all your shit and leave you stranded on lavaland with a plasmacutter