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Moving and clicking on people is nigh impossible.

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 9:50 am
by Bluespace
Wat do?
I'm pretty fucking useless at taking anyone down now because all my clicks seem to be delayed.
A couple years ago I could kill a large sum of people with a taser and an esword fairly consistently, but now I struggle to even stunpaper someone.
>walk close to someone
>clicking wildly on their sprite
>a second later they just walk away

>click someone as i'm moving from tile to tile
>the click doesn't go through

This is really impacting how I play, i'm hardly able to stun anyone in melee range. Not only that, but moving and trying to shoot a taser gives me about a 25% chance to actually fire.
I can deal with the awful lag if everyone else is getting it, but watching security be able to consistently down people while my hands are disabled just sucks ass.
Is there anything I can do? I have my FPS set to 60, is that fucking with it?

Re: Moving and clicking on people is nigh impossible.

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 11:15 am
by Grazyn
Well first of all, assuming you already have a good connection with a good ping (100 ms will put you on the same playing field with most of the playerbase, also use the ping button, don't trust the number shown in the chat), try to get a mouse with low latency, there are many to choose from but you should look for one with a good grip and that you are comfortable with. A gaming monitor with low input lag (<1ms) will also help, here it depends on how much you're willing to spend but keep in mind that /tg/ is the most competitive ss13 server and you won't see a pro CS:GO player using stuff straight from the discount bin.

If this fails, you can just accept that physical combat is your weakness and try to work around it, use bombs, poison, get other players to do the killing for you through AI/silicon subverting and so on.

Re: Moving and clicking on people is nigh impossible.

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 11:55 am
by FantasticFwoosh
Its annoying as a officer. If i chase you around the station for a bit seemingly for no reason, its usually because im trying to get your description loadout, not actively trying to arrest you or anything, but often the suspect continues to run anyway away from me to escape me clicking on them.

If you aren't inspecting everyone, you won't catch out the idiots holding their traitorous items out in public or storing them on their belt slots.

Re: Moving and clicking on people is nigh impossible.

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 9:36 pm
by SaveVatznick
I was having the same frustrations a couple weeks ago, and asked about it on one of the player discords. I will try to explain what was told to me as I recollect, though I cannot vouch for the veracity of what I am about to tell you.

When you're playing with the game set to 60 FPS, what you are seeing is actually not what is happening in the server. Sometimes, when you click on someone, it is during a frame the the game is not registering (?), and so your character doesn't actually take the action that you told them to do. There are frames that are happening on your computer that are not happening on the server. In a sense, 0 FPS is the most "true" representation of what is happening in the game. The way to circumvent this, I guess, is to spam click a lot - though that ends up being an issue with weapons that use ammo, as you might fire more than you're planning to.

I have the same object with throwing objects and such, where I have to spam click in order to ensure that the item I'm trying to throw actually leaves my hand. This, as you can imagine, creates problems with grenades.

Re: Moving and clicking on people is nigh impossible.

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 11:32 pm
by bandit
Bluespace wrote:I can deal with the awful lag if everyone else is getting it, but watching security be able to consistently down people while my hands are disabled just sucks ass.
the bluespace cannot play if you disable his hands

Re: Moving and clicking on people is nigh impossible.

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 8:55 am
by Not-Dorsidarf
yeah but at least your magic hands still bitchslap everyone down in one meaty swing while batting away pretenders to the disarm throne with ease

Re: Moving and clicking on people is nigh impossible.

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 9:01 am
by Bluespace
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:yeah but at least your magic hands still bitchslap everyone down in one meaty swing while batting away pretenders to the disarm throne with ease
the trick is to have really fat chubby hands

Re: Moving and clicking on people is nigh impossible.

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 9:46 am
by oranges
it honestly sounds like you fucked with something because I've never seen this and I have a very high ping

Re: Moving and clicking on people is nigh impossible.

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 5:43 pm
by kosmos
I enjoyed playing security officer when running speed was lower. Now it's impossible to be "robust" again with 237 ms average ping, greetings from Europe.

Slow the running speed the fuck down to solve OP's problem and so that other people than from USA can play a Sec job too.

Re: Moving and clicking on people is nigh impossible.

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 7:25 pm
by srifenbyxp
Hold middle mouse
3x3 area
release middle mouse
depending on the distance you can see whatever, whoever, weird stuff citation needed.