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Recordings from the roundtable

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 5:54 am
by oranges
I've uploaded the recordings in a wav format from the roundtable today.

There is also a recording of some of the other discussion that occurred.

Re: Recordings from the roundtable

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 6:48 am
by Ikarrus
Thanks, but it sounds like someone muted the roundtable recording between 16:00 and 21:00, which so happened to be most of the important discussion.

Re: Recordings from the roundtable

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 9:30 am
by oranges
Whoops, I had visitors and muted the sound but I assumed that team speak was smart enough to record the entire thing

edit:shitty piece of trash

doubleedit: If anyone knows what was discussed during that period it would be good if they could summarise since I was away from the keyboard

Re: Recordings from the roundtable

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 12:42 am
by oranges
A big thanks to xerux who converted them to very compressed mp3's for download - mp3 version can be found in the link in the OP

Warning: Towards the end of the random discussion the sound is somewhat corrupted and loud noises can be heard

Re: Recordings from the roundtable

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 10:12 am
by MisterPerson
Scaredy mentioned he'd like to do roundtables a bit more frequently, like weekly or bi-weekly and asked what day of the week would be good (saturday was popular). Someone floated the idea of doing a group-specific roundtable every so often, like all coders or all admins or all players or whatever. I think this one was productive and fun, so please ensure that happens. It's good to get a good mix.

What I can remember from the part missing sound. I might be remembering stuff that happened later in the post-roundtable though. If so, sorry.

Talk about coderbus and its seclusion from the playerbase at large and my idea on how to solve it, which was to have a designer who was either player-chosen or player-directed somehow.
Scaredy said there were too many ways to distribute information and communicate (~9 IRC's, 2 teamspeaks, a forum, a site, singulo, in-game, it's all too much!) and that it should all be reduced, especially the IRC channels. I think the goal here was to integrate everyone more tightly but also to make everyone's lives a little easier when trying to disseminate information.
Scaredy asked what people wanted to be the primary way of communication between everyone. Forum? IRC? Singulo? OOC?
Do we really need all these different IRC channels? No.
Is the feedback section really the way coderbus should be interacting with players even though a good number of coders don't read feedback or ideas at all?
How do we want players to bring up information or complaints they have?
Someone complained they were a drone and someone picked them up and kept backpacking and unpacking the drone to keep the drone stuck forever. Is this grief? Answer was yes. And that's when the sound resumes, right after the guy finished the story.

Re: Recordings from the roundtable

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 3:00 pm
by Sum Ting Wong
Why not have a short period of Voir Dire for FNR requests?