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Favorite Job and why

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 10:22 pm
by LAB8
Tell me about your favorite job and why you love it.

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 10:27 pm
by Earthykiller127
gr3yt9t3r lyF4ev

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 10:52 pm
by mikecari
LAB8 wrote:Tell me about your favorite job and why you love it.
Mining probably since I can just fuck off on the asteroid and I rarely have to visit the station unless its for dumping ore or getting a diamond drill.
In short, miner master race.

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 12:50 am
by Xhuis
Definitely depends on how I'm feeling. Typically though if I don't feel like having responsibility I play assistant.

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 12:58 am
by ThanatosRa
Robotics or Engineering because BUILD STUFF.

Mostly Robotics cuz I get to do stuff in R&D without worrying about fucking around with wild xenos, or telescience and I get to build actual functional shit. Also I like being able to get people back in the round via Drones and Borgs.

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 1:52 am
by peoplearestrange
These days, either warden or HoP.

Warden because I like to feel like a radio dispatch and move sec around the station. (not power hungry... shut up, not even the HoS...)
HoP because I like to be the balance between the crew and the heads/sec?

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 10:40 am
by Rhisereld
Chemist. I can be incredibly useful to the station, mostly ignore my coworker and it's pretty relaxing.

Also I have a good excuse to chloral people who break in. Robust a trespasser anywhere else, and you're likely to get bwoinked.

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 10:54 am
by Miauw
borg is the best job because you're not actually obliged to validhunt.

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 12:30 pm
by peoplearestrange
Miauw wrote:borg is the best job because you're not actually obliged to validhunt.
Actually this too. Playing a friendly/helpful engieborg is actually kinda relaxing. Being the calm in the chaos more often that not.

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 4:05 pm
by Steelpoint
You have to ask, but the Head of Security is my favourite role.

I like trying to keep the station afloat and holding some semblance of order. Whenever I spectate rounds I tend to see security in shambles or the head of security acting sub-optimally.

I was drawn to the head of security from my bad experiences as a security officer under, to be frank, bad head of security's. More often than not my superior officers were either incompetent or very slow to react and make a decision. Being a good head of security requires you to not only be robust in combat (or at least smart about it), but also to be intelligent and make snap, but informed, decisions. Time is security's greatest asset and one too many times I would get bogged down in a ten minute debate over some assistant who did a questionable crime with the head of security/captain unwilling or unable to make a good decision, not to mention the interjecting (waste of life) lawyers who always want to drag out a case.

As such I started to play as the head of security to get rid of that annoyance.

People criticise me for being sometimes to harsh, but from my perspective as a security player, I think I get better results and keep people alive.

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 4:15 pm
by Ikarrus
Captain/Heads master race.

Nothing feels better to me than a well-run station with happy personnel. My personal goal is to keep things running as long as possible. And that includes organizing activities to prevent evacuation by boredom.

The round I take the most pride in was 5 hours long on a full server and boy, I was busy as hell the entire time :) Had to fire my incompetent heads one after another and replacing them with competent, loyal, hand-picked heads of staff.
I also love robusting/getting robusted by shithead revs.

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 8:22 pm
by Scones
You are the difference between shitcurity brigging minor offenses for 10 minutes and being the savior the station needs.
Manage prisoners. Distribute gear as needed. Be the home base Security requires. Depose the HoS when he gets out of control.
Seriously, a decent-minded Warden can make people's lives so much easier.

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 9:57 pm
by Erbbu
Virologist. Nothing like making nearly the entire crew sanic fast while also giving them the ability to regenerate from crit. Or being a major pain in the ass as an antag.

Also I get to work in peace in my own autism fort without a co-worker constantly stepping on my toes.

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 11:29 pm
by Hellafied
Engineering cause BUILD SHIT and assistant cause FUCK YOU. Robotics is cool cause BIG STOMPY MECHS

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 11:51 pm
by DemonFiren

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 1:16 am
by RG4
Mining and RD
RD -
*Head level access
*Access to the most powerful shit on the station
*Can make the station a better place with upgrades
*Free Nightvision huds for all
*Dependable as fuck
*Watch as science breaks down without me giving minerals
*Only hunt goliaths for OP armor
*Artifact rooms and admin prays for goodies
*Free hardsuit
*Blessed tier mining.

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 1:15 pm
by Whoisthere
Lawyer is nice:

- suit access
- brig access
- sec radio access
- zero responsibilities
- can yell at people (be they sec or greytide)
- great position to be an unlikely hero and save the station
- great position to be a villain and have an advantage over sec (easy to break into armory, easy to keep tabs on sec)
- can steal traitor items from evidence
- can ask the HoS for pepperspray and help out in interrogations (spray in the face WHO ARE YOU WORKING FOR spray in the face I KNOW JOHN ISN'T YOUR REAL NAME)
- can confiscate chemistry pills for not having a license to name their drugs Tricordrazine ® ™ ℠ ©

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 10:19 pm
by bandit
Clown. Because HONK

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 11:52 pm
by Earthykiller127
On a more serious note, shaft miner because:
-You're literally the Santa of the station, throwing plasma at dem bitches (read: scientists) and flooding engineering with metal
-You have a buttload of iron to mine, resulting in the endless cycle of this:
Image + Image/Image = Image + furnace.png = Image =

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 12:16 am
by DemonFiren
An autism fort.

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 12:37 am
by Earthykiller127
DemonFiren wrote:An autism fort.
The *perfect* defense against shitcurity
I couldn't find a better image but you get the idea.

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 1:01 am
by mikecari
DemonFiren wrote:An autism fort.
psssh, now THIS is an autism fort.
Cardboard box forts when?
Papsmear pls make it happen.

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 1:42 pm
by Braincake
mikecari wrote:<awful cardboard fort>
You call that an autism fort?


Engineering of any form is clearly the best job.


Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 6:51 pm
by Cipher3
Braincake wrote:
Livin' on the edge.

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 7:22 pm
by Skorvold
The job with all the responsibility yet also none of it. Very easy to go "missing" as tator janitor and have no one notice.

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 10:40 pm
by mattroks101
I have three main favorites:

Bartender: Because you have no real responsibilities, and because 90% of the time people who come to the bar are fucking hilarious. I love hearing the stories the drunk people at the bar tell, and the ridiculous shit that happens in the Maltese Falcon. When I want to just relax, and watch people do entertaining dumb shit, I play Bartender.

HoP: Because it's one of the few head jobs where you literally can just sit in your office all day, considering it your office is your job. Also, giving out IDs with discretion is really easy, "do they have a good reason to have certain access? No? Then next in line please" "Is the station under a huge threat? Yes? well then start handing out access to those who need it". As one who doesn't really like to leave their work-space, HoP is one of my favorites.

QM: Because it has the right mix of action and responsibilities for me. There's enough to do so that you don't get bored, but at the same time there's not so much to do that you get mobbed, and most of the time you're not in the direct line of action, so you're pretty safe. Also Cargonia is best nation.

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 10:22 am
by iRazgriz
AI: Handle the station, be loved and feared, help people and do cool stuff.

Brotanist: Be a bro to the chef.

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 11:22 am
by Comrade Leo
Play it right and you can get away with just about anything apart from murder, and just get the response "Daww it's just the mime!".

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 11:38 am
by fleure
Comrade Leo wrote:Mime,
Play it right and you can get away with just about anything apart from murder, and just get the response "Daww it's just the mime!".
Sometimes I literally just break in to places and sit at a desk, as the mime. I am entirely harmless and crew are usually pretty cool with it when I just act cute.

I like robotics if I want something engaging, building stompies and tearing brains out is always fun, but I find it stressful if it's busy. Megalomaniac RDs also bug me far too much, as do useless miners.

If I want a relaxing round, I'll just go barkeep. I like making an interesting array of drinks and distributing nuka-cola if I nab some Uranium, and it's nice being more social sometimes.

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 12:03 pm
by capi duffman
-Chef: because people are mostly nice, brotanist are always there for you, and if you're kind in return, only awesome can come of it (come on, offering them their preferred dish should be the barest minimal)
-AI: It's quite the opposite from the fairly autistic chef (Seriously, most of the time I only learn of nuke ops as a chef because Delta is declared) you touch everything, and make a big part on the main events in the round. Being blindly asimov does get boring from time to time, so when my laws are strange or get subverted, I take the chance to try to be original, rather than taking it as an excuse for murderboners.

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 1:00 pm
by Loonikus

Because even though you are theoretically responsible for everything, all you really have to do is secure the disc in some way (whether that be sticking it in your pocket or telling the clown to hide it) and after that your free to do pretty much anything you want.

I usually just stay on the bridge watching the computers, run a gimmick, or actually roleplay. Its actually a very relaxing job once you learn to delegate issues to your inferiors and stop trying to do everything yourself.

Unless its rev or nuke ops.

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 6:59 pm
by Wyzack
Loonikus wrote:Captain.

Because even though you are theoretically responsible for everything, all you really have to do is secure the disc in some way (whether that be sticking it in your pocket or telling the clown to hide it) and after that your free to do pretty much anything you want.

I usually just stay on the bridge watching the computers, run a gimmick, or actually roleplay. Its actually a very relaxing job once you learn to delegate issues to your inferiors and stop trying to do everything yourself.

Unless its rev or nuke ops.
An important thing to note is that you need to know how to at least do the basics of each department, especially being able to set up the engine. On the off chance there is no engineering staff it is 100% your responsibility to ensure the station receives power, and you will not always find someone able to do it for you

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 7:07 pm
by AnonymousNow
Medical Doctor - people-focused, high-energy job. Rush to crises, heal people, be on the frontlines, make a positive change. Revive rooms full of people a few steps behind the murderhobo who downed them seconds before. Have an excuse to be pretty much anywhere. Keep the whole damn station alive.

And piss off security, which is always a bonus.

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 7:37 pm
by Hibbles
It definitely depends on my level of motivation/effort/energy on that particular day.

Can't Be Arsed/Adminning Heavily: Atmospherics Technician is that perfect blend of lots of gameplay, a special place and special gear, potential usefulness, and yet usually doing exactly nothing and never expected to do anything. Virologist is kind of similiar but I feel more obligated to grind out useful virii there so Atmos tech wins the 'low effort' slot. Special mention for the Janitor, I actually enjoy cleaning the station idk.

Actually Playing The Game: Warden is my favorite Security job for similar reasons; you end up doing a lot, and you have access to interesting gameplay, but it's somehow lower stress than a regular officer's work. Even if you have to manage flailing, screaming men-children and syndicate bomb explosions in your precious armory. Also, AI is a lot of fun once you understand how things kinda work, and if you're willing to pay attention and not just drift off. HoP master race, yo.

Bring It On/Rare Challenges: Captain and HoS are also both things I enjoy, very occasionally. Played delegation-heavy to avoid being totally overwhelmed, ofc, and doing random things most don't like handing off the soap to the poor Janitor or giving out medals when people do cool things. Don't usually run gimmicks unless 'not being a jerk' counts, which it probably does.

I also like Engineering but I've set up that damn engine so many times, I end up never wanting to do it nowadays and pick other jobs. But CE is ultra-cool.
Comrade Leo wrote:Mime,
Play it right and you can get away with just about anything apart from murder, and just get the response "Daww it's just the mime!".
Also totally true. Even if what the Mime/Clown etc is doing breaks the law, as long as they're not being shitlers about it or ruining somebody's round I (as a sec player or admin) couldn't care less.

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 1:13 am
by rook
I usually go assistant because it's really really really REALLY fun and once you're a hale and hearty hooligan like me you can pretty much do whatever you want as long as it's within boundaries. Sometimes I roll engineering or some denomination of medical if I feel like actually doing something because they both have a pretty high capacity for fun. I don't like security so much because I used to just get angry when I played it and also security sucks.

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 1:28 am
by Bluespace
Station engineer/AI.
AI is just super fun, controlling half the station and watching shit go down without being part of it.
Engineer for when I feel like getting a suit on and making something to impress the crew.

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 3:31 am
by Hellafied
Break into EVA then walk out past a sec officer likeImage

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 4:16 am
by DanielRatherman
mattroks101 wrote:I have three main favorites:

Bartender: Because you have no real responsibilities, and because 90% of the time people who come to the bar are fucking hilarious. I love hearing the stories the drunk people at the bar tell, and the ridiculous shit that happens in the Maltese Falcon. When I want to just relax, and watch people do entertaining dumb shit, I play Bartender.

HoP: Because it's one of the few head jobs where you literally can just sit in your office all day, considering it your office is your job. Also, giving out IDs with discretion is really easy, "do they have a good reason to have certain access? No? Then next in line please" "Is the station under a huge threat? Yes? well then start handing out access to those who need it". As one who doesn't really like to leave their work-space, HoP is one of my favorites.

QM: Because it has the right mix of action and responsibilities for me. There's enough to do so that you don't get bored, but at the same time there's not so much to do that you get mobbed, and most of the time you're not in the direct line of action, so you're pretty safe. Also Cargonia is best nation.
Best tastes confirmed. Also my favorite rolls for the same reasons. I might put Detective or Captain as a fourth and fifth in that order.

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 7:06 am
by lumipharon

I don't have to move around much (good for when I have to briefly go afk, which happens fairly often), while still being an important role, that can actively improve the round.
A good warden can watch sensors and cameras, to keep a good idea of what's going on. They can direct the rest of sec around as needed, relay information, distribute gear when needed, and protect and run the brig.

Seriously, just running the brig, during more busy rounds is such a huge benefit to the rest of security. Security officers are supposed to be out in the station, patrolling, keeping the crew safe and robusting criminal scum. Without a competent warden, they have to waste a lot of time after arrests processing and brigging people, who then later need to be let out of the brig. With a good warden, sec officers can bring people in, explain their crimes, and leave - the warden takes care of the rest. This also means that there is one person who has a good handle of all the crimes that are going on/repeat offenders etc. This means the warden can know when to let people off with a warning for minor shit, or to gulag them because they're repeat shitters.

Also a good warden makes the HoS's job way easier, as they don't have to be micromanaging the brig and constantly relaying over radio, they can instead be busy leading from the front, as space jesus intended them to.

And finally, when everything goes to shit, most of sec are dead or MIA, the warden is typically the last guy left sitting on his ass standing. He also happens to be sitting in an armory full of guns and gear.

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 6:15 pm
by 420weedscopes
cargotech or shaft miner
someone has to do the paperwork, after all

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 7:10 pm
by QuartzCrystal
Dicking around: Clown. I do what I want when I want and when I get bored or need to do something else I just commit suicide creatively or throw myself into danger willy nilly. Being a traitor clown is awesome, some of my favorite rounds have been when I'm a traitor clown and I use my powers for good as The Owl and join security to fight the forces of darkness.

Actually playing: AI or botanist. I don't find either particularly energy consuming and I can effectively help the round progress as both.

Ready to rumble: CMO. I'm not too familiar with the new medical changes so it's been a while, but sometimes when you have the right medical team being CMO can feel the most rewarding. Not to mention I love the challenge of rev rounds as CMO.

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 7:12 pm
by Vigilare
QuartzCrystal wrote:I use my powers for good as The Owl
> not playing The Owl as a mime
The Owl hoots. HOOT HOOT

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 8:06 pm
by Kavaloosh
assistant cause i can kill whoever i want

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 8:43 am
by Ricotez
Research Director, because no other job gives you that much of a crazy scientist vibe.

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 1:30 pm
by Cheimon
AI, because in addition to having loads of power and ability to change the round, you can do it differently in any given round. You can pick your own personality at the start and then work from there, you can put as much or as little effort in as you want (within reason, you've still gotta open doors) and sometimes other people (Captains uploading laws, borgs being just great) can make the round even better. Plus having your own borgs is like running a department where the staff actually typically listen to you and care about what you want them to do (kind of like I assume HOS is from that one time I played it).

Medical Doctor is fun, you have a pretty chilled time most of the shift and then when you want to you can go and heal people. In high intensity crises it's really great: MD is the best job to do when there's a blob, for example. There's probably a bit too much standing around for most of the time but when you're in the mood for that it's the perfect job because there are normally a bunch of people in medbay to talk to.

Security Officer is just a good mix of these two: it's quite high stress and very busy but when you get it right and have a good team with you then there's nothing better. My favourite moments in this game have all been playing as a security officer, whether winning or losing. Mostly I don't think anything beats gearing up with a few other officers and murdering the hell out of a cult base full of constructs and cultists.

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 1:45 pm
by FredNodoor
My favorite job is Mining

Its so calm from most of the other jobs to be honest and its fun to help almost every part of the station with your minerals (and make a baller escape lounge)

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 1:53 pm
by DemonFiren
Mining is like viro, except useful.

Re: Favorite Job and why

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 6:41 am
by Hibbles
Say that to my face as I run laps around you with endless stimulant, heal wounds slowly but surely with toxic comp/filter, manifest random superpowers (okay that one's helpfulness is debatable at best) and heal my eye damage as well as any other, actually harmful, diseases I may contract. Within half an hour at most. And the entire crew's doing it too in a logarithm of help-ed-ness where every super-sanic step and every punch healed is an extension of a Virologist doing their job

Uh, one single answer is tough since I have different modes of playing.

Don't want to do anything: Atmos Tech. So much cool stuff to play with, and nobody ever expects you to do a damn thing. So either you fuck around without consequence, or you're actually helpful and people are pleasantly surprised.
Okay I'll try: Virologist, Janitor, QM/Tech. Roles that certaiinly aren't necessary for anybody to Win most times but you can be helpful and appease your inner fake-autism. Janitor's particularly fun.
Rock and roll bby: AI. I'm the god of this world, and although I'm bound to help you like a genie, I'd be helpful anyhow even if I were to get purged. So much to do, but it's hard to get bored unless it's really lowpop.
BRING IT ON: Captain/HoS. I can't explain to you why I find these roles fun, I must just be a damaged person. Captain especially is fun if you go into hyper-delegation mode and just yell at people to put out that fire/clown/bomb rather than suffering to actually do it yourself.

Bottom two obviously preclude much adminning even if I wanted to, but Atmos Tech is also ideal for being adminned since you could vanish for 20 minutes having an argument with a grifflord in PMs and nothing would ever change.