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what the fuck happened to campbell?

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2021 4:41 am
by Jonathan Gupta
I see all this Campbell shit and memes sometimes, what happened?

Re: what the fuck happened to campbell?

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2021 4:51 am
by UristMcTerrible
Campbell just kinda died out the starting gate iirc. No one did anything with campbell sadly.

Re: what the fuck happened to campbell?

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2021 5:06 am
by Tlaltecuhtli
vorestation stole all the players

Re: what the fuck happened to campbell?

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2021 5:18 am
by MrStonedOne
Campbell will be returning some time this month.

Re: what the fuck happened to campbell?

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2021 8:03 am
by Jonathan Gupta
MrStonedOne wrote:Campbell will be returning some time this month.
Nice, can I be there for the reopening?????

Re: what the fuck happened to campbell?

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2021 8:39 am
by nianjiilical
nobody liked the soup

Re: what the fuck happened to campbell?

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2021 1:22 pm
by Capsandi
Campbell was a magical place where like only 10 people played during highpop hours. Because of the low player count and non-existent admin presence, rounds averaged 1-4 days in length, usually concluding in a server crash for one reason or another. Once all the bepis tech and R&D was researched, spessmen would leave the station(usually pubby) to claim various asteroids(because they had gravity) and construct their own outposts and such, as the main station was prone to random events, most of which rendered it uninhabitable after 10 hours or so.
Some of the asteroid outposts were uber rad, one had a tesla engine and an atmosphere of pluoxium, so the plasmaman player could walk about without a suit. Right before the server went down someone made it a habit to start a newscaster channel to relay information about shuttle whereabouts and other useful information. It was pretty cool

Re: what the fuck happened to campbell?

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2021 3:52 pm
by cocothegogo
Capsandi wrote:Campbell was a magical place where like only 10 people played during highpop hours. Because of the low player count and non-existent admin presence, rounds averaged 1-4 days in length, usually concluding in a server crash for one reason or another. Once all the bepis tech and R&D was researched, spessmen would leave the station(usually pubby) to claim various asteroids(because they had gravity) and construct their own outposts and such, as the main station was prone to random events, most of which rendered it uninhabitable after 10 hours or so.
Some of the asteroid outposts were uber rad, one had a tesla engine and an atmosphere of pluoxium, so the plasmaman player could walk about without a suit. Right before the server went down someone made it a habit to start a newscaster channel to relay information about shuttle whereabouts and other useful information. It was pretty cool
any screenshots sound epic

Re: what the fuck happened to campbell?

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2021 6:03 pm
by Flatulent
killed from lack of nessesity

Re: what the fuck happened to campbell?

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2021 10:45 pm
by Capsandi
cocothegogo wrote:
Capsandi wrote:snip
any screenshots sound epic
I used to have a screenshot of a renovated OneHalf ruin which I always aimed to claim because the layout is unique, but I cant seem to find it right now.

There was this one round, possibly the longest of them all, where I was living in that crashed arrivals shuttle ruin, and had acquired binoculars from someone who had stopped in for a jetpack refill. So I'm using these binoculars to look out my station's only window, when I see that just out of my previously unaided sight was a big fuckoff asteroid, and I could tell by the shape that it was the comms agent listening post. There was nobody inside, but before I could activate it's self destruct(I was busy configuring a quantum pad with a quantum keycard so that I could stop being interrupted by jealous spacemen without their own outposts) two golems began renovating it.
I didn't want an ugly asteroid, or anything at all near my badass hermit shack. I had been listening to, for the past day and a half, those same golems and the rest of the players arguing over the caravan ship. The ship had every protolathe all linked up to it's own ore silo as well as a tcomms relay and NT net server. It was impressive, but someone had smacked it onto the top of lavaland to hide it from the rest of us, and the golems had given their R&D setup to the ship so they believed it was theirs. I don't think their claim was all that solid but I needed an asteroid bombed.
I had found the ship an hour or so prior while getting bluespace crystals for my teleporter pads, as it was parked above the labor camp. I didn't tell anyone because I was planning to demand the deluxe codespeak book(half the server had learned it at the time, but it was uber aggravating when everyone was speaking it except you). Instead, I demanded the roid detonated and the messaging server key, and in return I would tell them where the ship was.
They complied right as the pirate shuttle from the caravan ruin parked next to it, almost killing it's borg pilot and wreaking the ship. I had already told them the ship location and so they escaped using spin inverters, with threats of space court proceedings to sort out the legality of shuttle ownership made for the next day or so before the server crashed.
Campbell politics were very complex, I should write a book about it.

Re: what the fuck happened to campbell?

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2021 11:37 pm
These rounds spanning multiple days were the best, I did enjoy leaving my mark in there whenever I joined in, you start thinking in other dimensions and it feels like a group effort when you team up with other players to start on a station project, and not only is it all still in one piece the next day, but someone even progressed it! Thinking back, I cannot recall a real instance of grief while on this server, I think the server being largely empty does not attract these kinds of people.

I did enjoy the server, and I am very surprised that campbell will open up again! I am looking forward to experiencing the twilight world of campbell, the station that outlasts any other, where you can let your character go to sleep and come back to it the next day again! Perhaps with the assistance of the coders, we could lean into the nature of campbell, and make additions to this server that fits these day long rounds?

With warm regards

Re: what the fuck happened to campbell?

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2021 12:33 am
by Rohen_Tahir
BONERMASTER wrote:These rounds spanning multiple days were the best, I did enjoy leaving my mark in there whenever I joined in, you start thinking in other dimensions and it feels like a group effort when you team up with other players to start on a station project, and not only is it all still in one piece the next day, but someone even progressed it! Thinking back, I cannot recall a real instance of grief while on this server, I think the server being largely empty does not attract these kinds of people.

I did enjoy the server, and I am very surprised that campbell will open up again! I am looking forward to experiencing the twilight world of campbell, the station that outlasts any other, where you can let your character go to sleep and come back to it the next day again! Perhaps with the assistance of the coders, we could lean into the nature of campbell, and make additions to this server that fits these day long rounds?

With warm regards
Unfortunately IIRC some maintainer stated that rounds lasting several days are unsupported in the comments of some issue about servers crashing due to the round time value being too large.

Re: what the fuck happened to campbell?

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2021 1:26 pm
by Capsandi
Seems like the Alt codebase can support rounds as long as 2202 hours long, what's the orthographic excuse?

Just another reason to recognize isometric superiority

Re: what the fuck happened to campbell?

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2021 7:07 am
by Stickymayhem
Under new management ;)

Re: what the fuck happened to campbell?

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2021 10:49 am
by NamelessFairy
5 days remain, will we see Campbell return, Only time will tell.

Re: what the fuck happened to campbell?

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2021 2:19 pm
by Fishimun
based on the current evidence we have, half life 3 will be released before campbell's return

Re: what the fuck happened to campbell?

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2021 2:51 pm
by Rohen_Tahir

Re: what the fuck happened to campbell?

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2021 2:56 pm
by Agux909
Fishimun wrote:based on the current evidence we have, half life 3 will be released before campbell's return
Never thought the day would come in which something like this could be said unironically. Amen.

Re: what the fuck happened to campbell?

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2021 6:27 pm
by Stickymayhem