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Syndicate Surplus Craze: Luckiest/Unluckiest

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 6:51 pm
by Fragnostic
Post your most interesting set of loot you've gotten from a Syndicate Surplus Crate, be it a crate full of Syndicate Soap or a crate full of revolvers.

Re: Syndicate Surplus Craze: Luckiest/Unluckiest

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 8:17 pm
by QuartzCrystal
One time got just got a bunch of explosives with an emag, I giggled quite a bit as I just absolutely bombed the bridge to shit.

Re: Syndicate Surplus Craze: Luckiest/Unluckiest

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 9:37 pm
by John_Oxford
One day, i would like to have a crate filled with Blood Red Hardsuits. And sell them, to everyone. Ever.

Re: Syndicate Surplus Craze: Luckiest/Unluckiest

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 9:42 pm
by Scones
2 stamps
hacked law
sing beacon
2 toolboxes
a c4

i had to kill some md, ai tried to valid me by screaming about me when i law 2'd into secure tech. i had revenge later on by giving it the maximum amount of laws with asinine laws like 'oppression is harm' 'all male humans are inherently oppressive and may only cease being harmful if they get a sex change' etc.

then i just sort of c4 toolboxed my target because i was too busy uploading shit laws to remember to have the robits kill my target

Re: Syndicate Surplus Craze: Luckiest/Unluckiest

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 9:59 pm
by Not-Dorsidarf
AI was perfectly in rights to want you out of secure tech. AI policy specifically states as the only place you can bolt at roundstart too.

Of course, I never bolt it because any traitor ballsy enough to actually steal the board instead of printing their own like an autist RD deserves that chance.

Re: Syndicate Surplus Craze: Luckiest/Unluckiest

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 11:02 pm
by TheNightingale
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:AI was perfectly in rights to want you out of secure tech. AI policy specifically states as the only place you can bolt at roundstart too.

Of course, I never bolt it because any traitor ballsy enough to actually steal the board instead of printing their own like an autist RD deserves that chance.
(And your AI core; you can bolt the core too. I think. And the upload, maybe?)

I bolt secure tech storage precisely because of this; a traitor ballsy enough to hack in should at least know the bolts wire (there's a multitool and gloves right there).
That reminds me... is it allowed, as an Asimov AI, to encourage atmos techs to sabotage-proof the mix loop (e.g. reversing the valves, disconnecting it from distro)?

Re: Syndicate Surplus Craze: Luckiest/Unluckiest

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 11:08 pm
by Cheimon
I bolt secure tech storage because I ended up finding that most of the people not competent enough to hack in or break in from space also weren't competent enough to upload interesting laws.

So all I got was nobody trusting me and staying asimov.

Re: Syndicate Surplus Craze: Luckiest/Unluckiest

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 11:16 pm
by Not-Dorsidarf
TheNightingale wrote:
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:AI was perfectly in rights to want you out of secure tech. AI policy specifically states as the only place you can bolt at roundstart too.

Of course, I never bolt it because any traitor ballsy enough to actually steal the board instead of printing their own like an autist RD deserves that chance.
(And your AI core; you can bolt the core too. I think. And the upload, maybe?)

I bolt secure tech storage precisely because of this; a traitor ballsy enough to hack in should at least know the bolts wire (there's a multitool and gloves right there).
That reminds me... is it allowed, as an Asimov AI, to encourage atmos techs to sabotage-proof the mix loop (e.g. reversing the valves, disconnecting it from distro)?
Probbably, since the anti-sabotage policy is to stop the crew from neutering malf.traitors

Re: Syndicate Surplus Craze: Luckiest/Unluckiest

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 9:09 pm
by Superneji
Two pistols and crap ton of Revolver autoloaders
And soap

Re: Syndicate Surplus Craze: Luckiest/Unluckiest

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 9:49 pm
by TheNightingale
Recycle the autoloaders in the autolathe and exchange them for stetchkin ammo boxes, then dual-wield to be literally Rambo. Give the soap to the Janitor; they deserve it.