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Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of all?

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 11:48 pm
by Amelius
No self-nominations. Retired players count. I nominate
Rob Ust

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 12:25 am
by whodaloo

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 12:27 am
by Scones
Rob Ust was pretty good

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 12:42 am
by Luke Cox
I watched Rob Ust space all of sec once with nothing but an ebow, jetpack, and spacesuit. I'll third his nomination.

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 1:20 am
by bandit
can I put in an anti-vote for oldman robustin

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 1:33 am
by Stickymayhem
Rob Ust once killed me instantly with acid.

The other dozen times I encountered him I tore him a new asshole barehanded. He really had no close combat skill he just abused acid and ebows while they were op.

Oldman has shitty twitch these days he just has better tactics than most people and sticks to them without getting bored.

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 1:38 am
by Falamazeer
bandit wrote:can I put in an anti-vote for oldman robustin
I'ma cancel out this one with a counter-anti-vote, thus leaving robustin un-nominated and neutral so far.
He's pretty tough, Especially if bombs counts, but he's no slouch in single combat, best to catch him unawares or typing.
His robustness comes from powergaming as the kids call it these days, back in my day it was called batman style prepping.

And Rob was nothing, a frothing gibberer who ghosted as soon as he was caught, and relied heavily on the classic staples like stungloves pacid and old ebows. If you knew he was active and weren't caught with your pants down his single combat was lacking.

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 2:12 am
by Amelius
I'll toss in an anti-vote for Oldman. He's got good awareness/senses and preparation, and he can apply tactics and strategy most people can't, and sticks to them. That said, he isn't the most robust in even combat, by far, though he's still above-average, and he's a bit inflexible in terms of tactics, i.e. he's not willing to do something that's risky with his rounds, but has a massive payoff, i.e. spending more than 20~ minutes of setup, so he sticks to staples that are quick to apply, efficient, and effective (e.g. bombs).

I agree with the assessment that Rob wasn't truly robust, he just knew how to deal with crew/AI/sec efficiently and effectively using a single, narrow suite of tactics. The ebow wasn't OP at all - what was was using it in conjunct with spess and a jetpack, which, with the addition of slowspace (that came up right about when he started doing it with regularity), made it impossible for anyone to fight back without using the sole alternative (at the time) jetpack on the station that he'd typically just space.

So yeah, I dunno who I'd vote for. Maybe

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 2:53 am
by PKPenguin321
One vote for ye olde Yig, back in the day they killed nearly every single person on the entire station almost every time they were antag and one time they took down two changelings at once, one of which was me. Used to make me so salty that I called them Yig the Nig.
This is going off of memory from when I first started the game, though, so I could be totally wrong.

Also, anti vote for Rob Ust. Super overrated shitler who just exploited (now-patched) mechanics now and then and got a lot of attention for seemingly no reason except he was really annoying. I can't recall a single time he ever managed to dunk me.

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 3:05 am
by NikNakFlak
"Who's the biggest powergamer"
the thread.

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 3:07 am
by PKPenguin321
Powergamers are people like Mekhi Memerson or Rob Ust who use dumb mechanics like flashbangs to win, or completely forgo a sensible course of action ICly to get themselves some kind of an advantage.

Robust people are people that are good at the game. They know the consequences of their actions, they have a plan B, they have the dexterity to pull off plan A in the first place. There's a difference between them and powergamers.

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 3:07 am
by oranges
Stickymayhem wrote:Rob Ust once killed me instantly with acid.

The other dozen times I encountered him I tore him a new asshole barehanded. He really had no close combat skill he just abused acid and ebows while they were op.

Oldman has shitty twitch these days he just has better tactics than most people and sticks to them without getting bored.
you talk big game for someone who just cheesed low grav for half a year

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 3:11 am
by Falamazeer
PKPenguin321 wrote:Powergamers are people like Mekhi Memerson
I dunno, that's not the impression I got from him, and I play with him a lot. We're not buddies or anything, but routine sec players rub elbows.

Are you thinking of luke cox? because I've seen them with a box and he's often HoS, never seen mehki do it though to my recollection.

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 3:17 am
by Luke Cox
Falamazeer wrote:
PKPenguin321 wrote:Powergamers are people like Mekhi Memerson
I dunno, that's not the impression I got from him, and I play with him a lot. We're not buddies or anything, but routine sec players rub elbows.

Are you thinking of luke cox? because I've seen them with a box and he's often HoS, never seen mehki do it though to my recollection.
Mekhi is on my security force often. He's pretty good in general. Running jokes aside I don't really see how he powergames. Powergaming would be implanting all of cargo before blue alert, removing the soap from perma, etc. 99% of the time people that cry powergamer are butthurt antags who couldn't git gud, or shitheads who are upset that security arrested them for greytiding.

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 4:02 am
by NikNakFlak
Mehki has like 4 notes for powergaming as security including grabbing tools and gloves at roundstart or something, I don't know specifics I just poked around notes one day.

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 4:04 am
by ColonicAcid
security with gloves and toolbelt is an instant sign of a shitter.
i will tell u to drop that shit as HoS and if you dont im demoting you to assistant since youre equipped like one.

this thread is shit btw.

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 4:07 am
by bandit
>implying mekhi is robust

I killed his ass as cluwn once

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 4:08 am
by ColonicAcid
Luke Cox wrote:
Falamazeer wrote:
PKPenguin321 wrote:Powergamers are people like Mekhi Memerson
I dunno, that's not the impression I got from him, and I play with him a lot. We're not buddies or anything, but routine sec players rub elbows.

Are you thinking of luke cox? because I've seen them with a box and he's often HoS, never seen mehki do it though to my recollection.
Mekhi is on my security force often. He's pretty good in general. Running jokes aside I don't really see how he powergames. Powergaming would be implanting all of cargo before blue alert, removing the soap from perma, etc. 99% of the time people that cry powergamer are butthurt antags who couldn't git gud, or shitheads who are upset that security arrested them for greytiding.
you're really stupid dude

like really really stupid right now. also a powergamer, but mostly stupid.

like i mostly play security and im calling you a powergamer i dont fit any of those criteria youre stupid

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 4:24 am
by whodaloo
ColonicAcid wrote:security with gloves and toolbelt is an instant sign of a shitter.
i will tell u to drop that shit as HoS and if you dont im demoting you to assistant since youre equipped like one.

this thread is shit btw.
if you've got yellows on as sec for pretty much any reason short of an active AI delta you're awful

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 4:25 am
by Timbrewolf
Luke Cox wrote:I watched Rob Ust space all of sec once with nothing but an ebow, jetpack, and spacesuit. I'll third his nomination.
>nothing but
>an ebow
>a jetpack
>a spacesuit
>nothing but

I can't tell if you're joking or if you're so bad you're serious.

You want to see robust? 1v1 me in honorable goat combat, scrub.

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 4:27 am
by Amelius
whodaloo wrote:
ColonicAcid wrote:security with gloves and toolbelt is an instant sign of a shitter.
i will tell u to drop that shit as HoS and if you dont im demoting you to assistant since youre equipped like one.

this thread is shit btw.
if you've got yellows on for pretty much any reason short of an active AI delta you're awful
> Not taking those sweet insuls and toolbelt from that traitor engineer you just permabrigged/executed.

Come on guys, grabbing tools at roundstart is by fucking far powergaming, given how useful and ubiquitous they are, while locked under zero access restrictions in numerous quantities throughout the station, while the moment you need them, it's too fucking late.

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 4:29 am
by whodaloo
Amelius wrote:
whodaloo wrote:
ColonicAcid wrote:security with gloves and toolbelt is an instant sign of a shitter.
i will tell u to drop that shit as HoS and if you dont im demoting you to assistant since youre equipped like one.

this thread is shit btw.
if you've got yellows on for pretty much any reason short of an active AI delta you're awful
> Not taking those sweet insuls and toolkit from that traitor engineer you just permabrigged/executed.

Come on guys, grabbing tools at roundstart is by fucking far powergaming, given how useful and ubiquitous they are, while locked under zero access restrictions in numerous quantities throughout the station, while the moment you need them, it's too fucking late.
looting non-traitor items (and most traitor items) as sec is also shitty but i think i'm the minority opinion on that one

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 4:59 am
by ColonicAcid
Nope I've never taken gloves or toolbelt as security and I never will. It gives the wrong impression to people and I'm the type of person who likes to dress the part. There's no reason you would ever need a toolbelt as security, and it means you don't have a security belt which is pretty much the most robust thing you can have and it takes way too much time to hack shit anyway. Just ask the Ai wow fucking hard. Everything I confiscate is going unto evidence unless there's a real need for whatever Ive found. (esword when xenos about.) you're a security force not a fucking bunch of shitters with guns, stealing shit from criminals is not part of the agenda.

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:11 am
by Amelius
ColonicAcid wrote:Nope I've never taken gloves or toolbelt as security and I never will. It gives the wrong impression to people and I'm the type of person who likes to dress the part. There's no reason you would ever need a toolbelt as security, and it means you don't have a security belt which is pretty much the most robust thing you can have and it takes way too much time to hack shit anyway. Just ask the Ai wow fucking hard. Everything I confiscate is going unto evidence unless there's a real need for whatever Ive found. (esword when xenos about.) you're a security force not a fucking bunch of shitters with guns, stealing shit from criminals is not part of the agenda.
> Stealing.
> From enemies to the corporation.
> 'Just ask the AI' when the AI is in a position to be subverted, rogue, or at any juncture.
> 'Just ask the AI' when powersinks rend the station without power and you, stuck in security because you didn't have the sense to carry a crowbar.
> 'Just ask the AI' when telecomms is down one of the ten trillion times it goes down over a round.

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:13 am
by Falamazeer
ColonicAcid wrote:Nope I've never taken gloves or toolbelt as security and I never will. It gives the wrong impression to people and I'm the type of person who likes to dress the part. There's no reason you would ever need a toolbelt as security, and it means you don't have a security belt which is pretty much the most robust thing you can have and it takes way too much time to hack shit anyway. Just ask the Ai wow fucking hard. Everything I confiscate is going unto evidence unless there's a real need for whatever Ive found. (esword when xenos about.) you're a security force not a fucking bunch of shitters with guns, stealing shit from criminals is not part of the agenda.
Oh wait, aren't you frank wood? You got a lot of very loud opinions on security considering if you play it at all you play it easy mode on basil.
Not that you're entirely wrong, but you don't have to splatter your keyboard with diarrhea and click submit every little bit into a thread discussing robust notable players.

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:30 am
by bandit
An0n3 wrote:
Luke Cox wrote:I watched Rob Ust space all of sec once with nothing but an ebow, jetpack, and spacesuit. I'll third his nomination.
>nothing but
>an ebow
>a jetpack
>a spacesuit
>nothing but

I can't tell if you're joking or if you're so bad you're serious.

You want to see robust? 1v1 me in honorable goat combat, scrub.
>Rarely plays

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 6:15 am
by Luke Cox
ColonicAcid wrote:
Luke Cox wrote:
Falamazeer wrote:
PKPenguin321 wrote:Powergamers are people like Mekhi Memerson
I dunno, that's not the impression I got from him, and I play with him a lot. We're not buddies or anything, but routine sec players rub elbows.

Are you thinking of luke cox? because I've seen them with a box and he's often HoS, never seen mehki do it though to my recollection.
Mekhi is on my security force often. He's pretty good in general. Running jokes aside I don't really see how he powergames. Powergaming would be implanting all of cargo before blue alert, removing the soap from perma, etc. 99% of the time people that cry powergamer are butthurt antags who couldn't git gud, or shitheads who are upset that security arrested them for greytiding.
you're really stupid dude

like really really stupid right now. also a powergamer, but mostly stupid.

like i mostly play security and im calling you a powergamer i dont fit any of those criteria youre stupid
I've been accused of being shitcurity and unrobust, but that's a new one. Can you elaborate on how I "powergame"?

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 6:38 am
by callanrockslol

Thread theme

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 8:14 am
by Scott
This is just another form of circlejerk.

I once killed the entire station with nothing but a subverted AI and its army of secborgs. Am I robust yet?

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 8:44 am
by oranges
callanrockslol wrote:[youtube]V2XGp5ix8HE[/youtube]
Thread theme
I love this song

PS:sticky read my sick burn already

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 10:43 am
by Stickymayhem
oranges wrote:
Stickymayhem wrote:Rob Ust once killed me instantly with acid.

The other dozen times I encountered him I tore him a new asshole barehanded. He really had no close combat skill he just abused acid and ebows while they were op.

Oldman has shitty twitch these days he just has better tactics than most people and sticks to them without getting bored.
you talk big game for someone who just cheesed low grav for half a year
Mate you haven't even seen my modern murderbones don't chat shit.

When I go on a rampage it's a fucking ballet. The last time I murderboned I dropped three officers one after the other starting bare handed in maint and killed half the station before the secborg I forgot to blow up caught me in a dead end

People ask me why I have to murderbone every time I roll antag AND IT'S BECAUSE OF PEOPLE LIKE YOU

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:05 am
by Scones
Tossing an anti-vote for Sticky to spite him

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 12:58 pm
by Pybro

Dante was pretty good if just for the fact that he could yakety sax like a pro.

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 1:56 pm
by Cheimon
I'm pretty sure the most robust murder spree I ever saw was by Sticky. I was observing, and he really put on a show: mixing up weapons, tactics, murdering here, murdering there, it was definitely ballet-esque.

Having said that, it was ages ago (like, months probably) and I haven't seen anything that good since. On the basis of consistency and general success I think I give a positive vote (is that seriously how we're doing things, upvotes and downvotes?) to Oldman Robustin. He steps up to the plate more times than most, and he normally does quite well even if he's not mixing things up as much. I remember him taking out, like, 5 of us engineers in a nations gang round once. It was all in space, and it was quite impressive to watch. Plus he was pretty good the round I was a golem in a science gang and he singlehandedly (it seemed) took out another gang's dominator so we could win with ours.

I don't really care who's the very best at melee combat, so long as you're alright. Being robust is, to me, more about knowing good strategies and when to put them into play.

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 3:42 pm
by Miauw
sticky can do some p robust murderboners yeah.

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 4:56 pm
by ColonicAcid
Falamazeer wrote:
ColonicAcid wrote:Nope I've never taken gloves or toolbelt as security and I never will. It gives the wrong impression to people and I'm the type of person who likes to dress the part. There's no reason you would ever need a toolbelt as security, and it means you don't have a security belt which is pretty much the most robust thing you can have and it takes way too much time to hack shit anyway. Just ask the Ai wow fucking hard. Everything I confiscate is going unto evidence unless there's a real need for whatever Ive found. (esword when xenos about.) you're a security force not a fucking bunch of shitters with guns, stealing shit from criminals is not part of the agenda.
Oh wait, aren't you frank wood? You got a lot of very loud opinions on security considering if you play it at all you play it easy mode on basil.
Not that you're entirely wrong, but you don't have to splatter your keyboard with diarrhea and click submit every little bit into a thread discussing robust notable players.
no sorry i just dont like dealing with retarded buttbabbies that plague sybil.

does that make me any less worse security player?
i deal with criminals without ever even arresting them, as far as i know, that's a way better win than tasing first and asking questions later.
yeah sorry that your meaning of roleplay is not using internet acronyms ic and mine is actually pretending to be something im not but that's okay i dont judge dude.

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:00 pm
by Falamazeer
Not dealing with the buttbabbies that plague sybil is exactly what makes you unqualified to speak on the subject.
So go pour yourself a tall glass of shut the fuck up and enjoy it.

You're playing easy mode. You cannot act the way you act on basil and expect to get away with it, you will die, and I will laugh.

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:05 pm
by ColonicAcid
I never made the intentions that I was talking about any server.
I was saying that security officers with gloves and toolbelts are shit (which is objectively true) and calling people powergamers (Also objectively true, you're a powergamer, luke cox, because every post I've seen is you talking about how great it is to stop people from getting greentext and spending all your round attempting to stop them getting greentext. Security isn't about stopping greentexts you fucking idiot.) . I never denied that somebody was or isn't robust I don't really know what you're trying to pin on me here.

Chill dude lmao, this isn't a "who is the most robust in sybil" afaik what does it matter whether you're from one server or another?

Though to be honest throughout history #2 has been far more robust on a player basis than sybil but that's anecdotal and I don't have any more evidence than my experience so whatever m80.

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:27 pm
by Stickymayhem
ColonicAcid wrote:I never made the intentions that I was talking about any server.
I was saying that security officers with gloves and toolbelts are shit (which is objectively true) and calling people powergamers (Also objectively true, you're a powergamer, luke cox, because every post I've seen is you talking about how great it is to stop people from getting greentext and spending all your round attempting to stop them getting greentext. Security isn't about stopping greentexts you fucking idiot.) . I never denied that somebody was or isn't robust I don't really know what you're trying to pin on me here.

Chill dude lmao, this isn't a "who is the most robust in sybil" afaik what does it matter whether you're from one server or another?

Though to be honest throughout history #2 has been far more robust on a player basis than sybil but that's anecdotal and I don't have any more evidence than my experience so whatever m80.
Every competition we've had to confirm this has been a win for Sybil.

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:31 pm
by Falamazeer
This is a robust comparison, and not really the place for you to inject your invalid opinions on how secuirty should be run.
that being said;
Bwahahahaha No basil is not on average more robust, their are plenty there stronger than I there, but that patently untrue.
and if you're gonna play2win (not against rules or policy) you might as well do it as security, But you are completely right about gloves and belts raising a big red flag for security officers, it's right up there with bloody batons which are rarely excusable with obvious exceptions.

My point is, you're applying a standard that cannot be upheld to sybilites, and it's unfair, because you and me are not playing the same game. There is more focus on personal interaction there that is absent on sybil, You cannot do your job appropriately without being pro-active in your interactions, You'll either be typing when they walk off, or wind up a loot pinata that gets your more well adjusted officers killed because now the potato has your taser AND an esword.

In short, what I said earlier, You got a lot of loud opinions for how security should be played considering you play it on basil, and if your standards were the norm on both servers, the one witch the majority play would find it impossible.

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:42 pm
by ColonicAcid
i dont really see your point here sticky.
all of these competitions are fucking shitty "have esword and hit people xd" or "have gun first to stun wins xd".
That's hardly what robust means, if you think robust is just because you can murderbone with traitor items or items that give you an unfair advantage you have a big thing coming lmao.

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:46 pm
by Cheimon
Gloves and toolbelts are worth grabbing when the AI goes rogue. Gloves are worth grabbing if you know a borg is rogue. The rest of the time, there's no call for them in a security role.

If you're putting someone in perma, you're confiscating all their equipment anyway, including (I hope to god) their gloves and tools. With that in mind, the equipment ought to be distributed if needed and stored properly if not. Some things also need to go back to their departments: engineering hardsuits, for example, aren't there to sit and collect dust. A toolbelt however is a pretty common item, and one that you might as well grab if you need tools. It's not a competitor to a security belt, it's just a toolbox that can fit in your backpack.

None of this is stealing from criminals, because if somebody goes into permanent imprisonment/execution/cyborgization they've already forfeited all their possessions, along with their liberty, to the corporation.

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:48 pm
by ColonicAcid
"stealing" and "confiscating" are the same thing stop being semantic lmao.

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 6:06 pm
by Scones
who remember server battle

sybil strong

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 6:07 pm
by Anonmare
Considering that everything and everyone on the station is either NanoTraesn owned or an employee of NanoTraesn, I don't see confiscation as stealing since nothing on the station truly belongs to anyone except maybe their clothing and Syndicate gear (Which Nanotraesn mandates must be confiscated). Bitch all you want about how much that toolbelt belongs to you but it's the Company that ultimately decides whether you work here and what equipment you can use, having equipment outside of your assigned department is a privilege - not a right.

As a Sec Officer, I usually only bring a crowbar with me incase power goes down in an area or I need to get through a firelock and, on Basil you're not always guaranteed an AI. If I happen across insulated gloves, I'll take them and put them in my internals box and only switch with my black ones if there's an electrical hazard but I usually switch back. As a Detective however, I will usually unashamedly take a toolbelt and insulated gloves but again, only switch when I need to, but I would argue that it's something of a necessity for the job. Mainly for T-Ray scanners, and Optical Mesons, during an investigation since they can spot things that otherwise go missed.

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 7:12 pm
by Thunder11
Rowdy Randy
He killed a phazon while naked during a mech invasion event ages ago. Before phazons were nerfed. Then he chased down and killed the pilot.

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 7:19 pm
by Ikarrus
Burer remains to be the only player I've seen to be able to arrest all of security in their own brig as an assistant.

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:32 pm
by Luke Cox
ColonicAcid wrote:I never made the intentions that I was talking about any server.
I was saying that security officers with gloves and toolbelts are shit (which is objectively true) and calling people powergamers (Also objectively true, you're a powergamer, luke cox, because every post I've seen is you talking about how great it is to stop people from getting greentext and spending all your round attempting to stop them getting greentext. Security isn't about stopping greentexts you fucking idiot.) . I never denied that somebody was or isn't robust I don't really know what you're trying to pin on me here.

Chill dude lmao, this isn't a "who is the most robust in sybil" afaik what does it matter whether you're from one server or another?

Though to be honest throughout history #2 has been far more robust on a player basis than sybil but that's anecdotal and I don't have any more evidence than my experience so whatever m80.
Stopping threats to the station is exactly what security is supposed to do. Are we supposed to sit in birg and twiddle our thumbs when Centcom announces that there are hostile forces on the station? Security is the main force antags have to contend with. That's the fucking point.

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:35 pm
by Scones
This thread is kind of made worse by allowing votes for people who don't play/were good pre late2014/2015

The game was a lot different

Re: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the robustest one of a

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:35 pm
by ColonicAcid
Your job is not to stop antags.
Your job is to keep the peace in the station, if that means dealing with antags, so be it, if it means mediating between crewmembers, so be it.
Your job is not solely to stop antags, it never has, it never (hopefully) will be.