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I'm not even mad, I'm impressed thread

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 1:47 am
by yackemflam
This is a thread where you arn't even mad, just impressed on how people put two and two together to fuck you over in a smart/awesome/etc way.
>Be comdom
>Aww fuck yeah
>Doing comdom shit
>Get a report from Ai that engineering went and fuck off without setting up the engine.
>Arrest those bastard
>We caught one
>Officer searched him
>He's clean
>The fucker was fucking around
>Told him to set up the engine
>Let him go
>Well shit
>Secure people
>Loyal implant people
>Secure cargo
>Order shit
>Shuttle pops in and out before people can respond
>Oh shit
>Check the HoP's office
>No one there
>Ai is subverted
>Go check the uplaod
>Lasered to death
>Deadchat told me that the engineer was a gang leader
>They manage to put aside their difference and subverted the Ai
>I was played from the beginning
>Mfw :lol:
>The officer who searched him didn't check his internals box, which had a spray can, and gang tool.

Re: I'm not even mad, I'm impressed thread

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 3:18 pm
by icecreamcohn
This thread. I am not even mad, I'm impressed its such a shit concept

Re: I'm not even mad, I'm impressed thread

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 3:23 pm
by Miauw
>2d spacemans
>not being mad

do u even play the game

Re: I'm not even mad, I'm impressed thread

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 4:32 pm
by Super Aggro Crag
>Round is going on pretty normally, I'm not getting in anyones way.
>The library gets messed up by a pyroclastic anomaly, I do my best to help atmos put out the fires, but a lot of the furniture and floor tiles are wrecked.
>I ask the botanist if they can grow some planks to help me fix the place, they have a lot and help me repair the library. I take a little bit of burn damage from superheated air, but it's not so bad. We chat while working.
>The library is completely repaired as best we can, completely ignored by the rest of the crew, of course, but atleast I felt useful. I thank the botanist for giving me something to d-
>Botanist slaps me across the face with a hundred potency deathnettle and drags me into maintenance
>Botanist slaps me in the face with a hundred potency novaflower to burn off my jumpsuit and hide my identity
>Botany prepares to stuff me in a locker when an engineer runs across them and tries to start a fight and gets nettled and incinerated for his troubles
>Both our bodies stuff in a locker in maintenance where we will never be found.
>Botanist tells me it was nothing personnel, but I was their target.

Good on them for not immediately icing me with a traitor gear and instead using their job equipment and roleplay to lull me into a false sense of safety before dunking me with BOTANY POWERS.

Re: I'm not even mad, I'm impressed thread

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 6:49 pm
by dionysus24779
Was a few weeks ago or something and I don't even remember the full details, but it was something like this:

> Be Secborg (remember that?)
> Traitor-AI
> Play it all cool
> There's a Revenant on the station but it's a really slippery one
> As with most rounds eventually the AI gets suspected of being rogue even without ever doing anything weird
> Captain, HoS and like someone else are on AI sat want to check AI laws
> Somehow situation escalates and they're sure AI is rogue and hostile
> AI orders me to Sat to help out
> Roll in, see Cap and such standing in front of a door, trying to hack through or whatever
> Plan to faint retreating so I can shoot from a greater range through the open door for what would be off-screen for them. Also wanted to reactivate the turrets.
> Just as I try to fall back the Rev appears and EMPs me!
> Cap lazers me to death
> Have a laugh in deathchat

It was awesome and I would've never ever suspected the Rev to backstab me like this, especially since helping me would've meant at least three bodies to feast on. I was sooo suprised when I suddenly got EMPed out of nowhere. A literal "WHAT?!" moment. Loved it.

Re: I'm not even mad, I'm impressed thread

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 7:13 am
by Archie700
>talos captain
>says he wants to be miner, wants to fuck off to.mining
>organizes a mining expedition, wants people to come
>oh I'll be acting cap-
>two other heads say yes
>fuck this I'm going too
>prepare for trip with command plus a lizard who tagged in
>talos starts to have second thoughts because he can hear spraying
>phoebe the rd says ignore it and just go to mining
>finally we all go
>mfw we essentially self-exiled ourselves

I was laughing my head off.
I just wish we can do an actual round where all of command goes on a mining expedition while leaving the station to itself.

Re: I'm not even mad, I'm impressed thread

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 2:37 pm
by Atlanta-Ned
>Be HoS, chatting it up in the brig with some folks when I spot someone in the armory who should not be there
>Grab an EVA suit and chase them into space
>Get robusted to shit because, y'know. Manage to eek out a single "H-H-EL-P" on common before I go into crit
>Ghost and watch my assailant strip me and drag my corpse around in space looking for something while the rest of the station goes apeshit trying to rescue me
>Assailant finally grabs a few sheets of metal, drags my corpse to escape and builds a chair that I get buckled to
>Corpse gets rescued almost immediately and cloned
>Pop out, get cryo'd back to (mostly) normal
>Slowly get recombobulated and learn that not only did the person who attacked me get killed, but the crew has recovered most of my gear and returns it in short order

10/10 antags, 10/10 crew

Re: I'm not even mad, I'm impressed thread

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 2:51 pm
by Wyzack

Re: I'm not even mad, I'm impressed thread

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 3:53 pm
by tedward1337

Re: I'm not even mad, I'm impressed thread

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 2:35 am
by Amelius
Archie700 wrote:>hop
>talos captain
>says he wants to be miner, wants to fuck off to.mining
>organizes a mining expedition, wants people to come
>oh I'll be acting cap-
>two other heads say yes
>fuck this I'm going too
>prepare for trip with command plus a lizard who tagged in
>talos starts to have second thoughts because he can hear spraying
>phoebe the rd says ignore it and just go to mining
>finally we all go
>mfw we essentially self-exiled ourselves

I was laughing my head off.
I just wish we can do an actual round where all of command goes on a mining expedition while leaving the station to itself.
I remember a similar situation probably half a year ago.

It was a slow round, 40 minutes in and only minor, typical, greytidey crimes, but nothing alarming, especially since it was highpop (like 50 people). Most of the heads collectively decided to head out to the away mission (the space one with AI nuke ops) with a small contingent of greys, leaving the HoP in charge of the entire station and the disk. All of a minute after I (the Captain) left, the HoP was killed and the revolutionaries won. Most of the station was converted and, somehow, they had collectively decided to try to trick us into exiling ourselves instead of actually fighting security or the heads.

Weirdest round I've played, seriously. Well, I guess there was that one rev round with a single revhead. Everyone was *certain* the AI was malf, since the shuttle refused to launch and there was no signs of a revolution on board. Jesus christ that round was awful.

Re: I'm not even mad, I'm impressed thread

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 6:53 am
by Screemonster
Wasn't there one where the only head was the CE and they singulo'd themselves setting up the engine a minute into the round?