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Re: Your first time with ss13

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 4:30 pm
by Ikarrus
Joined as security, hanging out in the brig when someone welderbombs the windows.

I go and arrest him, not knowing he was already dead due to the welderbomb breaching the floor tile under him to space.

I died cuffing a dead body and deadchat called me shitcurity.

Re: Your first time with ss13

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 4:37 pm
by Steelpoint
I started playing SS13 about three years ago on Goonstation, specifically on Donut Station 2. I really had no idea what I was doing, and I never went outside of Assistant since everything reminded me of trying to play Dwarf Fortress and I could never really get a hang of the game.

My most memorable moment was one round where I became a Chemist, what was interesting was that Chemistry, Archaeology and Robotics(???) were off-station on a separate Z-Level satellite. I spent my time flinging stuff in tubes and seeing what happend, had a minor explosion go off in Archaeology. I eventually went back on station to discover everyone was dead or dying, before being knocked unconscious by a Changeling outside Medbay (The scary Oldling version), I woke up a few minutes later in total darkness, and had to go around the long way dodging survivors to the evac shuttle.

I stopped playing SS13 not long after. About 2.5 years later I decided to get back into SS13, and saw TG Station, I decided to give it a try, and I've stuck around ever since.

I don't miss the first time I went Sec and getting killed by the Traitor Warden early on.

Re: Your first time with ss13

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 5:51 pm
by Perakp
My first time playing, the round was almost over, I got trapped by a rogue engiborg in medbay and I couldn't do anything when it just removed floortiles all around me. I was confused with thoughts of "what the hell is happening", "what could I've done in that situation", "how long do I have to play before I get to pwn someone like that". It was pretty awesome for a first death.

And my first time as RD I suffocated in the server room. Like who doesn't do that.

Re: Your first time with ss13

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 6:13 pm
by Ikarrus
Perakp wrote:And my first time as RD I suffocated in the server room. Like who doesn't do that.
It is a rite of passage for RDs

Re: Your first time with ss13

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 6:46 pm
by WeeYakk
I was an assistant and managed to grab a radiation suit and a red crowbar. I went around being Gordon Freeman until I got trapped in a maint shaft with no way out, the shuttle left without me.

My first few lawyer rounds were amazing though.


Re: Your first time with ss13

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 7:41 pm
by Reimoo
During my first time being warden, I beat the shit out of the clown because he was being annoying. That also happened to be my first ban.

Re: Your first time with ss13

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 7:54 pm
by bandit
I was an assistant who beat people with a crowbar, got brigged, and freaked out because I didn't know where I was or why I couldn't get out.

Re: Your first time with ss13

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 9:25 pm
by ThanatosRa
I actually don't remember. I kinda remember something about being an engineer and trying to wire solars withsomeone helping me then suffocating, but I honestly odn't remember

Re: Your first time with ss13

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 10:08 pm
by Rumia29
I got invited to play SS13 with another guy by a friend of mine. He had his own private server we started on. I went medical doctor while the other guy went engineer. We both used our OOC names (heh, still did for a couple rounds on other servers after that.) I, confused on what to do, opened lockers in arrivals until he came to pick me up. He was with the other guy who joined before me. He got taught the ropes of engineering, while I was thrown into medbay, trying to figure out what the fuck to do. I asked him if there different outfits, and he pointed me to the theater. I dress myself up in glorious witch dress then go back to medbay. Something something shuttle call, and space carp invasion, me and the other guy are confronted by a space carp. He bashed the heck out of it with a crowbar, but gets eaten. I attempt to take the crowbar and try my hand as well, but die too. The friend half-clones me before pulling me to the shuttle.
Quite the memorable first time for me.

Re: Your first time with ss13

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 12:56 am
by Rhisereld
Attempt #1: I joined a game, no idea what server or map. I couldn't figure out how to walk, and just sat there clicking myself cause me to "shake myself to get up". I may have been buckled to the chair by someone, but I couldn't figure that out at the time. Closed the game in disgust. Didn't play for almost a year.

Attempt #2: An RP friend wanted me to try Baystation 12. Joined as a janitor, and located my room and tried to figure out how to mop things. After 30 mins of incompetent flailing and generally being a noob, the Captain shows up and shouts about some traitor or whatever and drags me off to the Armory to help catch them.

Captain tells me to pick up a gun.
I pick up a gun.
ADMINBWOINK: "How does your character know how to use a gun?"

Attempt #3: At this point both of my brothers were SUPER into SS13 and I wanted to learn how to play. I downloaded a /tg/station server and set it up and played alone like a fucking loner. I learned the ropes of Engineering from the wiki. Knowing at least one job and now having a rudimentary grasp of the awful controls, I was able to join a public /tg/station server and played happily ever after. The end.

Re: Your first time with ss13

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 1:57 am
by Reimoo
Rhisereld wrote: ADMINBWOINK: "How does your character know how to use a gun?"

Re: Your first time with ss13

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 2:35 am
by Cheridan
I'm pretty sure my first SS13 round was a monkey round on goonstation. I joined, immediately got bitten and turned into a monkey, and then lasered to death 5 seconds later and the round ended.

good times

Re: Your first time with ss13

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 5:07 am
by Konork
It was a really long time ago, but I'm pretty sure I just wandered around pointlessly.

Re: Your first time with ss13

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 12:27 pm
by Miauw
i dont even fucking remember what i did my very first round.

i remember some of them though.
it was on urist mcstation, back in the really early days. i had a pai called arnold.
some asshole traitor stole him and the pai was laughing at me because i didnt set my dna so i ran around in the halls yelling "ARRNOOOLLDDD" with a syringe of sulphuric acid to murder the person that did this/kill myself (lol).
good times. so many good times on urist mcstation, especially when it just started.

Re: Your first time with ss13

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 12:35 pm
by Lo6a4evskiy
Miauw wrote:i dont even fucking remember what i did my very first round.
Yeah, how the fuck do you people remember?

The very first time I couldn't figure out the controls, couldn't deal with the lag, didn't return for a few months. Then I somehow started playing. Dunno how.

Re: Your first time with ss13

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 2:47 pm
by Munchlax
I just wandered around and quit for like a month because I couldn't even

Re: Your first time with ss13

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 4:34 pm
by moorden
I was a cargo man
I was a traitor
I bought a revolver and went on a shooting spree
Killed like 5 people before the station actually noticed I was the shooter

Re: Your first time with ss13

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 2:02 pm
by Jalleo
Not sure but I played a lot of goon station. I remember one time when poo was still around I tried to go in the toilet just to prove a point you can it didnt work it went on the floor. But I think somebody brought it up recently on the goon forums that they once saw someone coming out the toilet once after going.....

Other things I do remember is just well rounds being really fun at times and others too boring for anything and then I finally came to TG and had more fun here than on goon.

Re: Your first time with ss13

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 6:38 pm
by ExplosiveCrate
First time I played I joined as a Rastafarian chaplain on Goon, bashed myself a few times in the head with a marijuana leaf, and met a space man in the church. Literally named "Space Man", in a space suit. He waved and was immediately bombarded by poo, then I got hit by poo and got trapped in the chapel because I couldn't reach the door without slipping. Didn't play SS13 for a while after that.

Re: Your first time with ss13

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 6:53 pm
by paprika
Ikarrus wrote: welderbomb breaching the floor tile under him to space.

Re: Your first time with ss13

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 7:57 pm
by TheTerbs
i got welded into a locker for like an hour

Re: Your first time with ss13

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 6:30 pm
by Shad0vvs
I joined with some friends (who hate the game now) and one of them used a welder on a welder tank and blew up, then the deathsquad came in and killed us all, which made me real sad.

Re: Your first time with ss13

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 7:20 pm
by allura
first attempt was maybe 2.5 years ago, my friend told me about it, i hopped on a random pub server
i was assistant and my friend told me i could kill someone randomly and eat their appendix, and he told me how, so i found someone and did just that
then i was banned

then maybe 2 years ago i played on goon for a long time, my first game there i walked out of arrivals and was immediately captured by ebin ling and killed

finally, 5 months ago sishen invited me here and my first game i was assistamt. sishen told everyone i was a space autist, and a clown tripped sishen so i axed him a question and accidentally killed him

Re: Your first time with ss13

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 7:21 pm
by KingLouisXIV
I started out playing on Goonstation years ago.

I spawned in as Assistant and wandered into the dormitory area, played around with a few lockers and their ATM machine. Everything was dark. Leaving into the main hall, out of motherfucking nowhere charges in goddamn maecho mann Randy Savage. I died laughing my ass off.

Re: Your first time with ss13

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 9:03 pm
by Scott
It was on /tg/ long ago and I was assigned to Hydroponics and some guy helped me out.

Re: Your first time with ss13

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 8:57 pm
by Timrod
I remember my first time was on Goon a long time ago, before Zeta and DWAINE and the like. At this point, Goon had a sort of predecessor of Virology that was accessible by any medical doctor (the doors had a scanner that would lock itself to a medbay ID, the same way the personal lockers in the Dorms work on /tg/) that contained a computer that would take several minutes to 'research' a virus (there were no samples, you just clicked and it'd research) and could then produce samples. At this point, there really wasn't anything you could DO with the samples - the computer would give you a suggested cure like the med sensors do on /tg/, but the suggested cure for everything was spaceacillin and I don't think it was possible to actually cure anything.

I didn't really know what to do, so I printed out a sample of Cosborreah (it hadn't been named that yet) and tried to give it to whoever the head of Medbay was. I didn't know at the time that trying to use a beaker on the floor would splash it, and so I accidentally splashed the medbay head with Cosborreah. In about 10 minutes, 2/3 of the station had turned into Bill Cosby and the heads had to call the shuttle because there was no cure.

Re: Your first time with ss13

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 10:06 pm
by Kuraudo
I don't remember the server i was in, but my first time was in 2009.
I signed up as HoP, while i knew absolutely nothing about the gameplay mechanics. Big mistake.
While struggling with the interface, i found myself completely naked and busted into the heads meeting room, my HoP ID in my hand. Unfortunaltely for me, there was a meeting taking place, with the Captain, the CMO, the RD and the HoS. They saw me naked, labelled me as a crazy man and i got arrested by the HoS for indecent exposure. Since i couldn't explain this using the real OOC reason which is "This is my first time playing, i don't understand anything about this game" i carried out the "crazy man" roleplay and got brigged and demoted. I don't remember the rest of the round. :mrgreen:

Re: Your first time with ss13

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 10:12 pm
by Stickymayhem
My first round I was a scientist. The RD taught me how to make bombs, then the lights went out and spooky sounds begin playing. We break out of the depowered science department loaded with explosives, and get to escape. For a while we are alone in the dark properly roleplaying and I was having a great time with my RD-bro.

Suddenly I'm being hit with lasers as several skeletons charge me and gun us down. I scream at the RD to get clear, and he jumps in a locker in the corner, before I detonate the bombs. I killed the spooky skeletons, ruin escape and get a bwoink from Elyina.

I had no idea, but this was an admin event, something I didn't even know happened, and the skeletons were innocents with practice laser guns.

That was also my first bannu.

Re: Your first time with ss13

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 10:27 pm
by Remie Richards
Goon, back in around Late 2012/Early 2013

Played a roboticist who went around stealing people from the corridor and dragging them back to robo and borging them + taking their butts.
I was also set to look identical to Dr Robotnik, which made it funnier.

It was quite the first time experience..

Re: Your first time with ss13

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 12:43 am
by Gun Hog
Having read the guide which recommended I become an assistant and do the little radio thing, I joined up as assistant and successfully transmitted my newbie message to the crew. After walking off the shuttle and into the hall, I attempted to open my toolbox by clicking on it. Nothing. I then clicked on myself to see if it would do anything. TWACK! This confused me, as it did not seem to be working. So I clicked myself again. TWACK! I repeated this several more times, until I realized that it would not work, so I looked around to ask someone else how to open my toolbox.

Once I found someone, I asked him how to open my toolbox, and I proceeded to try and give it to him. TWACK! I immediately apologized while he cursed me out for being stupid. He told me OOCly to click on myself with an empty hand to check myself for where I hit myself. I pressed the 'switch hands' button I looked up from the wiki. Twice. I clicked on myself once more...TWACK! I seemed to have knocked myself or something. As I waited and tried buttons to see if I was supposed to do something. My screen started becoming white. I waited some more, it became even whiter and whiter until....dead.

Re: Your first time with ss13

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 4:19 am
by Crushtoe
Dear God, I only remembered this traumatic existance of noob after last nights comparison of /tg/ to Nox by Allicat.

It was my first ever game, and I tried Nox. I chose assistant and wandered around, until I found the washroom. I got confused, until another assistant came in. I was trying to see what I could do, and ended up punching him. We got in a fist fight, I punched myself mostly, and collapsed. It was 10 minutes of confusion of a black screen, until he woke me up from CPR. He walked off, I later punched him and ran, and ended up walking into a bombed area and dying.

Re: Your first time with ss13

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 5:08 pm
by legality
It was in September of 2010, around 2 months after /tg/station had opened up. We were still using uterus station, which to this day remains my favorite map.

I got on the server, joined as assistant, spent around 15 minutes trying to get my bearings, figuring out how to move, how to open lockers, how to take items on and off, etc.

Finally left the shuttle, proceeded to the right, and in front of the doors to the AI core was the clown, which really puzzled me because why would there be a clown on a space station? Anyways, the clown slipped me with a banana and then a security officer came walking down the corridor and the clown slipped him too. So the security officer gets up and starts slapping the clown around with his baton.

From here on it gets fuzzy but I do remember that either the clown or the security officer ended up being a traitor (or maybe just a griffon) and killing me after they finished off with each other. They spaced me out an airlock and I sent an adminhelp asking how I respawned, only to find out to my despair that I could not until the round was over.

And I've been here ever since.

Re: Your first time with ss13

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 7:26 pm
by Rose-chan
Geez, I first played Space Station 13 back on oldstation, during a time when there was no wiki and no apparent rules so far as I could tell. I believe my very first round I suffocated to death on the arrivals shuttle, but every round was just a clusterfuck to kill each other so you just tried to be the one to release the plasma and set everything on fire first. It got old really fast so I only came back to it this year and was amazed that there is something beyond greyshirts killing each other and trying to set the whole station on fire with plasma.

Re: Your first time with ss13

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 5:20 pm
by MrStonedOne
>be assistant,
>wiki open in second monitor.
>fuck around in tool storage,
>figure out that i can spam shit with a screw driver to open and close its maintenance hatch.
>run around the station randomly spamming shit with a screwdriver to open and close its maintenance hatch.
>sec sees me open the maintenance hatch of what i think was ai upload.
>get permaed
>get eaten by ling in perma who then turns into me, then into a monkey.
>fun times

Re: Your first time with ss13

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 5:03 am
by Fragnostic
My first time was about 2 or 3 years ago I. The Goon #1 LLJK server, I think. I had joined as Security Officer, thinking I had a competitive edge over everyone else. Not sure where anything was, so I walked into the main hall where it's kinda like a square and I see lockers and crates all over and lights are busted out and eerily lit. There are about 7 sec officers and tons of vigilantes firing stun weaponry at this one guy in a red trenchcoat with a golden metallic spike crown. He was a ling apparently and had a katana. He was really fucking up everyone and stunned me and spit acid spit at me and then shreiks and some of us get knocked out. Almost everyone in the entire station was fighting this one guy and he was just wrecking everyone, with tons of mangled husks and bloody bodies all over the place. He then runs away into the darkness and NO ONE fucking dared follow him. I get a circular saw that I found lying around and just stay put, terrified. Some guy stumbles past barely walking coming from where that guy ran to. I rush him thinking it's the super monster we saw and begin to saw his shit in. Everyone there stops me and reassures me it wasn't him, after a few kicks. Me and three other guys form a little squad and patrol the darkness when we see something lurk in the shadows. We shine our flashlights there and nothing. We keep walking when 'you feel a tiny prick!' 'Your muscles begin to tighten painfully''. Then two wads of green zoom past me and hit my two buddies. We are all down when I see the monster pack their shit in like a SpaceBag and then it's body rips apart and turns into this terrifying fucking thing and absorbs all of us quickly. Scariest shit ever, and I have to admit that Goon old ling did feel scarier. Like you don't walk alone but keep some distance from your buddies tho.

Re: Your first time with ss13

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 11:42 am
by peoplearestrange
Apart from the usual punching myself in the face multiple times by clicking on self when trying to interact with myself...
I think my first time I spend running round the corridors setting off the fire alarms. Then I went around asking people if they needed an assistant, obviously everyone said no. Captain asks what was wrong and I tell him everyone is being mean and ignoring me. Says to man up (as a Women), get bored, D/C.

I heard about the game from a Radio show called "One Life Left". One of the stories was off a women playing the Janitor, cleaning some floors and not really knowing what else to do, leaving the computer for 20 mins and coming back to find she was stripped and naked and tabled.

Re: Your first time with ss13

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 10:00 pm
by dionysus24779
My very first time was actually on Baystation, back then I even thought there were only three servers.

I observed a bit as a ghost and discovered they had an option to spawn as a mouse, so I did that and walked around maint a bit and eventually ended up in front of their medbay where some female doctor told me that I'm cute and petted me and then someone else came along and killed me because I'm vermin and it was a medbay.

Since I knew that bay was heavy on roleplay and I was completly new I was afraid to directly join the game and interact with others. In OOC I said that this was my first round and that it was nice that I was somewhat involved in the roleplay, even though I was just a mouse. However there was one person who was incredibly rude towards me and pretty much told me to leave the server... so I did.

After looking a bit more I discovered tg where roleplay wasn't as emphazised and enforced so I was much more comfortable joining as an Assistant and just walk around and look at stuff, I didn't talk to many people and tried to figure out the controls. (At first I only used arrow keys+mouse to use the UI buttons, only after like a month did I discover and change to the tab->wasd controls.)

I can't really remember my first round on tg that much though.

I do remember my very first "cult" and nuke ops and wizard round however.

Nuke Ops:
This is a fun one. My first time I was assigned to protect the shuttle while the others went to get the disk. Since I didn't knew anything about being a Nuke Op I thought that I had a pretty important mission. So I chilled in space by the shuttles thrusters waiting for my partners to return... only they didn't and the radio went really silent... so eventually I decided to head out myself and well... what did we have to loose? I followed the pinpointer and discovered that the disk was in the safe of the detectives office. I used a bomb to blast a hole into the station (back then the Detectives office was right next to space) and went in. At first I thought that safes couldn't be emagged because I assumed they were purely mechanics, no electronics, so I was suprised when it worked. However I didn't manage to open the safe (I didn't knew I had to drag it onto my sprite). After some time a fellow Nuke Op showed up, but how strange that he didn't have that red bubble with the white S above his head... well as it turned out it was some guy who aquired a Nuke Ops hardsuit and he killed me.
But I was SO close to completing the whole mission all on my own as a complete newb, if only I had known how to access a safe back then.

It wasn't really cult, but during "normal" round as a Scientist I tried to summon dark forces in misc. science (because why not) and after countless rounds of prayer and making misc. science all cult-like (chalk-runes, candles, animal sacrifices) an admin eventually spawned a construct and after some stuff happened I was handed a tome for the very first time. It confused me a lot that the construct asked me to just go ahead and draw runes since I didn't understand how a tome worked at all. We eventually got seperated and I spend the rest of the round in Xenobio trying to figure out how to research words and everything.
My first time as a Wizard I summoned an apprentice and took some of the usual spells (jaunt, magic missle and stuff). My apprentice was new to this all as well so we ended up deciding he should go ahead and release the singu so the shuttle came. He went ahead and was promptly killed with the station on high alert. I teleported into the captains quarters and I dunno what my objective was anymore but I completed it without bloodshed. Then I asked the AI to call the shuttle, eventually the Captain showed up and he was reasonable enough to listen to me. I explained to him how I completed my mission without me doing any harm and how unfortunate it was that my apprentice was killed and that calling the shuttle and leaving me alone was the least he could do for killing my subordinate. The Captain agreed and the round had a swift end. To my suprise people didn't complain that I was a no-fun-boring-friendly wizard but congratulated me on a good round.

Re: Your first time with ss13

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 11:38 am
by srifenbyxp
KingLouisXIV wrote:I started out playing on Goonstation years ago.

I spawned in as Assistant and wandered into the dormitory area, played around with a few lockers and their ATM machine. Everything was dark. Leaving into the main hall, out of motherfucking nowhere charges in goddamn maecho mann Randy Savage. I died laughing my ass off.
I played on goon also and I remembered Macho Man, walking in the hallway until he crushed my ribs like a bag of chips. I also made HoS status on Goon but a Admin got pissy and took it away.

My first time on Spess man I got killed by a changeling 3 minutes into the round. Dropped spess man for a few days until I gave it another try.

Re: Your first time with ss13

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 7:41 am
by Septavius
picked chef, went around stabbing people then immediately get banned