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Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 4:35 am
by Wyzack

Bottom post of the previous page:

Yeah my original post on the matter was mostly because the one that exists is spess mehreens only and that does not interest me much

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 6:51 am
by Malkevin
Iirc EC is going to just be an instanced arena shooter with persistent stats, like battlefield

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 9:40 am
by Incomptinence
Been playing thea the awakening and cities skylines after the steam sale.

Thea the awakening: Has a pretty slow start make sure to attract dwarves, they require unlocking gold and building designs that use a chunk of metal but goodness me they are like twice as strong and durable as humans going by the smiths I have gotten so far, give em hammers so their damage overflows to another enemy. You are unlikely to get much good at alternate combat other than hunting and tactics early on.

Cities skylines: Really neat game key it is to good in mind you probably want to put the wider roads everywhere as 2 lanes upgrade to jack shit but you can interchange all the types of 6 and 4 lane. The tier unlock system is a pain and I can't wait to turn it off once I have a few chievos. Really calm game got the major dlcs on sale too so eh snow nights whatevs. Wish there was some way to abort uncompleted bus lanes since it can get so spaghetti you can't seem to interact with some of them.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 12:44 pm
by IrishWristWatch0
I've been playing the new DOOM since it went on sale on Steam. Probably one of the best games I've played in a long time. It's incredibly fun to just fuck shit up everywhere and not have to think about shit.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 2:45 pm
by Incomptinence
Not gotten to internal train routes yet.
Holy shit I fucked up with this bus station I thought a nice central location for my 6 road with bus lane system to converge would work fine now there is a constant congestion in the bus lane to get into the station and I put the depot on the same city block and now the buses go all the way around the block congested to get into their station ugh.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 11:34 am
by Lumbermancer

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 12:14 pm
by IrishWristWatch0
Incomptinence wrote:Not gotten to internal train routes yet.
Holy shit I fucked up with this bus station I thought a nice central location for my 6 road with bus lane system to converge would work fine now there is a constant congestion in the bus lane to get into the station and I put the depot on the same city block and now the buses go all the way around the block congested to get into their station ugh.
my public transit was pretty good. You gotta use buses on the outskirts of residential areas. Have them take the bus to bigger roads with subways/trains. The trick is to not have your buses take the highway.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 2:03 pm
by Takeguru
Pokemon Go

As of last night before sleeping I owned every gym on the main road of this mountain town and I'm leaving today to go home and own every gym there

As long as it actually has shit, anyway

Knowing my luck there is probably nothing there at all

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 10:29 pm
by nsos

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 10:48 pm
by EndgamerAzari
Takeguru wrote:Pokemon Go

As of last night before sleeping I owned every gym on the main road of this mountain town and I'm leaving today to go home and own every gym there

As long as it actually has shit, anyway

Knowing my luck there is probably nothing there at all
I just installed it waiting for the work day to end and apparently my office is a Gym.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 1:24 am
by Takeguru
Haha nevermind I guess I should just uninstall it

No nearby pokemon, no gyms, one pokestop and it's 2miles away, nothing on the road leading here and it's a 30 mile road

This game is actually dead to me

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 11:28 am
by Lumbermancer
Takeguru wrote:Haha nevermind I guess I should just uninstall it

No nearby pokemon, no gyms, one pokestop and it's 2miles away, nothing on the road leading here and it's a 30 mile road

This game is actually dead to me
The current sad state of "video games", oh I'm sorry... "apps".

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 11:21 pm
by Timbrewolf
FFXIV is pretty great. The systems in it aren't radically different from other games but they're all fun, each class has a pretty unique flavor and a mechanic to it that is neat.

Eg. The starting Thaumaturge (precursor to Black Mage) juggles fire and ice elements to change between two modes. Ice mode refreshes your MP super fast and favors debilitating spells while fire mode makes your aggro spells cost more but in exchange makes them do ridiculous damage.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 11:41 pm
Finished System Shock yesterday, good times were had, got used to the controls after awhile. (thanks mouse look mod!)

Now I'm going to play System Shock 2:Cruise Control, then maybe the Bioshock games after.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 11:42 pm
by ThanatosRa
An0n3 wrote:FFXIV is pretty great. The systems in it aren't radically different from other games but they're all fun, each class has a pretty unique flavor and a mechanic to it that is neat.

Eg. The starting Thaumaturge (precursor to Black Mage) juggles fire and ice elements to change between two modes. Ice mode refreshes your MP super fast and favors debilitating spells while fire mode makes your aggro spells cost more but in exchange makes them do ridiculous damage.
If you're doing black mage, go through the effort to get Archer(the other class in the composite of BM) into the thirties to maximize your capabilities with the class with cross class abilities. Once you get up to 34 though, Fire III comes into play and it's only a matter of time before your rotation becomes complete.

THe gameplay is pretty much like other games, but it's definitely quite polished and smooth. Refined. It's the same old crap, but hell if it ain't very polished possibly gold plated turd. It's just fun to play as bizarre as that is.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 3:00 am
by Timbrewolf
Tanking in this game is fun as fuck. Maybe I've just never played tank roles enough in other games but I'm having a fucking blast yanking all this aggro and making sure I'm always one step ahead of the DPS maniacs in my party and that my healer is nice and safe.

There's so much cool shit to do. Some weird stuff I've never seen before. Cover lets me just take damage in place of someone else, so if the DPS is really burning it up I can just tank through him for a moment while he goes off...alternatively it let's me dive infront of a bullet in case something goes wrong and someone else is about to die. Convalescence is something I've never seen before, a buff that just makes healing spells cast on me more effective (my own as well as others).

Borrowing moves from other classes I took Bloodlust from Marauder so when our ability to heal is getting outpaced and I don't want to stop pulling aggro to cure myself I can just hit than and get HP back by swapping to off DPS.

It just feels really good. There's tech here I haven't played with in other games. Maybe I just didn't notice it but there's a really strong synergy between classes going on in this game that ends up being really involved and fun to play. There's so much shit to see on the screen and I'm watching all these aggro meters, my own HP, zones, adds, etc. This is the most active gameplay I've ever had in an MMO. Most are just rotating your cooldowns and swapping targets sometimes.

Even just little shit like "Oh fuck adds after my WHM" and I provoke + shield toss to bonk that fucker like Captain America and turn them around is really cool. Both of those abilities also have uses outside of that interaction but the way they can come together as an answer to a certain situation plays out across most of the stuff you can do.

In addition I think this game has the best armor designs of any MMO I've ever played. I'm constantly stopping to examine fucking everyone around me because the shit they have looks so cool. This is a set I managed to piece together by grinding a dungeon and it's just a crappy level 32 set but it sure looks rad.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 3:10 am
by Timbrewolf
Also crafting and gathering blows every other game away, bar none.

You could play this game and never level a battlefield class and still have a fuckton of stuff to do, engaging gameplay as well as a spot in most free companies. I was goldsmithing earlier and had to stop because I had filled up my retainers market and my own inventory with created goods that are all waiting to sell now and I was upset that I couldn't keep going, to the point where I was considering just throwing out some of the stuff that wouldn't sell for as much and creating more.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 12:16 pm
by Ricotez
You get a very good gear set at level 50 but you also unlock the ability to cast the appearance of gear onto other gear, so save that set if you like its looks.

This is a Final Fantasy game, no way you're gonna want to look like every other shmuck at level 50.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 1:15 pm
by ColonicAcid
tanking is gods way of giving you a reach around as a sort of payback for all the evil things hes done to you

god fucking bless

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 3:05 pm
by Lumbermancer
After finishing Shadow of Mordor, It's time for next "game I couldn't play when it came out because of shit computer": Wolfenstein New Order. While I don't like quite a few things about it (Blazkowicz being muh tragical hero, robodogs), it's a damn solid shooter.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 5:46 pm
by Wyzack
Still playing the warsword conquest mod for mount and blade. This time i am going full knights, my army is mostly brettonian but with a few Reiksguard and blazing sun knights from empire troops, as well as some pistoliers. Started my own faction by opportunisticly going to war with civs that were already getting their asses kicked, making Sir Aristide one of my lords and marrying in to a big wood elf family to get some good allies. At this point I have taken almost all of Tilia and Estallia from the Pirate kingdom who is now destroyed, and we are going to war with the Orcs. I am trying to stop the orc kingdom and goblin kingdom from completely wiping out the dorfs, but the goblins for whatever reason did really well and took a fuckload of land so i am not really ready to fight them yet. Poor dorfs have only one castle and one city left.

Grail Knights 2stronk

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 3:06 am
by ColonicAcid
>marrying an elf in Warhammer
Enjoy never having children ye species traitor.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 3:26 am
by Wyzack
It was a political marriage dude, i needed dem knife ears to finish conqoring notspain

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 3:46 am
by TechnoAlchemist
Don't buy necropolis, it's not worth the money

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 6:14 pm
by Timbrewolf
TechnoAlchemist wrote:Don't buy necropolis, it's not worth the money
Thanks for confirming. It doesn't look worth $30.

Sorry you had to be the guinea pig

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 3:23 am
by Jacough
Got into Warframe again. Behold my super edgelord satanic Oberon.
Now I just need cleavers to complete the butcher look.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 3:31 am
by TechnoAlchemist
An0n3 wrote:
TechnoAlchemist wrote:Don't buy necropolis, it's not worth the money
Thanks for confirming. It doesn't look worth $30.

Sorry you had to be the guinea pig
I pirated it luckily, for a game that advertises it as "so hard ur gonna die lel!" it was extremely easy and i beat it on my first playthrough, very embarassing very sad very

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 4:30 am
by Jacough
TechnoAlchemist wrote:
An0n3 wrote:
TechnoAlchemist wrote:Don't buy necropolis, it's not worth the money
Thanks for confirming. It doesn't look worth $30.

Sorry you had to be the guinea pig
I pirated it luckily, for a game that advertises it as "so hard ur gonna die lel!" it was extremely easy and i beat it on my first playthrough, very embarassing very sad very
Pirated it too, though I didn't beat it. I did one run and got tired of it pretty quickly. It's like it's trying to be Dark Souls but it just doesn't feel responsive enough. There really isn't much of a feeling of impact with weapons or even getting hit for that matter. Maybe its better when playing with a controller but the default controls are awkward as fuck. It seems like there's a heavy emphasis on dodging considering shields don't completely block damage but it's bound to v which makes dodging in certain directions kind of awkward. Would have been a lot better if they had it bound to the same key as sprinting and having it so if you just hit shift you dodge and if you hold it, you sprint.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 7:03 am
by Timbrewolf
$30 is half Dark Souls 3 in price but the game looks like only 1/10th Dark Souls 3 in gameplay so i would buy it for $6.

2016 is the year of developers trying to sell indie games at big box prices.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 7:25 am
by Jacough
An0n3 wrote:$30 is half Dark Souls 3 in price but the game looks like only 1/10th Dark Souls 3 in gameplay so i would buy it for $6.

2016 is the year of developers trying to sell indie games at big box prices.
It's a cool concept but horribly executed. If they can salvage it and turn it into something that's actually good then fuck yeah I'd buy it. I'd gladly drop $30 for a Dark Souls roguelike with real co-op. As it is right now though it feels more like an early beta rather than a finished product.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 8:32 am
by DemonFiren
Still running Fallout 2, restoration patch and everything.
Got to Vault 13 after doing my Navarro run, gonna hit 10 in every stat except Endurance shortly.
Now returning to Navarro to shoot Schreber in the face, free Xarn and double-check whether that particular bug was fixed. Nobody's touching my husbando.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 1:01 pm
by Comrade Leo
Just shooting it up on BF4, which I got a month ago for cheap as chips. Never bothered to get it before since it was just a BF3 reskin. It's alreet, but it's not BF2. Also playing Naval Action on and off, mostly just crafting new ships as a pierat.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 1:54 pm
by Jacough
Decided to play through Dark Messiah and fuck around with it a bit. Found a bug I hadn't run into before
> town where you meet Lienna
> see crow on the ground, kick it.
> kick its corpse along as I'm following Lienna through the gates
> next level
> crow's corpse is in the guest room you wake up in

I like to think Sareth was just sort of carrying it around while meeting with Leanna's uncle like some sort of pet.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 1:58 pm
by Wyzack
Doing a full frontal assault on Navarro is so much fun and a really good optional endgame challenge to use all your badass strength. I first did it on my charisma sniper char. It was me vic and cassidy all decked out in power armor with gauss rifles, sulik in power armor with a super sledge, Myron in power armor with a gauss pistol I think and Marcus with a laser gating gun. It was fucking glorious

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 2:57 pm
by Lumbermancer
Comrade Leo wrote:Never bothered to get it before since it was just a BF3 reskin..
The gunplay is much better in 4 than 3.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 3:11 pm
by DemonFiren
Wyzack wrote:Doing a full frontal assault on Navarro is so much fun and a really good optional endgame challenge to use all your badass strength. I first did it on my charisma sniper char. It was me vic and cassidy all decked out in power armor with gauss rifles, sulik in power armor with a super sledge, Myron in power armor with a gauss pistol I think and Marcus with a laser gating gun. It was fucking glorious

Anyway, yeah, I'll do that once I've done everything else, notably getting 10 in every stat except Endurance and levelling Big Guns far enough.
Then it's time to pack Goris, Marcus, and whoever else I feel like and smash shit up.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 3:21 pm
by Wyzack
Be aware, any companions who cannot wear power armor (goris and Marcus especially) die really fucking easily

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 4:08 pm
by DemonFiren
Why, that's what save-scums, skills and stimpacks are for.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 4:18 pm
by Wyzack
My favorite thing to do when i reached critical badass power in fallout 2 was to go to the Bishops Casino in Reno, kill literally everyone there except bishops banging wife and as much of the service staff as possible, and claim it as my new home base. Leave a couple comapnions at the door as bouncer, get the rest scattered around inside, and use it as my base of operations as I go completing all the quests i neglected early game

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 5:29 pm
by DemonFiren
I never shot up New Reno.
I just offed everyone except Orville quietly.
I'm also forever a virgin, just like real life.

I did wreck Vault City, though, because fuck Lynette.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 5:55 pm
by Wyzack
> not cucking bishop before shooting him in the face and toppling his criminal empire

It's like you don't even rep the Wright family

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 5:56 pm
by DemonFiren
I'm too pure for that shit.
I mean I'd totally bang Goris, but there's no option for that.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 9:12 pm
by DemonFiren
Okay, so, doubleposteroni.

Fallout 2's RNG is officially worse than BYOND's. I took four critical hits in succession, then missed three >80% strikes in a row.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 11:04 pm
by ThanatosRa
got dragged into payday again. amused by my bud who calls himself "The Cocaine Bear", wearing a bear mask and the heaviest armor while carrying a minigun.

He was our muscle.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 11:15 pm
by DemonFiren
I do pretty much the same, except with a dinosaur mask.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 11:17 pm
by ThanatosRa
YEa, I've been juggling between working on a Mastermind or Ghost build. Trying to be a sneaky medic. Using Jacket with the Don Juan mask, with the Rogue Deck for some reason.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 12:04 pm
by Comrade Leo
Gotta learn how to fly those planes and what tactics work for each one. Beaufighter is a sweep in, take some shots and sweep out. You have more energy than fighters, but you turn for shit. Zero in on your target, fire in range, fly the fuck away. Don't bother trying to reengage, beau is a opportunist. Same with hurricane to some extent, it's also a damn good interceptor. You won't get a sense of proper dogfighting till you grab the Spitfires.

Bombers different kettle of fish, start high, dive in on your target, let your momentum carry you back up. Never chose bomber at start of the map unless you in something heavy like the yank bombers, you're an immediate target.

Brits are hard to play to begin with, (japs are worse to begin with) everything is better. Once you hit the Spits though your attitude will change.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 12:19 pm
by XSI
And when in doubt, your shitty low end plane can kill literally everything else* by ramming them

*Tanks not included

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 1:56 pm
by Lumbermancer
Yeah actually it can't, if the mass of enemy is larger.

Brit planes can outclimb everyone, so use that to your advantage and sideclimb.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 2:01 pm
by Wyzack
Decided to replay mess effect from the beginning again. Forgot how much i enjoyed the first one

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 2:12 pm
by DemonFiren
The first one was okay, but needed polish.