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Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 4:00 pm
by Steelpoint

Bottom post of the previous page:

Finished playing, and am replaying, Resident Evil 7. I am enjoying it significantly, the early to mid game reminds me of the original Resident Evil (at least the remake).

I'm also playing Renegade X, a free multiplayer shooter in similar vein to C&C Renegade. I'm also playing the campaign to Warzone 2100 and have just finished the campaign and am slowly replaying it on the highest difficulty setting.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 7:01 am
by Ikarrus
Playing FTL Captain's Edition

And it's so fucking hard.

Don't take it the wrong way, though, it's really fun and I'm loving the variety. But seeing the laser and missile artillery batteries attached to the rest of the flagship made me scream in horror. I think I'll have to pussy out and play it on easy.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 10:20 am
by DemonFiren
Ikarrus wrote:Playing FTL Captain's Edition

And it's so fucking hard.

Don't take it the wrong way, though, it's really fun and I'm loving the variety. But seeing the laser and missile artillery batteries attached to the rest of the flagship made me scream in horror. I think I'll have to pussy out and play it on easy.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 11:10 am
by Kel
RE7 is a good game, shit hits the fan the second a boat gets involved though. Post game content is looking really up - free story DLC for one, along with potentially super replayable game modes like "nightmare", a wave survival mode and "ethan must die" a... procedural generated roguelike bayou-crawler? interesting.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 3:04 pm
by Armhulen
Steelpoint wrote:Finished playing, and am replaying, Resident Evil 7. I am enjoying it significantly, the early to mid game reminds me of the original Resident Evil (at least the remake).

I'm also playing Renegade X, a free multiplayer shooter in similar vein to C&C Renegade. I'm also playing the campaign to Warzone 2100 and have just finished the campaign and am slowly replaying it on the highest difficulty setting.
I fucking love that game. Shame that the flamethrower sucks and that once you get the grenade launcher it's useless

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 9:01 am
by DemonFiren
I did not expect to say this about a scaly meme game with autistic backer characters, but Angels With Scaly Wings has successfully induced a weekend of mild depression.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 10:31 am
by DemonFiren
Some characters' good endings still kill them, and the (major, at least) character writing is pretty good.
Most neutral endings are tissue bait.
I haven't gotten any bad endings yet, but I haven't gotten the golden ending either.

So it's the kind of feels that motivate you to keep playing.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 10:57 am
by XSI
Got that new Conan game

Teabagging physics

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 8:16 pm
by Malkevin
Oh, let us know how it is.

I'm not touching another early access survival game with a 10 foot pole.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 8:21 am
by XSI
It's nothing really special at this point, survival stuff mainly. Lots of hitting rocks for stone, and hitting trees for wood. Then building a few pieces of wall.

Very early access, but I'm with a group on there and it's pretty nice to just do stuff as a group, building stuff together.
Some pretty huge glaring issues that I would hope they work around sooner rather than later
And a lot of little issues that look like they really need work, but are not that important to fix right away

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 3:17 pm
by Steelpoint
I've been able to play the 1998 'War of the Worlds' RTS. Took me forever to find a working copy and a fix for it.

I'm using a third party companion app to increase the game's difficulty and load custom scenarios. Rough around the edges but its fun.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 3:21 pm
by Wyzack
Got back into some classic doom biz on the latest brutal doom release. Came with a WAD called the Hell on Earth starter pack. Had a couple maps ripped from other sources but the difficulty was good without being bullshit and there is some very spectacular scripting in there. People who hate Brutal Doom would probably not like it but i had a blast

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 3:29 am
by Steelpoint
Wyzack wrote:Got back into some classic doom biz on the latest brutal doom release. Came with a WAD called the Hell on Earth starter pack. Had a couple maps ripped from other sources but the difficulty was good without being bullshit and there is some very spectacular scripting in there. People who hate Brutal Doom would probably not like it but i had a blast
The Hell on Earth is a nice pack.

I think the first and third campaigns are the best, the first being on the Mars/Whatever base and the third being in Hell. The middle second campaign I think is the weakest campaign, the levels don't flow as well and seem more cluttered.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 3:41 am
by Wyzack
The mass marine invasion bits were really well done and the house of pain place was pretty disturbing. Just "beat" it on realism mode, gave up trying to beat the final boss as his explosive projectile attack blanketed the whole map and killed me in one hit even from 200 health and armor

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 3:50 am
by ShadowDimentio
Been a while, time for a RAPID FIRE BREAKDOWN in descending order of recency.

One Way Heroics: Entertaining but without the DLC it gets repetitive fast. I had already burned out by the time I bought the DLC.

Tales of Majenal: A robust dungeon crawler roguelike RPG whose difficulty sits on the border between rewarding difficult and frustrating difficult.

There's little plot aside from the bits you find along the way that range from minor and unimportant to huge text dumps that I don't have time to digest. On the other side, there's a shitload of replayability with all the classes and races you unlock as you play, but god fucking DAMN do you get to play the first few areas a lot.

I would only reccomend it to people desperately craving it though, and to play on the "exploration" setting that gives you unlimited lives around the point you start to feel bored from restarting the twentieth time.

Environmental Station Alpha: This one's a bit of a pill. The combat is clunky, the game is archaic as hell, and movement varies from weird to broken if you master it. What's so great about it then? Well, if you love metroidvainias, you're gonna do a frontflip because this game was MADE for you.

You constantly wander around a huge open map, accessing new areas as you unlock new powers to add to your playstyle, like the double jump, vertical and horizontal dashes, and the charge shot, eventually becoming a lean mean robusting machine.

The only problem is that it's 100% up to you to dig up secrets, the game doesn't tell you anything up front besides "you're a robot, figure out what happened here and report back", while throughout the game as you piece together your arsenal you also piece together the lore of while the station is currently a flaming heap of fuck, not unlike wandering SS13 as a beffudled latejoin assistant scavenging tools to break in places to get new tools.

Thus, not unlike SS13, unless you're paying attention you WILL miss optional stuff or get stuck and not know how to progress. It didn't take me long to get back on the path though, so you'll be fine.

Legend of Heroes Trails in the Sky: Made by the guys who made Reccetear (Weeb merchant sim) comes a full RPG part of a series they're currently working on part three of. Currently I'm in the second city, Bose, but the game is quite good if you're at all into RPGs.

Warning however: It's very story-driven. If you don't give a fuck about story and just want to cast magic missile until the baddies stop moving, this isn't the game for you. If you want a pretty good story told out of a fucking gorgeous world that's obviously been polished hard, buy it.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 11:07 am
by Incomptinence
Tome 4 is great I really should play it again. Even the base dlcless game has baller insane stuff like the temporal archetype where the paradox mage gets to do timestops, self hastes, enemy slows, control gravity(?) and erase people from time and are a prime candidate (not the most min max but dat flav) for a prodigy that allows you do an alternate timeline for a set number of turns with a NUH UH panic button to return to when you used it.

My one winning run (I play super greedy and have thrown several good runs away that way) on the main game I was a mindslayer basically hack and slash psionic speced to wield a trident so powerful it requires as sidequest and a prodigy to use with my mind that auto attacked people when I pulled the stops out it attacked multiple people half a screen away while I blasted with pyrokinesis and shit while hitting them with another trident.

That's just a slice most classes are very different to each other, with most similarities being under overarching archetypes and even then they usually perform totally differently.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 9:48 pm
by XSI
XSI wrote:Conan stuff
Going to just post this here
The combat system in it is pretty good, though the level based crap and lag makes it a bit less than optimal

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 9:44 am
by Ikarrus
Played Orwell on steam, a game about spying on people to stop terrorism.

It's actually really fucking good. I was thoroughly impressed by how compelling this game was, especially with the way they have the player experience it. The story is told almost entirely through information you glean off what people post online, and the way you interact with the game is limited entirely on what information you allow (or not allow) to be passed on to the government.

The game isn't exactly linear, and multiple endings can be achieved by what data you've added to Orwell throughout the game, so your choices do matter.

The tension, the writing, the situation, the way the characters behave and respond to your interference all feels believable and is very elegently done. It gripped my interest the entire way through and I didn't put it down until I was done. The music and art direction contribute much to this as well.

Overall, a very creative thriller.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 5:30 pm
by captain sawrge
One Way Heroics rules

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 8:15 am
by DemonFiren
i finally got the secret ending to angels with scaly wings
and i am really salty now, those puzzles were real fucking obtuse and the reward just wasn't worth it

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 4:07 am
by Drynwyn
ToME 4 is great; I don't recommend doing exploration mode though. I DO recommend using a mod to unlock all the classes and races, though, as it means that when you get frustrated you can easily switch to another class.

I've got a couple good runs going at the moment; one as a Summoner and another as a Wildfire archmage. Those 2 are definitely the most powerful classes; but I've also been experimenting with Doomed, which is really cool, I'll explain when I'm not on a phone.

Also shadow read the damn lore it's surprisingly deep and rather well-written.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 4:24 am
by ColonicAcid
Yeah nah none of that adventure mode BS.

play it how its supposed to be played. If you're finding the game difficult just run a oozemancer after you unlock that shit (NONE OF THAT UNLOCK MOD SHENANIGANS, GET THE CHIEVS YOU FUCKS) because it's literally braindead press one button to kill everything whilst not taking any damage.
Then go for more complex characters.

My favourite Class is the Marauder because next to the archmage it's the best class and the funnest. Put that shit as a shalore and OH MY WE HAVE UNKILLABLE DODGE MACHINE WITH RADICAL FLAME PAINTJOB SPEED.

Also it used to be Tales of Middle Earth but then copyright issues. I mean the job they did to rewrite the story was good and all but I enjoyed the Middle Earth spiel they had

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 4:25 am
by D&B
ToME is tales of majeyal, no?

Bulwarks were fucking OP

I'm playing slime rancher again. It's comfy as fuck

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 11:16 pm
by Drynwyn
ToME is Tales of maj'eyal, yeah.

Bulwarks kick ass early game but falls off a bit later on, IMO anyway.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 11:21 pm
by Ikarrus
In the mood for a good JRPG

Trails in the Sky was recommended by my cousin, so to TITS I go.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 11:41 pm
by ColonicAcid
Yeah Bulwarks have like 0 damage late game.

You're going to be hitting things for wet noodle damage whilst not being essentially tankier than any other class late game.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 11:47 pm
by Ikarrus
Oh also burning away at my backlog, played through Inside

A pretty fucked up game, compared to Limbo

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 12:02 pm
by Lumbermancer
I bought myself a gayforce 1060 and new fancy 23 inch ips screen, and I'm playing Spessmen in Full HD.

o fuck the future is here

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 6:24 pm
by Malkevin
Playing through my back catalogue of steam games that I installed years and years ago but never got around to finish.

Currently the game de jour is Psyconauts
And now I remember why I didn't pick it back up, its one of those bastard collector games that force you to find all this hidden shit otherwise you might as well be wearing a helmet and driving a wheel chair in the later stages of the game.
IIRC I got to the bit where its night time and you have to fight these sabre tooth tigers and they're a real bastard to beat without unlocking some extra abilities.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 7:37 pm
by DemonFiren
100% is hard, but 95% is perfectly doable.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 4:26 am
by Ikarrus
Psychonauts is a fairly easy game, though (Up until the last level) but that's just due to the awful platforming and not because you didn't grind enough

I don't think I ever actively went looking for the collectables.

basically git gud

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 4:27 am
by Ikarrus
Also, played a game called Invisible, Inc

Basically a roguelike stealth-xcom game in a cyberpunk setting that feels a bit like Shadowrun.

Pretty good game. Really gets the heart thumping through some tense situations.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 9:28 am
by DemonFiren
Invisible is decent, but the ending is a bit of a coin flip.
Either you saw it coming and it's a bit cliché or you didn't and HOLY FUCK WHAT

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 12:38 pm
by confused rock
Spoil me

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 12:56 pm
by capi duffman
Ikarrus, if you liked Trails in the Sky, be sure to try trails of cold steel next, same IP, you'll get spoiled about another two games in the same franchise, but since those are untranslated, nothing you can do about it.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 1:33 pm
by DemonFiren
confused rock wrote:Spoil me
ai rogue
ai rp'd humans into believing code delta was due to gangs

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 1:39 pm
by capi duffman
DemonFiren wrote:
confused rock wrote:Spoil me
ai rogue
ai rp'd humans into believing code delta was due to gangs
But she didn't blow the station.

It's something.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 3:15 pm
by DemonFiren
She blew every other station she got access to.
Except the one where she flooded atmos and plopped down an autoborger.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 8:57 pm
by DemonFiren
I didn't get the DLC, so I can't comment.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 9:04 pm
by tedward1337
I've been playing escape from tarkov recently, enjoying it overall so far, but im not excited for the character wipe coming up :(

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 10:49 pm
by Ikarrus
The Invisible DLC just adds a mid-campaign mission and extends the campaign time another 2 days. The content they added was super fun and added more variety, but it didn't add anything story-wise

I have to agree the ending made me stop playing the game, though. It didn't just not provide closure on anything, it just teased a possible sequel with a less interesting premise

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 11:44 pm
by Qbopper
I beat 999 the other day my god that game is amazing

I need to get money for the sequels now

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 12:28 am
by Ikarrus
The series is on a downward spiral after that, unfortunately.

Virtue's Last Reward still has it's moments, but avoid Zero Time Disappointment.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 1:24 am
by captain sawrge
i've been playing ADOM. its cool

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 2:45 am
by ShadowDimentio
Ikarrus wrote:The series is on a downward spiral after that, unfortunately.

Virtue's Last Reward still has it's moments, but avoid Zero Time Disappointment.
VLR is great what the hell are you talking about

ZTD is meh, though you'll still want to play it just for the closure.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 4:47 am
by Ikarrus
ZTD offers no closure.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 4:51 am
by ShadowDimentio
Ya got me there

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 11:48 am
by Lumbermancer
I really suck at Dark Souls 3.

I've finished both 1&2 on a bloody mouse and keyboard, but here I'm getting my ass handed to me by trash monsters. I can't even put a dent into them fucking zombies that explode into the thing, or them large armored knights. Everything has such a long reach and rapid attacks.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 12:29 pm
by confused rock
ultra hard was made by heartless bastards

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 5:23 am
by ShadowDimentio
Beat TITS (Trails in the Sky). The final boss was absolutely hellish.

First phase (sword douche and secborg brigade) gave me a bad time only because the faggot robots canceled magic every time I tried to use it, but it turned out the fight was way easier than I thought. All my dudes except fucking Zane the immortal got wiped, but he took like zero damage a turn so I just punched everything to death.

Second phase was similar to the first, looked a lot harder than it actually was. All I had to do was smash the arms and the stupid main robot kept throwing the line spell at me that hit like a truck but was easy to dodge.

Third phase was a total clusterfuck. Boss had a million health, nuked you if it rolled over to his turn and you were casting a spell, and had absolutely obnoxious abilities including AoE punch with a crazy high daze chance, summoning 1-3 robofaggots that were annoying but not very dangerous, AoE lasers, FUCK YOU ONE OF YOUR DUDES IS DEAD, and a FUCK YOU EVERYONE IS DEAD move. I feel like I cheesed the fight by putting the gladiator belt on Joshua and spamming black fang constantly to wipe out all the robofuckers and deal 1/20th the boss' health each time.

Re: What are you faggots playing?

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 8:29 am
by capi duffman
Enjoyed the cliffhanger?